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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 25, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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democracy, glasnost, in general, in a word , perestroika, these guests came in, came out and between themselves they said, wow, what are you saying there, that everyone is equal, the speed with which this reorganization took place showed that soviet society in principle it was a capitalist society, it was democracy, it was clear that this was freedom, this was liberalism, i remember a great feeling of freedom among the people.
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wait, who are they, new guys, this is with me, a passenger, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has a call sign, i’m adam, why adam and not adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, white rose , you can, i can, you can sing somehow, is bruce alive, we don’t need names, don’t touch her, or what, don’t trosh, not yours, you, daisy.
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hello, the correspondents of the program will talk about the main legal events of the day , the duty department and i, maxim ovchan. i was supposed to solve housing and communal services problems, but instead i did it. solving your own housing
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issues. in the vladimir region , the former deputy head of the city of kovrovo was detained on suspicion of taking a bribe. investigators believes that amangildy kuandykov provided patronage to one of the local developers, for which he allegedly received a generous kickback in the form of a cozy three-ruble ruble in one of the new buildings. however, he was happy about the new property; the now former official did not even have time to carry out repairs for long. at the request of the investigator of the investigative department of the court , a preventive measure in the form of detention was chosen against the former official. now kuandykov will most likely have to live in other, more modest apartments. in the coming he will spend several months in pre-trial detention. an apartment obtained illegally has been seized. employees of the investigative committee, together with operatives of the regional department of the fsb, continue to investigate this case. the chairman of the supreme court of russia rinapodnosova gave. a long interview with our
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channel, she told what changes to expect in the country’s judicial system in the near future, the focus is on improving the work of the courts, perhaps the main problem of most ministers now is the heavy workload, in in some cases, we are talking about hundreds of cases every month, and the number of proceedings is only growing in legal proceedings, if we cannot reduce the workload by reducing the case, i say again, the increase in citizens' appeals to the courts is growing every year, then the second way is the workload, this is simplification judicial procedures, in this direction, of course, we have the opportunity to make changes to procedural legislation. the supreme court, taking advantage of the opportunity of legislative initiative, proposed a bill, thanks to which a large number of cases could be consider using a simplified procedure. now they do this with claims worth up to 100 thousand rubles. the judges propose raising the threshold to half a million, and also classifying some bankruptcy cases into the same category. up to 2 million of them are examined annually in the country.
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the bill has already passed the first reading in the state duma. another area of ​​active work of the supreme court is interaction with colleagues in other countries. in this, irina podnosova plans to continue the practice that she actively developed. the foundations of this work were laid by the chairman of the supreme court vyacheslav mikhailovich lebedev of the russian federation, he paid a lot of attention to this work, a lot of international events were held on the initiative of the supreme court of the russian federation. they are restoring the damage, there is still a lot of work to be done, the residents are being helped by the ministry of emergency situations, and those whose houses are up to their roofs in water are still living in temporary accommodation centers. from the orenburg region alexander mostovaya. when i start playing with the guys, i say, guys, choose any color. i want to distract
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both those children who suffered and their parents reassure you that everything will be fine. chess coach valentina borisova seems to smile no matter the circumstances. her house was flooded, but despite the impact. elements, the elderly woman continues to study with her students, telling how a pawn turns into a queen. i have a student, anya shukhman, who is a multiple world and european champion. i have such a technique, in general, to make a child fall in love with chess, chess kings and queens, it’s so cool. now valentina borisova lives in the point. temporary accommodation, which was deployed at thirty at the fifth school in orenburg, in the house of a pensioner, a lot of water came suddenly, but we never thought that 2-3 days and we would be back, here it just started, firstly, water
