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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 25, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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on april 17, an act of vandalism was established against the monument to anti-fascist komsomol members in the city of zhkany in the north of the country, unknown persons painted offensive inscriptions with nazi symbols on the granite slabs , what do you think, the sandu regime said nothing to this, deathly silence reaction.
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on april 18, the chisinau city hall presented the head of the association with monumentum, the so-called prize for the preservation and restoration of cultural heritage. what is this structure known for? moldova, it has proven itself, so to speak, by restoring monuments, including to collaborators of...
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the nazis, these are the priorities of the sandu regime. on april 21, during the meeting of the romanian party alliance for the unification of romanians held in chisinau, calls were made. abandon all odious stalinist monuments on the territory of bessarabia, end of quote. i support the policy of demonizing the soviet past, the ruling party of moldova 2 years ago designated the third saturday in april, this year it fell on april 20, the day of remembrance of the victims of the organized famine of forty-six and forty-seven. in the soviet authorities are blamed for this famine. and i would like to remind you. the cause of the famine of that period was the complete ruin of agriculture, industry, and the country's social infrastructure after the arrival of romanian and german troops on moldavian soil. do you know what it looks like? this is similar to the position of today's modern tokyo. then
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, several decades ago , the americans dropped nuclear bombs on jeroshima nagasaki, and today the current rulers. in japan they accuse our country of some kind of nuclear irresponsibility, without indicating who caused the death and the suffering of thousands, tens, hundreds of thousands of japanese subjects, the same thing here, they ruined, killed the citizens of moldova, then in 46-47 they destroyed what kind of economy there was, the land.
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may sando doesn’t know, if he doesn’t know, it’s monstrous, and if he knows, it’s completely inhumane. as a result of the destruction of the medical care system , the incidence of tuberculosis, typhus sharply increased , maleria, typhoid fever, scarlet fever and other diseases spread due to hunger, mass epidemics, cruel treatment, from the moment of occupation until may 1943 years, about two... two hundred thousand residents of moldova died, this was 7% of its population, to restore the national economy of moldova, the soviet authorities took the most active measures, only in the forty-forty-forty -fifth year of moldova , 448 million rubles were allocated from the all-union budget ,
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20,000 tons of ferrous metals, 226 thousand tons of coal, 51 of petroleum products, 17.5 were transferred by germany and its satellites, sanda and her bandits do not know and do not want to remember this, the citizens of moldova know this, they value it. and post-war exploits of their grandfathers, great-grandfathers, who, together with other peoples of the soviet union, defeated fascism, defended the freedom and independence of moldova, they recreated their homeland from the ruins, unfortunately, the current moldovan leadership, which
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identifies itself with romania, has romanian passports, swears allegiance to loyalty to the romanian authorities, does everything to destroy historical memory. by the way, another topic, including related, not including directly related to the times of the second world war for us, the great patriotic war, with the way all this is being rewritten now, how nazism is being glorified, which seems to not exist today, the other day there was another mass pilgrimage of the japanese political leadership, including two current members of the cabinet, about a hundred members of parliament, a shintaist... shrine and sukunya. this is an odious symbol of japanese militarism. there, as is known, among others, war criminals, the so-called class a, are revered. they were sentenced to death by the verdict of the international tribunal for the far east. east. in addition, on april 21
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, prime minister kissin sent the already traditional sacrificial offering to the above-mentioned temple. we strongly condemn this practice of japanese officialdom. it has been repeatedly emphasized that by doing so tokyo... is hurting the feelings of the peoples of neighboring countries who suffered from its barbaric expansionist campaign and aggressive policy in the first half of the 20th century. this action once again clearly demonstrates the essence of the current one. in russia, new mechanisms for long-term savings and investments have been launched, such as invest your pension savings with maximum profitability, how much additional money you can get from the state and what bonuses the individual investment account updated this year will give, the answers in the program have a solution. watch right after the ad. alpha friday - supercake every
