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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 25, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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macron said that a neighbor like russia poses a threat to the old world and called on europe to rush to rearm as soon as possible. macron also emphasized that eu countries need to give preference to european manufacturers of military equipment. it is thanks to this reliable defense that we will be able to guarantee europe the security that our partners expect.
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the police union promises a strike, which railway workers and air traffic controllers are now actively doing. well, with the details, contact our european correspondent, regina sevastyanova, comes out on the phone. yes, regina, hello, how justified are these fears? hello, the media does warn about this, less so at all. days before the start of the games , problems rain down on pre-olympic paris, even from the most unexpected quarters, that night, for unknown reasons , the red mill, exhausted by the whole world, burst in, the management of the cabaret theater rules out deliberate actions and is not going to close the rush, but will they see the mill in her guests of the summer olympics are in the best shape, now of course the question is open, the grand opening and accompanying events around the sports filiere threaten to turn into a nightmare for the french security apparatus, writes today paris is already considering
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the possibility of moving the opening ceremony of the olympics from the banks of the seine to a more secure place, for example, the nasad the france . previously, the government decided to halve the number of spectators at the ceremony, but this does not reassure experts. officials fear that the hay that flows through center of paris, vulnerable to sniper drone attacks. recent resurgences of state-linked groups that carried out mass shootings in moscow, threatened soccer matches across europe, and russian-backed cyberattacks are worrying french authorities. key representatives of law enforcement agencies involved in ensuring the security of the olympic games admit to the media that they are already absolutely exhausted, especially since the incidents follow literally one after another. in february, the press reported three cases of theft laptops that allegedly contained information on the issue. security related
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to the olympic games, today the publication lepregen reported the detention of a sixteen-year-old teenager on suspicion of preparing a terrorist attack during the games. a young man from the upper sovoe department was already under surveillance by the special services due to his commitment to radical islamism. now he was trying to find out on the internet where to buy the materials necessary for making belts under the loader. the budget for game security is already is estimated at between 3 and 5 billion euros. threatens the protest on april 30, and the largest trade union claims that the government has not yet guaranteed the promised olympic bonus, and today air traffic controllers staged a black thursday for french air traffic; because of their protest action , hundreds of thousands of passengers were killed at the country’s airports, about 2.0 flights were canceled, about a thousand more changed routes, according to french authorities, at shaldy gol airport , as a result, about 50% of flights were canceled at another...
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neither yesterday nor on tuesday it was possible for us to fly they offer it on saturday, but it is very difficult to find a hotel before this time, we are stuck at the airport. paris airports suggest that there has not been an action of this scale for at least 20 years, and the international association iata, which accounts for approximately 83% of global air traffic, accused french air traffic controllers of blackmail with their exorbitant demands. after the railway workers, it is the turn of air traffic controllers who want to take related measures. the prospect of the olympic games is a great opportunity for...
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yes, thank you, our european correspondent regina sebastianova was in touch with the studio. there are a lot of things that can be confused, but you can’t go wrong with the choice of thermal insulation. penoplex slabs provide protection from heat and cold. penoplex is an effective thermal insulation. well, are the credit card debts
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2030 and the role of business in achieving them. our correspondent maria slobodyanskaya is following the work of the congress. maria, welcome, what tasks has the president outlined? colleagues, hello, well, there are a lot of tasks, they are quite specific, as the head of state noted, the authorities will support business, since the state of families, citizens and the development of our economy largely depends on its work, he proposed specific steps to support them. i must say that the communication with the business was very fruitful and really long, more than 2.5 hours. a large number of topics were discussed; at the beginning of his speech, vladimir putin noted that any problems can be solved in business cooperation, the authorities said that, despite the simple conditions jobs, the economy is showing strong growth, industrial production is also growing, unemployment is at record lows.
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shows that he continues to show good momentum. one of the most important factors for the successful operation of a business is ensuring maximum predictability of conditions for its development, and this will be fruitfully addressed by the state at the federal and regional levels, so that businesses can plan their projects over a long-term horizon. more.