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came from the fields, this is of course a tragedy, you know, everyone is helping , i’m ready to offer, here’s any type of service, so to speak, any help, let’s valentin pam, we’ll help, this point... over 300 people arrived for temporary accommodation, many were placed in the school gym, now people are gradually leaving the temporary detention center, since the high water is receding from orenburg flood victims begin to return to their homes. and this is a canteen; three hot meals a day were provided here. did you have to calm people down? of course, definitely, our function is not only to feed people, but of course to support them. the high water brought a lot of problems to the residents. in some areas you still have to move either by swimming or by wearing this swamp suit, but to get to those
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houses, you need to walk 100 meters, and the depth here is up to my knee, then even deeper. residents of orenburg to their homes now they get there by boats, you move like this on boats, but a lot of water came to you, a lot, we didn’t expect so much, you lived there, on the second street, novokuznechnaya street, but we get half the first floor, we have a very high foundation, and the neighbors have old houses, some of them have roofs, the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, monitors the progress of restoration work on the spot. the day before , 360 tons of humanitarian cargo were delivered to the region from kyrgyzstan. the minister thanked his kyrgyz colleagues by calling the head of the rescue department of the republic to baobbek azhikeyev. baobekich, i wish you good health. kurenkov, alexander, hello, i’m in orenburg, the second half of the humanitarian cargo from the kyrgyz
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people was always received in a friendly manner and always on time. thanks a lot. the orenburg region is now recovering from the disaster. water is being pumped out in flooded areas. residents are already starting to clean up. orenburg region. new details on the high-profile case of an attack on police officers in karachay, circassia; a car of possible militants was discovered. lada blue colors found in the enemy defeated. the car was carefully examined by forensic experts. they took the necessary examinations, including genetic and doctelloscopic examinations. let me remind you that on monday night in the city of karachaevsk , a group of bandits opened fire on police officers. two employees. mia died on the spot. the third was hospitalized. the attackers took the law enforcement officers' weapons certificates. two makarov pistols, a kalashnikov assault rifle, and ammunition fled. as a result of a complex of investigative actions and investigative measures on on the territory of the republic, a passenger
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car was found in which the defendants fled the scene of the incident. investigators and criminologists from the investigation department for the korochay-cherkess republic inspected the car and seized it. all necessary forensic examinations will be scheduled in the near future. the collection of evidence in the criminal case continues. five possible militants have been put on the federal wanted list. previously. it became known that two of them were members of bioslan gachiyaev’s gang. road patrols have been stepped up in the region. results work and new challenges prosecutor general of russia igor krasnov made a report in the federation council. alena skotkova will tell you what the main priorities of the supervisory department’s work were last year and what the prosecutor is focusing on now. the extensive report of the prosecutor general of russia concerned the results of the department’s work over the past year, but it was impossible to ignore the current event. now prosecutors. they are thoroughly investigating the causes of the terrible flood in several regions of the country at once. thousand victims,
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destroyed property, damage that only to be counted. igor krasnov spoke for the first time about what mistakes led to the disaster. of the one thousand automated complexes of hydrological network posts, a fifth did not work at all at the time of the inspection in 2023. no means of measuring water flow were used in flood forecasting. from the minister of natural resources and the head of the russian federation. in january of this year, i demanded that the violations be eliminated, but the measures they took turned out to be ineffective and insufficient, the lack reliable information about water inflow indicators at a critical moment and did not prevent global flooding of several regions. work on mistakes continues after the monstrous terrorist attack in kroku cityhole. the prosecutor general demanded tougher punishment for companies that do not update the safety data sheets of their facilities on time.
