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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 25, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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at the same time, well, in accordance with the law that was adopted, our russian shareholders receive them without fail and in proportion to their participation in the company, while foreigners, at their own request, again with a similar right to distribute shares in a subsidiary, additionally by law, we, by the way this has already been discussed, the possibility of monetary compensation is provided. for those shares that have not been distributed. x5 operates the pyaterochka, perekrestok and chizhek retail chains in russia, there are 24,500 stores under these brands. in the twenty-third year, the retailer increased revenue by 20.5%, the figure exceeded 3 trillion rubles. in the first quarter of this year, revenue grew even more, by 27%. x5 is included in the list of economically significant organizations. so far, only six companies are included in it, including the retailer. they are allowed
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through the courts to exclude foreign participants from unfriendly countries, socially significant companies for the russian federation, such as x5 and other colleagues working in the industry, have greater potential if they registered at home, on their own land, rather than abroad, well, in accordance with the law, transfer of the x5 ownership structure to ours. country is, by and large, a technical issue, it does not have any impact on the company’s plans for business development, moreover, i would say that this previous ownership structure with the dutch parent company created additional risks, and the ministry of industry and trade did not rule out a similar lawsuit against parent company abc of taste cyprus demonor investments, do not change jurisdiction only retailers, the largest... the world's
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manufacturer of building materials, the german knauf , announced that it was going to cede its russian business to local management, but the deal has yet to be agreed upon. the company has been operating in our market for more than 30 years, it has over 4.00 employees, and these jobs are planned to be retained. last year , four enterprises registered in st. petersburg and the leningrad region received more than 30 billion rubles in revenue and almost 4.5 billion in net profit. obviously the fact is that the trend towards a new economic policy will become long-term; from this point of view, any company with roots in the so -called non-human countries will have to leave or stay. over the past year, several large companies, including those originally from germany or france, have decided to change the development policy of their russian divisions. such companies include supermarkets.
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also on the list of economically significant ones, engaged in coal mining in khakassia. in turn, the ministry of finance appealed to the arbitration court, to deprive two cypriot companies of their corporate rights, as they interfere with the activities of the systemically important credit organization alfabank and one of the country's largest insurers, alpha insurance. experts note that the transfer of business to russian jurisdiction under the control of domestic companies may have a positive impact on dividend payments. alpha friday - supercake every week on alfabank cards. on friday, april 26, we are giving 30% cashback on fuel in our in -app refueling service. order a free alpha card and get a supercake. not just profitable, alpha profitable. at bigfest, a double cheeseburger for 99
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rubles. and other offers at a very competitive price. you know, i'm actually not a taxi driver. you know, i’m not really a comedian, i’m a real businessman. how much does it cost? at psb account servicing, cash withdrawals and transfers in excess of up to 10 million rubles. free to order food from a restaurant, use jandex go, food from the store, jandex go, jandex go, all deliveries in one application. sber presents a loan with 2% cashback to you have even more opportunities. opportunities to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay. possibilities. to please those who may be difficult to please the first time, opportunities to get new impressions, a flurry of new impressions, a storm of new impressions, apply for a loan at sbery , receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate, more profitable than sber prime, don’t do it like this,
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you have to do it like this, like this , okay, i understand, buy with a discount of up to 99% for sber bonuses, thank you. today in moscow an extended meeting of the board of the federal medical and biological agency. they talked about the main directions of the department’s work and summed up the results for the past year. my colleague maria valieva will tell you more about everything. she got in direct contact with the studio. maria, greetings. what topics were the focus? yes, yuri, welcome. we are currently working in the federal medical center for brain and neurotechnology. logical agency and a small exhibition has been organized here, where the key achievements of the fmba are presented, for example, a small-sized autonomous automatic alarm for biological reconnaissance mar, designed to detect pathogens, the alarm can be used both
