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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 25, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm MSK

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i think that this is possible on the basis of ivan vladimirovich heads the recently created group on unmanned innovative systems, so he still has the best idea that deserves not only attention, but that we do it, it’s accepted, yes, thank you very much, right amphitheater, please , dear vladimir vladimirovich, alexander nikolaevich, dear delegates, good afternoon everyone, at the last congress of the rsp at the forum strong ideas for the new time, you supported plans for the development of outdoor advertising technologies and we, inspired by your support, successfully we are implementing them. vladimir vladimirovich, new street media is broadcasting today’s meeting right now, if you find it possible, then in a few minutes we will demonstrate what it looks like. vladimir vladimirovich, the media market has changed a lot; advertising is being done using new technologies.
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people working in this area who say that this creates a monopoly, and this is not very good for the market, and there is no need, which means that those who have such contracts do not need to improve anything, do something , and the authorities are obligated to simply renew these contracts for 10 years, that is, what i mean is that despite this...
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attractiveness that you said, the broadcast of my speeches, there are other considerations that market participants formulate, however however, i signed anyway, because there are obvious advantages here... and not in schools, it’s kind of like social advertising, but if it shows specific companies that produce this or that sausage or sausages that need to be promoted in school, then it is already hidden hidden advertising of a specific, specific manufacturer, or as they say on television , jeans, all this just needs
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to be carefully, carefully worked out, well, in general, of course, we will certainly study your proposals, they have a reasonable basis, thank you very much, we will send them to dmitry sergeevich peskov, yes , i probably don’t know with whom i have been tamfiled for not much time, so to speak, there are many speakers, i would like to give the floor to this sector, we will definitely consider it, please formulate it, okay, thank you thank you very much, dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear alexander nikolaevich, dear... delegates and guests of the congress zverev, all-russian association of fisheries. during the implementation of the national project "export", russian fishermen took a good position in the world fish market. in 2022 , the export of fili mentai amounted to 120,000 tons,
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four times more than ten years earlier, and the export of mentai minced meat surimi, 45.00 tons, was 20 times more than... years earlier we of our american competitors, often we we go with our competitors in terms of prices, as they say , we have taken a significant share of these markets in spite of ourselves, taking into account the import duties introduced on russian fish products there, the export duties established at the end of last year in our country, reduce our price for the week...
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a powerful tool for expansion strengthening our influence in the global fisheries industry has traditionally been, is, cooperation in the field of fisheries education and fisheries science, now training personnel for fisheries and fish farming is carried out by five technical universities subordinate to the federal fisheries agency, there is experience, traditions, qualifications, but...
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fisheries and the training of those 15-16 thousand specialists who in the horizon until 2030 we will need to work on those there ... 130-135 new fishing vessels and 25 + 10 - 35 new coastal fish processing plants, we would like to ask you to consider supporting the program or developing a program for the development of fisheries education, thank you, thank you, just a second, what regarding education, all these universities, the five you said, yes, they are under the jurisdiction of the government. the ministry of the russian fisheries agency is there some, in my opinion, but the federal fisheries agency
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petropavlovsk kamchatka vladivostok, kerch, astrakhan, kaliningrad, they are all located there, but in general, training is carried out in various specialties in forty to forty, which have nothing to do with the ministry of agriculture, the federal fisheries agency have, we need to think about how to consolidate all these opportunities, here you are certainly right, that’s what concerns export, duties on exports, then look, you said that you increased exports 20 times, right? yes, surimi 45.00 tons in 2022, in 2012 surimi exports were less than 2.0 tons. and the debt load also increased significantly, but only seven times, from 128 billion rubles in 2017 to 920 billion at the end of last year, taking into account the second year. i think that we definitely
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need help, so i’ll definitely talk with the minister, with dmitry patushev, we just need you, together with the ministry, and specifically the economic development department, to properly consider so that our counters are not left empty. well, you understand, yes, that first of all, of course, we must take care of the domestic market, so we offer five or six categories in which we are very, well , good on the foreign market, you know, so yes, yes, i understand, there you have there were big catches of red fish, in my opinion, yes, record-breaking, something else, yes, yes, yes, so, of course, they shouldn’t be so frozen at all.
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accordingly, it shows flexibility, in the federal direction we receive modernization of equipment, we receive
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major repairs, and also the business starts invest in training mentors, we understand that without mentors, well , unfortunately, the quality of our graduates will be low, so what we do is, firstly, we train using the infrastructure that is available to us within the regions, and we also took take on the responsibility to train your... with you - to create some kind of program to support such specialists who work with us as
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professionals. last year it was announced about the social mortgage of mentors, we tried to use the mechanism of far eastern mortgages, it-mortgages, there all sorts of other social mortgages, but unfortunately, this mechanism does not allow attracting new qualified personnel specifically into the open source software industry, because they are, as a rule, young... suitable for certain support measures, so our first proposal, vladimir vladimirovich, anyway, back to the issue of social mortgages, we actively discussed it, we even know the numbers, so... the second proposal that comes from business, despite the fact that we are also starting, including through the partial employment of teachers and mentors at their enterprises to increase their level of income, still within the framework of federal funding, to develop an additional program for financing teachers of the protech project prefe, thank you, yes, a very
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important question, very important, i completely agree with this, of course we need to raise our status. the level of training and status of those who are involved in this, one of the key things is, of course, housing, this is understandable, well, you see what is happening, specialists from the economic bloc, the central bank believe that our mortgage market is overheated lending, and this may have a negative impact on inflation, therefore forcing the central bank to keep the key rate high.