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crimes, the number of terrorist acts increased almost 3 and a half times, most of them were committed by members of ukrainian radical organizations, their adherents, corruption and illegal migration related to this problem also require decisive action from the prosecutor’s office, believes igor krasnov. tougher measures are necessary against officials who, contrary to the law, issue patents, residence permits, and language certificates to migrants. the report of the prosecutor general covered practically. all areas, from environmental problems to the increase in crime, including with the cyber prefix. but over the years, the motive has become the need
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to support various groups of citizens, legal and, of course, financial. alena skachkova, lead the duty department. in the ivanovo region , the head of one of the police departments, alexander makarychev, was detained. journalists from the region report this. apparently, he risks becoming a defendant in a criminal case of bribery, which is already involving two of his former subordinates from the intermunicipal department of the russian ministry of internal affairs, kineshemsky. police officer. allegedly received a bribe from a local deputy for patronage in the form of two cars worth almost 7 million rubles. there have been no comments yet from law enforcement regarding makarychev’s detention. spontaneous combustion an electric bicycle battery could cause a fire in the north-east of moscow. the balcony and part of the room burned down. it was a miracle that no one was hurt. experts believe that the owners of the bicycle violated the rules for its protection, which they must remember. janitors
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are cleaning the entrance and taking out burnt things, these are the remains of the very electric bicycle that caused the emergency. the fire occurred at 6:00 pm, at that moment there were three people in the apartment, including a disabled person, all of them were evacuated by a rescuer along the flight of stairs to the street. and so the apartment is on the eleventh floor looks like it now, the fire seriously damaged one of the rooms and the balcony. smoke was coming from the balcony, that's all. it was smoked from above and even in my opinion these frames jumped out, rescue vehicles, ambulances, police arrived at the scene, the residents of the house managed to be brought out into the street in time and no one was hurt, of course it’s scary when there’s a fire, so we all ran away, they stood and looked, of course, in horror, in the apartment where the fire happened, an elderly woman, her daughter and grandson live, the family doesn’t want to talk to journalists, i can’t talk, i really can’t, i’m in a terrible state after yesterday, a preliminary version of the spontaneous combustion that happened... of a battery and an electric bicycle. it was not charging; the electric bicycle was stored on the balcony
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in violation of the manufacturer's instructions. fires in apartments caused by electric scooters or bicycles have become increasingly common lately. one of them happened here on the yaroslavl highway. a woman died. the husband and children managed to escape. they managed to break out this grate, the son handed over the children. in this house in khamovniki, a hoverboard exploded on the balcony. in krasnoarmeisk an entire floor was burned out from an electric scooter, one person died, burns to 70% of the body, an electric scooter exploded in an apartment, they say the battery overheated, before bicycles and scooters burned because of.
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this is the so-called flooding, when the user violates the operating conditions, rides an unprepared scooter in the rain, drives into puddles, some ride, what is called for fun, so that the foot, what is called water, the ministry of emergency situations believes that it was the ingress of moisture that caused the cause of an electric bicycle fire on the yaroslavl highway. dmitry blinnikov, oleg ivanov, veronika tarasova, oleg dobin and tatyana popova. news, duty department. a businessman was arrested in bashkiria. whom , as a result, he considers the instigator of the mass beating of teenagers. the businessman, along with his retinue, allegedly gave the boys an execution after cutting them off with his car. and then the victims were put in a car and taken to another place to continue the abuse. details from alexander polivka. never successful businessman rauf gabdulin he is taken under escort into the hall of the iglinsky interdistrict court, passes by journalists
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in silence, apparently he has already gotten drunk when he beat teenagers and allegedly threatened them with violence. but you wouldn’t want to apologize to the young man. he is in the hospital now in serious condition, a decent meeting. together with roof , his son and friend islom nadyrov were brought to court under escort. according to investigators, this trio is guilty of attacking teenagers on the street in the village of igleno. i'm sorry, but i didn't kill the tooth, i did it partially. well, that’s two, two wishes. and this is egor filippov, the same one a teenager who received blows from a crowd of adults, knocked out teeth, a concussion and a series of other injuries received, which were clearly not dealt with. he came at me, i...
