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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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bring it to a new height, there are prospects, our dashis are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is in general with production, raw materials, exports, what is our product like? we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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a complex for the preparation of upper stages and angara warheads has been launched at the plesetsk cosmodrome, the russian minister of defense was reported about this today. sergei shaigu came to the arkhangelsk region with an inspection. we will find out the details from ours.
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assemblies of space rockets, launch preparation complexes, reported on the commissioning of a universal technical complex, which is equipped with entirely domestic equipment. today, at the plesetsk cosmodrome, the creation of infrastructure has been completed that provides launches of angara launch vehicles, a heavy, light class with upper stages for launching spacecraft into all types of orbits, in the interests of the ministry of defense. six have already been successfully completed. launches of these missiles, three more launches are planned this year launch vehicles of this class. completion of the modernization of the second launch complex of soyuz launch vehicles, the capacity of the cosmodrome to support spacecraft launches will double. work is underway to modernize the rokot light-class rocket and space complex, testing of which is planned to begin in december of this year. well, now let’s remember the progress of the special operation yesterday. minister's statements, the intensity
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of attacks on logistics centers and storage sites for western equipment will be increased, sergei shaigu announced this just yesterday, and already today in ukraine there is an air raid alert again, in addition to the above-mentioned military facilities, temporary deployment points, military units, and critical infrastructure, which is of great importance for the armed forces of ukraine, are also being targeted. information has appeared that one of the night flights was recorded in the area of ​​the kharkov tractor. plant, it is clear that tractors were hardly assembled there in pokrovsk; presumably, a militant dormitory was hit by an iskander missile, and a base for repairing armored vehicles and air defense systems was flown to odessa. operational-tactical aviation by missile forces and artillery groups of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation, the p-18 all-round radar station was destroyed, a workshop for the production of unmanned aerial vehicles, an oil depot of the armed forces of ukraine, as well as manpower and...
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positions of militants on the right bank of the dnieper were defeated our artillerymen are tirelessly ironing, here are these shots: targeted shooting from howitzers bears fruit every day, ukrainian formations in this direction are losing several dozen personnel. and vdeevskoe direction, the zone of control in the berdychi region is expanding, in addition to the already proven methods of squeezing militants out of occupied lines, our military is between. they are testing
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promising weapons, for example, here is a ground-based robotic platform equipped with ags-17 grenade launchers, and they managed it, and even when they met resistance from the vseushnikov, they completed the assigned tasks ... and returned to the original ones. to the west of avdievka, meanwhile , the center group again improved its tactical position and repelled seven counterattacks in the ssu. serious ukrainian units suffered defeat near ocheretina. our military is creating all the conditions for the enemy there so that they leave their positions and flee. the total losses in the ssu in this area are more than 300 people per day. but in these frames our kamikaze lancet drones are destroyed in a forest belt. is guns of the ukrainian armed forces and a tank as well. the targets were located in the donetsk direction , southeast of kramatorsk. of course, the armed forces of ukraine do not have lancets, but they use drones regularly. and therefore, in the spirit of the times, along with modernized tanks, with anti-drone visors, another technology, with improved protection,
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such samples appear. this is from the author's, front-line. our kulibins are creative. someone will say what a wonderful barbecue, but here it’s not a barbecue, but a full-fledged one. barbecue zone, yes, in general , whatever you call it, it would be useful, but there is no such thing as too much safety, the main thing is that our guys do it wisely for themselves and for victory, but now about the weather, residents of several regions of russia at once warned of dust storms; earlier, sand from the sahara desert covered the mediterranean countries of the middle east. more details we’ll talk about this with the leading specialist of the foba center, vadim zavodchenkov. vadim, hello, really? now we will have sandstorms, as if they never happened before, as far as i remember, or what is this connected with, where does the sand even come from? and hello, well , actually, dust storms even happen here, but in general, the first, the first african dust in combination with the african heat is already
