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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 25, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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well, i can still imagine 2 years ago through diplomatic means, tricks or attempts, well, just pressure, blackmail, so that they could force a fairly large number. the global majority to sign up to some documents and declarations against russia, or they would call it against a special military operation, saying that we all stand for our world order, for rules, for law, for values, but to persuade people in reality get involved in a conflict for the dominance of the united states of america, well this is a very perverse logic, which i think will not lead them to success, but here it is completely obvious why this is happening.
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because the methodological and ontological basis of their way of thinking, their vision of the world has been exhausted. i understand that if you spend 30 years at the level of science, at the level of political rhetoric of everything else, constantly talking about your own exclusivity, not seeing yourself as a rival in reality, there in the real political space, creating, well, a whole kind of, if you like, industrial industrial scale, manufactory for production.
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in fact, it may seem that we have discussed this all over again, but on the ontological level, this is the cardinal opposite of everything that the united states of america is trying to promote, we offer the world a very clear logic, the americans say: there is one set of values ​​- this is mine, there is one approach to the matter - this is mine, some rules are mine, if you break them, guess who will punish you, it’s me, here, here is a very simple logic of behavior in this in this case, what russia is offering to the world
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is in a state of economic stagnation and there is no way out of this stagnation in any foreseeable future. by the way, these are the countries that during the first cold war surprised everyone with their economic miracles, remember the west german economic miracle, the japanese economic a miracle and other economic miracles, largely thanks to friendship with america, so to speak, now friendship with america can cost very serious economic losses, which...
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red lines that the chinese will not allow anyone to cross, this is interference in their internal affairs, president biden has already crossed another red line, today signing this law on the allocation, so to speak, of resources to help america’s allies,
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namely ukraine, israel, and for a moment taiwan , arms supplies to taiwan, this is also from the point of view. of the chinese leadership - this is an insult, a violation of chinese interests and a rejection of the one-china policy, replacing it with the policy of china and taiwan, and so on, and so on it’s not just a matter of insults, just so to speak, it recently became known that the americans are planning to deploy their medium-range ground-based missile systems in close proximity to chinese territory with...
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regarding these ten points of zelensky, and so on and so forth, well - there are rumors that they are going to belgrade for shijinping, not for geneva, but for belgrade yes, just on the anniversary of the bombing of the chinese embassy on may 7, or something, that is, there is a possibility that for what reason i would like to say this, so to speak , approval for our chinese partners, they have a good memory. russian people like to forget something there, the chinese don’t forget anything and are doing the right thing, this incident with the embassy, ​​they certainly haven’t forgotten and won’t forget, and this is very correct, this cannot be forgotten or forgiven to our western partners , and thus
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all these claims of our very american contenders for global leadership, they look, well, to put it mildly , not... very wealthy, it is clear that after such, such steps, beijing will become even more convinced of the need to provide support to the russian federation and north korea and iran, so to speak, and to decisively oppose hegemonic intentions, but at the same time they accept blinkin, but they do not say anything about blinkin, blinkin, here we go home, won't they say anything for this?
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china, but only through the american leg, you understand, and yes, americans’ legs grow back, they generally have them in regular places, i’m not sure that in this case, having lost the dollar as a world currency, the american will russia, well, where will they run, well, that’s where the rest of the countries will run, there are no dollars, where are they going, bitcoins, well, first of all, in order to run, you need a different level of infrastructure, gold is an ordinary commodity, physically it is...
