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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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hello, this is a live legal program hosted by the duty department in the maxim movchan studio. new details on the high-profile case of an attack on police officers in krachavo cherkessi; a car of possible militants was discovered. found a blue lada. crashed, the car was carefully examined by forensic experts and the necessary examinations were taken, including genetic and doctelloscopic tests. let me remind you that on monday night in the city of karachaevsk a group of bandits opened fire on the police, two police officers died on the spot, the third was hospitalized. the attackers took the law enforcement officers' service weapons, two makarov pistols, and a kalashnikov assault rifle, and the ammunition fled. as a result of carrying out a complex of investigative actions and operational search activities on the territory of the republic. a car was identified in which the defendants fled the scene. investigators , criminologists of the investigative department for korochaev, circassian republic, carried out inspection of the car and its removal. all necessary forensic examinations will be scheduled in the near future.
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the collection of evidence in the criminal case continues. five possible militants have been put on the federal wanted list. earlier it became known that two of them were members of bioslan gochiyaev’s gang. reinforced in the region. results of the work: new challenges. prosecutor general of russia igor krasnov made a report at the federation council. what were the main priorities of the supervisory agency last year? are prosecutors focusing now? alina skachkova will tell you. the extensive report of the prosecutor general of russia concerned the results of the department’s work over the past year, but it was impossible to ignore the events of the present. now prosecutors are scrupulously investigating the causes of the terrible flood in several regions of the country at once. victims , property destroyed, damage that remains to be calculated. igor krasnov spoke for the first time about what mistakes led to the disaster. of the one thousand automated complexes of hydrological network posts, the fifth some of them did not work at all at the time of the inspection in the twenty-third year.
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no means of measuring water flow were used in flood forecasting. in january of this year, i demanded that the minister of natural resources and the head of roshydromet eliminate the violations, however. the measures they took turned out to be ineffective and insufficient; the lack of reliable information about the indicators of water inflow at a crucial moment did not prevent global flooding of the territories of several regions. the work on bugs never stops after the horrific terrorist attack in kroku cityhole. the prosecutor general demanded tougher punishment for companies that do not update the safety data sheets of their facilities on time. the scale of the terrorist attack showed the need to review the provisions of the security law for all similar ones. facilities, we are already doing this, appropriate checks have been organized, and we are not limited to studying paper reports. prosecutors are continuously monitoring the network of 95 thousand sites; information that encouraged sabotage on the territory of our country has been removed; several have been eliminated terrorist groups.
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the level of terrorist threats remains high. almost 2,500 such crimes were registered last year. the number of terrorist incidents has increased almost 3.5 times. acts, most of them were committed by members of ukrainian radical organizations, their adherents, the related problem of corruption and illegal migration also requires decisive action by the prosecutor’s office, believes igor krasnov. more stringent measures are necessary against officials who, contrary to the law, issue patents and licenses to migrants residence, language knowledge certificates. the report of the prosecutor general covered almost all areas, from environmental problems to the increase in crime, including from the console. and cyber, but the motive was the need to support various groups of citizens, legal and, of course, financial. alena skachkova, duty officer. the cabinet of ministers supported amendments to the criminal code to toughen penalties for sabotage, as stated by one of the authors of the initiative, head of the duma committee on security and anti-corruption,
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vasily piskarev. in the near future the bill will be submitted to the state duma for consideration. according to it, the maximum term of imprisonment for a crime of sabotage can increase up to 30 years. businessman rauf gabdulin, whom investigators consider the instigator of the mass beating of teenagers, has been arrested in bashkiria. the businessman, along with his retinue, allegedly gave the boys an execution after cutting them off in his car, and after that they put the victims in the trunk and took them to another place to continue torturing them. details of ulexander polivka. never successful businessman raof gabdulin they are brought in under escort.
