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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 25, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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to say, because there is a huge amount of interesting things, and already now, in demand in the clinic and it is obvious what the future awaits us here in the coming years, thank you, thank you very much for a very interesting story, veronica, thank you very much, there is a briefing in moscow official representative of the russian foreign ministry maria zakharova, broadcast on our channel. let me remind you a little about what the svyatogorsk lavra is. it
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performs an important humanitarian function, it has become a refuge for thousands of local residents, who suffered during the conflict. for more than 10 years of repression against the residents of donbass, the kiev regime sought by all possible means to gain control over this yet another orthodox shrine of southern russia. and so, in fact, having not achieved its goals, now the kiev regime wants to settle scores with its governor. with this in mind.
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what kind of manifestation of explanation is this? what happened is another blatant example of the forceful offensive of the kiev regime on the canonical ukrainian the orthodox church in an attempt to destroy the orthodox identity of its multi-million flock. the russian ministry of foreign affairs has repeatedly pointed out that violations of the rights of believers of the ukrainian orthodox church have long acquired a massive, repressive character. in july twenty-three , a detailed report was published on the mit website about the illegal actions of the kiev regime against the ukrainian orthodox church, its clergy and parishioners. i encourage you to read it again. collection work facts, flagrant crimes of the kiev regime, including against the ukrainian orthodox church. we continue. i regularly draw attention to the violation of religious freedom by the kiev authorities during international contacts.
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orthodox church, we call on human rights organizations to take all measures against ukrainian clergy for the speedy release of metropolitan arseniy. we hope that on the eve of the bright holiday of easter, metropolitan arseny will be free. i'm sure everyone is orthodox believers pray for the bishop and brothers. today we have already talked about the practice of ukrainian embassies abroad in recruiting mercenaries in third countries. so we drew attention to a media report according to which ukrainian embassies in a number of countries are openly campaigning for local citizens to join the so-called international legion of the armed forces of ukraine. at the same time , the authorities of the host state turn a blind eye to this practice, or even encourage it. i
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want to draw the attention of these countries and the leadership of these countries, can you imagine if in other states they will recruit mercenaries to participate in a conflict in which your state will be involved, drawn in, how do you like this development of events? in this context, i would like to recall that most countries in the world are parties to the additional protocol. to the geneva conventions of 1949. according to this protocol, mercenaries are not entitled to the status of combatant or prisoner of war. some western states, and, in fact, herself ukraine has also ratified or signed the 1989 international convention against the recruitment, use, financing and training of mercenaries, which obliges parties to criminalize relevant actions and actively. in addition, these countries participate in
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the fifth convention on the rights and duties of neutral powers and persons in the event of land war of 197, according to this document, on the territory of neutral powers, and these states call themselves such, military detachments cannot be formed in favor of the belligerents and opening recruitment agencies. as for the actions of ukraine itself, it is obvious that the recruitment of mercenaries goes beyond the normal function of diplomatic missions. let me remind you that in accordance with the provisions of the vienna convention on diplomatic relations of 1961. the protection of the interests of the lending state in the host state must be carried out, direct quote: within the limits permitted by international law. in addition, employees of diplomatic missions are obliged to respect the laws of the receiving state, including criminal law provisions prohibiting
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mercenarism. such norms, as far as we know, are accepted in most western countries, but the latter literally ignore them. they ignore their own legislation, it turns out, encouraging ukrainian embassies to engage in illegal activities on their own territory. and more about the crimes of the kiev regime: on april 19, we learned with regret that as a result of a targeted attack by drones armed with the formation of the kiev regime in the zaporozhye region, a military correspondent from izvestiyamin died in the performance of his professional duties. kor was mortally wounded as a result of a deliberate, i emphasize, deliberate, repeated release of a shell from a ukrainian armed forces drone, and he subsequently died. the corresponding statement about this latest crime of the ukrainian nazis was posted on the website
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of the russian ministry of foreign affairs. the lime correspondent worked in hot spots for many years, he always treated the profession of journalist conscientiously and honestly. more than once he showed the real valor. of the essence of the kiev regime, so that the relevant ones should fall victims of terrorism according to the international organization, the structures that deal with the safety of journalists in the international context have finally stopped, with their conscious inaction, covering up
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the crimes of the ukrainian nazis, bordering on complicity, stubborn silence, inaction on the part of authorized officials: osce, unesco , the so-called note democrats, pseudo-human rights activists from the council of europe and other institutions from and institutions, is nothing more than a politically motivated segregation of media representatives based on nationality. i emphasize that we are not talking about everyday violations of someone’s rights, but a clearly chosen line of systematic ignorance. murders and terrorist attacks against russian journalists, contrary to all basic ideas about universal morality, not to mention, not to mention their direct official responsibilities on the part of those international officials who receive salaries for voicing
