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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 25, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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what kind of medical care is provided in new regions and what developments are being carried out by its specialists today, the head of the agency, veronika skvortsova, spoke about this in an interview with russia-24. watch the conversation right now, with this i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, good news. hello, veronika igorevna, good afternoon.
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zaporozhye region and zaporozhye nuclear power plant. therefore, high-tech methods and qualified specialized medical care came to energodar. and over the past year we are in record within 10 months, together with the ministry of defense, we built a multidisciplinary medical center in mariupol, donetsk people's republic. it was actually handed over in december. since the end of december, this center began to work actively, providing all the main thirty types of specialized care, and well , providing medical care, specialized, and high-tech care in the field of cardiovascular surgery, orthopedics and traumatology, but very little time has passed since the beginning of the year, but in fact half a thousand have already been treated.
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medical teams are distinguished by the fact that they are absolutely autonomous, they can work in any region where there is not even electricity, they are created, formed for specific tasks, so they are very diverse when it was necessary to carry out medical examination quickly enough, and children in the lugansk people's republic of the entire population zaporozhye region city of energodar and nearby settlements. and there, in some other
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areas, our mobile units were fully equipped for an in-depth task medical examinations, that is, all medical equipment on wheels, containing specialized doctors’ offices, ophthalmology, obstetrics and gynecology, there is an ent office, all digital devices, x-rays, fluorographs, mammographs, that is, this is a complete medical examination on wheels, on the other hand, with twenty second... for years our emergency medical teams have been working in the belgorod direction, initially they were stationed in shibekino and voluyki, now they have been pushed back a little to their location, this is northern crimea, krasnopereksk and dzhankoy, this is the donetsk people's republic, it is important to note that these were not just intensive care operating rooms on wheels, they were high-tech.
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operating room, that is, this is not primary surgical treatment. what our teams became famous for was the fact that they performed the most complex reconstructive operations on blood vessels, on the peripheral. nervous system, saving the arms and legs of the guys, saving them through amputations, the success was so obvious that the ministry of defense asked us to deploy a specialized center for saving limbs in military personnel, and it was created back in july of twenty-two on the basis of our southern district center. when the situation with the kokhovsky reservoir happened, we were the first who could come...
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the number of temporary accommodation points that were concentrated with any help, including anti-epidemic measures, therefore the detachment included a mobile microbiological laboratory, staffed by epidemiologists, hygienists, microbiologists, laboratory assistants , that our task for this unit was to flush out all temporary accommodation centers, canteens, and public places. and water analysis and provision of bottled water, the most important task was to vaccinate the population, adults and children , in order to avoid epidemics of infectious diseases, on the other hand there was a detachment, part of the detachment - medical e with
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all the necessary devices, portable and mobile, these are our diagnostic complexes on wheels, in addition, the laboratory is powerful. receiving planned and emergency medical assistance, when people saw this opportunity, they did not want to disperse to the ppr even at night, that is, there were huge queues, they brought all the children, we were forced to get our bearings during literally the first two days there, expand the detachment, bring in... this a detachment of pediatricians, pediatric surgeons, to lead a large army of psychologists and psychotherapists, because people lost the majority, as it were, most of their property, they were in a state of acute stress and needed to work with people, so as a result, we spent 3 months from june 12 to
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on september 12, 2023 , we worked, moving along with the movement of temporary temporary accommodation units and... the evacuated population, they provided assistance as much as was needed, you mentioned rehabilitation, and i just wanted to ask what programs there are and what kind of work it is precisely in this regard that treatment, assistance and rehabilitation of participants in a special military operation are being carried out, what are the emphasis? this means that we have an agreement with the ministry of defense, very close ties with the foundation, defenders of the fatherland. and with the special headquarters for humanitarian assistance of united russia, that is, in fact, we receive information about the necessary rehabilitation assistance, and assistance is provided in twenty-one institutions
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of the medical system of the federal medical-biological agency under the unified coordination of the scientific and clinical center for balneology rehabilitation. for, well, our svo participants, specialized with very serious psychological support, with the identification of, well, that contingent of guys who want to engage in paralympic sports, since
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paralympic medicine is also one of authority of the agency, and the paralympic committee and i, together with these guys, svlo participants, are forming sports teams, teaching them how to perform.
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to develop the donor movement in every possible way, and we are very grateful to our strategic partners, these are the red cross, and medical volunteers, and the youth of the konf, a huge number of our wonderful youth organizations, plus all the law enforcement agencies, all state corporations, that is, organized teams, they really help us support donation, but we were given an additional task, to ensure... a self-sufficient country in drugs obtained from blood plasma, and
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here it should be recalled that in 21 , only 10% of the drugs necessary for the population were produced in russia, the rest was purchased, we were, in fact, completely dependent on imports, so we managed to at the end of last year, compared to this base level of the twenty-first year , increase by more than 12 times. and the volume of procurement is from 30 tons to 370 tons of specially processed plasma for production purposes, but this year the task is to provide complete self-sufficiency of the country, this is at least 600 tons, respectively, of production plasma, and this is a very serious task in order to ensure it, but in fact we need to coordinate all the good forces of the country.
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immunoglobulins, and i would also like to note a very important innovative product that we managed to make last year, this is lyophilized plasma, very light, powder in a bag, it is diluted very simply with saline solution on the spot, within 2 minutes it is ready for use, except that we are for last year , all systems for blood transfusion and sorting were made entirely domestic. blood components, that is, it
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refers to the consumption of blood and components. as for the federal register, we are absolutely independent of donors now, including bone marrow and hemopathic cells. we received such a task at the beginning of the twenty-second year, we created a register, it started working on september 1, the twenty-second year, when it was created, in fact it was created through a merger.
