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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 25, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm MSK

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report, and we will consistently solve these problems so that it is more convenient, more profitable and safer to work, build, and produce in russia, so that our national jurisdiction is in the full sense of the word globally competitive, including the regulatory framework must be clear, understandable, sufficient, not burdensome for business, but it must guarantee the protection of the interests of consumers and the rights of our citizens. here i will note the so-called regulatory heletin, instead of hundreds and even thousands of archaic outdated regulations a fairly compact list of documents with more modern, understandable requirements has already been adopted, they will definitely be there, they will definitely continue to be kept up to date, and moreover, the government is now preparing to launch a modernized regulatory mechanism . that is, in fact, there is yet another
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large-scale stage of clearing the regulatory framework. i will add that in the last 3 years, based on the requests and recommendations of business, a regional investment standard has been introduced, its task is to ensure uniform principles and mechanisms for attracting investors in all regions of the russian federation, and based on the best practices that have proven themselves... in real life, in real work. this year we will evaluate the progress of the regions in implementing the investment standard, and will do this as part of the national rating of the state of the investment climate. according to tradition, its results will be presented at the st. petersburg international economic forum. and taking this opportunity, of course, i would like to invite all of you, dear colleagues, to this our traditional event in st. petersburg. third, in the upcoming one.
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cluster investment platform and so on and so forth, we will expand these opportunities for business, including directing additional resources to the development of industrial mortgages, we will additionally capitalize such a significant, in-demand mechanism as the industrial development fund, its capital will almost double by 300 billion rubles. i know
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that some in this room believe that this is not enough, but we will see how the situation develops. this resource will be aimed at supporting high-tech projects. and, of course, it is necessary, as they say, to monitor the effectiveness of these and other tools online, fine-tune them, make them more flexible and convenient based on feedback. with business, with regional leaders. dear colleagues, russia’s strategic task is to increase the production of goods and services, primarily its own technological base. i have already said many times and now i want to repeat, we are not going to produce absolutely everything here in russia, well, it’s pointless and unnecessary, we are not going to do this, but you need to create your own original solutions, services, software, and apply them in practice, especially in critical technologies in the area.
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this is the requirement of the time, and in order to meet it, we need to ensure an influx of qualified personnel into our economy, ready to master new production and management technologies, we need to unlock this colossal potential of russia, give our talented scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, and workers the opportunity to fully express themselves , in this regard, fourth, in order to increase the efficiency of training...
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business, i know that there is not enough personnel, and we, of course, must work together in this direction, well, it seems, aleksandrovich, it seems that, in general, we need to move further in this direction. and even more energetically than before. we will launch a program to repair the equipment of secondary vocational education institutions, we will carry out and put in order their educational base and infrastructure, including sports facilities, hostels, technical schools and colleges, everything is important, we need to attract young people people in this field of activity, to interest them in improving their qualifications and receiving. necessary professions, as for higher education, in the next 10 years in russia there will be 40 university campuses with all the necessary conditions for studying, working and living of students, these should be modern spaces, not only for higher educational institutions, but also for
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the surrounding areas and people who live in these territories. i repeat, the task of the vocational education system is to train modern, in-demand specialists, to give them... qualification skills that guarantee an interesting, reliable, well-paid job. of course, i count on the mutual interest of the state and the business community here. at the same time, i would like to emphasize again that, according to experts, in the coming years russia will experience an objective shortage of qualified personnel and it certainly cannot be covered mechanically through labor.
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carry out end-to-end modernization of industrial capacities based on extensive automation, a goal has already been set for the number of industrial robots by the thirtieth year, for example, russia should become one of the twenty leading countries in the world, well, it seems that this is not such an ambitious task, well, but it is really achievable, this goal is achievable, we will move gradually , we can do more, great, i know that for many... colleagues in this room, owners and managers of large companies, such a statement of the task is not some kind of look into the distant future, but a specific plan of action that is already is being implemented in practice, i regularly visit, as you know, enterprises in different regions, including new workshops, production
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lines, factories, i certainly see with what enthusiasm their managers and employees talk about their updated enterprises in a high-quality manner. in unsuitable premises, but surprise, just young people are introducing such things, developing them themselves, great, obviously, such investments are a contribution to increasing the competitiveness of companies, strengthening market positions, and, most importantly, improving the working conditions of specialists in increasing their income, in this physics i want... to say the following: regardless of the scale of the business, success certainly accompanies those, and you know this better than anyone else, who know how to correctly perceive dynamic market conditions and are ready together for these conditions to change, to invest in scientific
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developments of our own technological solutions, let me remind you of the set goals by 2030, it is necessary to increase the volume of domestic expenditures by... to at least 2% of gdp, and the driving force here is intended to be private investment businesses, their volume should at least double, yesterday we spoke with one of those present here in some detail on this topic, and only those businesses that take care of their employees and work teams can guarantee the success of development for years to come. helps them improve their professionalism, pay decent wages, provides a social package, because he understands that the well-being of citizens, their families, children, the future of the country depends on this, and for specific enterprises , return, return and the so-called, in the end