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islom nadyrova, according to investigators, this trio is guilty of attacking teenagers on the street in the village of iglino. i'm sorry, they did. well, that's two, two are better. and this is yegor filippov, the same teenager who received blows from a crowd of adults, knocked out teeth, a concussion and a series of other injuries, which he received was clearly not his own, he came at me, i tell him, asked him that... to he got into the car, that he was not in adequate condition, he began to beat me, the conflict began with a verbal altercation, then the car cut off a group of people on foot, gabdulina’s retinue was in the car, the businessman himself was driving, the footage of the attack was filmed by yegor’s girlfriend, are you okay, are you in the car, are you, after exchanging insults, the businessman moved from words to assault, you’re telling me, according to yegor, raov did not limit himself to one blow, the teenager was thrown to the ground and... or by the crowd, and then dragged into the car. they asked us if we wanted to go to the police, we answered that we did,
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they pushed us into a car, but we didn’t get to the police. the teenagers were taken to the central square, where the crowd continued to mock, while gabdulov’s friend nadyrov hit yegor in the face, the businessman himself allegedly slapped his girlfriend, after which they put us in front of the car together, there was a large circle of people standing here, trying to humiliate us, beating us in front of everyone. the story seriously alarmed the local residents, because gabdulin is a well-known person in the village, the lawyers asked to leave the businessman under house arrest, but the fimida sided with the prosecution, probably the hooligans were sent to pre-trial detention cells. mikhail shirin and timur davletov, lead the duty department. former head of the main department. russia in st. petersburg, sergei umnova and three other high-ranking employees of the ministry of internal affairs will be tried in the capital. at the request of
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the prosecutor general's office, it is in moscow that a criminal case will be considered, in which several generals of the ministry of internal affairs are involved. kommersant reports this. let me remind you that mr. unov, three of his colleagues, are accused of receiving bribes in the amount of 65 million rubles. the accused themselves insist on their innocence. in orsk, after a powerful flood, people return to their homes and restore damage. there's work to be done.
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people, many were placed in the school’s gym, now people are gradually leaving the temporary detention center,
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as large amounts of water are leaving orenburg ; those affected by the flood are beginning to return to their homes. and this is a canteen; three hot meals a day were provided here. did you have to calm people down? of course, definitely, our function is not only to feed people, but of course to support them. the high water brought many problems to the residents of the orenburg region; the ural river washed away roads and bridges. stormy streams surrounded residential buildings, a microdistrict kuznechnoy has still not recovered from the flood. in some areas you still have to travel either by swimming or by wearing a wading suit like this. to get to those houses you need to walk 100 meters. and the depth here is up to my knee. and then even deeper. residents of orenburg are now back to their homes. they get there by boat, you move like this on boats, yes, a lot of water came to you, a lot, we didn’t
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expect so much, you lived there, on the second street, novokuznichnaya street, but we get half the first floor, we a very high foundation, and the neighbors, some of them have old houses up to the roof, the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, is on the spot monitoring the progress of restoration work; the day before , 360 tons were delivered to the region.
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the small town of kokhma, that in ivanovskaya the journalist spoke about the fate of the inhabitants of the region of alexander the red. in 2021 , during a fight with intruders, he killed a man. the court recognized this as self-defense and acquitted alexander, but there is a nuance. the man’s house was attacked by 25 people; ivanovo police were able to find and detain only two. after this, investigators even opened a case of negligence, but it was later dismissed. in your comments under. many spectators were outraged by the work of the security forces of the ivanovo region, and some residents of the region even stated that they were accustomed to the constant violation of their rights by law enforcement officers and to the ineffective investigation of crimes , too. perhaps the central apparatus of the ministry of internal affairs, the investigative committee of russia and the prosecutor general's office of russia will evaluate the actions of the ivanovo security forces and conduct their own investigation. i note that
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according to the source of the authors of the telegram channel honest detective, at a recent colleague of the ministry of internal affairs russia especially has a lot of questions. it was specifically to the leadership of the ivanovo department of the department, especially regarding the scandal with the disappearance of evidence, a large batch of drugs disappeared, it is reported that general vladimir zhigaila was allegedly given a month to restore order in his own department. the more curious the following news becomes: the head of one of the police departments, alexander makarychev, was detained in the same place in the ivanovo region. journalists from the region report this. apparently, he risks becoming a defendant in a criminal case. a bribery case, in which two of his former subordinates from... the municipal department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia kineshemsky are already involved. the police allegedly received a bribe from a local deputy for patronage in the form of two cars worth almost 7 million rubles. there have been no comments yet from law enforcement regarding makarychev’s detention.