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a principled position if a journalist anywhere in the world was killed or... and until now the council of europe and the council of europe remember what are their direct functional responsibilities, for the performance of which they receive money. while these structures persistently pretend that they do not know about
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the actions of the kiev regime, that they do not see the crimes of the neo-nazi gang, that they cannot classify them as... reprehensible, their protégés in ukraine perceive this as approval, as encouragement for their bloody atrocities. i'd like to do it again express my sincere condolences to the family of semyon eremin. a real hero, courageous and courageous, fulfilling his professional duty until the last minute of his life. against the backdrop of the nationalistic frenzy in ukraine that followed the bloody coup in kiev and the aggressive actions of apologists of bandera’s ideology, ready to wipe out everything connected with russia from the face of the earth, let me remind you that on april 27, 2014, residents of lugansk at a crowd of thousands... rallies supported the declaration of sovereignty and act of declaring state independence of the lugansk people's
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republic. later, during a national referendum on may 11, these documents were approved by 96% of the more than one million, 350,000 people who voted. this was their response to the decision of the national council. they declared their unwillingness to put up with the arbitrariness of the kiev junta. the destruction of peaceful
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settlements, large -caliber artillery, hail, rocket.u, an airstrike on the city center on june 2, 1914, and other crimes of the kiev regime only strengthened lugansk’s determination to stand to the end. ukraine, with its decisions on the withdrawal of official bodies from the lpr, dpr, and the cessation of funding of all budget obligations from june 13, 2014, confirmed the fact in practice. fake campaign against our country, and the topic that has become the flagship of the western information cover for the criminal actions of the collective west and the kiev regime. i'm talking about... informational stuffing, but an informational and political campaign
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accusing our country of allegedly kidnapping and deporting ukrainian children. as we have already said, everything will be known, everything will become obviously, it just takes some hard work. time passes, we are engaged in this work, and the facts become public knowledge. let me remind you that the ukrainian side, with the active support of the collective west, launched an unprecedented disinformation campaign on the topic of the so-called mass deportation of ukrainian children to russian territory, this is exactly how it was formulated: everything went in, publications in the western media included the heart-rending cries of those representatives of the kiev regime, which, by the way, then they even retracted their words, and of course the use of pseudo-international legal institutions. material on this topic. it is still actively circulated by leading western media, which refer to certain official reports,
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according to which about 20,000 children during the conflict were allegedly, i emphasize once again, deported or forcibly moved to russia. in denigrating our country , methods are used that have already been tested by the united states of america in other parts of the world, where they wreaked havoc, where they tried to combine a legitimate government where they... tried to change regimes, for example, iraq, during operation desert storm, then information was spread there that allegedly iraqi soldiers in occupied kuwait were taking premature babies out of incubators, putting them on the floor for in order for children to die, all this, of course, did not correspond to reality, this lie was aimed at inciting hatred towards the iraqis, it literally gave a free hand to the initiator of the spread of this lie, gave a free hand in the fight against
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opponents, in fact, it provided information cover for all the crimes of the american regime in the region at that time. westerners classify russia's efforts to rescue children from combat zones as kidnapping. everything is exactly the opposite, another staging. they, they ignore the numerous refutations of such. fiction, efforts are being made not only to save children from ukrainian shelling, but to reunite families, this is true. what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet, ecology, this can lead to inflammation and destruction of liver cells. the two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph. now
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understand. this is how the megamarket offers discounts on the tony moll brand up to 50%. it’s not easy to catch a pyro firebird, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit in gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum, open a deposit on, who doesn’t interested in the real fate of children in the context in which it is customary to talk about this, we gave opposite examples of how children are literally trafficked. the number of appeals to the russian embassy at the un from ukrainian refugees has exceeded a thousand, they beg to save their children, who were taken away by representatives of the so-called juvenile justice system in different countries of the european union. right now we know of 255 cases of seizing ukrainian children from their parents by the intelligence services of european countries. the most depressing situation in
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germany is 71 cases, the situation is no better cases in other countries, in poland. which services will be provided to ukrainian citizens abroad only in the context of their return to participate in hostilities. one more example. how the kiev regime pays its masters for military and financial assistance, now with children, the latest news deserves special attention: the german police found 161
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children from ukraine, who were declared in kiev to have been taken to russia, just think about it, because this should become literally an alarm bell for all countries that stood in solidarity with so called a pseudo-decision of the international criminal court. these countries, which expressed support for the pseudo international legal structure in the form of the icc, should, in principle , now make statements in which they should condemn such a politicized, illegal, anti-legal approach. we should probably express support for the efforts of the russian ombudsman for children’s rights, which...
