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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 25, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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in the avdeevsky direction. the kamikaze lansed drone hit enemy equipment. as our servicemen said, they tracked the abrams for 3 days. the enemy tried in every possible way to protect it, constantly changing positions, but it was not possible to escape the drone’s attack. abroms tanks first appeared in the deevsky direction. at the moment, abraoms tanks are used less intensively because losses have been suffered. and the crew. they also understand that a targeted hunt is already underway for them here, and that abrams tanks are precisely priority targets among other tanks, among other armored vehicles. members of the southern group of troops destroyed a ukrainian drone. the target was hit from the strela-10 complex. it is not designed to destroy small objects in the air, but as our military has found out, it is also very effective against drones. pavel prokopenko saw the work of the zdenitny crew.
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the strela 10 anti-aircraft missile system had already captured the target, a few seconds later there was a shot, another moment later there was a loud sound and a cloud of smoke. that's it, in one shot an air defense unit of the twentieth motorized rifle division of the southern group of forces destroys a ukrainian drone, a lelek reconnaissance aircraft. it shatters into pieces, only small fragments fall to the ground. this is a container. there is a missile in it, we aim it, it locks onto the target, we launch it, it has already taken off, it is already flying exactly towards the target. lelek's flight speed is 120 km/h, his dimensions are no more than 2 m. such a bird was pierced in the sky by our arrow. a drone is a small target, it is very difficult to hit it, since it has a kill zone small, the rocket may not notice it when you hit it, like a bull’s eye, i think it ’s a jackpot. anti-aircraft missile system. the arrow
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is a reliable air defense element that hits almost any air target, including airplanes and helicopters. strela 10 is the most mobile and maneuverable among similar systems; it can hit targets even in motion, but of course, when stationary, accuracy increases significantly. but the soviet development is not designed to destroy modern small unmanned aircraft, our anti-aircraft gunners thought until recently time. everything was done with reserve, everything was done for the future, that’s why soviet equipment works without... refused, the equipment is already mature, but nevertheless it does not prevent us from hitting targets, carrying out a combat mission, we are happy with it, there are many volunteers among the anti-aircraft gunners of the southern group of forces , two brothers serve in the air defense crew, they went to the front together, one is now recovering in the hospital, the other works for two people, we need to help our country, our homeland, i couldn’t leave either my brother or my homeland, i’m in my place now, nothing not i'm sorry, victory will be ours, the enemy. will be
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broken. the algorithm of actions of anti-aircraft gunners is simple but effective, this is how they bring victory closer. we turn around, aim, shoot, hit. pavel prokopenko, konstantin piunov, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, news: donetsk people's republic. warsaw is ready to help kiev return men of military age to their homeland, the polish minister of defense announced. he stressed that most poles are tired of refugees from ukraine. because they don't integrate well.
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they weren’t given the sample documents at first they referred to technical problems, and then admitted that kiev banned it; any consular services are now unavailable to ukrainian citizens of military age. kiev has big problems with mobilization, the armed forces of ukraine have huge losses at the front, the number of deserters has exceeded 100,000, the zelensky regime hopes to recruit cannon fodder abroad, they want to put it under bayonets, as... from may 18, all those liable for military service must report to military registration and enlistment offices or register online conscript's office, where they can immediately receive a summons. naturally, there are no people willing to go straight into the meat grinder, so even before the new rules came into force, draft dodgers who had fled abroad, in ukraine they are called hustlers, stood in huge queues in advance for a fresh passport. the documents are ready, but they are not being issued. come to us, what are you doing there? let's go
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talk, come on, no document, no money, nothing, we are left homeless, you will pay money, they will cheat you, you will stand like this, they will tell you that no one owes you anything. after the appearance of the polish police , the protesters nevertheless lifted the blockade, in fact many of them without documents turn into illegal immigrants; it becomes too dangerous to quarrel with the authorities: first to spread rot in ukraine, go to another country so that the children can live normally, and now to spread rot in other countries. the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine has already admitted that he gave the order not to issue documents. if these people believe that let someone. there , far away at the front, he fights and gives his life for the country, someone sits abroad and, moreover , will receive services from this country, then it doesn’t work that way. poland is already afraid to stay without botraks due to the tightening of ukrainian mobilization. the former commander of the polish ground forces, general waldemar
