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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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to lose the most important strongholds even before the arrival of american aid, according to newsweek reporters. the article emphasizes that russian troops achieved success after the capture of avdievka. natalya goncharova, news! this is a big information evening, that’s what we’ll tell you about in the next hour: either to the landing force, or to prison, and marines and...
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quote from an interesting material from the ukrainian publication country ua, where they report several court cases against military personnel of the armed forces of ukraine who ended up persons involved in criminal cases under the article. disobedience, and after short proceedings received either real prison sentences or exile to disciplinary battalions, and if at the moment there are six such verdicts, then in the foreseeable future, as noted, there may be significantly more of them, since the court has simply not yet received hands to all the accused, and what is characteristic is that the reason for punishment in each case is the same, they say the boys had to participate in landing operations on the dnieper, and more specifically, attempts to land on...
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in the middle of the dnieper, the landing force, even just setting off from the right, still ukrainian bank, can already receive a grenade or wok from our attack drone or a grenade or wok dropped from a drone. the chances of surviving if the order is given to swim to krynoki are really zero for vseushniki. so it was last year, so it remains this year. in addition to the huge number of videos of ukrainian motor boats torn to shreds by our ammunition, here is new evidence: criminal cases with harsh sentences. marine, yuri m from ivanof
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, frankovsk region, gunner-operator, refused to carry out the commander’s order, to force the dnieper to gain a foothold in the krynki, he referred to concussion, but the medical commission did not want to hear anything, now the former marine was tried, he did not admit wine, in the end he received 5 years in prison for failure to intervene in a combat situation, this is an article of the ukrainian criminal code, the same amount of 5 another marine orderly received years behind bars and also refused. she is literally bombarded with air drops when she docks, and this is for a second the ssso, the special operations forces of ukraine, such as the elite, so there is literally no wet spot left from them at all, only explosions and fire. you can always hear the motors when it's running. moreover, when they go at
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speed, we are always ready, we know, especially since we still have drones, that is, drones, but this is real, well, they send them for meat, but they don’t make it, with us, then there is, how to say, everything was tough with us, no one would pass, that is, here is another marine, this time a grenade launcher from the vinnetsk region also received a sentence because he refused to replace those who had already died in the krynki, in court spoke about a panic attack and received 2 years in disbat, disciplinary battalion, you can’t survive in the armed forces of ukraine, the fear of soldiers that the marines have, what to choose? a five-year prison sentence or death within a few days without the help of commanders on the left bank under our attacks, many choose prison. a mobilized rifleman-medic from the lvov region, who again refused to cross the dnieper and parachute in tanks, also received 2 years in disbat. there are a lot of such
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cases, a grenade launcher from the odessa region was sentenced to a year in desbat for not swimming to consolidate on the right bank, well, otherwise it would have been like this with them. as soon as the boat docked , it immediately flies from our copter directly onto our head, those drone pilots who have not yet refused to follow orders, as soon as they try to crawl through, or rather swim, to the left bank, but even under the cover of fog nothing works out for them, our drone pilots on check, he, like a jeweler, walks right into the stern of another enemy motor boat, and why does kiev continue, this is essentially a mass suicide of its own soldiers, ukraine is like that. unceremoniously burns his people literally and figuratively, this suggests that the west is not removing the task from the zelensky regime, as they say, blood is worn out, but try to block crimea. similar assaults will be practiced by the kiev regime, because it is very important for them to create
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a picture. the current armed forces of ukraine are some kind of conglomerate of people doomed to death. but they don’t want to die. here’s another thing, the grenade launcher’s assistant refused. but it’s just getting worse, there are more and more criminal cases of disobedience. send boats one after another, with paratroopers, suicide bombers, sending refuseniks to jail, a cynically senseless tactic of kiev, if it can be called a tactic at all, it has long been covered with lids. anton potkovenko, and
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understandable desertion. within 24 hours , the russian military repelled seven counterattacks of the ukrainian armed forces west of avdievka, and also improved their own tactical position and destroyed the society. complexity of up to 350 people in enemy manpower, but in the meantime, in the southern donetsk sector, the formation of the kiev regime lost over a hundred militants, a tank bmp and sao gvozdika, and modern arlan drones help our intelligence identify even hidden equipment; their impressive capabilities were appreciated by eduard punigov. this unmanned aerial vehicle is called the eyes of reconnaissance, the orlan complex can be deployed anywhere in a matter of minutes, it is launched into the sky using this... remote control. orlan heads towards the front line. today he is flying deep behind enemy lines in the coal area. the drone transmits information about the positions of ukrainian nationalists to control points. we are working 24x7 usually. even now, when you talk to me, i have birds in the air.
