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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 25, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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lukashenko is now the best moment for ukraine - to go to peace talks, otherwise it risks losing its statehood and disappearing from the map, and he also said that belarusians are well aware of the decadent sentiments in the ukrainian army about fleeing.
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weapons, including long-range weapons and financial investments. ukraine needs peace today. evidence of this is the flight of more or less healthy, sensible ukrainians from the country in order to avoid going to the front. we know very well that they are being captured. on the streets, and often they don’t even train, they don’t conduct combat coordination at training grounds, they are thrown straight to the front. and not in the second echelon, but as stormtroopers, behind the merzh, detachments of armed people, ukrainians who are following these poor fellows, as they often say, i quote, we were given a one-way ticket, according to alexander lukashenko, the us goals are not only to drown russia is in conflict, but also to weaken its long-time rival the european union, while simultaneously militarizing europe, especially belarus's neighbors the baltics.
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nato forces plans in europe and also about the number of us nuclear weapons in europe. belarus has accurate data on here is another fragment of the speech. washington has stepped up significant measures to verify the readiness for use of nuclear components. united states, stationed on the territory of nato member states, tactical nuclear weapons, which i spoke about yesterday, are being modernized at an accelerated pace, as for the combat units of the polish armed forces, on the border with belarus, which i spoke about yesterday, under the pretext of strengthening security, the military is solving reconnaissance and sabotage tasks, and poland intends to create the most powerful...
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incidental troops in europe, of course, with the help of military-technical support from the united states. and this trend will only intensify, according to the belarusian ministry of defense. the west views our region as a theater of potential military action. the belarusian opposition also plays an active role here, ready for the most radical scenarios for a change of power in the country. but threats. the republic reacts with strategic measures deterrence, just a demonstration of full readiness to repel any potential aggression. adopted today, literally just unanimously, a new updated military doctrine and the concept of national security, these documents, the most important strategic documents of the country , have been updated by 70%, and it is written there, of course , that belarus is now home to, quotes, several dozen russian nuclear weapons ammunition. another fragment of alexander lukashenko’s speech. even before the deployment of nuclear weapons in belarus, we were guided by to cause them unacceptable harm.
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yes, anastasia, thank you, well, we will closely monitor what is happening and those statements that will still be heard, i will remind you that our own correspondent anastasia sokhovskaya was in direct communication with the belarusian capital. we will discuss the topic of flood, the consequences of a natural disaster in the orenburg region, material assistance to the victims with the vice-governor of the region for economic investment policy, ignat petkhov, ignat evgenievich, hello, tell me how many populated points still sunk in the region, what number of houses and how many people live in them? yes, yuri, hello, well, we really have a big problem, a big catastrophe has come to the region, probably, there is not a single person in the region, either himself, or a loved one, friends, or an acquaintance was not injured. from this disaster, we understand that the greatest damage was caused essentially in three cities, this is the city of orsk, this is orenburg and the orenburg region, more than 25 thousand houses were damaged by floods, more than 50 thousand plots were flooded, well, people are already very actively applying for payments,
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we have more than 4,000 applications for payments in government services , they have now submitted applications for payments, as reported, 4,000 applications for payments have been submitted . accordingly, there are what opportunities, what payments, what amounts, what size, so that all this information was, because we understand that even yesterday, when we also met with people, talking, we have the 240th block in orsk, people there have been without water since the fifth day, so they began to spread rumors among themselves that they were being paid not allowed
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of course, this is not true, although block 240 did not drown them, they had been without water for almost 3 weeks, of course they were entitled to payments, this is also an emergency situation. but what about those who live outside the flood zone, but, for example, in an apartment, but own a house or a dacha, in settlements that were not under water? well, our priority now is not to leave anyone alone with this great misfortune, that is , this is the case when every employee, every person must show concern, therefore, no one should be left alone with this misfortune; there are a lot of individual cases. today we were dealing with a case, for example, that the mother and child confirmed their residence, and the father needs to go and collect some certificates, but this is of course unacceptable, so now we are all like this, you know, we do human stories as quickly as possible, clearly, simply so that people who already have great trouble, great
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grief, so that they have the opportunity to receive payments in a simple mode, our task is precisely to create such a system now, but i understand correctly that if property is owned, but a person is not registered there and not... then compensation for this property, even if it was damaged, is not provided, no, you misunderstand, that is, if a person property was damaged, of course, payment is provided, the payment is tied to the person, that is, we have two types of basic payments, the first payment for emergencies, its current size is 2000 in the orenburg region, although yesterday the president indicated that these payments have been available for quite a long time established, they need to be indexed, the second payment is 50 and... 100,000 for damage to property, and this payment is tied to the person, if a person has lost property, then of course he should receive this payment regardless of whether he lived or did not live. what is the current pace of inspection of houses in flooded areas, what data do you have today? we now have
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three commissions working at once, that is, the first commission is for social payments, the second commission is for payments for restoration, repair and construction, third commission on business. a lot of businesses have suffered, about more than 2,500 entrepreneurs and enterprises, mostly small medium-sized businesses, large ones were not affected, but for small medium-sized ones the damage is really big, it’s tens of billions of rubles. since last week, our commissions have been very active, about 150 entrepreneurs, they go around every day, draw up acts, and we tried to create a very simple, understandable regime within which entrepreneurs can receive these payments, essentially three simple step: first, the entrepreneur calls... the mission, second, he receives an sms stating that, accordingly, he is included in the list of victims, and third, accordingly , one of his main tasks is to receive a payment, that is, to him in fact , once you will need to come to the employment center and receive this payment, as for
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entrepreneurs, and as for residential buildings, and for residential buildings, we have already made about 46 thousand payments to residents to date, it is also actively working, but unfortunately we see that people have note that we need to increase this work even more, so we are now intensifying this work even more so that people are not left with this problem, and moreover... we are already explaining to people, including entrepreneurs, that that if you have a store, there is direct damage to property, and there is some kind of rotten meat or food there, then in no case should you store them and wait for a commission, this can be done with photo-video recording based on photo-video recording, we as an economic bloc the government will make the decision. as for helping entrepreneurs, just two weeks ago, we talked live, you also answered questions, and i asked about equipment, right? if, let’s say, an entrepreneur’s equipment was damaged, what should we do in this case?
