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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 25, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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today the president held a meeting on liquidation of the consequences of the flood in the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions. during a conversation with the leadership of the region, vladimir putin explained what the approach should be to solving the problems of affected citizens and called on local authorities to be more attentive to their requests. yes, just everywhere. the picture is the same in
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terms of what, how many applications are submitted and how many are received, in the orenburg region, since you wrote to me, here is your note in front of me, more accepted 400,000 applications from affected citizens for financial assistance, and you just said 46,000 were issued, that’s a little more than 10%.
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because here we are carrying out explanatory work, because residents are applying in connection with the introduction of a federal emergency, the volume of the figure has been announced, and 10% of payments, well , accordingly, absolutely all applications, and not just within the borders of flooded areas, so here we are carrying out this information work, accordingly, we show and tell what those who really can apply for these payments accordingly was flooded, that's why. this is where the main work that is being carried out today is accordingly being carried out, but i don’t really understand what it means that everyone is serving, everyone who is everyone, everyone who is in the surrounding areas, i don’t understand, yes, that is, the residents of the city, for example, orsk, yes, it’s the same in our other territories, everyone who got there, they think, accordingly, in connection with the introduction of a federal emergency , the entire city submits, and not the territory that was under the top.
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no, he went on vacation, the world is actually very worried, today vladimir vladimirovich addressed the participants of the twelfth international meeting of high representatives in charge of security issues. of course, international terrorism remains one of the most serious threats of the 21st century. the purpose of the terrorist attacks carried out in different regions of the world, behind which are not only radical groups, but also the intelligence services of some countries, is to undermine the constitutional foundations and destabilize sovereign states, incite interethnic and interreligious hatred, while the methods of the criminals are becoming more and more sophisticated and barbaric. this was once again demonstrated by the bloody terrorist attack that occurred on march 22 in the moscow region. russia's intelligence services and law enforcement agencies continue.
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to find out, study all the details of this vile crime, identify its participants, including customers, sponsors, organizers, none of them... the only thing, by the way, the americans understand well that we have no doubts that all the operations carried out by the ukrainian special services is supervised by the americans, it was directly written about, now it’s not for the first time in the history of america, when
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they first raised a dragon, and then it devours them, this is what the head of one of the american intelligence services says. while we were primarily afraid that some ideomancy or small groups would attack us here at home, inspired by events taking place in the middle east, we are now increasingly concerned about the threat of a coordinated attack here at home, like the one isis carried out at the concert hall in russia just a couple of weeks ago, the only problem is that i didn’t carry out any igil, they did. ukraine with their curators, today there is a very interesting conversation, so to speak, firstly, we understand well that the atakams have been in ukraine for some time, this is no secret to anyone, they have already participated in strikes on our territory, so our special services are
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they know it very well, and the military understands it too, but here’s the part, if you think about it, yes, when biden speaks, you are happy to tell the americans that their money can now be waved at their hands forever. that's what he says well, there he said a lot of different nonsense, for example, what everyone repeats, that for some reason they are sure that we must definitely attack a nato country after ukraine, then why are you going to accept ukraine into nato, saying that this is what a complete lack of logic, which andrei, for example, often points out to them, well, in general, if... you think that being in nato saves you from an attack by russia and therefore you include, want to include ukraine in nato? why are you now saying that as soon as we deal with ukraine, we will attack nato countries. well 2 +2 how much do you have anyway? well, listen to what this old madman says. if putin
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wins in ukraine, the next step for russian forces could well be a direct attack on nato allies. you all know this very well. the first thing that comes to mind is the link to article 5. i’ll explain why this is important now. listen to him talk about how many ukrainians we killed. russia is responsible for the brutal campaign against ukraine that it waged for 2 years. they killed tens of thousands of ukrainians, bombed hospitals,
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targeting them. they bombed hospitals, kindergartens, grain storage facilities, trying to plunge ukrainians into a cold, dark winter, striking the power grid. ukrainians fight to defend their country. families with incredible courage. many of you have been here with me many times. it's amazing what they do. i mean it's amazing, against such a huge army. ukraine has retaken half the territory that russia took from it during the invasion. and they won important battles against the russian fleet. make no mistake, they represent a fighting force with the will to win, the will to win. and they say to him: grandfather dementr, it’s okay that right now all your words are applicable to israel, because it has just, firstly, turned out that israel killed more civilians in a few months than died as a result of the two-year campaign on
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ukraine, and most importantly, excuse me, it’s not me, it’s the united nations organization that pulled out colossal evidence. 180 people in gaza, in a hospital, which israeli teams stormed and then found burying people with their hands tied, moreover, there are women, old people and children, maybe, of course, they just accidentally died during the assault, but the question is also who you stormed, are they militants, hamas, well... listen to how penguin answers the question . on saturday,