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then there is a volume such that in general the world economy the iblisk several times covers, as bykovtsu, a quadrillion, that is
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, a quadrillion there, yes, that is, this means that , this means that instantly we see the impoverishment of the whole world, it instantly collapses, all those, this collapse level, which is impossible to imagine, and most importantly, it is not clear how to evaluate what, what to exchange, what we are going to, that is, this fall is more terrible than the consequences of a nuclear disaster. therefore, while the world cannot offer some kind of alternative, it is even afraid to formulate it, financiers, who de facto control the minds of so many subcontractors, they say: just a minute, just a minute, you all be careful, you all don’t go crazy, because well, all pension funds immediately collapsed, that is, all american pensioners find themselves poor, and the payment system instantly collapsed, transactions collapsed, shares disappeared, joint stock company. disappeared, that is, and that is what i mean, that is, it will all come to
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such an absolutely wild, terrible west or east, when you say, well, the japanese also thought that they owned half of america, the japanese were slammed with such speed, and that they are the same, they still wake up, there is property too, there are two laskas, that’s all, and the japanese slammed, and they are no more, once it seemed like an economic miracle, now they are second, now... they will become first, that’s all , they were removed using financial methods, agreement everything, and the chinese are very literate, very pragmatic people, they look politely and say, well, of course everything is fine, but we have 1.5 billion people, it’s not an easy topic, no, the topic is certainly not an easy one, that’s why blinkin is accepted in china , the main thing is that they don’t forget to give him, as i suggested yesterday, the same mushrooms that janet yelin gave him, so that he, so that he quickly bows. please, let’s continue about the economy, it probably makes sense to do this simply because to
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really explain how bifurcated our situation is, because can go either up or down, i also agree that now remove the dollar from the world system, well, we all remember 2008, this is a rather difficult story, when there was a reduction everywhere, a decrease in production everywhere, when we are worried about inflation, with it needs to be fought, of course, deflation is actually even worse, this is just an example. circumstances, i repeat again, they consider such a scenario for themselves, given that if you cannot hold the whole world, as they say, you must sacrifice some part in order to hold a small one, well, your zone, one of the american political scientists, certainly such an enemy, well, the enemy seems smart to me, josh friedman, this former stratfordian, he spoke clearly about this,
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america’s strategy, it consists of two things, the first is that you control all trade flows, they mainly maritime, secondly, you don’t allow any regional leaders to emerge, if a country lays claim to something, it needs to scatter everything around conflicts, then you look at how these shoots, remember in this, how this is a myth about organauts, and that’s it you looking, as soon as these shoots sprout, then they start fighting among themselves, so, by the way, this is his idea, i don’t insist on it at all, but he says, for some reason everyone thinks that america is very worried about various defeats, yes, after vietnam we lost, there was a blow to morality within america, so to speak, and everything else.
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element in the new silk road. the houthis - this is understandable, one of the main arteries is the southern part of the chinese silk road, but now let’s see what’s happening with our north-south corridor. in the baltic they are trying to pressure on russia, why? because this is the northern exit of this corridor. now the president of azerbaijan came to russia, so it was quite an interesting meeting, so to speak. i think there will be pressure now, of course, but he has cleared it up. their country in the good sense of the word, there are almost no ngos there, and there, in general, everything has been brought to a certain state of normal life, well, i think that the anglo-saxons will try to ruin the situation there, and the southern end of this corridor is iran, the exit to the southern seas, in fact, that’s why there are now such vigorous activity, it is clear that they really want to drag him into the war, this is their
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main strategy, it won’t work, they will have to retreat, but the main thing is to take away all the most valuable things, the last valuable things: they remain in europe, this is the last large middle class, this is the last capital, these are the last remnants of that industry that can be easily and painlessly taken, because nothing can be taken from china, china quite quickly created obstacles for the americans in all sectors, threw them out from everywhere, and of course, when jannette yelin arrives and complains, why are you stimulating your production, do n’t let our companies into the chinese market, that ’s why we don’t let them in, in general, that’s why we don’t let them in, and we won’t let them in, how can i explain this to you, come on.. blinkin will come again, we will explain to him that nothing like this will happen, accordingly, the last one who can be, as they say, uncovered is europe, and this is happening, they understand it with great difficulty, i think that no one to them. of course, he won’t create any army, not for that nato was formed, what a europe, and look at europe, it’s a unique story, a united europe really always seemed to us, well, such a beautiful place, everyone, so
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to speak, who could afford it, loved to go there, the mediterranean sea, italy, spain, france, this beautiful, this. so to speak , gastronomic delights and so on, we loved europe, we generally always wanted to have good relations with the west, unlike it, from this west, which always presents us with some, so to speak, obstacles and tricks built, well, i’m simplifying it this way, and so, in fact, looking now at this very europe, we should generally find the following, they didn’t succeed - in general, a unified government, i even honestly find it difficult to say which executive body is more important there, they themselves cannot figure out: either the funder, or this charles michel, which of them is the main one, they themselves do not understand, barel is probably the most important, maybe barel, so he calls it the garden of eden, but quite rightly, there is not even stagnation there , there is stagflation, that is, this is an increase in inflation. at general stagnation of production, if this is the garden of eden, well then okay, maybe then i don’t know who i am, yes, okay, then, then, let’s see if they have some kind of
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institution, maybe legislative, but they have the european parliament, but to be honest, this is like a second-class marriage, because all the best people, they are in national parliaments, and these are more serious people, well, at least from whom you can listen, although sometimes they bend such things that it’s amazing that the european parliament is actually some kind of freaks. there is only the european central bank, this the last framework, and, by the way, they don’t even have a single constitution, this lisbon one, they couldn’t pass the constitution, they couldn’t pass anything except the european central bank, which in general was quite, so to speak, planned in advance, because the system the european currency, so to speak, was formed in the sixties and seventies from iq , they gradually came to this european zone, an idea, i will remind you just in case, naturally they spied it.