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is the state ready to bear the costs of compensation for damage, repairs, or purchase of this equipment, if necessary? yes, on behalf of the governor, we adopted the first package of business support, it consists of six main directions, and i’ll probably name a few major ones, the first is grants for restoration, these are 100-250 and 500,000 rubles. well, this is essentially such quick money that entrepreneurs have the opportunity to start already. restore your business, buy paint, linoleum, carry out repairs, this is a quick payment. the second payment is salary grants, as we also simply call it, this is an opportunity for an entrepreneur, if, for example, in march he paid a salary to his people of 500,000 rubles or 700,000 rubles, then we we will fully compensate him for this amount so that he can pay money to his employees, being now in a regime of essentially idle time and not working, that is, this is colored money that can only be used for salaries. workers, well, the third large block is also what the entrepreneurs asked for, we also made this decision, this is everything that is
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directly related to cheap long-term money, we have two loans, one microloan at 1% up to 5 million rubles. we adopted a separate program called emergency situations, the second the loan is through the industrial development fund up to 20 million rubles. also at 1%, these are just those entrepreneurs, production workers whose equipment in workshops or workshops was damaged. we will also lend at 1%. yes, ignat evgenevich, i know that you are in charge of interaction with business, you hold meetings, you talked about this last time and, so to speak, are working on this topic. let's return to the conversation about helping people; at a meeting with the president, he outlined an obstacle to receipt of compensation by some victims, as far as this concerned mortgage real estate, housing that was purchased with the help of maternity capital, that’s what i mentioned, the presence of a second one. real estate allocation of shares, could you explain in more detail what and where,
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perhaps, needs to be corrected in order to correct this situation, so to speak, and so that people can receive money and compensation, well , the president yesterday, well, in general, the president at the beginning of this catastrophe pays a lot of attention to people who are in this trouble, suffered, there are contacts with the governor essentially on a daily basis, and it is very important here that no one is left alone with this misfortune. so that such shares are of a minimum size, they essentially do not constitute a restriction for people to
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receive payments. the third major block is, of course, the speed of payments in order to increase them several times. here i gave an example, yes, mother and child received a payment, and father has to run around and collect some certificates. this is our priority task - to do everything as much as possible automatic mode, a person does not have to prove anything, he already has a big problem , a big problem and a catastrophe, family, personal, and regional. federally, now, if you still force any certificates, under no circumstances, so we are switching to a simple proactive mode, together with our federal colleagues, who also provide a lot of help, we will do everything to make people feel comfortable, quickly, simply it is understandable to receive these payments. the governor said that the issue of land provision is being worked out at the legislative level - for those who have lost their housing, how is this planned ? we have adopted a whole package of regional legislative acts. that is, well , in terms of business, for example, we have had transport, land, property taxes reset to zero, this is just such
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direct support for entrepreneurs who find themselves in a damaged situation, and we are now working, well, one can really say so, from the wheels, we accept these acts very quickly, because our speed now directly depends on our speed how people will feel, so the decision is fundamental regarding land plots, it has been made, the governor has already announced it, so we understand that the task for... winter will come in 5-6 months, our task is to ensure that people’s housing is restored, so that all people who live in the emergency zone and who are left without housing... they now have the opportunity to live calmly, normally, to recover little by little from this grief, and of course to move on. will you have time, do you think? well, this is our task, we may be, this is actually the task of our whole life, to do this, woe big and a big catastrophe, big, probably, this is one of the biggest catastrophes in modern russia in general, of such a natural nature, as i already said, in orenburg there is definitely not a single person
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who would be left alone with this disaster now, who knows? friends, relatives, relatives were not harmed, our task is number one, there is a more important matter than that we definitely don’t have right now, the governor also asked for help from the federal center to restore children’s camps that were in the flood zone, how critical is it the situation, how many children usually vacation there , where do you redirect them, we understand that we traditionally have the ural river - it was such a place of attraction, children's infrastructure, suburban infrastructure, it was built next to the river, and of course more than twenty. their health camps, the largest of ours, were damaged, now i very actively wanted to say here a huge thank you to the regions that come to us and offer their help so that we can place children in summer in camps in neighboring regions or in the southern regions, so the regions are already began to go out very actively, so we are now compiling specific numbers, but here we are definitely talking about thousands of small children,