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encountered by the residents of southern russia, and then the dusty storm, they make their way further into our country, the sky over the yakovlevsky district in the west of belgorod. region today it has acquired a yellowish tint. it has rained in the region, residents are complaining en masse on social networks about the dirty marks left on their clothes after the rain. yellow rains covered most of ukraine today. precipitation mixed with sand was observed both in the west and in the south of the country. the sky before this also turned yellow. local weather forecasters were forced to reassure the population that the impurity content in the precipitation. was small, and earlier sand from the sahara desert reached athens. greek meteorologists called the current dust storm, the strongest in the last 6 years. people suffering from asthma and other respiratory diseases could not leave
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their homes. all surfaces were covered with a layer of sand; in northern africa, due to a dust storm , air traffic was disrupted in some countries, in the cities of libya. benghazi and tavruki canceled flights, schools and government offices were closed due to extreme conditions, and given that the atmosphere is now dominated by southerly flows, all the sand raised by the wind over the sahara, subsequently will carry into the territory of russia, so today the plume of african dust has already covered the entire eastern mediterranean, the west near the black sea and most of ... neighboring ukraine, from the russian regions it has only affected the southwest black earth region, and tomorrow the dusty suspension will cover kuban, the don region, everything chernozem regions, and further north, up to the upper volga. at the same time, in the southern part of the russian plain
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the weather will be partly cloudy, so here the sky, as today in athens, will turn orange, but to the north there will be massifs of frontal clouds and rains will begin to... wash away the dusty suspension from the atmosphere, drying on the surface, they will leave a yellowish coating, the temperature regime will also react to the african invasion, the southern part of russia will be in the zone of record overheating, in many areas the thermometers will be as if in july will rise above +30°, but far to the north, the hot breath of the sahara will not be able to break through, in the middle zone the temperature... the anomaly will be noticeably smaller, in the afternoon in may +17:22, for example, in krasnodar the record heat will last until friday afternoon +32:34. at the end of the working week there will be thunderstorms, washing away dust from the atmosphere; in the following days the heat
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will weaken slightly, the daytime temperature will drop to +28-31. there is still little precipitation in moscow this evening. are likely, and the temperature will drop to +12°, but this coming night, when a plume of dust and sugar reaches the capital, there will already be light rains, so on thursday... yellow stains may appear on the surfaces, during the day the showers will acquire a local short-term character and not will prevent the sun from warming the air to +19°. journalist and agent mikhail kozarev admitted that he knows nothing about life outside the russian capitals, apologized for his involvement in the creation of the film brother-2 and even agreed to a concert in support of the ukrainian army. and all this for...
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forced the foreign agent to repent for literally everything. at the same time, kozylev dodged as best he could.
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for example, he is being torn apart for his involvement in the creation of the film brother ii. i have gone back and forth many times over the years about whether i did it right or wrong. well, it’s clear that this is satire. and it was all in this spirit and he told me reminds me of this meme that you repent when you pay. and even something else, when you see news from the usa, these are two.
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which he could choose, but he has to live up to his choice by declaring that he does not love russia, wishes her defeat, during the great patriotic war , kozyrev’s grandfather and father were taken from zhitomir, saved from bandera’s executions, despite this, the agent willingly responded to greeting of the ukrainian neo-nazis, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, another supporter of kievsky who left russia was ready to humiliate himself regime, musician alexey. we discussed with him a pro-ukrainian festival in the baltic states. lebedinsky immediately latched on to this idea,
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admitted that no one needed him abroad and was a beggar, and asked for more than 20 million dollars. i have a festival project that simply needs to be held now, either in lithuania or latvia. these festivals are dedicated to ukraine, but it costs around 20-23 million dollars of investment there. i’m lying here, it’s clear that my income is meager, i’m getting by on what they give me. my friends, and lebedinsky was ready to humiliate himself completely, he agreed to address the supposed patron of the arts solely as your wisdom, what won’t you do for the sake of 20 million dollars? anton dadykin, olga alvukhina, news! now economic news, briefly: the ministry of finance has begun the forced re-registration of alfabank in russia, the department has applied to the court to suspend foreign participation in the holding company it owns.
