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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 25, 2024 12:30am-1:00am MSK

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when determining age, they do not look at a specific date, only at the year of manufacture. for example, this year a diagnostic card is needed to register a car manufactured in the twentieth year or earlier. when you fill out the application, you will be able to select your traffic police department and the date and time of your visit. and receive a receipt for payment of state fees. at a minimum, this is 500 rubles. if the numbers remain the same. you entered information about the owner into the pts yourself, but you do not need to issue a new pts. since there are still columns in the old one for potential next owners. in arrive at the appointed time in a car that needs to be registered at the department. you must take your pts with you if it is paper and not electronic. vehicle certificate from the previous owner, a purchase and sale agreement or other document of ownership, but also a passport. at the department, the inspector will check the vin, make and color of the car with what is written in the pts, and will issue a new sts, updated pts, and if so. you need new license plates; if
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you cannot register the car, the traffic police will issue a written refusal on the same day. it should indicate why you refused. the most common reasons are that a registration ban has been imposed on the car; the wrong person came to the registration procedures as indicated by the owner according to the documents. registration is also prohibited if the vin or other markings are not readable or do not match the documents, the car is wanted, or the car has already been removed. from registration for disposal, if the new owner delays with registration, then the previous owner can deregister the car himself through government services, in which case the old stss and license plates become invalid, as a rule, if you have registered an agreement, it is much more convenient either through government services, or through notaries, well, in any way where, besides you, there can be some kind of intermediary or the state. or
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a notary can confirm this easier, well, in any case, any signature of two people, the buyer and the seller, is evidence that an act of transfer of the car from one person to another took place, accordingly, all fines are disputed, sometimes this is simply not a quick way or sometimes if they are small a person simply does not do this, but if you act according to the letter of the law, then everything can be challenged. so, let's repeat the main application for... registration can be completed in half an hour at government services; you definitely need insurance and a diagnostic card if the car is more than 4 years old. usually, if the documents are in order, the vin and other markings are readable, then the procedure itself goes quickly. the previous owner can deregister the car 10 days after the sale. you still have questions, want to know more about how to communicate with the traffic police or other departments? write to us on telegram and ask your questions. we will contact.
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you in any endeavor. sberbusiness. hello, ivan kudryavtsev is with you and we continue our journey through the amazing and diverse world of cinema. together with the guests and spectators of the forty-sixth moscow international film festival. today is page six. our diaries. on tuesday, our route took us through romania with the intensely social political thriller 21 rubin, and a female prosecutor who became a pawn in dirty political game, and north ossetia with the war film seven black papers, about two brothers who choose hope over
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despair. on tuesday, spectators of the miff documentary competition, together with the characters of the film unloved, traveled from moscow to yekaterinburg. the members of the group not having summer in... popularity felt burnt out and decided to look for inspiration in their native places, holding concerts in small towns of the sverdlovsk region, the heroes are trying to overcome the routine with requests to sing the same song to find fresh ideas for creativity. the film about the path from olympus to oneself was shot by debutant stanislav sorokin, together with the sverdlovsk film studio. so they made some attempts to somehow, well, cast a shadow on them, this one, these ones. hits with some new projects, songs, that 's all, and then they just realized that they needed some kind of inspiration, additional, from the outside, i think that this journey for them
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is probably some kind of - conditionally, a trip to a psychotherapist, yes, but only through their friends and relatives. listen, i don’t know, i need to just love what you do, if you love it, it means you will always cope with any difficulties. well, it’s great when you have people nearby who support you, these are family, friends, and , accordingly, the team with which you are going through this path, so there are always problems, they must be overcome, otherwise why are we here? the national competition of russian premieres immersed festival guests in 1942 , the main characters of the ossetian military drama are seven black papers. two brothers are waiting for their father to return from the front. the war is already on 2 year, funerals are coming to the village more and more often. seeing the suffering the black papers bring to their neighbors, the heroes decide to persuade the postman to hide them until the end of the war. this way, families will still have hope and faith in the speedy return
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of their loved ones. but the truth, no matter how harsh it may be, cannot be hidden, and you cannot hide from it. a graduate of the workshop of vladimir fokin, many who returned from the war to their village, there is a large monument there and about 400 names and surnames and a few who returned, and accordingly he was inspired by this, it’s as if history demanded expression, it was just born, many thanks to the director for what we saw today and for the fact that we just wanted to learn more stories, today to unload in full... thank you very much, we come from north ossetia and the film conveys the true
