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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 25, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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and the reconnaissance group of american lieutenant katsbu met at 13:30 near the city of torgau. the handshake on the elbe became a vivid symbol of the military brotherhood of our countries during the second world war. the highest point of allied relations. a digital platform for the development of regions and cities will be created in russia, the basis for which will be the national spatial data system. deputy prime minister marat khusnulin spoke about the plans at the congress of the russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs. it opened today in moscow. in the near future.
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vladimir putin is expected to speak. we’ll find out more details from maria slobodenskaya, she ’s now back in direct contact with the studio. maria again, hello, tell us what statements have already been made? yuri, greetings again, a large number of topics are discussed at today’s meeting. indeed, the plenary session lasted more than 2 hours; a variety of issues were touched upon, of course, those related to the work of business in our country. as most of the speakers noted, last year was difficult considering. conditions in the economy are a fairly high key rate in connection with this, difficulties in obtaining loans and , of course, individual changes in the fiscal burden, and yet all sectors showed good growth, for example, growth in the construction industry of 8%, and indeed further plans are just as ambitious, i must say that actively construction is developing in the regions, but deputy prime minister marat kusnulin suggested that business should more actively participate in the development of new territories. firstly, we give
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tax breaks, and secondly, we are close to logistics transport, thirdly, the opportunity to lease an enterprise with a subsequent purchase for generally little money, so i invite everyone to cooperate, i know that many companies are interested, and during the plenary session they discussed changes in the tax system.
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on the sidelines of the congress , leaders of responsible business also summed up the results of the national award; it was approved on behalf of the president; this is recognition of the contribution of business to the implementation of national projects and the formation of a favorable environment. just five nominations, in three out of five the company phosagro won, it is the flagship of the domestic mineral fertilizer industry, which implements a large number of related projects, for example, including projects for russian children that relate to education, our... favorite
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cities and, for example, educational a program that is also being implemented in several regions of the country. these are primarily projects related to the cities where we operate. enterprises, we do a lot there in terms of improvement and development of social facilities, the second is educational programs, we have a three-stage interesting program, these are the six agricultural schools that we operate, these are our two specialized colleges in the cities of kirovsky and cherepovets, and of course work with universities, also red lines are being held during today's congress... and the topic of personnel, all industries confirm the need for them in general for the development of the russian economy, approximately 2.4 million workers are now required, and of course, a proposal for their training, their qualifications and generally increasing flexibility the labor market also needs to be worked out with business, this topic will probably also be
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raised during communication with the president, this is what we expect in the near future, vladimir putin will speak to the participants of the congress, and after that business representatives will be able to ask him their questions. yuri, yes. almost strategically, rosatom, the largest electricity producer in russia, confidently operates in almost all key industries, from oil and gas aircraft construction to metallurgy and the rocket and space industry. rosatom contributes
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a very big contribution to strengthening our scientific and technological sovereignty, this is scientific research and design work, this is technological research, and many innovative areas. we can also talk about a number of industries where rosatom has such key foundations, these are, of course , the space industries, this is medicine, and the most modern medicine, this is also a number of very important digital solutions, you have been working on them for quite a long time. results of rosatom's work for the past year without with unnecessary modesty, it can be called a record; the corporation’s investment program alone exceeded 1,200 billion rubles. suppresses. most of these investments are also related to technological sovereignty projects. total revenue in the open part without state defense orders exceeded rub 2.640 billion. average annual growth over the past 3 years is about 34% in terms of revenue. the situation is the same with revenue
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from foreign activities and would be especially emphasized by the growth of revenue in new areas for technological sovereignty projects of more than 80%. in year. the most important event last year, the head of rosatom named international projects, such as the commissioning of the second power unit of the belarusian nuclear power plant, as well as the delivery of nuclear fuel to turkey and bangladesh. another record in nuclear engineering. in 2023, the corporation created five reactor vessels and 18 steam generators, exceeding the indicators of the soviet union. records are being broken in the field of transportation in the north. the task has been set to move to 25% by the forties, we are launching a number of construction projects in the russian country and the president
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of the federation, primarily the leningrad npp, we are planning to obtain a license for a small station for the construction of a small station in yakutia, and fispusk kurskaes. this is the first contribution to the movement towards 25%. rosatom is the absolute leader in the construction of nuclear power plants abroad. the company is currently constructing 22 blocks in seven countries, and this portfolio will expand. the corporation is moving forward in the space sector, developing power plants for orbital alien systems, transport and research vehicles, and the production of composites at pan factories. sorov is also scalable. another goal is to achieve complete import substitution in industrial software, turning the logos product into a digital national platform. rosatom has made great strides in medicine; the brachium high-dose gamma therapy complex has been put into mass production. serial deliveries
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of the onyx radiation therapy complex have also begun. for more than a year and a half, the company has been actively working in new regions. we are paying serious attention to integration today. new regions into a single economic and legal space of russia and the president sets this task so that we do everything necessary to make life there... different from life in any other subject of the russian federation, and providing electricity to these regions is the most important task. in addition to electricity supplies, rosatom pays special attention to the environmental agenda in new territories, eliminating industrial burial grounds and household waste dumps. the zaporozhye nuclear power plant is also under the close patronage of the corporation. the company completely restored the physical systems protection, equipped the station with an anti-drone system. erected defensive structures around fuel storage facilities. all zas units are in cold
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stop mode. after the work carried out, we have no doubts about the safety of the zavorod nuclear power plant. the only thing that causes serious concern is the periodic shelling. over the past week, we have had flights to the roof of the training complex, on the roof of the owl power units. all this is recorded by representatives of magat, who have already been years are located. rosatom is in constant contact with inspectors of the international atomic energy organization, but as long as shelling by ukrainian militants continues, according to likhachev’s estimates, the risks of a nuclear accident cannot be called zero. however, the company is doing everything not only to protect the station itself, but also the adjacent energy facility. the corporation has already allocated about twenty for the safety of zaes and the improvement of the city.
