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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 25, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm MSK

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right now on the russia-24 channel again the main facts of this day in the studio georgy podgorny and natalya litovka. and that's what we'll tell you about. president vladimir putin spoke at the congress of the russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs. the head of state spoke about the strengthening of positive trends in the domestic economy and measures to support business. nika yankovaya will continue this topic right now. nika, welcome, the president has outlined clear and specific steps to support entrepreneurs. what were they like? colleagues, greetings, but the discussion also included about maximum predictability. for conducting and developing business, as well as simplifying administrative requirements. all the details right now. despite the unprecedented challenges our country has faced in recent years, positive trends in the economy are strengthening. president vladimir putin stated this. gdp growth continues to show good rates, last year it added 3.6%. in the first months of this year, the trend continues , business plays an important role in this. that's why. support for entrepreneurs remains
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one of the priorities in the government’s work, we will direct additional resources to the development of industrial mortgages, we will additionally capitalize such a significant, in-demand mechanism as the industrial development fund, its capital will almost double by 300 billion rubles. this resource will be aimed at supporting high-tech projects, and of course it is necessary to, as they say, online monitor the effectiveness of these and other tools, customize them, make them more flexible and convenient. the president outlined specific steps to support entrepreneurs, this is to ensure maximum predictability of conditions for running and developing business; it is also necessary to further simplify administrative requirements and significantly increase the volume of industrial production. in addition, all levels of education need to be developed to improve learning efficiency.
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at the same time, to stimulate businesses that are developing, investing, including in infrastructure, social, personnel projects, in short, it is necessary to ensure stable and predictable conditions for reliable, confident business work. the government and business are faced with the acute issue of personnel ; it will not be possible to cover their shortage by attracting migrants, as vladimir putin noted. it is necessary to look for other approaches, including those from according to deputy prime minister and head
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of the ministry of industry and trade denis manturov , there is now a shortage of 220 thousand specialists in the manufacturing industries alone, and by 2030 it could amount to almost one and a half million. at the same time, now, despite their difficulties in work, most sectors of the economy are showing strong growth. we got increase in production in almost all industries, which is important, powerful.
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khusnulin, business should more actively come to new regions, especially since now the most favorable conditions are being created there, firstly, we are giving tax breaks, secondly, proximity to transport logistics, thirdly, the opportunity to lease an enterprise with subsequent repurchase for generally not... a lot of money, so i invite everyone to cooperate, i know that many companies are showing interest, issues of logistics, investment inflow, expansion industry support programs - all these are important issues that have yet to be resolved by the authorities and business, but the main thing that the president said at the congress is that, regardless of the scale of the business, success accompanies those who know how to correctly perceive dynamic market conditions and are ready to change under these conditions, except in addition, it is important to invest in... scientific
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development of our own technological solutions. well, vladimir putin also congratulated the chairman of the board of directors of magnitogorsk at the rsp congress. took place the day before in yaroslavl and ended unconditional victory of the south ural guests with a score of 4:0. this morning, a plane with hockey players and the main khl trophy landed at magnitogorsk airport, the cup was displayed in the hockey arena so that everyone could take a photo with it. what do we bring back from
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the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov. as the kremlin official representative said, such assistance will not be able to change the fundamental outcome of the north military district, but will cause problems for kiev itself. called the tactics of the united states and europeans understandable and predictable. according to him, the west is following the path of increasing the range of the weapons they supply to kiev. thus, the united states is directly involved in the ukrainian conflict. in addition, peskov called a possible violation of us laws a matter of congress delivery of atak ms until the aid package is approved. according to media reports, tactical ballistic missiles have already ended up in ukraine, and the tranche was carried out secretly, and the kiev regime managed to use these weapons, twice. dmitry peskov commented on the us aid package to ukraine, the host of the moscow, kremlin-putin program, pavel zarubin. for the last 24 hours , everyone has been discussing what the united states is openly admitting, openly.
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at the time when, apparently, these deliveries had already taken place, the bill had not yet become law, it had not entered into force, accordingly, i would not rule out the possibility that those who made such a decision and implemented this decision violated the internal legislation of the united states of america; probably, certainly some congressmen will pay attention to this and ask questions.