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story of our people, our traditions, customs, it is very pleasant to contemplate in today, in modern times, what was valuable to our ancestors, that today it is also valuable to the younger generation, within the framework of the non-competitive section, the first episode of the series premiered by maxim sveshnikov about... i’ve already been with maxim sveshnik on the film container, he’s a great director, with
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ebakh and his constant cameraman they create a very interesting film language, which is very interesting to act in, moreover, my son ivan starred in their film , volunteer playlist, you know, me i always knew that being partners is not just a text to say to each other, it is very important, this is a partnership. at work, but somehow philip alegovich highlighted this topic to me even more, even more broadly, how it is in general when you partner, when you can come up with more, so he somehow created this atmosphere on the site of such friendly work. nina, the main character of the film 21 rubin, is a successful prosecutor, she is about to be promoted. a woman dreams of transforming the system, but becomes a hostage to global political games, where
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outside forces dominate, and honest intentions have absolutely no value. the author of the film is ciprian miga, a romanian orthodox priest and director. 2 years ago, his drama about the religious ascetic the eye of one crying in the wilderness was awarded at the moscow international film festival for best actor in the new film, megas boldly denounces the system of cross-border corruption. greed and thirst for profit, where his country is already prey. he deliberately tells nina’s story in the spirit of time, showing how the dirt that has arisen in the system imperceptibly leads to the loss of national identity and sovereignty. 21 ruby, the name of a watch once given by a father to his son, which he squandered. how do you, as an author, decipher the name 21 rubies for yourself, what meaning do you put into the name? this is the story of my country that lost
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sense of time. we turn to tradition and in fact the real treasure is the message that a father conveys to his son, and the tradition that stands behind it all, and not the value of the watch itself. the main character is a prosecutor, who over time comes to the idea of ​​getting those same ones back.
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about the coming of age of the desert jacques from filmmakers from saudi arabia, jordan and egypt. the main character decides to take part in camel racing to earn money. finding out that the person who hired him. cruel to animals the hero does everything possible to prevent his camel khofra from falling under the hot hand of her ruthless owner. the author of the film, abu bakr shoke, was awarded for best director. alexander yatsenko was awarded the prize for best actor in ilya malanin’s debut film , abnormal. his hero helps a boy with
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serious illnesses thanks to an invented system of musical gymnastics. the best actress award... so we get to see what they do and they get to see what we do, it's very interesting to get involved in people's thoughts and feelings, who live in another country, in a different coordinate system, they think differently, they feel differently, they treat women differently, they treat marriage differently. on wednesday, the geography of the miff will cover turkey
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and iran, with drams between the dog and the wolf and the breath of cold, as well as our country, which gave the audience. the festival has several world premieres at once: ivan sosnin’s rural fantasy alien, and the guys who believes in stories about aliens and one day meets a mysterious girl, and yulia trofimova’s tragicomedy the liar about cancel culture and a girl who did not dare to confess. sverdlovsk region - the village of murzinka, here a young film crew is creating russian folk sci-fi, it stars a little girl from kaliningrad with an alien. appearance, but everything happens in a house that is entirely built from plastic bottles and other recycled materials, and this is not the script of another premiere, but the true story of the invention of ivan sosnin’s film the alien, an invention, because the film became a real construction kit, which unexpectedly took shape either under influence ural magnetic anomalies, or thanks to the talent of the director of his entire team.
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they called me and asked if i was available on a certain date, what was the script? not yet, as such, but there is a outline, somehow it all worked out, the puzzle in my head has taken shape, all the thoughts that i was thinking about there a few years ago, and the heroes that we found right now, this house is wonderful, then we had a team, and we wanted to make our own original film, independent, without third-party studios, and we just went to the village for 10 days, dropped everything, left, and started working what we do best, creativity, so we started making our own films, and the film turned out well. and the amazing spontaneity and speed of filming may have even become a kind of key to success, they filmed quickly, everyone gave their all, this is what gives the film special dynamics and energy, and the viewer is encouraged to worry about the characters and also think about flying into space. despite the author's design, the film cannot be classified as difficult to perceive, but the story is about the village yurodev, whose mother once
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disappeared under mysterious circumstances, and now he has met a girl, as if from another planet, one cannot call it not deep, the invention of the young director pushes one to think about the house of homelessness, acceptance and rejection and generates light. strong and emotional, this is how you can describe the new film by turkish director murat düzgünaglu, the existential drama between the dog and the wolf explores the boundaries of human capabilities within the framework of civilized culture. the main character arkhan is haunted by the feeling that he has no place anywhere. partner for business retires, inheritance. the family can’t wait, but his personal life somehow doesn’t work out, nothing holds the hero, which is why he is deeply depressed, then the young man decides to succumb to instinct and do whatever he wants, but conscience and morality do not allow him completely turn into an animal. the main source of inspiration for the plot was dostoevsky's novel crime-punishment. an attentive viewer may also notice