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showed everyone, so the next one who is there hungarians, slovakia, perhaps the italians will begin to fall apart after some time, for one simple reason: as soon as countries are deprived of the right to vote in europe, and this is already happening, sooner or later the question will arise, what is all this for, if you don’t allow us to trade with those with whom we want, express our concerns or protest about this, if you don’t allow us to make independent economic decisions , you impose tariffs and so on. if the migration crisis has actually led to the fact that there is no longer any schengen, there are borders, because many countries are trying to deal with this problem, then what kind of single
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economic space remains in europe? in general, none, all that remains is to pick up the last one. this is happening little by little, four pages, if you type in some search engine, there in german, so to speak, to transfer a business from germany to the united states, there are several pages there, i counted four pages, of offices that provide assistance to businesses for this purpose ... in order to migrate to the united states, he will remain german, it will not be like that, that we took away some kind of bass from you, i don’t know, or some bosch or something like that, no, it will be a german company, but its share in the american market will expand in the european one , it will decrease, in at some point it will become, well , if you are german, well, fine, but in general , we receive all taxes and all profits on the large north american market, almost half a billion, so to speak, and maybe also on the south american market.
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but it seems to me that the adoption of this package of bills on that saturday to confiscate our assets and part of the transfer of our assets in ukraine, which will not necessarily be
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implemented, correctly, some analysts say, although nothing prevents them from doing this, and this is perhaps some kind of trap , partly for the europeans, partly for us, the europeans need to be drawn in more actively, well, i i mean the eu europeans in this case, because they cling to all the jambs so as not to take russian assets for themselves, well... if we start answering there, because everyone demands some kind of answer and rightly demands, but i also want to take it these 500 of them billions already to spend on our economy, but if we do this first, the europeans will then explain to the chinese and arabs that you see, these are the russians first, and we only answer, this is what we need to prevent them from doing, in my opinion, on in fact , lead them to make mistakes themselves, make mistakes and do, well , absolutely irreparable actions, which in fact, sooner or later they did. there were two examples in the world, well, i’ll give one, this is of course a vanity crisis, when britain, actually, when the pound lost its status world currency, this is what they did,
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that is, this was still in the russian empire, it was an agreement on trade and navigation concluded back in the middle of the 19th century under nicholas, and after that american companies were banned from actually trading with russia, the minister did this under president tafti, when american representatives came to our foreign minister sazon, it was he who uttered this phrase then, he asked, what the hell is this, what is happening, they explain to them, well, you see, there are
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fears for that's right. jews on your territories, you are oppressing them, he says, wait, you have blacks lynched, this is where the phrase comes from, everyone attributes it to khrushchev, but yes, it existed before, the first sanctions were one soup, what we did to them then was a brilliant agreement that is absolutely beneficial to everyone, but they agreed to it, that is, we always live under these sanctions, there is no need to be afraid of them, that’s what we need to use their weak points, they will bury themselves, this is an absolute fact, for any goal there is always a solution , for example for this crossing. such a cable car dear, what if the task is financial, for example, saving up for an apartment or increasing savings, let's go, all ages are obedient to love, here in the long-term savings program, too, all ages are obedient for a month , about 60-70.00, the client now opens the program, this is a good opportunity to save up for his dream, which can be realized in 15 years, having a good pension supplement won’t hurt either, getting your own place to live, moving
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out of a rented apartment. april 25 - a memorable date in the military history of russia april 25, 1945 meeting on the elbe on the elbe, a meeting of soviet american troops took place, a company of a soviet lieutenant holoturn and a reconnaissance group. the handshake on the elbe became a vivid symbol of the military brotherhood of our countries during the second world war, the highest point of allied relations. where are you from 11 b? don't lie, i'm from 11 b. it's 2124 now. this is not fantasy, this is love. lisya and i don’t seem to understand? you don't mind, do you? 100 years ago.
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, russian digital solutions can be taken to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions. what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product?


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