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the outcome is a foregone conclusion, and the current dynamics of the state of affairs on the fronts demonstrates this, we will win, but with such weapons... ukraine will become more painful in the end, there will be more casualties in ukraine, there will be more destruction in ukraine, because, as putin said, if there is increase range weapons, will expand, well, whatever you call it, this is a sanitary, buffer zone, a security zone that will be needed in order to protect our territory for our citizens, which is why the united states continues to add fuel to... the reaction of the western media to
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the signing by president biden the bill on assistance to ukraine is basically the same, almost no one believes that 61 billion dollars have been allocated and that long-range missiles attacking the ms will somehow affect the course of the northern military district. former cia chief russia analyst, george beebe, writing for responsible state magazine. kraft wrote that the new us aid package will only prolong the conflict in ukraine and lead to even greater destruction in the country. and more and more experts are confident that the amount of $61 billion is clearly not enough to quote: defeat russia. the money has been allocated to delay the collapse of ukraine until the election of the american president. the washington post reported that 80% of american military aid to ukraine will not leave the united states. the money will be on...
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most of the republican party is in favor, but the document still passed vote, thanks to the speaker of the lower house mikel johnson, and so it is now customary to praise him, and in the same words. the bill passed easily, but was delayed for 6 months because right-wing republicans threatened to remove speaker michael johnson from office if he helped ukraine. but now that it happened, everyone is talking about it. i applaud peter johnson's courage. we saw moral courage. it is
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the courage to put the nation before oneself. he did it. not only put on voting, he split the bills, that's bold. i did the right thing. i decided it myself. i decided on my own and risked my job. this is brave, he behaved boldly. in this case, it's courage. well, and more about help. lithuania, following the example of poland, intends to return ukrainians liable for military service. home, the minister of defense of the republic told reporters. according to him, kiev in the ranks of the vsso critically lacks mobilization resources. according to official data, since the beginning of the conflict, lithuania has accepted almost 86 thousand refugees from ukraine, 15 thousand of them are of military age. and earlier the polish minister of defense also announced her readiness to return ukrainians to their homeland. but all this, the colossal losses at the front, when ukrainians are actually being slaughtered by western puppeteers, and the state of ukraine itself is rapidly losing sovereignty, all this could have been avoided. why
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did peace talks on ukraine fail in 2022? we asked directly about this. this is honest, this is the tragedy, unfortunately, i myself am from ukraine, originally from the soviet union, this is the tragedy of a non-sovereign state, non-sovereign, it is very difficult to negotiate with someone who cannot, who even wants to, but cannot make a decision, and at the same time is
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a party to a serious conflict, and also, what is written in the new school history textbook for high school on the topic of the nwo’s attempts ... to achieve a measured settlement, for what reason is it extremely important to know the history of your country, analyze events, be able to draw parallels, the assistant to the president of russia, writer, doctor of political and historical sciences spoke about this and not only in an interview with our tv channel, in the frame vladimir midinsky, watch tomorrow after 10 morning moscow time. let's talk about the lessons of history and parallels of our time with one of our most influential historians. countries, we are waiting for vladimir medinsky. the us authorities are supplying weapons to kiev and putting an end to the fate of ukraine. this is how russian ambassador to
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washington anatoly antonov commented on the new arms package for kiev. according to the diplomat, it is time to understand that russia is fighting today. against nazism, the same thing that happened in hitler’s germany, however, in that battle they were helped by their allies, while the employees of the russian embassy for the third year in a row cannot lay quinques on the elbe spirit in the usa. the memorial, let me remind you, was opened in 1995, half a century later, after on april 25 , 1945, the armies of the two countries met near the city of torgao on the elbe river. anatoly antonov today expressed the hope that after a while in america they will recognize how important the above-mentioned monument is in terms of plan.
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children, to cement the historical memory of the heroes who gave us the opportunity to live. it is necessary to protect memorials and burial places of soldiers who died in the struggle for peace. well, in moscow, on poklonnaya hill, where it is located memorial plaque of the spirit of elbe, representatives of a number of public organizations gathered and laid flowers. among them were relatives of direct participants in the events of those days. the russian federation has never forgotten either its exploits or the exploits of its comrades-in-arms and allies in the fight against fascism and has never downplayed their contribution to the victory, never said that their participation was not important, said that this is evidence that the sprouts of fascism ,
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unfortunately, they are making their way not only in ukraine in some european countries, but... we all felt and understood this very well. the united states is ready to impose sanctions against chinese banks, which, according to washington, help supply military products to russia. this
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was stated by us treasury secretary jannette ehlen. according to her, the white house warned the chinese about this during negotiations. however, the minister refused to say what sanctions are planned. but permanent representatives of the united states have been appointed. julian smith in an interview with politics bluntly stated in washington sees that china is choosing. usa. our correspondent denis alekseev has the latest information on the progress of the special operation.