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independently and in mobile mobile laboratories for environmental monitoring , there are a lot of developments here, but it is worth noting that... “fmba carries out a special mission, this is health protection workers of strategic facilities with hazardous working conditions, risks of radiation, chemical and biological damage, today the expanded board of the federal medical and biological agency summed up the results work for 2023 and discussed plans for 2024." the coverage of medical examinations of the adult population over the year increased by more than 58%. and preventive examinations of children by 11%. this made it possible to identify a larger number of patients in need of specialized medical care. in the past year,
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specialized almost 688,000 people received assistance in the agency’s system, which is 5% more than a year earlier. part of the hardware and software complex, called a smart ward, is also presented here; this complex identifies 128 in 5 minutes. physiological indicators of the state of the human body, assesses the condition of the cardiovascular system, nervous and musculoskeletal, which is very important for those employees who work in critical enterprises. the health protection of employees of more than 700 industrial scientific organizations, whose work involves particularly hazardous working conditions, is provided by industrial medicine centers created within their structure by digital
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health centers. thanks to their work, in 2023 the coverage of the assigned contingent preventive measures approached 99%. temporary disability decreased by 18% in days by 14% in cases. developments in the field of regenerative medicine are presented here, such as tissues being grown from cells, and there is also a prosthesis that can be controlled by the power of the brain. there is a hearing aid, it is adjusted. and artificial intelligence technologies are used there, special attention is paid to digital transformation, we have already created together with rosat, there are modern eye trackers, these are special devices that capture
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minimal eye movements in comatose patients, with the help of this analysis, digital, with the help of artificial intelligence, make it possible to determine the level of damage. once the brain is turned on, even if a person does not have speech temporarily, yes, the person’s attention is turned on, respectively, to the world around him, that is, this is for resuscitation. a fantastic method, as veronika skvortsova emphasized today, the federal register of bone marrow and hematopoietic stem cell donors has also expanded significantly, so for example, in september 2022 there were 112 thousand donors, in december 2023 there were already 320,000 donors, fmba pays a lot of attention to the work of the
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blood service. in the twenty-third year, through joint efforts, the indicators of the concept of transferring plasma for the production of medicines were exceeded. the plans have been significantly fulfilled; for the twenty-fourth year , an increase is planned, practically doubling the plasma supply, that is, to increase it to 600 tons. it is also worth noting that the range of scientific research in the field of space medicine, this is the preservation of the biological and multifunctional properties of creopreserved stem cells, the creation of a multifunctional laboratory platform for diagnosing the state of the body in microgravity conditions and the creation of a ground station imitating...
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to delight those who may be difficult to please at first, the opportunity to gain new impressions , a flurry of new impressions, a storm of new impressions, get a loan from sberbank and receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate, it’s more profitable with sberbank prime, which is good for you car, mileage, condition, comfort, everyone has their own good car, find it on the author, alfabank for business, connect an overdraft with a guaranteed limit of up to 30 million
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rubles to a free account for business. alfabank is the best bank for business. for back and joint pain, niceactive is an active formula for accelerated penetration into the source of pain and inflammation. niceactive - to reduce pain - its goal. every second ticket wins the russian lotto easter charity draw. and for each ticket sold 10 rubles will be listed. buy tickets in branded stores on the stoloto website. let's do it again. and now to scott. have another idea? of course, let's pay for it. yur, it’s been a long time without a qr code. the camera calculates everything itself. so how did it turn out? of course, we also received 10% cashback from a free vtb debit card. vtb, together everything will work out. copies, not your style. your uniqueness. original items
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from well-known brands at attractive prices await you in the avito application; 100% originals are now more accessible on avita premium. one for all, that's all! there is a classic that i like it more and more every time. sauce that you so want to repeat, the classic is already waiting, it’s delicious, period, it’s not easy to catch a firebird pie, but everyone can get a fire rate on a deposit in gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum, open a deposit on, guys, go ahead, russia, russia, russia, russia
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, the laboratory should be quiet, but we still want to support our team at the international mendeleev olympiad in chemistry, melechenka foundation, guys, go ahead, don’t do it like that, you have to do it like this, like that, okay, i understand , like this at the megamarket cream face mist doctor. for 2.029 rub. alfa friday - supercake every week on alfa bank cards. on friday, april 26, we are giving 30% cashback on fuel. in our refueling service in the application, order a free alpha card and receive a supercake that is not just profitable, alpha is profitable.
