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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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the lord is wonderful among his saints, let's see what happens next.
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george ribbon. every year it unites millions of people in russia abroad. we’ll find out from our colleague svetlana chmykhalo how the event will take place this year and where you can get a ribbon. she joins us. yes, svetlana is welcome. what are the features of this year's promotion? greetings, colleagues, this year is an anniversary for the st. george ribbon campaign. it is taking place for the twentieth time. the official start of the action was given today on zubovsky boulevard in moscow. it was here in 2005 that this became a folk tradition was born. the st. george's
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ribbon carries this victorious genetics, which gives us strength today, reminds us, on the one hand, of the feat of our fathers and grandfathers, on the other hand, of the challenges that russia faces; this year more than 30,000 volunteers, 700... points even beyond the arctic circle and millions of ribbons. you can view the distribution points on the victory volunteers website. with the exception of new and border regions. they didn’t indicate where the ribbons would be distributed, it’s not safe now. but the significance of the st. george’s ribbon has become special in today’s turbulent times. this is not only a symbol of past victories, but a symbol of the desire for a new victory. my grandfather went to the front as a volunteer in '41. died in
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the year forty-three during the liberation of the kharkov region even before the start of all the events in ukraine, within a year i managed to find his grave, he was buried there in the kharkov region, in a large mass grave, where more than a thousand soldiers from different regions of ours lie country, managed to repair his monument, well, unfortunately, i don’t have the opportunity to go to my grandfather’s grave yet, but i believe that i will definitely bring my children and his great-grandchildren there. abroad, volunteers will distribute. countries, among them, for example, cyprus, turkey, congo, morocco, uzbekistan, peru and other states. the promotion will not be possible in all countries. in latvia, lithuania, moldova, estonia , they began to fight the st. george's ribbon at the legislative level. they are fighting, which means they are afraid, however, it is still impossible to overcome the memory it will succeed. involuntarily, i remember that yellow is joy, like... i hit a german tank, and it
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burns in front of my eyes, and very sometimes i remember the dark one, but somehow, either someone is there, or i am like that, happy or successful, well, at least, as you can see, i have been at war for one year, 2 months, one day. the st. george's ribbon promotion always starts 2 weeks before victory day, that is, today you can start the countdown to the great holiday. this year, in several regions , the may 9 program was forced to be reduced in order to security. there will be no military parade in crimea. it was canceled in novocherkassk. in rostov-nadon the parade will probably take place, but without spectators. in the saratov region they decided to abandon the fireworks and parade of saratov troops. non-zone chuvash also canceled
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the victory parade and fireworks, however , online promotions and festive events are planned throughout the country that do not involve large gatherings of people. by the way. all these formats performed well during the pandemic, that is, a great holiday, victory day will take place in any case. right now in yaroslavl the fourth match of the gagarin cup final is taking place, in which lokomotiv plays at home with magnitogorsk metallurgist. after the first three matches, magnitka is confidently leading, winning all three matches. and our colleague, correspondent danilo makhalina, is now working at the match, he joins us. danilo, welcome, how is the game going? how many people came to watch this match. yes, greetings from yaroslavl, we came to this city for a reason, because today the fate of the gagarin cup and this season of continental hockey may be decided
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league, since the magnitogorsk metallurg team is already leading the series 3:0, the series goes up to four wins, and if magnitogorsk wins today, then it is this team that takes the cup, therefore... today, in part, something historic could happen, we talked with the fans today and of both teams, on the one hand, if you are in the place of those who support the yaroslavl locomotive, then you can catch some notes of doom, because no one won in the final series of the gagarin cup, not to mention losing 0:2, in this case, all the more conceding 0:3. magnitogorsk metallurgy, if it wins today, then it actually wins on someone else’s site, and if it loses. until the final siren sounds, we are fighting for the cup, what a doom, what are you guys, well , no one even pulled out the final with 0.2, there is
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also 0.3, you know, hockey players, real men have to fight to the last, and vera fan, she lives until the final siren, so we believe in lokomotiv, we believe in victory, how much has your faith been shaken... the faith of lokomotiv fans is so strong that for now this is enough to lead their team in the fourth match, lokomotiv leads the score 1:0 in the first period, it so happened that for the first time the teams scored a goal, if you look at all
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previous matches, because before that in the three previous games they did not score in the first period, magnitka won all previous meetings with a minimum. with an advantage of 2:1 twice and with a score of 1:0, so these two teams with some abundance of goals does not please the fans, but it is unknown, maybe today everything will change, while the advantage is on the side of the yaroslavl locomotive, and if everything will end with the victory of this club, then the series will move to magnitogorsk, where the match will take place the day after tomorrow, but we will see how everything will actually turn out and we will definitely tell you in the final material the words of the studio, yes, thank you, we are following, danil makhalin was from yaroslavl. moscow enterprises are expanding their export geography and producing unique products for various industries. the capital's spetskabel plant is an example of this; it is a leading developer and manufacturer of cable and wire products, which are known for their high quality in russia and
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abroad. today sergei sobyanin visited the enterprise. the mayor of moscow inspected the modernized optical cable workshop. he noted that the plant in golyanovo is a good example of a modern high-tech enterprise. here they produce products that the space, nuclear, oil industry, defense industry, energy and other systems that form the branches of the russian economy cannot do without. the largest federal customers are state corporations rosatom, roscosmos and transmashholding. moscow industry is experiencing a new birth, in recent years the volume of industry has increased.