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the body of the device is made of composite materials, so ukrainian radars most often cannot detect it. one of the main advantages of orlan is its autonomy. it can remain in the air continuously for up to 12 hours. right now the aircraft has returned from yet another combat duty. the drone lands using a parachute. calculate immediately and begin maintenance. during reloading, crews try to act as quickly as possible, because there is a possibility of a retaliatory strike. all about everything in about 15 minutes, no more. the drone is equipped with modern optics, thermal imagers and cameras with infrared radiation. it can also carry a payload, such as equipment that jams enemy communications. we observe a cluster. there are two operators working here, one controls the eagle, the second looks for potential targets and transmits coordinates to the artillery. depending on the weather, the height can reach up to 500 m,
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but the autonomy is from 6 to 12 hours, mostly we fly somewhere around 2,500, here is the minimum 500 m. calculations. the 155th marine brigade of the pacific fleet is on duty along the entire front line, helping our units respond in a timely manner to any enemy movements. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin, lead the south donets! the direction of the candidacy was unanimously supported by the results of voting in the berezovsky district of ugra, whose deputies chose a participant in the special military operation as the new regional head. according to the official report , serviceman ruslan alexandrov during duma meeting presented his election program to improve the lives of residents of the municipality. before going to the front as a volunteer, the new head worked in the local administration as a leading specialist in the northern military district, served in intelligence, was wounded, when he returned, began recruiting contract soldiers, in general, in the end he received a natural opportunity to take advantage of
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the personnel elevator for special operation veterans, about which the president spoke. according to media reports, such an appointment occurred for the first time in russia, but the conditions for realizing the potential of our defenders of peaceful life, as we see, have been created and are working, although sometimes the support system still fails, especially when it comes to foreign volunteers. state duma deputy alexander khinshtein writes about this, commenting on the case of serbian alexander jokic. on the one hand, he is fighting in the country of the russian army, on the other, he is under threat of deportation from the country, how did this happen? i found out evgeniy petrukhin, evgeniy, welcome, what did the volunteer do wrong? yes, alexey, hello, but he was rather distinguished by his success, but they prevented him from obtaining citizenship there is some bureaucratic issue that i am now dealing with. if he is deported from russia, belgrade could jail him for up to 25 years for allegedly being a mercenary. but serbian alexander yukic came to fight. to the donbass to volunteers and even before the start of the northern military district in the twenty-first year, he is still in the ranks shoulder to shoulder with our
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military personnel. here is jokic in mariupol, he received two wounds there, he has a medal for the liberation of the city. and here is a photo taken in the ugledar direction. jokic was also awarded awards for his fights there. his combat work continues today. jokic is listed in the operational-combat tactical formation cascade, with which he signed a contract back then in 1921, but... well, but a month later they said that they simply stopped
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issuing denerovo passports, and then immediately russian ones, i submitted the documents, but i didn’t have time to receive it simply due to the deadlines, after that, when i tried to apply for russian citizenship, they refused me with the words that i was a soldier of the donetsk people’s republic, and not the russian federation and that i literally do not have the right to receive a russian passport, it was the migration service. donetsk, that is, it turns out that a soldier who fought for donbass for 3 years could end up in a serbian prison for a quarter of a century? alexander showed himself not as a good fighter, he showed himself as an excellent fighter, as a good person, that’s all that is needed to become a citizen of the russian federation, just the kind that russia will be proud of, he has, but for people now at the front to fight like need to.
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telegram channels are also written there. in the ministry of internal affairs already are working on solving the problem. this is the post published by alexander khenshtein. this is how a volunteer from transnistria is now getting a residence permit, and serb jokic is getting a temporary asylum. temporary asylum is just an opportunity, a category that is provided for by our legislation and it has already been used many times for refugees who came from donbass .