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including infrastructure, social, personnel projects, in short, it is necessary to provide stable and predictable conditions for reliable, confident business operation. in this regard, vladimir putin also raised another important topic, the privatization of individual enterprises; the general prosecutor's office recently opened several cases, as vladimir putin noted. of course, such a practice should not be universal and should only be applied to those enterprises where there were
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unscrupulous and illegal owners. otherwise, the operating conditions of the business should be simple and understandable, and of course, there can be no revision in this regard. recently, law enforcement agencies have opened a number of cases to return certain assets to state ownership. i would like to emphasize. review of privatization, we talked about this at the previous meeting, but about cases when the actions or inactions of the owners of enterprises and property complexes cause direct damage to the country's security and national interests. i want to draw your attention once again to my colleagues in this room, in law enforcement agencies, that the seizure of a business is justified only in the situation that i just talked about. indeed, there are many tasks
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facing business in the near future, and one of the tasks that the government should help solve is reducing the administrative burden, and here the regulatory policy also works, which significantly reduces the number of inspections and switches to a risk-based approach, all of this should also help to significantly increase industrial production volumes by literally tens of percent, and for this a number of support measures are also being taken. we'll send additional resources for the development of industrial mortgages, we will recapitalize such a significant, in-demand mechanism as the industrial development fund, its capital will almost double by 300 billion rubles, this resource will be aimed at supporting high-tech projects, and of course it is necessary, as they say, online monitor the effectiveness of these and other tools, fine-tune them...
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such sites in different countries of the world, i will not name them now, and we even offer a funding volume of 131 billion rubles inclusive
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subsidizing transport costs, but for now here we are with the ministry of finance. this is one of the president’s instructions following a meeting on the development of the south of russia and the ozovo region in march of this year. vladimir putin also set the task of ensuring the design of the dzhubga sochi expressway, determining the optimal route. in addition, the head of state instructed to submit a proposal for the modernization of treatment facilities located on the coast
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an independent system in the field of economics and finance, the deputy head of the ministry of foreign affairs announced today. sergei rebkov at a press conference dedicated to the priorities of russian, brix presidency. we will find out what other statements were made from svetlana chmukhal. yes, she's live on the facts. svetlana, welcome, are there any plans to expand brix in the near future? hello colleagues, you can be sure that brix will grow. more than three dozen countries have shown interest in partnership with the association. but no one will be able to disrupt the russian brix presidency; it will be successful. this is perhaps the main message of sergei ribkov’s press conference. according to the foreign minister, brix members demonstrate, quote: more and more teamwork. brix today is not just an abrevi.
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but as for harmful influences from the outside, cyber attacks, attempts to destructively influence the infrastructure, this is also on the rise, and this is part of the total hybrid war that the collective west, led by the united states, unleashed against us, sergei rebkov spoke not only about the hybrid war, but about a real war, however, the main character is still the same. rebkov called. ational words from poland about the possibility of deploying us nuclear weapons and emphasized that moscow’s patience not without limits. they didn’t want to come to
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an amicable agreement, they ended up with this crisis, if they follow the path of further escalation, this is how one can evaluate the reasoning, these verbal, for now games with nuclear weapons, then, that means, a further one will happen.
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moscow and damascus. currently, brix includes 10 states, five new members of the union - egypt, iran, the united arab emirates, saudi arabia and ethiopia - have begun full-fledged work since the beginning of this year. as ribkov said, the newcomers demonstrate a constructive attitude and are very active joined in joint activities. the first results of this cooperation will be summed up in october at the brix summit of heads of state, which will be held in kazan. well, now to st. petersburg, where the international security conference is completing its work. on the sidelines of the forum, nikolai patrushev today held
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separate conversations with colleagues from burkino fasso, hanna, the republic of guinea, malia, namibia and niger and summed up the results of a whole series of meetings at a press conference. we’ll find out all the details from dmitry akimov, he’s joining us. dmitry, welcome. please tell us what you managed to agree on as a result? yes, colleagues, hello. a lot, because a lot of topics were discussed, it couldn’t be any other way when 108 representatives from various countries participate in the international meeting at once, that’s exactly how many came here to the st. petersburg expo forum, in addition, 10 international organizations, this very number of participants already suggests that the principles of globalism and the traditional world order, on the basis of western hegemony o...
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it is stated that sovereign countries will never be able to come to terms with such behavior of adherents of a unipolar world.
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a general opinion was expressed that in the context of the militarization of the digital space, the transformation of computer attacks into an element of military-political confrontation, a legal mechanism is needed that will help prevent interstate conflicts. today we also discussed the current agenda, for example, germany submitted a resolution to the un general assembly on srebenica. let's listen to what nikolai said about this. it is surprising that such an initiative comes from a country that exterminated tens of millions of people during the second world war and committed countless crimes against humanity that have no statute of limitations. of course, germany
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caused such a hypocritical step. a vision of the principles of forming a polycentric world order, which should be built taking into account the interests of each partner, so these meetings will continue, they have already announced that it will also take place next year, colleagues, yes, dmitry, thank you, results of the work the international security conference was let down by dmitry akimov.
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