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a guideline for the entire government strategy. large families should become the norm the president set the task of solving the demographic problem in the next 6 years. one of the most effective incentives is payments for the birth of children, as the plenipotentiary representative of the president of russia in the central federal district spoke about at the presidium. in a variety of areas, social policy, healthcare. corporate family capital, unlike state capital, is still subject to insurance premiums and personal income taxes. which actually halves it, it is also not taken into account as part of the costs when calculating the tax on
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profit, and its non-taxable amount of 50 thousand rubles has not been indexed for more than 16 years, and we already have examples of companies that pay a million rubles for the third and each subsequent child born to their employees, so you can compare how much these things are still are incommensurable, of course we need to work on this to improve the demographic situation. in order for business to complement government programs, the largest russian transport and logistics holding group of companies has its own program for increasing the birth rate, supporting motherhood and childhood. it was initiated by the chairman of the board of directors, sergei shashkarev. and now the businessman plans to extend corporate support measures to the handball federation, which he also heads. we have an honored master of sports of cska antoninachenko. last year she married. for dmitry sandalov, a player of the chechen bears, they suddenly have a most pleasant situation, in an unplanned,
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let’s call it that, let’s take an unplanned scandal for someone, for the coaches, i met with the guys, wished them happiness, success, introduced a new corporate handball standard for the first child, we give 500,000 now, and clearly, clearly explain that any handball player is first and foremost a mother, she will win olympic medals later.
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this is a chronic, or immune-mediated, inflammatory disease of the joints, which is still considered incurable. in our country alone , about 150 thousand people live with this diagnosis. the drug has already been registered. development cost. amounted to more than a billion rubles, they created a medicine from a russian specialist pirogov university, institute of bioorganic chemistry. we perceived the appearance of this drug quite optimistically, since the clinical studies that are currently being carried out, this is the third phase, they indicate that in
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some patients it is quite effective, the peculiarity of this unique drug for... exhibition, discussion clubs, medical program, in addition to the five-minute plenary session, a competition for young scientists. andrologists and urologists from different regions came to exchange experiences. events will last until saturday. we have created many pilot projects, including the creation of men’s health clinics in the regions of the russian federation, which have shown the demand for this area,
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because men are starting to apply more often, and this is the key to timely identification of various types. in the moscow region , 14 people are accused of organizing illegal migration, including four employees of internal affairs bodies. some of the defendants are also accused of receiving and giving bribes. and this is what was reported at the moscow region headquarters of the investigative committee. an organized group of 10 residents of balashikha, acting on behalf of a non-existent. migration services, as well as the head of the territorial office of the department of migration, two of her subordinates and an intern, received a bribe for a total amount of more than 1 million rubles. for the effective migration registration of more than one and a half thousand foreign citizens. subsequently, the defendants ensured that foreign specialists were issued certificates of
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their alleged proficiency in the russian language, knowledge of the history of russia, as well as the legislation of the russian federation and others. documents necessary for the further legalization of foreigners on the territory of the russian federation. now live broadcast on our channel. putin. thank you. good afternoon, dear colleagues, dear friends. i am glad to have the opportunity, according to the already established tradition, to meet with. participants in the congress of the russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs, it unites the largest leading companies and enterprises of the country, and for many years has been a reliable partner of the state in matters of strengthening the economy, finance, and expanding freedom entrepreneurship. it is fundamentally important that
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the rsp always has its own clear, balanced position and specific proposals on how to make national development more sustainable and dynamic, how to make this process more sustainable and dynamic, so that this development leads not only to an increase in concrete ability our economy, but to improve the quality of life of citizens and increase the income of russian families. i hope that today during the planned discussion we will definitely discuss the tasks. which requires joint efforts of the state and the business community. what i would like to say at the beginning precedes, so to speak, our conversation. despite the unprecedented challenges we have faced in recent years, positive trends are strengthening in the domestic economy. at the end of last year
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, russia's gdp, as you know, increased by 3.6. percent and statistics from the first months of this year show that it continues to demonstrate good rates, in january of this year 4.6% in annual terms, in february - 7.7% in annual terms, and so on in the first 2 months, industrial production has grown by an average of 6%. for january-february by 6.6%. it is supported by active domestic demand, which is based on real growth.