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on april 1, the government included ab-holding in the list of economically significant organizations, this gave the ministry of finance the right to apply to the court to suspend corporate right president vladimir putin has set ambitious goals for the industry: the foundation for them has already been formed, now we need to speed up work across industries. this will be discussed at the meeting. “attention needs to be paid to timing,” manturov noted. now it is necessary to significantly accelerate work in a number of industry areas. we have already identified activities, support instruments and funding volumes for the aviation and shipbuilding, as well as radio and electronics industries. the main parameters are laid down in
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the relevant sectoral state programs long-term plans. needs of the state and private sector. the ncsp port holding almost doubled its net profit. in the first quarter, he earned more than 4 billion rubles. this is stated in the report on russian standards. revenue growth by a quarter in the amount of more than 8 billion. at reporting , the company’s shares added more than one and a half percent. ncsp, the largest port operator in russia and the third in europe in terms of cargo turnover, is active. and turkey will take over all russian gas supplies to europe if ukraine will not extend the transit agreement. the general director of the turkish oil and gas company tbng sinan furaad reported this to the miliet newspaper. the current agreement between gazprom and naftogaz expires at the end of the year. as stated in the turkish association
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of industrialists and businessmen, there are no restrictions on the transportation of russian gas. currently, we note the intensification of contacts, including in most areas of agriculture, this was certainly facilitated by the meeting of the leaders of our countries in september last year, also work continues through the intergovernmental commission. following a meeting in november 2023 , concrete steps were outlined to strengthen partnership in the agricultural sector. preserving
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the identity and unity of peoples in the eurasian space is key. i’m talking now not only about trade, i ’m also talking about joint scientific developments, about innovation, about moving forward, the meaning of what russia has always done and in terms of quotas for studying in the russian federation and various educational products of specific universities and what ngo eurasia will now be doing is to provide
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the opportunity for development to applicants from many, many, many countries so that they make their home countries stronger. more successful in a variety of senses , economically, technologically, scientifically, and so on and so forth. the very name of the ngo suggests that it is not a product of russia to influence eurasia. this is some kind of common cause of ours, which i think will work successfully, about the memorandum. well, now a message from news agencies that... arrive at these moments, secretary of the russian security council nikolai patushev discussed with the secretary of the supreme national security council of iran ali akbar ahmadian the situation in the middle east. they noted during this conversation that tensions should not be allowed to further increase. we also exchanged views on the situation in the middle east and confirmed our interest in
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preventing the escalation of further tensions. well, like any similar meeting of this level. important documents were signed, so russia and iran concluded memorandum of understanding between the security councils of the two countries. so, the lenkom theater of mark zakharov will donate a car for the sanitary and medical service, as well as medicines, food and technical protective equipment to the special military operation zone. the car will be delivered to donbass and personally handed over to the sanitary unit by people's artist of russia, andrei leonov. this is the second car that we send to donbass, but i asked andrey evgenich personally, he is a wonderful driver, besides being a wonderful actor, yes.
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final fights of men, in which 10 russian boxers are taking part. our correspondent stas redikultsev is working at the scene. he is now getting into direct contact with the facts. stas, hello. yes, stas, welcome. how are the battles going? yes, colleagues, i welcome you, but the fights, naturally, capture the attention of the spectators gathered in the stands, and quite large delegations, of course, from many countries and their athletes try to support everyone as much as possible. right now there is a little silence in the hall, because our dmitry dvalya is boxing in the ring, this is a weight category of up to 54 kg and the host of the competition, a serbian boxer, is confronting him and it’s a rather intense
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fight, so many are watching the fight in the ring carefully and simply with bated breath, one might say, but in the semi-finals, let’s already list those athletes of the russian team who got in, these are muslim gadzhimagomedov, sharapotin otaev, world champions, they won with their gold medals. in tashkent in 2023, also edmond khudayan, here are a few minutes eduard savin, he was stronger than the irish boxer, and is also going to the semi-finals, let me remind you that in boxing getting into the semi-final already guarantees a medal, but our team is naturally counting on the maximum number of gold medals here, this will no longer happen, since vasily egorov performed in the quarter-finals today, and out of ten there are still nine potential ones. more than one european championship has already been held here, but