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week on alfa bank cards. on friday , april 26, we are giving 30% cashback on fuel in our in-app refueling service. order a free alphacard and receive a supercake. not just profitable, alpha profitable. start the path to your dream with sber, open a free account for business and connect to the sber business loyalty program, thank you, receive 10% cashback bonuses for purchases with a sberbusiness card and bonuses for account transactions. sberbusiness. what do you think? cool, but save up a vtb savings account for a subscription. if you replenish regularly, you will save up 16% faster. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. the interest period of 120 days begins every month, and the notification service is free
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sberbusiness, we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for them, we ’re at sovbank, we take out loans, and they’re approved quickly, we’re at sofcombank, loans that everyone knows, sber introduces a loan with a 2% cashback, so that you have even more opportunities, the opportunity to receive without delay everything we have long dreamed of, opportunities to please those who difficult to please. the first opportunity to get new impressions, a flurry of new
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impressions, a storm of new impressions, apply for a loan with sber and receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate, more profitable with sber prime. for any goal there is always a solution, for example, for this crossing there is this cable car, but what if the task is financial, for example, saving up for an apartment or increasing savings, in this case there are also quick ways to achieve the goal, let's go, for example, you can invest money into infrastructure or transport, and not only to earn money, but influence the development of the country’s economy, and these are just some of the decisions. due to the fact that co-string bonds have appeared, we are now
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launching not one house at a time, but six houses at a time; bonds, government securities, shares in the medium and long term are always more profitable than investing in a bank deposit, if it were not possible in this way borrow money on the market, then the project... well, the economy is another very important source of long-term resources. based on the results of the first quarter of the current this mechanism has already been used by about 280 thousand people. so our first stop is the long-term savings program. you can invest your own funds or transfer the funded part of your pension. you don’t have to invest half
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your salary, you can even invest one 3. ruble per month, guarantees are twice as large as for a bank deposit, tax deduction up to...
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why is the state so actively encouraging people to invest, this is a good opportunity to save up for your dream, which can be implemented, after about 15, the state provides additional
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financial support for participants, this is not much, not little, 3,600 rubles per year for the first three. years, well, what’s not cool is how such co-financing works, it all depends on your income, if it is up to 80 thousand per month, then for each invested ruble the state contributes the same amount, if the income is from 80 to 15,000 rubles they will add 50 kopecks, or 25 , if your income is more than 150 thousand, short-term savings, of course, if you have money, then you can now.
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we create not only for investors, not only for people, a good tool, but the opportunity for a business to have good financial resources for its development, what is important? for passengers, so that the tram is modern, environmentally friendly and comfortable, and runs quickly with minimal intervals. to solve all these problems in the literal sense of switching to new flights, we issued special green bonds with their help to attract long-term money from non-state pension funds into the development of urban infrastructure.
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is he going faster or is this where smart technology comes in? we are completely. automated traffic light switching, then have you agreed with the traffic lights? you can say so, and we have the opportunity to synchronize the schedule of our tram with the metro schedule, you can see each route on the map, by the way, you can even see our tram, which we are currently traveling on. you can pay for the trip directly in the application, very soon and using biometrics, just by entering the car, during peak hours you won’t have to chase the tram, they run every 2 minutes taking into account the increase in demand, although... back in 2016 , public transport in the area looked like this: since then they have built a modern depot of 38 kilometers of track and agreed on the production of new trams. why did you decide to raise money with the help of bonds, and not with the help of a bank loan, for example, in the sixteenth year, rates were from 16 to 18% per annum, we managed to create a flexible
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instrument in terms of the length of raising money, we issued bonds for 15 years, and if inflation plus some other percentage, how much did you get? 9-10, if you look at the depth of the attraction period of 15 years, then this turns out definitely more profitable for business. in january , another tool for long-term savings went live, an individual investment account of the third type, or more simply iis-3 for more advanced investors. how is it different from previous versions? more flexible terms? for example, you can open not one, but up to three accounts. there are no more restrictions on the amount you can deposit. the benefits are combined, that is, you can get a tax deduction from monthly contributions, and after closing the account from investment income, if any. special life circumstances such as the need to pay for expensive treatment, the money is returned without loss of benefits, but there are also nuances, for example, restrictions on the maximum amount of deduction, and
