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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 25, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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such a norm in the regulations on ministries and departments, this topic is not new, it is raised almost every time at a meeting of the russian tripartite commission, the fact is that until 2024, before the reform of the federal executive authorities, when we divided service agencies into ministries, such a norm existed in all provisions, then it was excluded as unnecessary, bearing in mind that it would be...
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the tripartite commission is allowed to resolve many issues, and if this is still settled by us on the first two points, i i think that there will be no problems here from the point of view of control, thank you, thank you, you also said about a clearer fixation of the rights of employers, what did you mean, you said about the need for a clearer fixation of rights. in our country, at different levels of social partnership, especially territorial and regional, employers do not always have the right to participate in government meetings, and we would like the practice of dialogue between employers and trade unions at the federal level to be more implemented at the regional level , regional.
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thank you, thank you, vladimir vladimirovich, i reported to you in march that we are not trying to offer compulsory membership in associations, in any of the employers' associations, and not in the rsp, at the congress of trade unions, mikhail vikich said, everything is in the rsp. no, we believe that whoever wants to join the rsp, whoever wants to create their own structure, create it, uh, but today we had a representative... of the republic of kazakhstan timur zharkenov, he is the deputy head of the chamber of economics, the chamber of entrepreneurs atamiken, there is mandatory membership, they found a way, so to speak, to overcome the disagreement with the international labor organization and recognized the ilo that they comply with
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the relevant convention of 1948 on freedom of association, well, listen, there is such a practice, in the leading economies of europe it is enshrined in law. tatyana alekseevna said, we propose to use the current legislation, there is a bankruptcy law, where, in essence, socially significant enterprises are defined, 5,000 employees, or the city-forming enterprise where they work. more than 25% residents of one or another locality, economically significant enterprises, in the process of redomiciliation, rules have also been established, so to speak, and so on, you can take the current legislation according to the criteria, it is very similar in our opinion, well, let’s say
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the plan is overstated, you can emit according to the number of employees , but at least start with this, you know, you can contact the state duma and hold discussions with deputies. exists in the leading economies of europe, why can we also implement this, there is nothing like that here, in austria, in germany, yes, that’s absolutely right, vladimirevich, we deliberately limited the number of speeches from the podium in order to give you more opportunities to work with the audience, and you have already criticized me twice for the fact that we seem to be regulated, we decided.
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from 130 to 250 people in human-intensive industries, while leaving the income level at the same level, our next proposal is: remove the systemic problems that companies face during active growth, also expand the experiment - carried out for catering - in terms of abolishing value added tax. and apply this experiment to other sectors with similar economic parameters, these were our proposals. vladimir vladimirovich, allow me to take the opportunity to convey,
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to convey to you words of gratitude, it so happened that exactly 3 years ago, in a message to the federal assembly, you... launched, probably, one of the most large-scale programs, the social gasification program, today this program. turned out to be so popular among the population that it can be called folk, according to it can be called people’s law, and i myself work for the company gazprom mezhregiongaz vladikavkaz, and i see these people from the outside, when we connect these new households, they constantly express words of gratitude, in fact, today, as they say, i convey them to you in the first person. .. words of gratitude from the residents who took advantage of this program, thank you for everything, the program
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is really going, it’s going well, it’s very popular among people, but one of the initiators of this program was gazprom and the head of gazprom miler alexey borisovich, so these are words of gratitude addressed to her. so now, regarding what we did as an experiment in the general pita for vat, there is an exemption for vat and so on, well, we need to see how to see how it works, probably not the same in all industries, it can function, now i will ask for a solution , then you and maksimevich will comment, but as for minimizing this process. robbery here too, the minister will say a few words, but we all
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proceed from creating favorable conditions for business, so that business is not afraid, so that it does not think that they will somehow prosecute for this, that some kind of penalties will come, the main thing is to ensure this process, a process in which the business will be profitable, convenient and for the state.