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fantastic efficiency of the first universal pan-vaccine in the world convacel, which means that the third phase of clinical trials has been completed, it was a double- blind, placebo-controlled study conducted at the peak of the epidemic, which is very important, 5,500 patients were administered and the effectiveness exceeded 85% compared to the control group, and in people over 60 years of age , more than 92. and in the internal database we monitor everyone who has been vaccinated with the vaccine, there are already more than 265 thousand vaccinated, the incidence after this is less than 1%, so now we already have a large list of countries, who want to buy this vaccine, mir 19 has received permanent registration, as well as
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a universal drug, a blocker of replication and copying of the sarsky-2 virus. the twenty -third year is associated with the creation of the world's first allergy vaccine against birch pollen and cross food allergies, to apples, peaches, various versions of nuts, that is , everything that contains seeds, the allergy vaccine is recombinant, it does not contain an allergen, it contains conservative fragments,
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we we already hope that for those who enter the study, there will be prevention of polynosis concomitant food allergies. an important area of ​​our research is personalized drugs, primarily oncology vaccines. and we have developed new approaches to the creation of immunobiological drugs, personalized on the basis of a human tumor biopsy, when... full genome sequencing of this biopsy is carried out and then, from the collected fragments , the most immunogenic, characteristic of... the body of a particular person are selected, they are synthesized and peptides are created epitopes characterizing a specific tumor
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tumor of a specific person, and then vaccines are created in different ways to ensure the delivery of these epitopes, respectively, over the past year we were able to create a high -performance platform of mrna vaccines, not only the first generation linear ones, which... and this is one of the basis for new oncology vaccines, in addition vector, viral cellular oncology vaccines are made, here is a combination of these vaccines, taking them into account, and their different time courses of action allow you to quickly cause an effect later with the help of other components yes maintain on a plateau for
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a long time, which should allow , accordingly, not only to reduce the tumor in size in the experiment, it is reduced by 80%, and in the case of, say, coulorectal cancer, but to defeat the progression of the disease and, as it were, to defeat.
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in recent years, the question arose about the need to significantly develop, modernize, modernize it, in the twenty-second year we created a model comprehensive center for preventive medicine on the basis of the science city of dubna, our clinical hospital, which means this center includes digital health centers located directly at enterprises, and health centers are digitized in such a way that... firstly, pre-shift and post-shift examinations are carried out automatically in 2 minutes, virtually without the participation of a medical employee, this is a special hardware and software complex where
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it is not easy for a person they measure blood pressure, pulse, carry out thermometry, but determine the concentration of alcohol in the exhaled air, determine vegetative stability, that is, in fact, this is a plus for psychophysiological monitoring, it takes 2 minutes. based on the result, either the person can go to work, or he is sent for a consultation with a specialist, a doctor. in addition, this means that in this digital health center there are portable digital devices that allow you to send an ultrasound scan of a person in real time, an electrocardiogram, a dermatoscopy, and any other kind of research, which means directly in real time. in the very center of industrial medicine, that is, it is a cluster that includes high-tech a consultative and diagnostic outpatient
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center, a department of preventive medicine, where in-depth medical examinations are carried out, a department of occupational diseases for their examination, an outpatient rehabilitation department, which means a psychophysiological laboratory, what is important is that you... that's all, it is united by a single digital circuit, which allows to ensure continuity in the provision of medical care at all stages in dynamics, to observe, which means the patient over a long period of time, which means we for the past year we opened 14 such centers, primarily in our nuclear cities, where we are the only doctors,
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with the latest advances in science. neurotechnologies are a whole world, they are very diverse. on the one hand, this is an opportunity, with the help of chemogenetics, thermogenetics, optogenetics, to mark various processes occurring in neurons in glia cells and in the brain, to determine the mechanisms of pathology formation, and thus specifically formulate drugs to prevent the formation of diseases and
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for... treatment, on the other hand, this minimally invasive neurosurgery, well, let's say, the first such complex, focused ultrasound appeared in our fembaa brain and neurotechnology center, and we started with well-established programs for the treatment of tremor, essential tremor and tremor, that is, for parkinsonism, virtually without treponation. of the skull inside the mri machine under mri control there is a functional zone that is responsible for tremor and a very rapid thermal destruction occurs, pointwise, literally already during this procedure, while in mri, the tremor goes away completely, now we have expanded the profile of those motor disorders that can be eliminated with this
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method, let’s say food spasms. this program allows you to open the blood-brain barrier, you know that the barrier organ is the brain, any opening of the barrier, it actually makes it an alien to the well-formed human body system in phylogenesis, that is, the brain becomes an alien and its own antibodies begin to work against it, this is a very interesting topic, but sometimes this barrier gets in the way hit by large molecular drugs.
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substances into the brain tissue, which means that this device gives, in the required area, with the help of neuronavigation, it allows you to open a window for several hours, it then closes again, during this period we, introducing into the blood, sometimes even selectively under the control of angiography, say, those oncovaccines against gleoblastoma, we allow them to be delivered, they get where they need to be in the tissue, and then the barrier closes, these are completely new approaches. a separate topic is, of course, neurorehabilitation technologies, fantastic, very closely connected with digital technologies, and we have already created modern eye trackers together with rosatom, these are special devices that capture minimal eye movements in comatose patients, using this analysis, digital, using artificial
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intelligence, required in the clinic and it is obvious what the future awaits us here in the coming years. thank you, thank you very much for a very interesting story, veronica, thank you very much. a briefing is being held in moscow by the official representative of the russian ministry of foreign affairs, maria. zakharova broadcast on our channel. let me remind you a little about what the svyatogorsk lavra is. it performs an important humanitarian function. it has become a refuge for...


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