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for any goal there is always a solution, for example, for this crossing there is this cable car, but what if the task is financial, for example, saving up for an apartment or increasing savings, in this case there are also quick ways to achieve the goal, let's go, for example, you can invest money in infrastructure or transport, and not only earn money, but influence the development of the country’s economy, and these are just some of the decisions. due to the fact that these string bonds have appeared, we are now launching not just one house at a time, but six houses at a time, bonds, government securities, shares in the medium term and long term are always more profitable than investing in a bank deposit, if it were not
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possible to borrow in this way money on the market, then the project was slower. the project could would not have happened, the long-term savings program is also a new tool that helps citizens invest, they will receive additional income, and the economy is another very important source of long-term resources; according to the results of the first quarter of this year , about 280 thousand people have already used this mechanism . so, our first stop is the long-term savings program, you can invest your own funds or... maintain the funded part of your pension, you don’t have to invest half your salary, you can also invest 1-300 rubles in month, guarantees are twice as large as for a bank deposit, tax deduction of up to 52 thousand rubles annually, those who sign an agreement with a non-state pension fund under this program in the first 3 years will receive co-financing from the state up to 3,600 rubles per
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year, in addition, such savings can be inherited. there is a classic non-state pension fund, and there is also a long-term savings program, how different is this portfolio structure, you know, as love of all ages humbly says, here is the long-term savings program savings are also acceptable to all ages, a young man can open such a program, get financing, receive a tax deduction in 15 years, long before retirement , buy himself a country house. alexander zaretsky, general director of a non-state pension fund in the long-term savings market.
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15 the state provides additional financial support for participants, this is a little bit 36,000 rubles per year for the first three years, what’s not cool, but how does such co-financing work? it all depends from your income, if it is up to 80 thousand per month, then for every ruble invested
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the state contributes the same amount, if the income is from 80 to 150 thousand rubles they will add 50 kopecks. for short-term savings, of course, if you have money, you can put it in the bank now, but if you look a little further, participation in this program will always be more profitable than bank ones. by the way, on the ministry of finance portal moifinansy.rf there is a profitability calculator; you can indicate how much you plan to invest, for how many years and get an income forecast. a how far away? banks give short and medium-term loans, but for such a serious investment of funds you need money, well, 5, 10 years, we are creating not only
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for investors, not only for people, and good tools, but the opportunity for a business to have a good financial resource for its development, which it is important for passengers that... the combine is modern, environmentally friendly and comfortable, and runs quickly with minimal intervals. to solve all these problems in the literal sense of switching to new flights, special green bonds were issued sykhpovich was attracted to the development of urban infrastructure, including long-term money from non- state pension funds. is he going faster or is this where smart technology comes in? we have fully automated. traffic light switching, that is, you have agreed with the traffic lights, you can say so, and we have the opportunity to synchronize the schedule of our tram with the metro schedule, you can see each route
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on the map, by the way, you can even see our tram, which we are currently using, pay the trip can be directly in the application, very soon and with the help of biometrics, just by entering the car, during peak hours you won’t have to chase the tram, they run taking into account the growth in demand every 2 minutes, although back in 2016... public transport in this area looked like this: since then since then, a modern depot has been built along 38 km of track and an agreement has been reached on the production of new trams. why did you decide to raise money with the help of bonds, and not with the help of bank loans, for example? in the sixteenth year, rates were from 16 to 18% per annum. we managed to create a flexible tool in terms of the length of attracting money. bonds were issued for 15 years. and if inflation plus some other percentage, how much did you get? 9:10. if you look at the depth - the term of attraction is 15 years, then this turns out to be
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definitely more profitable for business. in january , another tool for long-term savings went live, an individual investment account of the third type, or more simply iis-3 for more advanced investors. how does it differ from previous versions, more flexible conditions, for example, you can open not one, but up to three. accounts, there are no longer restrictions on the amount deposited, benefits are combined, that is, you can get a tax deduction from monthly contributions, and after closing the account from investment income, if special life circumstances arise, such as the need to pay for expensive treatment, the money is returned without loss of benefits, but there are also nuances, for example, restrictions on the maximum deduction amount, and you can only put russian securities in your portfolio, there are also... what is different from the first, from the second, what did you take into account? let's improve, it's more like that active investment in the financial market, you will already have a portfolio of shares,
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bonds, you become such an active participant in the financial market, yes, this is great, due to more preferential conditions for entering this program, investments in iis-3 will be deducted from the total tax base, if you're invested. from the same positions as for bank deposits, that is, 1,400 rubles. russian companies are more actively entering the iphone market on the moscow exchange, and
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we are not talking about large corporations, for example, in 2022 shares were placed by a company that is developing scooter rental in the city, well , last year, a center that has been engaged in genetic research for 11 years, the first company... which we placed in 2009, of course we successfully carried out the ipo itself, our financial indicators, revenue, we even placed another subsidiary company, but the value of the company did not react, since biotech was not in the focus of investors, this is almost 11 years, the company has changed radically, but it was also worth and investors did not see it, the new placement has already on the moscow exchange in 2023, the third in a row. for a group of companies, as a result, private investors lined up, attracted by the center of genetics and reproductive medicine, funds will help enter new markets, including the middle east will go to the creation...
