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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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if so, then the armed forces of ukraine are still sponsored, but why then are they not recognized, since their home is now the usa? in any case, nikitin’s words can no longer be removed from his position, but how could this not be the swan song for their career? anastasia ivanova and russophobic chords. pay compensation for any lost property, respond to every complaint, prevent price speculation and monitor the sanitary situation, a number of instructions.
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for citizens it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter at all, what level of government there is, what problem they are responsible for, where whose powers are, the main thing is that the problems that people face, including those of an emergency nature, were effectively resolved, so that people were listened to, their appeals were responded to in a timely manner and to the point. active liquidation of the consequences of the disaster in the orenburg region, where the situation has stabilized, almost 500 more were freed from water in a day
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. electricity and gas were returned to 50 houses in cities and villages, water supply was also connected, specialists were restoring roads, 22 km were repaired, over 100 were cleared of debris. in disaster zones, on behalf of the president has a special government commission to assess the damage and compensate for it. we plan to double the work of the commissions so that during the may holidays they can work on assessing the housing of vacated residential buildings. regional payments to victims continue to be made, more than a billion rubles have been transferred in the orenburg region alone, applications still continue to be received, but there are tens of times more of them than the monetary compensation paid. more than 400,000 applications from affected citizens have been accepted for the provision of financial assistance, and you just said 46,000 were issued, well, that’s a little more than 10%, is that so little? in connection with the introduction of a federal emergency, the city is providing telecom.
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they need to be indexed. the payment procedure itself requires attention, which, as it turns out, contains a lot of formalities. there is a list of property for the loss of which compensation is paid. this list should be canceled altogether. lost property must be paid appropriate compensation. well, what can we count, whether a washing machine is included in this list or not. well, it's some kind of nonsense. somewhere the big water is already receding. for their children, they saved some money there, bought something for their grandchildren, they, too, as a result of the fact that they have, as it were, permanent housing, a second home, also do not fall into the category of persons who can count on some kind of compensation.
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this issue needs to be resolved, difficulties in receiving payments sometimes arise in families with many children, this is the story of a woman with eight children, so she applied yesterday. family of 10 people, they bought, have a house that is now flooded, they bought it with their mother’s capital, a small apartment, everyone now has shares there, well, they have very small shares of three square meters, and this is an obstacle to receiving payments. vasily nikolaevich, give his phone number to denis vladimirovich to pasler, okay. within an hour , ours arrived at this large family.
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it is reinforced on all sides with sandbags. reversible traffic is organized on the highway, as is the dam nearby. rescuers deliver
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food and medicine to villages cut off by high water. from obatsky district. reportage ksenia usoltseva. since this morning. on both sides of the road it was completely dry, meanwhile the water level in the ishim river near the regional center of obatskaya had already exceeded the dangerous flood mark, now it is important to protect not only the population, but to maintain the tyumen-omsk federal highway. a lot of work has been done, more than 12 km have been filled on both sides of the highway, five villages and villages in the obatsky district that fall into the zone of probable flooding have been completely evacuated, people are being taken out on boats, nina dmitrievna.
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the water gradually began to decline, close attention attention to the constructed dams, their patrols continue, the flood situation in the tyumen region still remains tense, well, in the neighboring kurgan region the level of the tabol river is 9.5 m, which is twice the norm, four bridges have been destroyed , 18 sections of roads are flooded, and this is almost 110 km, from kurgan itself, the water is gradually receding, the authorities estimate the damage, which tentatively ranged from 4 to 9 billion. i ask you to especially note the work of minister alexander kurenkov and his employees, i especially thank the plenipotentiary representative president vladimir yakushev, experience and support, whom they also helped us to put forward. mr. iraq faizulin provides great support on your behalf, you are an experienced person, you mentioned all the bosses,
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we will reward everyone, we will recognize everyone, but first we need to do the work, bring it to the end, everyone must work, and then we will do it.
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decide together with the constituent entities of the russian federation how to deal with the elements, also together, volunteers help rescuers and doctors on the ground, in addition, donations are received from all over the country to the affected regions humanitarian assistance, among the top priorities, assistance in paying compensation to those who were left without a roof over their heads, in our country, so that everyone understands, in no other country in the world is there such a support system in the event of floods and other natural disasters...