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i get an extract from the order, they apply for citizenship, they kill me in the unit, everything takes, well, a maximum of 3-4 days, why jokic decided to go to fight for the donbass, as he himself says, this is a family story, in the nineties we had a war, all this time my father fought, mainly worked with
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volunteer formations, including russian ones. i believe that it is the duty of every serb to come here. and fight for the russians, because in the nineties people came here, or rather, yes, to serbia, they came and fought for us. i believe that in general the russian army is the strongest army in the world, that we will win in any case. jokic already calls russia his second homeland, and of course he wants to stay, in which region he will live after the completion of the special operation, has not yet been decided, but this plan, apparently , is destined to come true. as for one’s citizenship, it’s a mechanism. such work with foreign volunteers in russia, apparently, has now already begun, which means that those who are at the front today with passports of other states can be sure that russia is not abandoning its own. evgenia petrukhina, help your own. in the areas of zaleznyansky, krasny and kurdyumovka of the donetsk people's republic, massive fire was applied today
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defeat of three mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, as well as one motorized infantry brigade, and another assault one. in total.
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they say that there were two more with him, they were eliminated, and it is quite obvious that these are not mushroom pickers lost in the forest, this is derby, well, these are people who came to test our, as if our position, how many of us there are, which, well, in principle, maybe maybe, even if their task was to take someone from us, he competently passed the minefield, did not act on emotions, we can conclude that he is still not the first day in the war and knows that did. the enemy often makes attempts to go beyond the ribbon, the main thing is to stop it competently. by surrendering, vadim chernets saved his life; he is now practicing the slightly forgotten russian language, which has been banned in his native world for 10 years. i’ve already read two books here in russian,
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now i’m reading chekhov and bulgakov, that is , yes, i haven’t read it for 20 years, i started reading a lot of time. every word he says will be recorded, the data will be studied, checked, and compared. the prisoner is now subject to a standard procedure, it remains to be established the veracity of his words, if the result is positive, he can return home, in nevsky’s detachment, exchange of prisoners, standard practice. pavel prokopenko, konstantin piunov, news, donetsk people's republic. the ministry of defense today released spectacular footage of the battles, as a result of which ivanovo paratroopers, guardsmen from the southern group of troops. achieved serious success in the dpr, namely, they captured a large stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces on the outskirts of the city of chasov yaar. first , aviation, including unmanned aerial vehicles, performed its glory at the locations of ukrainian militants and artillery. after which the assault itself began, however, a significant part of the enemy personnel did not demonstrate a desire to hold positions until the last; instead , they fled in panic, throwing weapons, including
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foreign ones, from british jevelin manpads to israeli-singapore matador grenades, well, in general, the face is a vivid example of expanding the zone of control of our armed forces, which sergei shaigu spoke about a day earlier, and moreover, in certain sections of the donetsk front the russian army is now simply in charge literally. blowing into dust, but seemingly very reliable enemy fortifications, boris ivanin is ready to show what effective and at the same time spectacular combat work looks like, boris, hello, but it seems no one is sparing ammunition. alexey, welcome, an important clarification, they don’t regret the wrong term, we spend ammunition wisely, but it’s the ssu who regret it, because they have a shortage of shells. russian su-25 attack aircraft created a real firestorm in the air and on the ground, leaving no chance for the enemy. here is footage from the donetsk people's republic: combat work of crews on fortified ukrainian armed forces. firing is carried out from a pitch-up position at low altitudes. this requires high skill and heroism from pilots. but such maneuvers
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allow you not to enter the zone of destruction of the enemy air defense system, which, however , is leaky. we have practically knocked out the air defense systems. moreover, we destroyed most of the ammunition and we saw this virtually every day. therefore, now our aviation, our artillery is acting virtually without response, this, of course, contributes to the advancement of russian troops in artyomovsk direction, in kupyansky and in other directions, that is, ukraine is now actually left without the proper amount of ammunition and weapons. the su-25, a reliable machine, is capable of opening fire only 30 m above the ground, and its combat radius is up to 700. at such a distance, attack aircraft can carry over 4 tons of ammunition, for this the aircraft has as many as 10 external hardpoints. and here is a fresh photo of how attack aircraft are equipped