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in the krasnoyarsk territory, a scandal related to housing for graduates of orphanages is gaining momentum ; at first they were settled in an emergency barracks, which was built by the family contract of a former deputy, and then, instead of to eliminate the defect, people were given a memo about the rules for using rotten wrecks, who will be responsible for this cynical fraud, about the bitter orphan's share according to the parliamentary will, olga zhurenkova. four-year-old varvara babasova from the city of uzhur, krasnoyarsk territory , breathes with the help of inhalers and takes anti-allergy medications, the child has breathing problems, the girl’s mother is sure that this is due to dampness in the house, all the walls are covered with mold, it turns out here, here we have a sleeping place , sofa, here we sleep, and here there is mold right here, that is, we we sleep, we breathe it all, the babasovs got this
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apartment in 2021, the head of the family was given housing as an orphan, the problems started... deputy nikolai morozov is now in the hospital, his deputies are part-time with their sons at work. edoki is a family contract.
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he took an electronic button out of the drawer, who are you pressing so frantically? i’m inviting the secretary here, i’m not frantically calling, i’m inviting and saying, because i’m not working well,
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they’re starting to give you electric shocks here, you’re probably dreaming about this, but no, of course, it’s a shame when the popular front turns into a tabloid press, with questions like how do i like a girl with a microphone now, with this yellow one like her, blue, blue, blue microphone, well, i mixed up the colors a little. i got the impression that the head of the district, konstantin zaretsky, really didn’t want to go to the residents, there were only 20 minutes left until the end of his working day, the official had to be persuaded, then together we’ll go to the residents, see how they live, how they cook there, well, go, well, you were there, you were there, you’re whole, you’re they filmed a whole film there, but wait, we ’re here now, and you really don’t want to look at which ones, well, i know roughly what’s there, i saw the photo, we still managed to convince the head to go to the place to look into the eyes of the orphans, residents of rotten houses. representatives of the developer’s company also arrived there, the same sons of the former deputy, there was black green mold all over the wall, it had already spread from floor to ceiling, but that’s
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why, the moisture found the place where the coldest place is, claudia toad will soon will become a mother in the fourth time, they moved into this house with their family 3 years ago, they got the developers to install an additional hood, there was less dampness, but the problems remained, antifungal agents, bleach and some kind of... well, that’s how we’ve been fighting, all 3 years we are struggling, well, the floors, by the way, are also not very good , it’s a bit cold, there are similar defects in tatyana bardelovskaya’s house, this is the crack that gives, this is the shrinkage of the house, this is not a crack, this is again the fault of the people, the residents, and improper operation, according to developer, mold appeared due to the fact that people allegedly save on heating and arbitrarily close the ventilation, you think that you have built good apartments, of course, we have all the conclusions, we have everything, it’s not like we... you have good apartments, you have built houses, what is this then, improper exploitation, people are to blame, well, of course, the morozov brothers, apparently, do not understand the orphan’s troubles,
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they clearly grew up in different conditions, their father nikolai morozov, a builder with twenty years of experience, a former district deputy, lives in the summer in this two-story house with attic, on the shore of lake parnoe in the krasnoyarsk territory, now a criminal case has been opened against him under the article of fraud on an especially large scale, according to the conclusion of the judicial technical... such as mold, mildew, freezing, in connection with which a proposal has been made to eliminate violations of the federal legislation addressed to the administration of the uzhur district. the developer nikolai morozov
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does not admit guilt and insists that he built good houses, and the residents themselves caused the dampness. parents of four-year-old varvara babasova in despair because of mold, the child’s health is at risk, but they have no other housing. olga zhurenkova, denis bezlakovsky, ruslan abubekerov, anastasia ivanova, victoria makarova. news, duty department. from prison classics to new styles , an unusual exhibition has opened at the russian ministry of justice; it is dedicated to the history of prisoners’ clothing over the past 130 years. glamorous mannequins are dressed in prison costumes. a wide variety of outfits are presented, from wooden kaftans and soviet quilted jackets to modern prison robes. a separate zone is dedicated to the future prison clothes. xing experts have studied the experience of other countries and are trying to make the developments as close as possible to the design of civilian clothing. has become more psychologically positive, while at the same time maintaining very clear, correct qualities of practicality, that