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tarkovsky's amage in the mesmerizing dream scenes. the author managed not only research. breath of cold. bakha and his grandfather, who raised the boy from childhood, live as outcasts in their city. bakha's father killed him 20 years ago. his wife, suspected of treason and went to prison. for his neighbors, he is a respected man who defended his right as a legal husband, and the bahu has been tormented by nightmares and a desire to take revenge for
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the murder of his mother since he was 5 years old. one day he learns that his father, having served his sentence, is freed. bakha meets him from prison, and now the two of them face a long journey back. nahit azizik from iran started her activity as a screenwriter of television and documentaries, a breath of cold, her... anger that rages in the eyes of the main character. there are not even a dozen characters in the film, the dialogues are sparse, all the tension rests on the silence of the father and son, behind which the tragedy unfolds not only
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of pangs of conscience, retribution, but of great love. the theme of crime and punishment will be continued on wednesday by yulia trofimova’s drama “liar,” which was included in the national competition for russian premieres. the life of seventeen-year-old eva seems pressurized. the girl lacks communication and new impressions, and her peers... laugh at her or don’t notice her at all, unlike her beautiful sister. one day , the once famous singer alexander voronov comes into the cafe, he is in a bad mood and lashes out at the young waitress. an absurd situation arises; the gathered crowd concludes that the artist was trying to harass the girl. eva does not deny this, suddenly she becomes almost a heroine who is not afraid to speak openly about harassment and the struggle of women for their own integrity. you know me. children are teenagers, so i see all the time how difficult it is for them to find and tell the truth, because there is a lot of noise around, especially noise coming from adults, and it
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seemed important to me to tell a story about a girl, how she feels her way to the truth, when everyone seems to support her in a lie. liar is the second film in the russian premieres competition dedicated to important social issues for teenagers. the roles in the film were performed by staz starovoitov, maryana spevak and the actress. movie 100 years ago daria vereshchagina, the star of the series is reincarnated as the main character, the fool herself and alice cannot wait for elizaveta ishchenko. in the director's chair, yulia trofimova, whose film country of sasha starring mark eidelstein and maria matzel, took part in the berlin film festival in 2022. in ilgunya, the author shows that a loud scandal always has another side, and anyone can become a victim of deception. one of the most interesting. film immersions at the festival in moscow are offered by the “first options” program from the archives of the state film fund, consisting of those versions of famous soviet paintings that no one in the audience had ever
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seen. the program "first options" from the archives of the state film fund, a real springboard into the past, into the era of the great soviet cinema. it was a time not only of great cinema, but of great censorship. many films were released shortened, corrected and reworked. viewers of the forty-sixth miff have a unique opportunity to see recognized masterpieces in their original form. for the first time in 70 years, they showed on big screens the original version of the legendary film by ivan pyrev kuban cossacks. a musical comedy written by the famous playwright nikolai pogodin about the love of the chairmen of two competing collective farms. in 1956, 6 years after the premiere, the film was released. on the shelf for glorifying the personality of stalin, in 1967 it returned to distribution, but already significantly edited. another treasure
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of the festival is a film by mikhail schweitzer, a tight knot criticizing the collective farm system. this is a real social cinema, which in the era the ussr was extremely small, breaking the legend of the indispensable unity of the party and the people. in 1957 , the first version of the picture was recognized as ideologically poor. the converted film reached the big screens under the title sasha enters life and existed in this form for 32 long years, until its original version was edited and released in black and white format. the film will appear in all its colorful splendor before miff viewers on wednesday evening. the head of the state film fund denis aksenov spoke about new projects in an interview with ivan kudryavtsev main film archive of russia. and denis, how did you manage to save those copies of the films that will be shown in the program, the first versions from the archives of the state film fund. very complex technological processes for conservation.
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films for the creation of insurance copies, the coordinated work of the entire team of the state fund over the course of decades without success probably led to the fact that we were able to preserve this legacy, cooperation with the miff, its reboot, how did it happen? unfortunately, our population is not so familiar with archival cinema and the need to familiarize him with it probably primarily influenced the synergy of two institutions such as the state film fund and the moscow international film festival. what could miff and gosfilmofond do together in the future? in your opinion? we definitely need to develop and strengthen our relationships. uh, soon we plan to present, until, perhaps, we will not voice a number of restored paintings - iconic ones. and it would be great
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to introduce them. perhaps at the next moscow international film festival so that they become one of the flagships for these film screenings. the equator of the festival has been passed, but there are still many interesting adventures ahead: we are turning over the seventh page of the diaries of the forty-sixth moscow international film festival tomorrow on the russia-24 tv channel. see you at the miff.
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