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skrzypczak, admitted that kiev has no other choice but to row everyone to the front. according to my data, ukraine has a very large shortage of soldiers. i don't know if kyiv has it. he will flee further to the west, but will not return to ukraine. it is very significant that ukrainians do not see themselves in the trenches at war, and there is no mechanism to force them back, no matter how much ukraine wants it. but hand over to kyiv for only the baltic states expressed readiness to slaughter ukrainian citizens; the rest need cheap migrants no less than ukraine needs cannon fodder. the german government has already announced that ukrainians will be given other german documents, they will be able to continue working for the benefit of the german fatharland. anton dadykin, lead. the us authorities are supplying weapons to kiev and putting an end to the fate of ukraine. this is how the russian ambassador to washington, anatoly antonov, commented on
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the new arms package for kiev. according to the diplomat, it is time to understand that russia today fights against nazism, the same one that was in hitler's germany. true, their allies helped them in that battle. our duty is to eradicate the fascist infection, which has given deep, powerful shoots in ukraine in a number of european states, we must fight against any attempts to justify nazi criminals and their accomplices, it
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is more important than ever to convey the truth about the war to our children, to cement the historical memory of the heroes who gave us the opportunity life. it is necessary to protect memorials and burial places of soldiers who died in the struggle for peace. vladimir putin will take part in the congress of the russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs today. domestic businesses are adapting to the conditions of sanctions; more and more foreign holdings are transferring their subsidiaries in our market to local management. alexandra nazarova will tell you how this happens; she will join me. sasha, good morning, tell us how the issue is resolved. economically significant organizations. sasha, good morning, foreign participants from unfriendly countries can be expelled through the courts. large business in russia is moving to domestic jurisdiction. many western companies independently transfer assets to russian management or find
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buyers. moreover, the european union complicates work with subsidiaries. for example, through speculation with tax benefits, they are deprived of the opportunity to provide them with professional services. such as accounting, management consulting and legal advice. it is obvious that the trend towards a new economic policy will become long-term; from this point of view, leaving or staying will be before any a company with roots in so-called unfriendly countries. over the past year , several large companies, including those originally from germany or france, have decided to change their development policy. of their russian divisions, such companies include the obi supermarket chain or lyrlen, which decided to transfer or sell russian assets for local management. not only retailers are transferring business, but a few days ago the world's largest
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manufacturer of building materials, the german knauf announced that he was going to cede the russian business to local management, but the deal had yet to be agreed upon. the company operates in our market for more than thirty. billion rubles in revenue and almost 4.5 billion in net profit, and enterprises in podmoskovny-krasnogorsk are almost 22 billion and 6 billion, respectively. it is expected that after the transfer of business, the russian division will continue to operate as normal . from the point of view of common sense, in the place of new owners, it probably does not make sense to change established business processes. another thing is that it probably makes sense now to rebuild to... new trade supply chains.
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the lithuanian vechunovoy group, which is famous for vici crab sticks, is also preparing to sell its business in russia. as the kommersant newspaper wrote earlier, the company has already received government consent. another recent example of the sale of the russian division of hyuga boss to stockman. the german clothing manufacturer suspended store operations back in 2020. according to spark, as a result, at the end of the twenty-third year he. government the subcommittee approved the sale of the russian division of the company joint stock company to a chain of department stores with 25 locations throughout russia and online stores. the issue is being resolved separately with economically significant organizations. they are allowed through the courts to exclude foreign participants from unfriendly countries. work in
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critical industries; participation of russian beneficiaries is more than 50%. there are currently six companies on the list that are already considering a lawsuit by the ministry of industry and trade against the dutch x5 retail group nv. we are talking about one of the largest retailers in russia: networks perekrestok, pyaterochka and chizhek. also, the ministry does not rule out a similar lawsuit by the parent company of the cypriot demonor investments. from the consumer's point of view, from the point of view of the availability of goods on the shelves, from the point of view of the price level that is on the shelf, the consumer will often not see the difference. in addition, a claim for a forced change of jurisdiction was filed by the beneficiaries of the razrez arshanovsky company, which is also
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economically significant; it produces about 4.5 million tons of coal per year in khakassia. the trial is due to begin today. in my in turn, the ministry of finance turned to the arbitration court to deprive two cypriot companies of their corporate rights, since they interfere with the activities of the systemically important credit organization alfabank and one of the larger ones.