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is, as a wearable item it is, accordingly , quite durable, but at the same time it has changed in appearance. together with social activists , the exhibition was inspected by the minister of justice of russia konstantin chuychenko. as social activists noted, the new uniform has become more practical and comfortable for everyday wear. a scarf for the cold season has also appeared, which has been requested for a long time. prisoners. the royal marathon in the isolation ward continues. the court refused to release elena blinovskaya from the pre-trial detention center and transfer her to house arrest. even the proposal to return 900 million rubles to the state did not help. perhaps partly because even such a huge amount is just a part. according to investigators, the lady managed to avoid paying taxes by almost one and a half billion rubles. andrey romanov will continue the topic. the other day elena blinovskaya celebrated her sad anniversary ago on april 27, she was detained at the russian-belarusian border. the marathon queen tried to flee the country, but
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ended up being interrogated by an investigator, where she was charged with tax evasion on a particularly large scale. the current court hearing is also notable for the fact that for elena blinovskaya this is the first public appearance in the last 3 months. their accused spent in the capital's season number six. the queen of marathons has not been in business circles for a long time, but she tried it on again in front of the television cameras. taking on the image of a business lady: a blue fitted jacket, light jeans, a white t-shirt; blinovskaya did not make a statement for the press. elena blinovskaya has been in pre-trial detention since the end of february. at first, the queen of marathons was put under house arrest, but her luxurious castle in istra near moscow became a golden cage for the accused, accustomed to public attention and social events. blinovskaya flagrantly violated the rules of house arrest several times, went online, used the telephone, and threw a grandiose party on new year’s eve. party and invited a witness
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in her criminal case to visit. victoria osmolova, despite the fact that it is strictly forbidden to see her while the investigation is ongoing, footage of the party was leaked online, the investigators ran out of patience, they petitioned the court to take the marathon queen into custody. blinovskaya walked to this meeting with a confident gait, as if she didn’t notice the journalists. realization struck only during the hearing; the equanimity on the face of the accused gave way first to confusion, and then to fear. we are accused of taking blinovskaya into custody in the courtroom. consequence. in the case of elena blinovskaya , final charges of tax evasion in the amount of almost 1.4 billion rubles have been officially completed. also mentioned is the legalization of property obtained by criminal means, allegedly for another 700 million. blinovskaya became widely known in 208. then the enterprising lady announced that she had a way to get rich quickly and was ready to share information with everyone who bought a ticket to her author’s personal growth training marathon of desires. to
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the page on the social network of the king. almost signed up 5 million people, the courses sold like hot cakes, but only blinovskaya herself became rich in the process, i simply pull out the necessary, let’s say, resources from a person, apparently it was about material resources that attracted blinovskaya, people gave their last in the hope of getting rich when the number of dissatisfied has already become indecent, the investigative committee announced the initiation of a criminal case, the husband of the marathon queen alexey blinovsky is also accused in it, data on that... the blinovsky spouses have already managed to pay off such an amount tax debts vary, but we are not talking about full fulfillment of obligations, that the accused are ready to do this, elena blinovskaya’s lawyers stated at the current court hearing, her interests were represented by three defenders at once, they asked for house arrest for the client, but the position of the investigation seemed more convincing to the court, to get acquainted with the materials of her criminal case, the queen of marathons will continue in the detention center, she was left
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in custody until the twenty-sixth. andrey romanov, alexey fedotov, duty officer part. will mikhail efremov be released ahead of schedule? the actor's lawyers are preparing to file for parole . the main argument will apparently be the new position of the relatives of the deceased in a fatal accident involving efremov. they stood up for the convicted man and are not against him being released; the matter is now up to the court. let me remind you that 4 years ago, efremov flew into oncoming traffic and collided head-on with the car of courier sergei zakharov. he died in the hospital. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels conduct the duty department and an honest detective, subscribe, we also watch our investigations and daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective, our episode is completed, maxim ovchan was in the studio, see you on the russia 24 tv channel at 21:30 .
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well, right now on the russia-24 channel again the main facts of this day: the president ordered to pay compensation for any lost property in an emergency, vladimir putin announced this at a meeting, the main topic of which was liquidation of the consequences large-scale floods in the orenburg, tyumen and kurgan regions. what else? the head of state set the task and anastasia efimova will tell you what the situation with floods is now. enough forces and resources have been mobilized; rescuers, together with local colleagues, as well as volunteers, are working in a professional manner. the president's assessment, which he gave at a meeting on liquidation of the consequences of floods. however, despite the coherence of the work, it is obvious that there are systemic organizational and management problems. and, as noted.


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