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private investors who choose not a new force has appeared, this is a large number only from investment attractiveness, often a project, but also projects in which they believe, areas of interest, today are not state pension funds actively invest in infrastructure bonds, a reliable tool that helps to find long-term money to improve the living conditions of people across the country, such bonds are included in infrastructure. menu is a strategic initiative that corresponds to the goals of the national project housing and urban environment. in 2021, we made two issues worth 20 billion rubles. last year, in this way, it was possible to attract approximately twice as much funds for construction. infrastructure is the engine of progress, it changes the quality of life of people, creates an environment for business, but usually bathes slowly. this is a new and
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unusual method for many. attract financing for the construction of utilities, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, infrastructure bonds, but what does this tool give to business? previously, we built a house first, and then we brought roads and networks to it, and it was very expensive for us, now such a tool has appeared, in literally six months we built the entire frame of roads, the entire frame of utility networks, built a gas boiler room and completely assembled so big microdistrict in terms of preparation, it turns out? how much time do you save? about 8 months. alexander gaidakov, president of a group of construction companies, which was the first in the country to start working with the help of infrastructure bonds. now they are building a new residential area with a kindergarten, school, hospital, and all amenities. small businesses have also come here. we often go to cafes, take armor with us, or take cheesecakes, how i dream about cheesecakes, you can’t imagine. get your own place,
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move out with a rented apartment, save money, saving money, i mean that it turned out to be much more profitable for us than renting a house, yes, that is, a mortgage is more profitable than twice, it turns out to be twice as profitable to own a home than renting, and the opportunity to buy renovated apartments, that is, you can include repairs in the mortgage, this... brings benefits for buyers, obviously, it turns out that a large number of housing are offered for sale at the moment, therefore the price is lower, and for you, how reasonable is the money that you are attracting, for infrastructure bonds we we get loans at 3.5%. if we go into banking history, then it is significantly more expensive, so for this difference we can issue better quality residential buildings, so you have 3.5%, and if you went to the bank, you would take it, today the key
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rate is 16. that is can you imagine what a colossal burden is on the developer and he begins to build houses in a slightly different format. in any business, the most important insurance, especially when it comes to finances. for example, in the long-term savings program a return of 2,800 thousand rubles is guaranteed. no matter what happens, this money defendant. well, by the way, i’ll tell you a secret, this stand-up was not recorded in the first take. full versions of all issues of the program; the solution can be found at or on our social networks and there are life hacks from business. april 25 is a memorable date in the military history of russia. april 25, 1945 meeting on the elbe. a meeting of soviet american
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troops took place on the elbe. soviet lieutenant goloborotok and the reconnaissance group of american lieutenant katsbu met at 13:30 near the city of torgau. the handshake on the elbe has become a powerful symbol the military brotherhood of our countries during the second world war, the highest point of allied relations. in russia, a digital platform for the development of regions and cities will be created, the basis for which will be the national spatial data system. deputy prime minister marad khusnulin spoke about the plans at the congress of the russian union about...


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