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before takeoff, these are s-13 unguided aircraft missiles, which are designed to destroy mass accumulations of equipment and personnel. even if the enemy is holed up in particularly strong shelters, here is a modernized s13t missile with a reinforced warhead. she is capable of punching. a meter thick and up to 6 m of soil or detonated upon contact with a target, a range of up to 4 km, and this is an effective striking force. it can be compared to hail, of approximately the same caliber, why do aviation work, they work in hail if the calibers are equal, well, because the plane can be at any point of the assigned e and attack any target much faster and much more distance than any multiple. why are there only two blocks hanging on the plane? combat suspension, combat loading of an aircraft is calculated based on the required amount of ammunition to hit a particular target, the bunks are designed to hit area targets,
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these are forest belts, fortified areas, bunks of large calibers, their complete destruction reaches up to 30 m there, naturally the fragments fly further , russian aviation dominates the skies, compare the remnants of the ukrainian air force, the same soviet su-25 attack aircraft become an easy target for our systems. anti-aircraft defense, but where are the vaunted patriots on the other side? the kiev regime has a desperate need for air defense systems, the batritan financial times is heart-rending. but even as part of the largest military aid package announced recently, london is not transferring them. calls on nato allies for help. the alliance is inclining spain and greece towards supplies, as stated in the british press, they, quote: must make a donation from their arsenals, even if... it leads to their depletion, but so far the ukrainian armed forces have a deficit on the line combat contact, which allows our aviation to dictate its terms, it is precisely
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this method of attack through fire support of directly attacking troops, on the one hand it is very effective, on the other hand it creates a great risk for pilots, due to the fact that the front line is very saturated with anti-aircraft weapons turn, in this case we are not talking about those systems that would really knock out a lot, tonally, but here we are talking about military software, after all, the enemy has quite a lot of military software, therefore, of course, the pilots take risks, risks, because old complexes such as the arrow and portable airlocks of the armed forces of the armed forces can pose a threat, but under such heavy fire from russian attack aircraft they are powerless, powerful air support allows our units to advance on the ground, like this heavy work is being done on enemy positions after airstrikes. the flamethrower system of the sun is, in a word, scorching all around. russian troops actually prevail in terms of the amount of ammunition 1:10 on
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the battle line.
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and three more launches of angara family rockets, and after updating the infrastructure of the launch complex in the arkhangelsk region , the ability to launch vehicles into orbit for both civil and military purposes will double. such statements were made today by sergei shaigu, who personally inspected the progress of modernization of the strategic facility. details in the material by andrey grigoriev. a large-scale reconstruction is underway at the only operating cosmodrome in europe, plesetsk. all the access roads, all the logic. from soviet times, without stopping missile launches continued from some launch sites while repairs were underway at others, today at kosmoretsk the creation of infrastructure has been completed that provides launches of angara launch vehicles, heavy-light classes with upper stages for launching spacecraft into all types of orbits, in the interests of the ministry of defense. the cosmodrome is a military one, it was specially located in the arkhangelsk region, because there is low, very frequent cloud cover,
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excellent. camouflage from western reconnaissance satellite images, the launch is completely ready, all communications, everything wednesday everything was started, that’s right, everything is ready, the deputy commander-in-chief of the aerospace forces reports to the minister of defense, in fifty-seven, when the cosmodrome was just being built in the documents, it was listed as an hangar facility, and now it has become a test site primarily for a rocket with the same name , here is the successful launch of 2020, the rocket is undergoing...
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improvements have not been completed, before the end of the year they plan to open another launch complex, from plesetsk it will be possible to launch all rockets currently available in russia modifications. andrey grigoriev, lead. now there is advertising, this is what will happen next on our broadcast. in the unofficial duel, mangalov, the new favorite. who came up with the idea of ​​protecting an armored car like this and what tasks can it perform in the northwestern military zone? i've been waiting for you forever. i was in such a hurry to meet you. finally she came. spring. warm, sunny, bright. the russian exhibition blossomed with all its colors. you were waiting for
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spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition.


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