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the capital's special cable plant was founded in 1997 and was created from scratch; today the area of ​​the production complex is 2000 km. for... about 500 people. the plant was the first in the world to develop a series of fire-resistant cables for fire protection systems, as well as cables with low toxicity of combustion products. last year, the production of industrial automation cable, which is used to transmit these signals, was optimized. in this year we developed a line of cables with increased heat and frost resistance that can withstand extreme temperatures. the enterprise is included in the list of systemically important organizations in russia and the consolidated register of organizations. according to the results of last year, the defense industry's production revenue amounted to almost 6.5 billion rubles. the plant shipped 39,000 km
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of cables. it is reported that a third of the special cable company's products are supplied to the moscow market. it is used by moskgor trans, moscow metro, diamond-ante and space, space research and production center named after khrunichevo. the company’s products are also supplied to 68 regions of russia and abroad: belarus, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, turkey and uzbekistan. there are a lot of things that can be confused, but you can’t go wrong with the choice of thermal insulation. pinoplex boards provide protection from heat and cold. penoplex is an effective thermal insulation.
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dadokaeva. yes, linda, hello, how many couples today decided to legalize their relationship? greetings, yes, today is the very day when the marriage registration certificate will have a mirror date: more than a thousand russians will legalize their relationship today. so, more than 1,100 applications have been submitted to the capital's legislative offices from couples who want to register their relationship today. like this. thus, today became the record holder for this year for the number of weddings, some couples have been waiting for this magical number for several months; it should be noted that april 24 is not the first and not the last beautiful date this year. and... the combination of twos and fours is especially popular, for example, the past april 4th and 20th. the beautiful dates of august, the eighth and the twenty -fourth, are also at the top. the first day of summer, june 1, is also traditionally popular. in total, about 30,000 couples have already planned their celebration in moscow. the beautiful date also attracted the attention of about 500 couples in
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kuban. according to one wedding sign, a beautiful date promises the newlyweds a happy family life. the largest number of weddings is expected. an incredible number of weddings will also take place in astrokhan today, as the regional council said, 127 couples decided to tie the knot on this date. this is an absolute record. for comparison, last year only 69 couples registered their relationship on this day. 248 newlyweds in the nizhny novgorod region also chose a mirror date.
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131 couples will get married in belgorodsk today. in astrikhon, 127 newlyweds will cement their relationship, in kusbase is getting married. on the third ingushetia there are 66 divorces, the desire
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to get married in a beautiful place or on a beautiful date according to... future spouses seems to be a guarantee of a long happy life, in my opinion, this is a tribute to some kind of fashion, but there may be a lack of understanding of the seriousness of this, perhaps even age in also has an impact, because basically statistical data on marriage dissolution show that most often people divorce...up to 30 years old, newlyweds choose not only beautiful dates, but original places for painting. in moscow, over 100 couples today get married at outdoor locations. ceremonies will take place at the spartak stadium, at the national hotel overlooking red square, at the arts center of the cathedral of christ the savior, at the spiredonovo mansion and at
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the tsaritsina reserve museum. his concept tightly connects art, history, and geography of russia, weaving in real historical events and those that have become myths that inspired artists. at the exhibition you can see works by lev bakst, ivan belibin, nicholas roerich, victor vosnetsov and many others.