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proposed to discuss in more broadly, when the threat of floods in russian regions subsides. olga armikova and yulia shchedrova, news! there will be no global changes in the judicial system; fundamental laws have already been adopted earlier, so the main task at the moment is to increase the level of trust citizens and quality of justice. this position was voiced today by the chairman of the supreme court irina podnosova in an interview with our tv channel. what other issues are on the agenda and how will the president’s instructions be carried out? egor grigoriev will talk about unloading the judicial system. improving the quality of legal proceedings through
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uniformity of judicial practice. elimination of discrepancies, and also the use of modern technologies. chairman of the supreme court irina podnosova in an exclusive interview with our tv channel spoke about the key tasks in a new position. there is an increase in the number of incoming appeals to the court every year. and this increase in circulation is, of course, evidence. that both citizens and organizations feel a sense of security and trust in the judicial system, while the workload of the judges themselves is increasing, last year alone they reviewed 39 million cases ; russian president vladimir putin asked irina podnosova to deal with the workload of judges. there are always many questions about such a huge business, one of them is workload ships, in this regard, you know. various proposals were formulated, including by the supreme court, we need
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to sort this out properly, work, work on this problem. irina podnosova began working on this problem while still in the position of deputy, chairman of the supreme court, several bills were prepared for the state duma on amending the civil law. procedural code, previously cases were considered in simplified procedures, the amount of the claim for which was up to 1000 rubles. the experience was also noted by the president of russia, you have long been you work in the judicial system,
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practically your whole life, you have gone through almost all stages, for several years you have been the deputy chairman of the supreme court, what, well, soon it will be 4 years, irina podnosova’s total legal experience, by the way, is almost 50 years, judicial experience is 34 years, but she admits she didn’t even think about the position of the chairman of the supreme court, i did... the day before the belgorod region was attacked, as governor vyacheslav glodkov reported, the ukrainian armed forces fired several
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dozen shells at the border areas. the region was also attacked by 20 drones, as a result of a strike from one of kamik's drones, four civilians were wounded, but densely enough to suppress any resistance, then, under the cover of heavy machine guns, attack aircraft penetrate into the enemy trenches, meter by meter they examine the trenches, the soldiers walk, covering each other, all their actions must be coordinated and fast, training at the training ground never stops. day, instructors say, thanks to the professionalism of the fighters in the ssu, even with the presence of foreign mercenaries , it cannot turn the tide at the front. there is nothing supernatural about them doing anything there. i didn’t see it there, it ’s the same thing, they are afraid of the same thing, all people are afraid, wow, they just played it on camera, or just for show, there is no such thing as they are super, our attack aircraft work with the support of aerial reconnaissance aircraft , drones are their eyes in the sky,
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squads of drone operators have been created in each unit, fighters with technical education are taken here to protect our defenses, copters are switching to other frequencies, so the equipment is in units of the ministry of defense is regularly updated and re-queried. now the biggest danger at the front is enemy drones, they can carry combat charges, so soldiers go on missions with special scanners that detect drones, for example, such a scanner can detect a drone at a great distance. each member
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of the unit is a true professional, many have been awarded departmental and state awards. igor pikhanov. mikhail vidkin, vesti belgorod region. rishi sunak met in the german capital today with olaf scholz, who, despite requests for admonition, again made it clear that he categorically does not want to supply ukraine with taurs long-range missiles. but however , the british prime minister seems to see the position of the german chancellor as inconclusive, so the former persistently convinced the latter that as much as possible was spent on military needs, to the detriment of the economy and social sphere. report by the chief of our berlin bureau, mikhail. two political losers met in berlin today. chancellor scholz and premier sunok compete for primacy in ratings collapse own parties, german social democrats, british conservatives. both of them have almost zero chance of retaining power; it’s just that for some , an electoral disaster will happen at the latest in september next year, while for others already in january. they
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initially followed different paths to this success, but then the curve led them onto the same path. germany and great britain stand together on the side of ukraine. our goal is clear: to support ukraine so that it can win. it is also important that we, nato countries, do not ended up in a war with russia. we stand here together as europe's defense leaders, steadfast nato allies, ukraine's two greatest supporters in europe. and together we will continue to support ukraine as long as necessary. one of these days in london.
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yes, that’s right, the enemy will need to make an effort to find out what it is and where the sound is coming from. this will give our own forces time to surround the enemy or attack from the other flank. but at the same time , they are beginning to worry about the growing ability of the russian army to put the enemy is in a difficult situation, the commander of the norwegian army unexpectedly opened up, not to the detriment of his own
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self-esteem, of course, although little is known about the combat capability of the formations entrusted to him. general christofferson said that the improvement of russia's armed forces has exceeded his expectations. this is now actually a nato-style army. modernized or rebuilt russian armed forces are now... putin's victory will change not only the fate of ukraine, but also the fate of all of europe. friends, there is only one way to counter this. there is only one language that putin understands. this is providing ukraine with
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defense means. the first thing that ukraine needs is pes, they have been talking about this all last week. as a result, of the seven patriot batteries that were agreed upon in theory, at the moment there is physically only one that germany has agreed to tear away from itself. the fact is that this phenomenally expensive weapon must be used against.
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hundreds of thousands of people opposed his intention to abolish free education and freeze spending on certain items budget to compensate without involving a gigantic budget surplus about how
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argentines say no to the president, a libertarian, whom they themselves elected, report by sergei brilev. today, the whole of argentina is arguing about how many people came out to march the day before against cuts in funding for state universities, 40 were expected. the federal police conservatively assessed the march at...
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but among the adults, not only opponents, but also supporters came out to march, now in the right-wing newspaper, today such a title, short
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circuit in libertarian'. pakistan and sri lanka, so that these countries report that it will demand that the iranian foreign minister, ahmad vahidi, who is heading there, be arrested. this is how the government approached the terrorist attack story.
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to america, this is all a nuclear-free zone, and how can argentina become a global partner of nato? in short, there are more and more questions for miley not only within argentina, but also from at least its neighbors. sergey brilev, news from latin america.
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