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participants of the congress, despite the hostilities, now in our region
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a lot of work is being carried out to restore the economy, industry, infrastructure, and until the twenty- sixth year we have a transition period, but we are not sitting idly by, we are looking far ahead and are carrying out such a systematic work on analyzing legislation, built effective work with the council on integration in the federation council, we introduce our initiatives and proposals there, an effective body reacts promptly, enormous support is provided by the bosses, regions, and the federal center, but given the volume of destruction, it is important to create... conditions for private money to be invested in the development of social cultural objects, and here we have a proposal to give private investors, including mining companies , a tax deduction if they use their money to build social and cultural
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objects in our region and give them the opportunity keep these objects on our balance sheet in order...
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absolutely, and here we ask to instruct the government to work and , you know, find such a human , fair balance in the field of ecology,
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because we love our land, we ourselves in no case we want to make it worse for her, but here is a simple proposal, here is what was taken from nature, well, in the same form it was returned to nature, so as not to overload our industry accordingly, i would like to take this opportunity to convey the words of great gratitude... residents of donbass for the fact that they were not abandoned at a difficult moment to be devoured by this fascist evil spirits, and people are grateful, the whole of vast russia came to the rescue, of course, of course, without your such a strong-willed, wise, very far-sighted decision, nothing would have happened, moreover, that today we still know the plans, yes, who, how, when, where they were going to hit, it’s no longer for...
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to thank the residents of donbass, novorussia for their courage, patience and heroism, the most difficult trials that people go through in these regions since 2014, they are, of course, sometimes in i can’t wrap my head around it, it’s just painful to look at, but we’ll put things in order there, that’s for sure. now, regarding the essence of your questions, you talked about a tax deduction
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for social facilities, well , a socio-cultural facility, but before answering your questions at all now, there are many of them, i want to say that in general donbass has very good industrial potential, it’s no coincidence that in the twenties, we all remember, these posters
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were created for this, this is the first, second, i can immediately comment on the environment, there indeed, we have already been given an order by the ministry of natural resources to find a mechanism for this water disposal, and rostekhnadzor has also been given an order to extend the period of control over the technical condition of mines to at least the twenty -sixth year, not to switch to full-fledged russian requirements yet, because otherwise the mines will simply stop, we are doing this work, we know, thank you, thank you, so yes, as for the tax deduction?
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are burdening the balance sheet and putting enterprises in difficult conditions, which means it’s better to let the administrative bodies work directly from the ministry of development, with the ministry of finance, they receive the necessary resources for the maintenance and development of social institutions that business builds; if business not only invests money in these institutions, but then overloads its balance sheets with their content, there will be nothing good for business here. companies
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are just busy building facilities, holding them, because the municipality can’t just hold them there, i know that where we can’t do it, we can do it there, so until 2026 we have a transition period for donbass, he is acting, we need to take advantage of this, see what will happen and what it will result in, i know that many are building and maintaining, he vladimir leonidovich rebuilt a whole city there and... he is happy and proud of it and rightfully proud, but i mean in general, in general, in terms of the economy , they did it, built it better, calmly, in good condition, by mutual agreement, this must be done in advance, so that municipalities, and regions, and somewhere the federation, maybe, planned in advance the costs of maintaining these facilities, so the trend is correct - that’s... well, and
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as for the environment, of course, you can’t do everything at once, in one blow, it won’t work, we and these standards that you mentioned in russia have been implementing there for more than 10 years, to be honest, we are postponing everything, postponing it, then, after all, decisions were made at the legislative level, we say that we will not refuse this, but the enterprises are working...
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commission on congress, russian union of exhibitions of fairs, expoforum . vladimirich, from the congress and exhibition industry we have two requests, suggestions, but i would also like to start with words of gratitude for the fact that 2 years ago at the rsp congress you gave instructions to develop additional measures to support the convention and exhibition industry. i would like to express special gratitude to the government of the russian federation personally.
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the rosprom team for the fact that in less than 2 years fundamental work was done, an industry development strategy and a roadmap until the thirtieth year, a system of standards, a system of state statistics were adopted, educational programs were launched, and this it turned out to be a very timely measure, because after the start of a special military operation, in the new economic reality in which we found ourselves, the country turned out to have a very effective... tool for reassembling the economy. in the twenty-third year , 1,500 industrial exhibitions were held in the country, 55 million meetings and negotiations were held at them, as a result of which contracts worth more than 17 trillion rubles were concluded. this is 10% of the country's gdp. in fact, the industry has become a new driver of economic development, a kind of
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conveyor and factory. which turns contacts into contracts, the second - a unique story that happened is that the congress and exhibition industry has become a new institution of socialization, which began to form current meanings of positive impressions through the demonstration of new achievements and live communication, an example of this is thousands of social events, ranging from known to you


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