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this is very strong and it is noticeable in the work of both. we are talking about three directions of such art related to the sacred and mystical mystical experience of many generations of russian artists and writers. we are looking at artists who worked in moscow, who worked in paris. and who worked in that very russian diaspora, where our great ones were, as merishkovsky said, non-exile in the message. guys, go ahead,
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, in the laboratory should be quiet, but we still want to support our team for the international. mendeleev olympiad in chemistry milichenko foundation. guys, go ahead. torture, kidnapping, persecution of the church and censorship of the media. the us state department published a report on human rights in ukraine. conclusion. democracy is not even close. there have been serious human rights issues involving ukrainian officials. behind
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such dry official formulations , the 125-page report hides thousands of cases of human rights violations in ukraine, including including the main thing - the right to life. the document talks about numerous cases of crimes committed by the ukrainian authorities from invasion of privacy and illegal seizure of property. kidnappings, torture and murders, all on the territory controlled by the kiev regime. also, according to statements by the state department, ukraine has big problems with the independence of the judicial system, what in common parlance can be called legal chaos. not to mention how the ukrainian authorities are mobilizing. there are several articles here at once. experts and journalists who have read this report unanimously declare: there is no smell of democracy in ukraine at all, contrary to the statements of both kiev and its western curators. a large section of the report addresses violations of media freedom in the broader sense of freedom of speech in ukraine. according to us state department findings, kiev regime law enforcement agencies
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controlled, or at least attempted to control, the internet, sometimes without legal authority, and took significant steps to blocking access to sites, all this supposedly for security reasons and to combat quote “russian propaganda”. the state debt called ukraine “partially”.
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today is a great day for america, a great day for europe and for world security, it matters, i just signed the bailout bill that passed the senate this morning, it will make america safer, it will make the world safer. the united states, with its new decisions , actually puts an end to the fate of ukraine, so the ambassador of the russian federation in washington anatoly antonov commented on the new aid package to ukraine. america chose in favor of war, sided with evil and supported fascism. for the sake of its greedy,
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insatiable military-industrial complex, the administration sacrifices the lives of ordinary people. with their decision, local politicians actually put an end to the fate of the entire state that they use. like a battering ram against russia. the cynicism of the us authorities is amazing. here they are talking about the need to pump up the nazi regime in kiev, they are ready to kill with american weapons, as much as possible more ukrainians and russians. as a result , they want to save the world based on american rules. strengthen the system of domination of western countries over the world.
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have been watching in suspense for months as ukrainian military commanders, who have already 6 the country's future hanging on a vote 500 miles away, but the question is how quickly money, weapons and ammunition, especially artillery shells and air defense systems, will actually be delivered. will this happen at the very last moment on the eve of the expected russian offensive in june or july, which, as ukrainian commanders fear, could break through the front line. concurring with the politicians’ concerns, the new york times publication emphasizes that the new tranche of aid from the united states will not help the armed forces of ukraine stop the russian army. military experts interviewed by the author believe that a return to the borders that existed before the conflict is an unrealistic plan for kiev and the white house. therefore, the new aid package for ukrainians is not at all a turning point in the conflict, writes figaro, but only a delay for which one should not particularly hope. this help is welcome, but...
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may turn out to be a trap for both europeans and ukrainians. ukraine can get all the weapons it wants, but its options will always be limited by demographics. she will not be able to throw the required number of people into battle to recapture her lands. due to the lack of people, according to wool street journal, the ukrainian military is on the front line for 10-15 days instead of five, as such missions suggest. in addition, the armed forces of ukraine do not have enough food, water and medicine for the wounded, as they emphasize. the material is difficult to reach, so many soldiers they die, although they could survive with surgical medical intervention, but western leaders still carry out pr campaigns with the help of kiev, for example, the british minister of defense boasts how great britain is ready to help the armed forces of ukraine not to surrender. we were the first in the world to introduce long-range missiles such as the outstanding storm shadow.
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today i am delighted to announce that we are... providing ukraine with the largest ever package of donated equipment, as well as a further half a billion pounds to bring our total contribution this year to 3 billion pounds. the founder of the black waters pmc, erik prince , warns the white house against prolonging the ukrainian conflict. according to him, this threatens to repeat the afghan scenario. 62 billion is how much we spent a year in afghanistan, while we were there, we did something and still lost to the taliban. the ukrainians are already losing badly to the russians, they have zero chance of regaining their territories, it’s time for them to stop this war and stop killing the next generation of ukrainians. however, the white house obviously pursues its own goals in ukraine. turkey's janisofak writes that washington views the new aid package as an investment in its own defense sector. the logic is obvious: the lion's share of the money will go back to american arms companies. and ukraine risks losing its most important
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strongholds. the arrival of american aid, according to newsweek reporters. the article emphasizes that russian troops achieved success after the capture of avdiivka. natalya goncharova, news! this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour, or...


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