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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 25, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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well, look, if you take what many people see as the future of ukraine, well, simple statistics, even before the maidan of the second year until 13, we were in ukraine then.
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didn’t sound, there is no irony here, it’s just that this land has already been given away, and now transnational corporations, they will fight and fight for their land, this is the second argument that we are talking about, who will pay for what, the third argument that testifies about the fact that today they are talking about big money that goes into what people should do, and well, they’re like that, even well the materials are so ironic that in poland now there is no one to pick strawberries, but there is someone there to pick them, there used to be ukrainians there. these were seasonal workers, but there are still 1,600 thousand citizens on the territory of poland, this is the latest data, when i was preparing for the broadcast there was, just ask , 300 people were blocked there, there are much more of these people, what will they do - this problem, and i don't think the poles will increase this social tension because it's a large number of people, who live, but i don’t think that these people will want to voluntarily return to the territory of ukraine, you can’t push them there. the next argument, which indicates that, of course, these... 60 billion and
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you talked about this, that this is a solution to more internal problems, which is what the sociology of the same american company pury speaks about, this is april of this year, that is, more than 85 % of americans are focused on the internal agenda and less than fifteen on the external agenda, but nevertheless, those who are focused on this resource, in general, i already spoke about a couple of days ago, that this is actually a solution to one’s political problems, so the question arises, what will happen next?
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if we are talking about how efforts will be further distributed, then i think that most likely the next stage will be the involvement in the conflict of countries that are adjacent to the territory of ukraine, the question of the future, we can talk as much as we want, but we periodically address this topic we are returning, vasily dmitrievich spoke about this, but we have forgotten a little the idea of ​​​​trimurye, just a few weeks ago this one was under the auspices poles carried out this story, i think that in such distant geopolitical plans they will consider that... part
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of ukraine or the territory that they consider, precisely as part of this large geopolitical project, as the basic goal of which is, the idea of ​​the still seas, that is, which.
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they will calmly say, so we have preserved ukrainian statehood, and this is something to tell anyone at all, but they have preserved afghan statehood, they have preserved something in iraq, they have no one to tell this to, they don’t i don’t care at all about this, because it will be the responsibility of other administrations, they have no one to report to, yes, but they don’t care, listen, they don’t have to report to the ukrainians, why to the ukrainians.
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you mentioned the paraguayan war, in general it’s a terrible story, that is, in 6 years they, firstly, lost half the area, just to paraguay, when, they still, when the paraguayans talked there, they say: you still haven’t recovered , this historical memory has been jammed since the middle of the 19th century, just think, they fought for 6 years, they lost half of the territory there, well, according to data from 90 to 70% of the male population, they just haven’t recovered yet, this kind of argument that is being given now, well, maybe it’s not so strong for ukraine, it shows that what...
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to send back to mr. zelensky to replenish the armed forces of ukraine , panic has already begun in the public pages of those scammers, where to run to which country of the european union, from where you will not be deported, not only will they be left without a ukrainian passport, they will be sent back to the front, that is, and it's the same ones who do it european authorities, on whom they prayed for 2 years, performed rituals, so to speak, sang masans, and so on. at the same time, yesterday i want to note. according to my colleague at the ministry of defense, we are constantly talking about the requests, entreaties of the practically ukrainian regime in relation
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to air defense systems and ammunition for them, the minister of defense set specific tasks for our defense industry and reported that during the twenty -fourth year, that is, already the current year , the russian military army, the amount of armored range will double, new batteries will arrive sam m tor m2, short-range air defense system, news medium-range air defense system. beech m3, long -range air defense systems s300 v4 and s400, moreover, two types, two modifications of the s500 system, will go into service this year at vska. this is against the background of what is happening on the other side. by the way, yesterday, the almas antey concern, a manufacturer of most types and types of anti-aircraft and anti-cancer systems, celebrated its birthday. you can join in the congratulations of the manufacturers of the air defense systems, especially since let me remind you that just...
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his visit to the new complex for the preparation of military spacecraft in prisetsk , let's show it then.