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palestinian civil defense teams discovered a mass grave of 180 people, including men, women and children. according to them, these are those who died at the hands of the israelis. are you aware of this? do you have any comments? yes, i saw this message, we requested information from the israeli government on this matter: will the us put pressure on the israelis to find out more? that's exactly what we do. uh-huh, that's what vedant potel says, this is such a bun with nothing, you must have seen the reports of mass graves of hundreds of bodies around alshifa, the head he said that he was fed up with these reports, i wonder if the us has comments on this matter and raised do you guys have this issue with the israeli government? we have seen these reports, they are incredibly disturbing, we are looking into this matter from the government. specifically on this issue? that's right, i don't have any specific information that i can offer
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to understand what it is, i can't judge it from here, but we are looking into this matter with the israeli government, now, now, now, now, now, but when the storm happened, 5 minutes later the statements were completely different, what happened, what happened, what, what suddenly, at the same time, mind you, at the same moment a lot of money was allocated to israel to continue the operation. "hello, mr. minister, i asked this the question is whether geneva is spreading, we
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could not get an answer to this question, many reporters asked, i am not going to answer it, we are here without any records, if not, then i will not answer, yes, we will not answer this question here, thank you, i appreciate it, do you recognize the application of the geneva convention in this case, continue, i answered your question, no, they did not answer, continue, you are avoiding answering, your colleague answered it falsely, do you recognize it? " " it's not a question, i'm asking you i'm not interrupting, i just asked, i'm not going to answer additional questions, a simple answer to a simple question, go ahead, you have two questions, no, absolutely not, i didn't have two questions, it was, no, i asked a question and you did not answer, you asked a question, continue, you refuse to answer, continue, sir, the geneva convention applies to gaza or not, it applies to everyone on the planet except the palestinians, right? isn't this us policy? we emphasize everywhere that there is international humanitarian law, which
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must be observed and respected. the geneva convention applies, you interrupted your colleague, continue, no, i am not interrupting, continue. i insist on answering an important question. carry on, sir. i would like to ask about sanctions against iran. yes, i've eaten a fat one.
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before i go to the press conference, we try to relax a little bit, because what i'm going through there is a whole journey, obviously. you can show her having fun right in the white house, relaxing,
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and then they kill millions of people all over to the world, they are also having fun and cool, but i’m not going to. it is necessary to give israel money so that they can continue what they are doing, well , why ask such questions, now is a holiday, now in sidelocks is not the time to ask such wrong questions, but the fact that they died, let’s blame putin for this, putin is to blame for this iran, north korea and china are also to blame, well, they are probably to blame for this,
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so we need to give money to resist putin and... don’t abandon friends, that’s what biden said, putin’s friends, listen, friends putin continues to be supplied with everything he needs. iran sent him drones, north korea sent him ballistic missiles and artillery shells. china is providing component know-how for the development of russian defense production. with this support, russia reinforced critical infrastructure in ukrainian cities, raining munitions on the brave ukrainians defending theirs. america didn’t give them their homeland, because israel is defending it, well, just for fun, and it’s all over long ago, for what, well, this so the question is, the hostages must be
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released and preferably immediately, while nothing can justify the terrible terrorist attack on october 7th. it’s strange, of course, that i’m starting, usually we end with a nuclear war, okay, come on, the program is over, nuclear war, thank you for coming, and i believe the brownie, that is, chunga changa, she still confirmed it, she danced , brownie, i don’t remember him dancing, then she confirmed that her work is hard, so i believe, i must say that with such an administration, being a press secretary
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white house, this is very very difficult, because first of all, constantly correcting, and the white house there is no element of racism in this? any day now, but he is the elected president of the united states, that is, the head of state, and he needs to be constantly corrected, not to answer questions, for example, from journalists, and this is also the pool that has been selected, this is the first one in my opinion, yes, this the first administration, where not a single journalist who has not been verified is allowed in,
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after all, all the other administrations, of course, also regulated the journalistic gender, but they left. several, so to speak, journalists who asked these questions, well, there you go, here’s american democracy, freedom of speech, everyone can say whatever they want, ask any question, then this is when biden’s questions are drawn up, well, that’s what we’re talking about everything, we all know, and the fact that biden too, i agree with him, as he said, that the united states is the main power in the world, without them everything will fall apart, well done, we need to say that, we too must be the main power in the world , under no circumstances is it possible. talk about there that some secondary or something else, i certainly agree with our position on the sovereign equality of states by right, this is certainly true, but international relations are not developing. not only according to international law, but according to concepts, and according to concepts, and according to concepts, it’s difficult for me to put china in trinidatabaga
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, it’s difficult for me to carry out sovereign equality, it’s difficult for me, therefore, on international law, conferences on international concepts are being held, gatherings, well, you can call it that in every case, in every situation - this is when the conflict has already been clarified, that is, first there is a gangway, and if something goes wrong, then it gets clogged, in which case everything happens like this.