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the company is the same as the story with the provocation in bucha, the same as the story with the west’s alleged desire to provide food safety on the planet, in fact, it was a story of simply lining the pockets of the largest manufacturers and companies that were engaged in the resale of products. in the west, this is another provocation, this is another staging, now using the image of children. we have long drawn the attention
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of the world community to such a global fake about russia created by the kiev regime and its western patrons in the context of a children's theme. it is obvious that they are absolutely not interested in the real problems of children, the main thing is expand. another propaganda campaign to purposefully form from our country, from russia, the image of, as they formulate it, an aggressive, hostile state, the main thing for them is to slander, denigrate our country and the measures it is taking to actually save children from combat areas, perhaps earlier, when was it ever different before, perhaps before russia’s initiative? were supported by the west, and the western population did not even know about them, because the western media never told them the truth, never
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they told and did not show them an objective picture of what was happening in our country, always over the course of decades, centuries, an image of a pseudo-untruthful, false image of our country was formed, as an endless aggressor, a country in which... not even hypocrisy, it cannot even be called double standards, this is the most false agenda, and the fake agenda is disinformation, every day, literally every day, a statement is heard from berlin
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regarding our country, and it was said that we are suffering economic defeat, that we have no prospects for the economic future, development and so on, look, 2 years have passed since the power of the federal republic of germany. proclaimed, as they formulated it, the change of eras set a course for inflicting strategic defeat on our country. during this time, the german side curtailed all channels of bilateral interaction, and for some reason the schols government became a source of special pride in its complete rejection of energy resources from our country, well, that’s what they said. according to the german leadership, these measures were supposed to bleed our country. let's look at the result. yes, definitely. western and especially german media paint a completely different picture, this is the same example of what they do in the context of children's issues, in the context in general.
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because they decided to punish us, they didn’t say why, but we know, historically there has always been such a desire to punish us for something, and so official data indicate a growing systemic crisis in the german economy, the federal ministry of economics for climate protection of germany confirmed that direct losses over the last two years amounted to about 160 billion euros, this is not the 160 billion euros that
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germany has... the imf forecast for the current year is generally disappointing for germany: gdp growth will be no more than 0.2% . leading german companies do not hide their plans to reduce the number of workers in their production facilities in the coming years.
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the population is happy with this development.
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but recently about human rights, the situation in human rights in the world, so we have something to answer, on the ministry’s website foreign affairs of russia for the first time published a separate report, which is devoted to the situation in the field of human rights in the united states. despite washington’s vocal statements about its commitment to upholding the principle of universality of fundamental human rights and freedoms, as well as declaring itself a global leader in this area, we have to admit that in reality the situation is exactly the opposite. i mean with respect for human rights and freedoms, because in the usa it is very far from international standards, carrying out all kinds of military operations on the territory of states in europe, the middle east, the creation of secret prisons around the world, the implementation of extremely harsh migration policies in recent years, and many other violations of human rights and freedoms, illustrate not only the dual nature of the us position regarding human rights standards, but and her conniving
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approaches to... international law as such, how do they correlate with what we bring from savita’s travels, a little sea, delicious traditions and cashback bonuses for the next trip, avito travel, everything will go as booked, with cashback and bonuses. what are you waiting for? are you a metaphor? i am an example, i adapt, i change, i develop, and this has been the case for 110 million years. so what are you waiting for? change and change. tochka, a bank for entrepreneurs and enterprises. on easter, russian lotto brings people together. and when we are together, our help is greater.
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