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disposable incomes of citizens in 2023 increased by 5.4%, as you know, i will not dwell in detail on indicators of economic development now, but i will emphasize once again that, in general, good, strong dynamics have been achieved, which is noticeable in the state of the labor market. today, russia has record low unemployment, less than 3%. what is especially important. we reduced its so-called structural component, that is , youth unemployment has decreased significantly, unemployment in those regions of settlements where it was
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historically high, it remains higher there than the national average in these regions, well, let’s say in the north caucasus it was high , how many we have there, 10 in my opinion, and the youth one was 10.7, now 6.7, in the north caucasus it was 13, their own profit, but together with the state they achieve national development goals. such a constructive partnership, our experience joint actions in the difficult,
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extraordinary, one might say, conditions of recent years, allows us to successfully cope with external difficulties, and forms a solid basis for the implementation of strategic plans, which were mentioned in the recent message to the federal assembly. we understand them perfectly and are aware of where they arise and where the greatest difficulties arise today, we will
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work together with you, i am sure we will overcome all this. i repeat, we are talking about broad, frontal development of the economy and social spheres, the creation in russia of virtually new branches of industry in the service sector, and so on. it is also necessary to implement a large-scale infrastructure program, including construction. roads and railways, bridges and tunnels, expansion of seaports of the airport network, renovation of housing and communal services, we also have an extensive environmental agenda, in which business plays an important, largely determining role. of course, these are not all of our plans, the main thing is for the implementation of these and other initiatives, there are all opportunities to deploy a new model of economic growth, including. solid state resources , the potential of domestic business, which actively manifests itself in the manufacturing industry, in the consumer market, in
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the it sector, tourism, and in other sectors, both in the domestic market and in relations with foreign partners, the state will continue to support business so that he launches promising projects, increases capital investment, creates new jobs, in a word... finances, it will cover not only the next 3 years, but will allow basic government expenditures to be made further into
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the future for 6 years, thus, authorities at the federal, regional and local levels will be able to plan larger, longer-term projects with greater investments, therefore, with a more comprehensive effect for the territories of economic sectors, and, of course, contractors and executors of such projects will also be able to plan for a long time the modernization and expansion of their capacities, attract and prepare specialists. another important step: to improve the investment climate, the tax system should be adjusted. now the government, as you know, together with business, with business public associations, federal subjects and parliament, are working on this most important issue, discussing the parameters of changes and preparing appropriate proposals . i repeat, the updated tax conditions need to be fixed for a long period.
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modernization. the system must ensure fairer distribution tax burdens, while stimulating businesses that are developing, investing, including in infrastructure, social, personnel projects, in short, it is necessary to provide stable and predictable conditions for reliable, confident business operation, here we are with alexander nikolaevich, and with many here those present, have recently returned many the discussion of this particular key issue, in this regard i would like to dwell on a very sensitive issue, which i raised in march at the board of the prosecutor general's office. last time law enforcement agencies have opened a number of cases to return certain assets to state ownership. i would like to emphasize that this is not about revising privatization, we talked about this at the previous meeting, but about cases where actions or inactions
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of the owner. for example, if an asset was privatized in the early nineties in agreement only with the region, without the participation of the federal center, the federal government at that time itself overlooked these transactions, now i will not say this was deliberate whether it was done or not, it doesn’t matter, but the fact remains that the government did not control, did not do what it should have done, in accordance with the then
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regulatory framework. which means that claims against the current owners of assets are inappropriate, especially against those who work normally, successfully, solve social issues, and help ensure national security. secondly, rsp, together with other business associations, does a lot to de-bureaucratize the business environment, helps to simplify or convert it into electronic form administrative approval procedures, helps the government improve.
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therefore, to solve these problems in order to make it more convenient, more profitable and safer to work, build, and produce in russia, so that our national jurisdiction is in the full sense of the word, globally competitive, including the regulatory framework should be clear, understandable, sufficient, and not burdensome for business, at the same time, it must guarantee the protection of the interests of consumers and the rights of our citizens. here i will note the so-called... regulatory hell, instead of hundreds and even thousands of archaic, outdated regulations have already been adopted, a fairly compact list of documents with more modern, understandable requirements, they will definitely be, they will definitely continue to be kept up to date, and moreover, the government is now preparing to launch a modernized regulatory mechanism .


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