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at one of them, just in belgrade , the legendary russian soviet boxer boris lagutin, a two-time olympic champion , won one of his gold medals at the european championship, but if we talk about our boxers, then of course they are maximally charged show the best results here since the past. the russian team missed the european championship, but here in serbia in belgrade they compete under their own flag, if our boxers win, the anthem will be played, well , we talked to one of the semi-finalists, edmond khudayan, who received a cut in the quarterfinal fight, immediately after the fight, let's listen, the emotions are all positive, the quarterfinals, thank god it’s over, victory, we’re fighting for medals, we’re moving on, yes, we didn’t box that year, by the way, well, let’s just say i’m an armenian and let’s just say, to my little in our small homeland, the european championship was held, well , unfortunately, we didn’t participate, but
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that’s okay, but here we are participating with a flag and an anthem, and this also gives us the strength of confidence that in our honor we, in our honor , the anthem will sound, and we will sing it, to belgrade. more than 400 boxers from 33 european countries came to the capital of serbia, some countries here, first of all, of course, we are talking about great britain and the baltic states, ukraine naturally ignored the european championship due to the fact that the international boxing association iba, not that it allowed, the countries themselves, the countries themselves decided that russia and belarus should not be subject to any sanctions. and can compete as the russian team, as the belarusian team, respectively, with all the national attributes, and naturally, some countries did not
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like this, well, this already happened at the world championship, but neither the world championship nor the european championship, as we understand, is more boring or it hasn’t become any more uninteresting or paler, russia is still one of the leading boxing powers in the world, but we are following the developments here in belgrade, colleagues. yes, not only are we watching, we are cheering for our russian boxers, our sports correspondent sta among the rings was in direct communication with the european boxing championships in serbia. there is a real wedding boom in russia around the beautiful, as the dates say, 2404 . in moscow alone , thousands of wedding ceremonies take place on this day, with details from lindakaev. what is beautiful about this date is, of course, a big question. linda, hello, how many couples are there today? hello, yes, today is the day when the mirror date appears on the marriage registration certificate, more than a thousand, thousands of russians today will legalize their
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relationship. so, more than 1,100 applications have been submitted to the capital's legislative offices from couples who want to register their relationship today. thus, today became the record holder for this year for the number of weddings. some couples have been waiting for this magical number for several months. it should be noted that april 24 is not the first and not the last beautiful date this year. the combination of twos and fours is especially popular. for example, held on april 4 and 20. in topei there are beautiful dates of august, the eighth and the 20th. the first day of summer, june 1, is also traditionally popular. in total , about 30 thousand couples have already planned their celebration in moscow. the beautiful date also attracted the attention of about 500 couples in kuban. according to one of the wedding signs, a beautiful date promises the newlyweds a happy family life. the largest number, the largest number of weddings is expected in krasnodar. 110 ceremonies are planned there. they tied the knot at the local wedding palace today
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marriage of ekaterina and alexander. they. submitted an application in advance, a year in advance, in order to be sure to be on time, it’s a beautiful date and the groom will never forget it, well, yes, it will be hard to forget, we do everything in advance, one year in advance, we submitted an application a year in advance, so that without haste it’s definitely ours the date will not go anywhere, an incredible number of weddings will also take place in astrekhan today, as they said in the regional parliament, 102 decided to tie the knot on this date. 27 couples, this is an absolute record. for comparison, last year on this day only 69 couples registered relationships. in the perm region, a wedding boom is also expected, caused by the mirror date, where more than 230 couples are tying the knot today. four is a sign of stability, a very stable number. and there are even some here. and there are a lot of them here. we are even on the fourth floor. nevertheless. it has been scientifically proven that
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marriages concluded on beautiful dates turn out to be fragile, break up more often and faster than others, and the more beautiful the day, the weaker the bonds. newlyweds choose not only beautiful dates, but also quite original places. in moscow , over 100 couples today get married at outdoor locations. ceremonies will take place at the spartak stadium, at the national hotel overlooking red square, and at the arts center in churches. christ the savior, in the spiredonov mansion, opera house of the father ricin reserve museum. yes, but it seems to me that the key information here was not about beauty, that not everything, as they say, is about beauty and not all that glitters is gold, there is no point in getting attached to dates, you need to get attached to feelings, to feelings and to love, no one nowhere didn’t talk about beauty and marriage.
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this is russia 24, we continue, the president instructed to pay compensation for any lost property in emergency situations, vladimir putin announced this at a meeting, the main topic of which was eliminating the consequences of large-scale floods in orenburg. the head of state set the task of assessing in detail the amount of compensation payments and ensuring a unified, fair approach to this issue. according to incoming reports, sufficient funds have been mobilized to eliminate the consequences of the disaster. rescuers together with colleagues on the ground, as well as by employees of other federal departments, security and law enforcement agencies, and i especially note that they are volunteers.
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professionally coordinated.


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