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i would like to add literally one more thought, which the minister of defense said, he mentioned the rokot missile, and this issue of succession, in 1975, the armed forces of the soviet union put into service the ur100n intercontinental ballistic missile. the rocket was produced for 10 years before the gorbachev era, when all this stopped being produced, but even after they stopped being produced new trends, so to speak, new times have begun, that is, this rocket. modernized with a new upper stage, bris m, created here in russia in modern times,
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the silo-based complex allows the launch of military cargo of more than 2 tons into orbit, that is, various military spacecraft. moreover, this same rocket became the basis for the creation of the carrier rocket of the avangard complex, our new strategic complex, that is, all these developments, by and large, received their basis in the soviet 60s-70s.
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there was a kind of social contract, a simple one, you give us 14 billion each every year, we don’t touch you, suddenly in the twenty-second year, the first, first year of the war, the amount dropped to twelve. last year a little less than eleven, this year it is predicted a little more than nine, that is, income from zere residents began to fall, so zelensky answered, said, either you will pay, or we will fry you further, but he went, he did the next one step, this is outside, and now inside, in ukraine it was decided to increase the number
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of border guards by 1500, why is this it's happening, well, there's a war, well... 15,000 border guards, where to put them, well, not on the border with the russian federation, not on the border with the russian federation, not on the border with new territories, yes, where, on the western border, yes, so as not to let people out, so as not to let them out, or, and since people are still cunning and our government is absolutely corrupt, that means the tax will increase, it will no longer be 6.00, not 12,000, but it will already cost 18 or 20 thousand dollars, because the number there are more border guards and they need to be supported. this is how it works today zelensky’s authorities, zelensky himself today, well, that’s it, biden has already signed, the money has been received, he hasn’t even received it, he thinks he has a problem, and he writes a post on the telegram channel, such a huge post, says: that’s it, we know everything, here i personally know everything, already the details, russia wants, not only does it want, it has planned, and this is
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russia’s main task now, to disrupt the international summit, the peace summit, which is on june 15-16. video and via skype and he addressed his yazovi: listen, we must do everything to in order to not give russia the opportunity to disrupt this summit, you see, here is the plan, it is he who turns to his partners so that they do not allow it to be disrupted, because he cannot. i would talk a lot about real things. similar or disgusting ukrainian authorities, but the most disgusting thing is that today it was done by the hands of the ukrainian security service , charges have already been brought, if the russian language is spoken by a fagot in ukrainian in ukrainian, the governor of the svyatogorsk lavra, metropolitan arseny, but they came, took him away, took him to an unknown
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direction , then they interrogated, now they say, somewhere in dnepropetrovsk they will interrogate him and so on. you understand, rudolfovich, what happens is that the united states of america is already giving out money for humanitarian purposes. at the same time, some even senators say that the ukrainian orthodox church is being persecuted in ukraine, many say that this is wrong, it is illegal, it is the zelensky regime that destroys and crushes parishioners, moreover, some even say there is the armed forces of ukraine, there are people who fight on the side of the armed forces of ukraine, they... they are just believers, they parishioners of the ukrainian orthodox church, and how they will fight, knowing what they have there, they will return, but there is no church, no temples, the americans are talking about this, and the top us state department released a report today, where they wrote out a list of violations, rights violations , rights, ordinary citizens, and there,
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including the persecution of the church, my question is this: if the americans know about this, if they talk about it, but do nothing, you know, nothing, well then, then that there is a report, that there is criticism, that the senators say, and what, and what does zelensky get from this, well, what does it do if he gave the command, you know, why did they even take this metropolitan, what did he do, the first thing the sbu writes, it turns out, he called the war a civil war conflict. well, he has the right to say, if there is freedom of speech in ukraine, he can say, i think this is a civil conflict, so what? well, this is a pro-russian narrative, you know, i wouldn’t be surprised if he was told that he was watching the evening, and from there he gets this information, the second thing they change for him is that he’s supposedly on time service said, named the checkpoints either or from
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ukraine, yes, where the ukrainian checkpoints are located. no one will ask the american authorities anything, you see, they are not obliged to report to anyone, they are not obliged to explain anything to anyone, it is necessary and necessary to arrest the churchmen, please, it is necessary -
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that’s all, see you tomorrow, i’ve been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet with you, it has finally come, spring, warm, sunny, bright. the exhibition in russia blossomed with all the colors of spring, you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the exhibition russia, you have become