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in the caucasus there is something to work on, because the level of income of the population there, unfortunately, is still lower than the national average, please,
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thank you, colleagues, yes, microphone, good afternoon, vladimir vladimirovich, good afternoon, alexander nikolaevich, colleagues, batakov anton, member management of the rsp and the presidium of the serlovsky branch of industrialists-entrepreneurs , city of yekaterinburg, vladimir vladimirovich, congratulate you on your election as president of russia. i am confident that the business will achieve all the goals you have set for the benefit of the fatherland. vladimirovich, a year ago i communicated and approached you with a proposal to adapt industrial mortgages to the needs of small medium-sized businesses. and thanks to you, the government and the rsp, the issue is being worked on. thank you very much. vladimir vladimirovich, today we have almost 2,500. measures industry support, it always works in conjunction with other operations,
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transportation and storage, in a word, with logistics, and we see that no matter how much the manufacturer strives to reduce the cost of the product, its cost to the consumer is many times higher than production due to the high key rate today , which is necessary for the construction of this logistics infrastructure, and we propose to... strengthen current support measures, maintain the price track of the product from manufacturer to consumer, we propose to subsidize construction of logistics infrastructure and...
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and the infrastructure for storing it is all working fine, cargo flow is increasing, today it is not enough, so here is a proposal, thank you for your attention, you know, as for these projects themselves, highways and so on further, here, in general, everything is built, as regards the supporting, servicing infrastructure, especially...
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now i’ll ask, then maybe denis valentinovich can tell you about mortgages and other instruments for supporting industry, they are in in general, everything is known, but if the minister, the deputy prime minister summarizes again, i think it will be useful, please, dear, i don’t want to demonize with your positive comments colleagues who previously asked for their directions, i can only say that regarding industrial mortgages, this... actually, you gave us an order last year and we, more precisely, the year before last and we implemented it, and it evolved several times, that is, first it was for the purchase of building premises, then for repairs, then for construction, that is, we have implemented all these tasks, we last year,
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mainly for small-medium businesses, 800 were issued... let’s take this for the future for elaboration, here, but uh, first of all we will implement those solutions that have been further improved and work effectively today. thank you, thank you, well , i think there is no point in giving anton germanovich the floor, because he will say exactly what he said
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5 minutes ago, these are additional budget expenses associated with subsidies, but you you know what? now banks, as a rule, give at floating rates, if loans are taken based on the key 16%, then as they change, and i am sure that there will be changes, i really count on it, only stormy long applause, please do not consider, like some kind of pressure on the central one. central bank, yes, we are still ready, here, but, but this will probably happen, simply, this is based simply on the objective trends that are developing in the economy, and and if, if this is the case, and you use floating rates, then the rate as
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development, as projects develop, it will also decrease, so, well, nevertheless... let's think about it, of course, the question is very important, i completely agree with you, so let's go in a circle, amphitheater, left side, yes, please, please , hello, vladimir vladimirovich, alexander nikolaevich, dear guests of the congress, i jumped in line a little, my name is evgenia shokhina, i am the president of the rsp business school, the editor-in-chief of the russia business magazine, and the mother of four children, oh, grandchildren, or rather, alexander nikolaevich , and to be honest, i’m not really into business question. the twenty-fourth year, be a little more grave, please, a little bit, i’m worried, just a little bit, the twenty-fourth year has been declared the year of the family. i have two questions in connection with this, the first is that many young people want to go into the civil service or law enforcement agencies, but they do not have such an opportunity, because they are prevented by the criminal record
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of one of the parents, god forbid two parents, the criminal record of one of the parents decides to go to work in law enforcement agencies and the diplomatic service, in connection with this the question is whether it is possible to reconsider this as a rule, well, these are departmental rules related to personnel policy, everything must depend on this... services should be guided by these considerations, thank you very much, i also founded a charitable foundation 4 years ago, we live and we are engaged in improving living