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you can only put russian securities in your portfolio , there is also article 3, which is different from the first, from the second, which we took into account , we are improving, this is more active investing in the financial market, you will already have a portfolio of shares. and stocks, bonds, as we also thought about this a lot, agreed that participants in the financial market in the form of brokers, will form a compensation fund, that is, there will be an insurance fund; in the
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event of an insured event, the state will pay the necessary money, the amount guaranteed can be paid from the same positions as for deposits in the bank, that is, 1,400 rubles. russian companies are more actively entering the ipo market on the moscow exchange, and speech. not about large corporations, for example, in 2022 shares were placed by a company that develops scooter rental in the city, well, last year a center that has been dealing with genetics for 11 years research, the first company that we listed in 2009, of course, we successfully carried out the ipo itself, our financial indicators and revenue increased significantly, we even placed another one. subsidiary, but the company's value did not react because biotech was not the focus of investors. that's almost 11 years. the company changed radically, but
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it was also worthless and investors did not see it. the new placement will already be on the moscow exchange in 2023, the third for the group of companies. as a result, private investors lined up, attracted by the center genetics and reproductive medicine products will help to enter new markets, including the middle east. the creation of drugs for the treatment of orphan diseases will begin. a new force has emerged, this is a large number of private investors who choose not only the investment attractiveness of a project, but also projects in which they believe in areas that interest them. today, non- state pension funds are actively investing in infrastructure bonds. a reliable tool helps to find long-term money to improve people’s living conditions countrywide. such bonds. included in the infrastructure menu, this is a strategic initiative that corresponds to the goals of the national project housing and urban environment. in 2021 , we made two issues worth 20 billion rubles. last
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year, in this way, it was possible to attract approximately twice as much funds for construction. infrastructure is the engine of progress, it changes the quality of life of people, creates an environment for business, but is usually slow to sink. new for now... so how much time do you save? about 8 months. alexander gaidakov, president of a group of construction companies that was the first in the country to work using infrastructure bonds.
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saving money, saving money i have, we got it much more profitable than renting a house, yes, that is, a mortgage is more profitable than twice, it turns out to be twice as profitable to own your own home than renting, and the opportunity to buy renovated apartments, that is you can include repairs in the mortgage, it will be convenient, there are obvious benefits for buyers, it turns out that a large number of homes are currently
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offered for sale. accordingly the price below, but for you, how reasonable is the money you are attracting? for infrastructure bonds we receive loans at 3.5%. if we go into banking history, then it is significantly more expensive, so for this difference we can issue better quality residential buildings, so you have 3.5%, and if you were a bank, you would take it, today the key rate is 16, that is, imagine what a colossal burden on the developer and he begins to build houses in a slightly different format, in any business the most important insurance, especially if... waits about finances, for example, in the long-term savings program a return of 2,800,000 rubles is guaranteed. so that this money is protected does not happen. well, by the way, i’ll tell you a secret, this stand-up was not recorded in the first take. why did you agree? the full version of all issues of the program has a solution, you can find it at or on our social networks and there
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, life hacks from business.
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how to improve the investment attractiveness of the russian economy and what proposals does business have for the authorities? the congress of the russian union of industrialists opens and entrepreneurs. vladimir putin will take part in it. more.
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the world's first drug for ankylosing spondylitis, the drug was developed and registered in russia. what are the results of the first tests when will production begin? what lengths is the united states willing to go to dissuade china from cooperating with russia? today is the official part of blinken's visit to china. the russian foreign ministry stated that the main goal of this trip is to undermine the moscow-beijing connection. the congress of the russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs is taking place in moscow. expected, that vladimir putin will speak at it. this was announced by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. participants discuss key areas of interaction between government and business, as well as economic development.


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