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the ishim river near the village of obatskaya rose within a day up two. meters has already exceeded the eleven-meter mark, several settlements are now cut off, and truck traffic restrictions have been introduced on the irtysh highway. the novosibirsk, svetlovsk and omsk regions are also preparing for possible flooding, where the water has come close to several villages. in the kurgan region, where the flood situation is gradually returning to normal, they are beginning to assess the condition of houses freed from water and calculate the damage. for coordination. he announced this the day before during a meeting with the president. vladimir putin. the tabol level decreases by an average of 20 cm per day. and now our special correspondent margarita semenyuk is joining the broadcast from kurgan. rita, greetings. there are thousands of flood victims who will all need help. what can people count on? yes, alexandra,
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greetings, indeed, we have now started working. assessment commissions that tabola, and i note that people can submit applications to inspect the damage caused by big water through the state services portal or through multifunctional centers for material assistance and also for the payment of financial support. financial assistance is 10,000 rubles for each family member who lives in the house, and also 30,000 for partial loss of property and 50,000 for complete loss of property. i also note that the regional authorities decided to support finances. victims of the flood at the expense of cash, at the expense of the daily salary, in total , about 10 million rubles will be transferred to the victims in total. i will also note that now... indeed the level of tabola near kurgan is decreasing, in one day it fell by 25 cm, in midnight, according to measurements, the level was 931 cm,
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already according to updated morning data, now tabol is 920 cm. water from kurgan is now flowing to the belozersky district, there are 18 settlements at risk of flooding, and employees of the ministry of emergency situations continue to be on duty, not only locals, not only kurgan region, but also specialists from different regions of russia who come. on the basis of which filters are installed that are capable of purifying source water in the form of a natural water source from mechanical impurities, bacteria and viruses, which present in water. the filtration stage
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goes through four stages, after which the end result is potable water that is suitable for drinking by civilians, in accordance with all the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station in conditions of a natural and man-made emergency. the complex treatment station is capable of producing 10 cubic meters of water per hour. and work for 20 hours a day, i note that the governor of the kurgan region vadim shumkov, at a meeting with russian president vladimir putin , noted that the flood had caused, could cause damage from 4 to 9 billion rubles. i note that 1,500 residents of the kurgan region have already received the first payments, this is 10% of the total. statements from victims. alexandra. thank you, margarita semenyuk, continues to monitor the flood situation in the trans-urals. let's start with a short commercial. what do we bring back
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incredible projects, there are no analogues in the world to what we do, and people should know and be proud of it, because how we extract ice, how the station is located on an under-ice lake, what research is being carried out, few people know about it, how unique the place is, what is a subglacial lake, why do we need this station, scientific what discoveries? in fact, they convey how important, in principle, in the study of both the atmosphere and ecology, knowledge of everything, these are very important projects, and i believe that as much as possible we should convey such information about the creation of the importance of our country in the global contribution.
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what’s going on with production in general, raw materials and export.
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whatever our product is, we will take on this matter. this will be an honest detective. the federal medical and biological agency is increasing the volume of high-tech assistance in new regions of russia. for example, all the most are now available to residents of energodar. modern medical services. the head of the fmba, veronika skvortsova, spoke about the work of establishing the department in an interview with russia-24. the twenty-second year and half of the twenty-third year were connected.


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