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important news comes from sovdievsk during the day. there the total knocking out of militants from their occupied lines continues. from kiev they receive orders to hold the defense, and in response to kiev they do nothing but report losses. grouping. under berdych, but there is something that kiev values ​​​​more than personnel, western equipment, every news about the liquidation of another imported combat unit is noticeably depressing, our military does not miss opportunity to once again spoil the mood.
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are used less intensively, because losses have been suffered, and the crew also understands that a targeted hunt is already underway for them, and that abrams tanks are the priority targets among other tanks, among other enemy armored vehicles. and here are some more shots from the center group, details of the liberation of the village of lastochkina appeared, military personnel of a mountain motorized rifle formation distinguished themselves there, not without... aviation support, several were liquidated the day before mercenary formations, our southern group of troops continues to put the squeeze on ukrainian formations in the yar hours area.
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units of the southern group of forces improved the situation along the front line and repelled a counterattack by the assault group of the 80th mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in the krasnoye area. enemy losses amounted to up to 500 troops. but this is the work of the group covering the state border. rszzo grad crews destroyed the support base. enemy points, from where ukrainian formations intended to fire at populated areas. such intentions of the ovsu are of a constant nature, unfortunately, to take out anger for all their failures, this is the only way they can do it, fortunately, in most cases, our military cools their ardor, not even allowing them to focus on peaceful goals. as for our strikes on the ukrainian rear, everything here remains unchanged, as it was, and remains exceptionally high-precision, coordinated and carried out. the one who
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is filming, obviously a resident of odessa, has no words, only emotions, and why be surprised, it’s strange that someone else can be surprised by the fact that the ukrainian military is setting up parking lots equipment, hiding behind their own fellow citizens, there is no doubt that in these shots it is armored vehicles under the rubble, there is no doubt, they are difficult not to notice. american universities are being captured one by one by a wave of pro-palestinian and , accordingly, anti-israeli protests, in some cases it has already reached the point of police intervention and forceful dispersal. meanwhile, the media write that this has not happened since the vietnam war. it all started a week ago at the prestigious columbia university in new york state. he is one of the so-called levadskys. in the country, students there regularly organize political actions about without. this time. a group of students, several hundred people, set up a tent camp on campus, demanding that the university management renounce ties with israeli companies and call on israel for a ceasefire in the gaza strip.
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then i miscalculated, because the protests continued after this crackdown, moreover, they also spread to other american universities. the geography of the protests is truly extensive, from expensive and prestigious universities, the so -called ivy league on the east coast to more democratic state universities and several universities in california. immediately after the columbian event, the action was picked up by students at cornell university, then by the most
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famous american universities themselves. in harvard, eli, princeton, somewhere students hold pickets near the administration building, somewhere they set up tent camps, somewhere they even try to disrupt classes, often the demands are addressed not only to the leadership of universities, but to the us government, as the main ally and sponsor israel. there are reports of arrests and many participants are receiving threats expulsions, and many right-wing and pro-israel politicians make statements in the spirit of: “ university campuses are not a place for protest.” however, the wave of student demonstrations has not yet subsided, the americans here find themselves in such an interesting situation that the current american administration led by biden is largely supported by the exit from the middle east, the arabs, the same palestinians from other countries, and trump’s side is supported by one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful, jewish lobby in america, and so
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image here... we see a very deep contradiction that has gripped america from the inside. ural cip is a bank for business, and we work on the principle of all or nothing, everything for entrepreneurs and nothing extra. we give free service for 3 months upon opening. issues of maintaining men's health are the focus these days at the medical congress in sochi. this year marks the twentieth anniversary. in addition to the plenary session, the program includes an exhibition, discussion clubs, five-minute medical workshops, and a competition for young scientists. for
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experts came to exchange experiences. bikers from the all-russian motorcycle club night wolves went on a motorcycle rally along the roads of victory from st. petersburg to kyrgyzstan. the action was dedicated to the memory of taktagon altybasarova and a resident of the isakul region, who during the great patriotic war took in and raised 150 children taken from besieged leningrad. 25 km, for which mine also died, we have something different, we have brotherhood, we are not politicians, we have
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convictions, you know, we have a big one. the current ukrainian government acts smoothly like the bolshevik government, yes, which separated the church.


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