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conditions, situations where children they are removed from their birth families on the grounds that they have poor repairs, and then we return the children in court, but the families are restored, in connection with this question, and here is an example in the tula region, three were removed... the children were transferred to another region to a professional guardian, so we made repairs for 90,000 rubles and then returned the dishes, so a professional opikon receives from 12,000 rubles to 30 depending on the subject, and maybe the moment has also come when we can reconsider the budget policy in terms of redistribution of funds to help families. i don’t know about budget policy, it’s even difficult for me to react to this somehow, the question is very delicate. sensitive - but in no case should we allow any kind of lawlessness in terms of removing children from
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families, because this means that if they don’t provide fresh squeezed orange juice for breakfast, this is not a reason to take the child away from the family, the main thing, after all, is not orange juice, but love for the child, thank you. but, but, but, of course, of course, we must look at the essence of what is happening in the family, there are times when it is better to take the child out of there than with some alcoholics there he will live and suffer every day, this is a subtle thing, and here, of course, it is necessary to pursue an appropriate, well, appropriate policy, build it on level of the state, you are right, of course, thank you very much, of course our fund helps conscientious and respectable families and we check it, thank you very much, thank you, so, the amphitheater is on the right side, dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear alexander nikolaevich, utinkov, ivan vladimirovich , member of the board of rsp, group of companies unmanned
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technologies, the question will be related to engineers, and to be precise, with the qualifications of engineers who are today ready and able to develop and integrate quantum technology in our country, quantum engineering today - in russia, as in the world, has two approaches, this is the hardware part of it, it is associated with the use of quantum computers, i hope that in the foreseeable future our country will receive industrial designs, the second approach , associated with quantum algorithms, is already used in russian practice, in domestic practice, for example , the megascience project, this collider nico, integrated quantum algorithms into the cooling control system, as a result of which it increased controllability and sustainability of the products produced...
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which would include business and the country's leading universities for planned training of personnel that are needed today and will be needed for 5-7 years in the future. in
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fact, it's technology. this is the future of our country, it will be in the logistics, in the agricultural industry, and these are security issues, thank you, yes, but the issue is extremely important, i spoke about this in my opening speech, i want to once again confirm our most serious attitude towards issues of this kind of training personnel in general, and here, as i have already said, we are conducting early career guidance from schools, including with your participation
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, today, how effectively and quickly on the line of combat contact depends on how technological problems are solved, with what advance the warring parties do this, it’s just in real time time, we are succeeding, we are succeeding, the ministry of defense is doing it and civil departments are doing it, including in the government, andrei ramovich in particular
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, also partly. at least deals with this area, andreyvich, say two words on this topic, and if we talk about quantum communications, quantum computing, then this is one of the most modern end-to-end technologies in the world , which is developing quite rapidly; our country’s position here is one of the best in the world. with quantum communications of russian railways, colleagues are actively developing them, they have already launched, if i’m not mistaken, there to st. petersburg, yes, this is the line that works - oleg valentinovich belozerov directly manages these processes, a prototype of quantum computers has already been created, even not one, our
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unit is also actively involved in rosatom. hardware, of course, we have an urgent need to create leading universities in the country, such as festeh, such as etmo, to create special training in these areas, for now this is certainly such a piecemeal story, but i think that it is absolutely necessary literally in the very near future this solve the issue, and formulate it again, you are proposing to create a single center, once again. my proposal is to create a consortium based on rsp, since the customer here, to a greater extent , business will be involved, the leading universities of the country will be included in this consortium, today, if you look at clear figures, we graduate only 450 people with quantum masters per year, this is across the country, yeah, but this is incomparably small, so yes, i agree , a good proposal, i don’t know on the basis of rsp, if alexandrovich
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thinks that this is possible on the basis of rsp. we are successfully implementing them. vladimir vladimirovich, new street media is broadcasting today’s meeting right now, if you consider it possible, then in a few we'll show you what it looks like in a few minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, media market.


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