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citizens of our orenburg region, who this summer, unfortunately, will not be able to relax in orenburg camps, there will be... but thanks to the regions that are coming towards them and provide them with the opportunity to relax in other regions this summer. yes, tell me, what are certificates for children’s clothing, since we are on the topic of children, who can get them and how? yes, this is true too, last week it was like this the decision was made, together with the red cross certificates, they began to be distributed, a large number of caring residents from all over the country are helping with humanitarian aid, helping with various... there are payments, contributions to funds, one of the large funds, precisely this is the red fund cross, together with them, such an action was organized so that children who go to school could receive payments, and there are such certificates, well, essentially in order to buy school clothes in the amount of 7,000 rubles, because this many people asked that they managed to bring out the most necessary things, many children,
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unfortunately, even had their clothes left in houses that were flooded, so this decision was made... thank you for the detailed answers to the questions, i will remind you , ignat petukhov, vice-governor of the orenburg region for economic investment policy, was in direct contact with the studio. start the path to your dream with sberbank, open a free one.
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slobodyanskaya, she’s in direct contact now. maria, hello, tell me, what statements have already been made? yes, yuri, hello, there was a really big plenary session, at which representatives of the federal and executive authorities spoke, including a discussion with business. last year confirmed that the business has a margin of safety, of course, the conditions for its work were not easy, the high key rate also played a role here, in connection with this, credit conditions caused spot changes in the fiscal burden, and nevertheless, as the vice-president noted at the plenary session -prime minister of industry and trade denis mattov, in most sectors we are showing an increase in production. we have seen an increase in production in almost all industries. what is important is a powerful budgetary impulse combined with corporate programs, provided record volumes
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of investment in fixed capital; at the end of the twenty-third year, their growth in processing exceeded 19%. well, for example, according to my feelings, the most common word that was heard at today’s plenary session was personnel, that the need for personnel is now very acutely felt, absolutely representatives of different spheres of activity said, for example, if we talk only about manufacturing industries, then 220 thousand specialists are needed now, and by 2030, this figure will increase almost one and a half million people, and of course, issues of their training and competence need to be resolved together with business, this was also discussed, including work in different regions, for example, it is necessary to attract more business to work in new territories, there, the government actually offers good preferential conditions, including, of course, the tax system,
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finance minister anton siluanov said that the need to change it is ripe already in may , the ministry of finance plans to determine with business specific changes, discuss them in order to prepare legislative changes. stable, predictable tax conditions must be ensured and... therefore we must determine the contours of the tax system until the thirtieth year, we understand by the word fairness, this is the distribution of tax time towards those who have higher personal or corporate incomes, on the one hand, on the other hand, the formation of equal conditions for economic activity, bearing in mind the fight against so -called tax loopholes, in the fields the congress also summed up the results at... the national award for leaders of responsible business in five nominations; most of them were won by the phosagro company with a variety of projects, including educational ones. this comes first
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. projects related to the cities where our enterprises are present, where we do a lot in terms of improvement and development of social facilities, the second is educational programs, we have a three-stage interesting program, these are the six agricultural schools that we operate, this our two specialized colleges in the cities of kirovsk and cherepovets, and of course work with universities. and of course, in the near future we expect the traditional speech of the country’s president vladimir putin at the congress. a large number of topics will be covered, we will talk about them in the next broadcasts. yes, maria, thank you, let me remind you that my colleague maria slobodyanskaya was on direct communication.
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large businesses in russia are moving to domestic jurisdiction. the arbitration court of the moscow region upheld the claim of the ministry of industry and trade against x5 retail group nv, registered in the netherlands, and the suspension of corporate rights in relation to the russian company x5 corporate center. all current shareholders. and holders of receipts, both russian and, by the way, foreign, can receive shares of the new russian company, and at the same time, well, in accordance with the law that was adopted, our russian shareholders receive them without fail and in proportion to their participation in the company, while foreigners at will, again yes, with a similar right to distribute shares in addition, the law, by the way, we
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have already talked about this, provides for the possibility of monetary compensation for those shares that have not been distributed. eks5 manages the pyaterochka, perekrestok and chizhek retail chains in russia. there are 24,500 stores under these brands. in the twenty-third year, the retailer increased revenue by 20.5%, the figure exceeded 3 trillion rubles. in the first quarter of this year, revenue grew even more, by 27%. x5 is included in the list of economically significant organizations. and so far it includes only six companies, including a retailer.


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