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limited myself to one blow, the teenager was knocked to the ground, beaten by the crowd, and then dragged into the car. they asked us if we wanted to go to the police, we answered that we did, they pushed us into a car, but we didn’t get to the police. the teenagers were taken to the central square, where the crowd continued to mock them, while gabdulov’s friend nadyrov hit yegor in the face, the businessman himself allegedly slapped his girlfriend. after which they put us in front of the car, just the two of us, there was a large group of people standing there , trying. to humiliate us, they beat us in front of everyone, and rauf said that there would be no mercy for him, it was very scary to stand here in front of everyone, when an adult man humiliates himself and beats himself in public. the story seriously excited local residents, because gabdulin is a well-known person in the village, many were afraid that he would be able to avoid punishment because of his connections, but law enforcement officers became interested in this story, and after our report on
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gabdulin’s adventures, they took over the investigation control by the head of the investigative committee alexander bastrykin. it is dedicated to the history of prisoners' clothing over the past 130 years. glamorous mannequins are dressed in prisoners' costumes; a variety of outfits are presented, from ancient kaftans to soviet quilted jackets to modern prison uniforms. a separate area is dedicated to the future of prison clothing. xing experts have studied the experience of other countries. they are trying to make the developments as close as possible to the design of civilian clothing. the form
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has really become more psychologically positive, while still maintaining it. very clear and correct quality of practicality, that is, as a wearable it is, accordingly , quite durable, but at the same time it has changed in appearance. together with social activists , the exhibition was inspected by the minister of justice of russia konstantin chuychenko and the director of vsin arkady gostev. as social activists noted, the new uniform has become more practical and comfortable for everyday wear. a scarf for the cold season also appeared. what prisoners have been asking for for a long time. the royal marathon in the isolation ward continues. the court refused. release elena blinovskaya szo and transfer under house arrest, even the offer to return 900 million rubles to the state did not help. perhaps partly because even such a huge amount is just a part. according to investigators, a lady. managed not to pay taxes for almost 15 billion rubles. andrey romanov will continue the topic. the other day
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, elena blinovskaya celebrated her sad anniversary a year ago; on april 27, she was detained at the russian-belarusian border. the marathon queen tried to flee the country, but ended up being interrogated by an investigator, where she was charged with evading payment taxes on a particularly large scale. the current court hearing is also notable for the fact that for elena blinovskaya this is the first appearance in the last 3 months, their accused spent season number six in the capital, the queen of marathons has not been moving in business circles for a long time, but in front of the television cameras she tried on again looking like a business lady, blue fitted jacket, light jeans, white t-shirt, blinovskaya did not make a statement to the press. elena blinovskaya is in pretrial detention. from the end of february , at first the queen of marathons was sent under house arrest, but her luxurious castle in istra near moscow became a golden cage for the accused, accustomed to public attention and social events. blinovskaya
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grossly violated the rules of house arrest several times, went online, used the phone, on new year’s eve, threw a grand party and invited a witness in her criminal case , victoria osmolova, to visit, despite the fact that it is strictly forbidden to see them while the investigation is ongoing, footage . 4 billion rubles legalization is also mentioned property obtained by criminal means, allegedly worth another 700 million. blinovskaya became widely known in 2018, then the enterprising lady
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announced that she had a way to get rich quickly and was ready to share information with everyone who bought a ticket to her author’s personal growth training marathon of desires. almost 5 million people subscribed to the page on the social network of the queen of marathons, the courses were selling like hot cakes, but...
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they asked for house arrest for their client, but the position of the investigation seemed more convincing to the court, get acquainted with her interests were represented by three defenders at once, with the materials of her criminal case, the queen of marathons will continue in the detention center, she was left in custody until july 26. andrey romanov, alexey fedotov, lead the duty department. and now footage of birds and smuggling, which was stopped by customs officers at the capital's zhukovsky airport. hundreds of colorful parrots flew from kyrgyzstan. to a muscovite zoologist, but when inspecting the cells, customs officers suspected that not all travelers crossed the border legally. the customs officers' suspicions were confirmed. the party included
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four pied razelas and 15 red-fronted jumping parrots, new zealand kakariki. these species are endangered and require special permission from rosprirodnadzor. rare birds were transferred to the father frost zoo in veliky ustyug, and the remaining parrots went back to kyrgyzstan. subscribe, we also watch our investigations and daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective, our release is over, maxim movchan was in the studio, see you on the russia 24 tv channel.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a gas station country, russian digital solutions can be taken to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, but ours. more brutally, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, but what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product?
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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let me tell you, briefly about the main thing. another american abrams tank was destroyed by our soldiers in the vdeevsky direction towards the enemy the equipment was hit by kaze lancet's drones. our servicemen tracked the abrams for 3 days. the enemy tried in every possible way to protect it, constantly changing positions, but it was not possible to escape the drone’s attack. washington promises to supply kiev with armor, vehicles, missiles, shells, but american assistance is already in the ssu.


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