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after all, the economic output is positive, the responsibility of business, its strategic view, is to work for the public good, when corporate policy includes projects in the field of education, healthcare, infrastructure, charity, programs for the environmental well-being of cities and villages, regions and territories are also one of the priorities. last year, at the rsp congress , it was proposed to establish a special award for such companies; as you remember, it was called “leaders of responsible business." today, as i know, its first laureates were awarded. i want to congratulate the winners and thank the owners and managers of the respective companies. i am sure that their positive... experience and social projects will become an example for all russian business, and therefore for similar
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initiatives there will certainly be even more that people throughout the country need. let me conclude my speech here, i want to thank you for your patience and attention,
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that is, in principle, this is the very format that we are holding forums of the russian week. business, the congress was not within the framework of this week, with a delay, we got a delay of 2 months, it allowed us to really solve many problems, thanks, among other things , to the fact that you gave such instructions, all regions participated in the preparation of our proposals, there are 89 regions, we have our own everywhere, associations of employers, representative offices, heads of all working bodies of the russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs,
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committees, commissions, industry unions of employers, and i would like to name the most significant issues that were discussed at the forums of russian business week today congress, these are, first of all, ways to reduce personnel shortages, including for high-tech projects, you elaborated on this priority, i think... and today we will talk about it, of course, business does not just act as a host, the professional system training must supply personnel, we and... within the framework of the project of professionalism and advanced engineering schools, as part of the work on the national system of qualifications and the development of professional standards, qualifications, we are carrying out this work together, very closely and a truly free transition from the vocational education system to the labor market will largely solve the problem of personnel shortages, but of course
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, productivity growth and lean production cannot be achieved here either, as you rightly said about...
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for prominent years we followed the path of moratoriums on inspections , now we believe that such a balanced system of supervisory and control activities has been developed, where a risk-oriented approach, work on risks and preventive measures predominate, this means that it is already possible moratoriums, move to this soft,
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reasonable, balanced supervisory policy, supervisory and control and...
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the strategic direction of our interaction with the authorities is the fiscal, tax system, we have already previously agreed that starting from mid-may we will begin to work closely with the government and with the state the duma, it seems that even today
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it was recorded that there will be a public discussion on the platform of the state duma, we hope and... tax deductions and so on, we must definitely find this balance to encourage real investors, we have truly increased the attractiveness of the russian jurisdiction and have actually completed the translation process.
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is important not as some kind of ideological construct, but as a way to provide an independent system protected from
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arbitrary sanctions, restrictions, and so on, here digital financial assets certainly play a big role, within the framework of brix, as far as i know, the russian federation will offer certain instruments based on digital financial assets, a kind of...
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of course, one of the dry remains of this discussions, if you consider it possible to give instructions on them, including to the newly formed government, we would move quite quickly. by the way, i would like to return to what you said in your speech, about the award for leaders of responsible business. eh, i won’t, as they say, repeat what kind of bonus this is, why it was introduced, you said this a year ago. and today we talked about this when presenting the awards, but if you allow us, we have a short video about the winners,
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of course. i propose to establish a special award for the most responsible domestic companies, to award its first laureates as early as next year within the framework of the rsp congress.
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well, now i would like to move on to the discussion , starting the conversation with the topic of infrastructure development and attracting extra-budgetary sources of financing for projects in this area. i would like to give the floor to igor aleksandrovich vdovin, a member of the rsp board, chairman of the committee on investment policy, development institutions and public-private partnerships. please, igor alexandrovich, i propose so we can build work. here are colleagues from the government, i am, of course, ready to say a few words on any of the topics, well then i will give my colleagues more details, then you will raise them with members of the government or they will guess who should comment, i will tell my colleagues from the government, i was just thinking, what are you instructing me with, colleague from the government, good
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afternoon, dear nikolayevich, dear participants of the congress, it seems to me that the place in which we are located is very symbolic, these are you, the challenges that you spoke about, they are formed by other decision-making circumstances, it is very often similar when they select a melody by ear, but the goals that we have, including in terms of infrastructure development, they of course require long-term approaches, of course, have a very great effect on the development of the country in in general, over the past 4 years there has been a very high rate of investment in this area, we can especially note the construction of highways, where the growth is greatest over the last 4 years than in all periods before, and of course there was great anticipation for that project the construction of the high-speed railway was given an exhaustive list
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of instructions. which describes the mechanism for implementing the project, and it, of course, can be a model for all other large investment projects, we propose to pay the same attention to the developments that already exist, to implement other large projects with the participation of understandable initiators, there are developments and road projects, these are well-known projects such as jobgasochi or the ring bypass around st. petersburg cat-2, there are three more sections of the high-speed railway, seaports. ports, it is clear that for maintaining and growing the share of exports in the world market will require advanced investments in the creation of new transport infrastructure, including the fleet, as well as joint projects with friendly importing countries in the receiving infrastructure. advanced development and such ambitious plans that are worth it.


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