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owner of a car, but now you need to register it with the traffic police, we will tell you how to do this in 5 minutes in the program, but first a few words about what vehicles need to be registered, firstly... cars and motorcycles who can drive faster than 50 km/h. don’t forget about trailers, cars that are registered in other countries, if they will be in russia for more than a year, they also need to be registered. the vehicle purchase and sale agreement service allows you to conclude an electronic contract purchase and sale. data about the agreement will be sent to the traffic police. you do not need to present it additionally, but the procedure itself will require presenting the vehicle for inspection, the new owner will have 10 days to register the car, if he
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does not do this, the previous owner will be able to apply to deregister the car, the car will be deregistered remotely. you need to submit an application for registration 10 days after purchasing it, if you delay, you can get a fine, if you stop on the street, then it’s... from 500 to 800 rub. if you get caught a second time, you will lose 5,000 or even your rights for another month, as the court decides. one more point: you only need to submit an application for registration 10 days in advance, but in fact you can go through the entire procedure in a longer period. if you did not have time to submit an application, then when you register, you will be fined from one and a half to 2,000. when driving a car from the date of purchase. rights of the owner, which has passed more than 10 days, including if there is information about the acquisition of owner rights before date specified in the contract provided to the traffic inspector, the driver is subject to
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administrative liability for driving a vehicle not registered in the prescribed manner, this is part one or part 1.1 of article 12.1 - code of administrative offenses. you can submit an application in person directly at the traffic police department, but it is more convenient to do it directly from home through. government services, this will take about half an hour, the form will need to be filled in, firstly, the data from the pts and sts of the previous owner, secondly, you will need a purchase and sale agreement or other document that confirms your ownership of the car, for example, a deed of gift or certificate of inheritance, thirdly, the car needs insurance, and saga, if the car is older than 4 years, then you will also have to worry about obtaining a diagnostic card, that is, go through these... inspection, if the car is relatively new, then it can be registered, even if it is not running, however, bring it to the traffic police, then you will have to use a tow truck. when determining
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age, they do not look at a specific date, only at the year of manufacture. for example, this year a diagnostic card is needed to register a car produced in the twentieth year or earlier. when you fill out the application, you will be able to select your traffic police department, the date and time of the visit, and receive a receipt for... the state duty is at least 500 rubles. if the numbers remain the same, in the pts you entered information about the owner yourself, and there is no need to issue a new pts, since the old one still has columns for potential next owners. at the appointed time, arrive in a car that needs to be registered at the department. with you definitely need to take your pts with you if it is paper and not electronic. sts from the previous owner, purchase and sale agreement or other document.
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a written refusal will be issued the same day. it should indicate why you were rejected. the most common reason for a car to be banned from registration is because the wrong person came to the registration procedures as indicated by the owner according to the documents. registration is also prohibited if the vin or other markings are not readable or do not match the documents, the car is wanted, or the car has already been deregistered for disposal. if the new owner delays registration, then the previous owner can deregister the car himself through government services. in this case, the old stss and numbers become invalid. as a rule, if you have registered an agreement, it is much more convenient either through government services, or through notaries, well, in any way where, besides you, someone can , some kind of intermediary, or the state or
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a notary can confirm this about... well, in any case, any signature of two people, the buyer and the seller is evidence that there was an act of transferring the car from one person to another, accordingly, all fines are disputed, sometimes this is simply not a quick way or sometimes, if they are small, the person simply does not do this, but if you act according to the letter of the law, then everything can be disputed. so, let’s repeat the main thing, the registration application can be completed in half an hour. for public services, insurance and a diagnostic card are required if the car is more than 4 years old. usually, if the documents are in order, vin and other markings are readable, then the procedure itself goes quickly. the previous owner can deregister the car 10 days after the sale. if you have any questions, if you want to know more about how to communicate with the traffic police or other departments, write to us on telegram and ask your questions. we will contact
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the experts and tell you everything in the following .
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i understood correctly, the future, yes, yeah, twenty-four, 2124, this is the situation, now i can jump to a century into the future and back, i see everything, the cosmos are hunting for us. such pirates, well, they already existed, when i came here, we need to find mom, what a meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed and now is the time to sort everything out, and it’s time to act like questions, suggestions, objections, but there is no other thing, what do you want, a century ahead,
5:00 am
however, there are enough resources to eliminate the consequences of the flood.


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