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there was already something here at previous stages, when nicky haley was launched, it was also a certain ball that split the republican party, indeed, if something happens, then it must be some kind of collapse, there may be an economic collapse or something else, and i think this will not lead to anything in the political arena, this causes me deep regret, of course, because i have always been a trumpist at heart and remain one, because that yes, donald trump is a person who will quickly lead to ensuring the rights and freedom of the states, that’s why donald trump is
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a direct path to a civil war, well, not to a civil war, at least maybe softer, a major civil clash, a repeat of the twentieth year, not only blm will be added there, but also much more, in this sense, of course, here’s the grandfather, here’s how this administration was able to do this. maneuver that not only the people there in the house of representatives, of course, are there to be re-elected, but also the senators who they are elected once every 6 years, in fact, they couldn’t organize this, and trump himself gave up the gears, well, actually, he already disappointed me when he said that i would imprison her, that is , i did not imprison hillary clinton, he is not a consistent person in this regard, but the policy that they are now pursuing... what are you saying, double standards, well, somehow double standards, they have democratic powers, israel is democratic, so it destroys everything democratically, so
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as for russia, russia is totalitarian, it is an enemy, an enemy, it is an enemy everywhere, so even if we did nothing, they would still do everything themselves out of nowhere, so demand condemnation, well, demand condemnation from this administration, after this kind of thing, the risk of real terrorist attacks on american territory, it’s no coincidence that the head of the fbi said, so i wanted to go to christopher ray, but initially i’ll say that, you know, there is an international criminal court that is not recognized, somehow yes, but the states don't recognize but...
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sisk in a country in which, in which it is not, but no, it is necessary to pursue the magician, that ’s who is in charge, which
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means they are approaching the fences. therefore, last time, so now these soldiers are brought just across the border with mexico in large numbers, and given the right to vote, this is wrong, this is a new electorate, and there , so to speak, people will come who defended democracy from the british colonialists, like this it was during the elections this year, no one canceled the cemetery, but what do you want to say that the dead do not have the right to vote, yes they do right, there are democrats in the world who
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have realized it. but nevertheless, nevertheless , despite this, i will still argue and will argue, this is the mechanism that they have developed, it works, it works quite successfully, in my opinion, for example, when now ursula vonderlein begins to speak and speaks very actively there in order to promote the situation in europe in the direction that the threat of war is approaching, she is fulfilling, i would say, an interesting task, what? remember her predecessor, well, small such, not always sober, his legs were weak, his tongue was slurred, he really loved to kiss everyone, last year in this state in strasbourg he put forward the idea of ​​​​creating a european defense union, in early march of this year, at the insistence of the european commission, the corresponding european defense industrial strategy.
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that is, in other words, the union is supposed to be created by the year twenty-fifth, when we are now talking about nato, there will be someone to destroy, nato will be the curator, most likely, of the organization that pushes, only one nuance, they run out of ammunition in 2 days, well, they have a defensive military-industrial strategy, i understand why ursuli needs this, it’s already over, they’ve also already worked with vaccines, it’s unrealistic.
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but we have ears, and putin and i will decide everything, when, what, how, what, and he says, and not only nuclear, but everything else, that’s right, why nuclears, after which ursula so, why so right away, ursula says , why so suddenly, by the way, nothing helps in the fight against covid like nuclear weapons, well, i would say, that the satellite, russian development, helped us in the fight against covid, only nuclear weapons can help, only they cured them. i looked and listened to these three weirdos, i realized that there are personnel problems in the united states, so in principle i am ready to send my employees on a rotation basis to conduct briefings for american journalists, i think it will be much more interesting and informative, and i am ready to write to biden every for a week the speech, i think, will pass for smart, then everything in the world, and
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you write to him, you write to him in russian. there are no worthwhile intelligence analysts left, as expected in this document, the countries named as villains in the first place are russia, china, iran, hamas, hezbollah and the houthis, and north korea, i didn’t find north korea, they forgot, i ’m saying that they lost, maybe somewhere there it was written in small letters, but we’ll see , well, people missed it, well, people forgot.


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