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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 25, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. hide behind
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the cook. whom the terry neo-nazis dispose of at the front so as not to fall under our factories themselves, the revelation of ukrainian prisoners. new powerful strikes by russia on the military railway infrastructure of ukraine. echelons of equipment with locomotives and repair bases. how do these attacks affect the front? too good to be ukrainian. kiev tried to pass it off as its own development.
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“take care of your head, do not commit rash acts and do not follow the lead of those who your life is not needed." an appeal from one of the captured prisoners to his colleagues, junior sergeant, oleg kolomiets, chose life by surrendering to the russian military on time, but everything could have turned out much more sadly, and he was among those mobilized who were abandoned by the kiev regime near avdeevka, and yesterday’s civilians were promised that they would be covered by the so-called elite, an assault brigade of neo-nazis, but everything turned out the other way around, as the prisoner said, his unit simply turned out to be meat for those whoever strives, strives to remove troops that are more valuable to the kiev regime from under attack. understanding of the true attitude of the authorities and the command came only in captivity, so the former... military man did not hesitate to share
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his story with the russian audience; it contains a lot of instructive things for those who are threatened by the ukrainian meat grinder, the main thing will be highlighted by anton potkovenko, anton, greetings, but such there are more and more testimonies, welcome, yes, there are a lot of them, there are very characteristic and revealing videos, let's watch, cooks, drivers, former electricians, these are the people the ideological ukrainian nazis are driving ahead of them to the front line, they’re not even just driving, all this terodorology, which... yesterday for the first time picked up a machine gun, all the freshly captured civilians, fighters in quotes, they are fighting instead of terrorists azov or the right sector there. here alexander shuriggin, born in 1978 from the 142nd infantry brigade, says: they force you to fight, regardless of whether you pass the medical examination or not, you won’t go on a combat mission, it’s all criminal. commanders, babbles, since i don’t know, since they...
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or so, as they said, we are one family here, friendly, guys, what do you mean, if we take our company, we will be there until the last, we will not give you up to anyone, as a result there is no company, here is a prisoner of war, oleg kolomiets, mobilized in march twenty-two, a colleague from the telegram channel archangel of special forces, oleg kolomiets, recorded an interview with him, he is a cook, he is a real cook. that is, according to all his documents, he is a real cook, that is, if he usually eats there, they say, i’m a cook or a driver there, and this is documented nowhere not confirmed, then he has a direct description of the cook, what kind of fighter am i, no, at the military registration and enlistment office in uzhgorod they didn’t bother to find out whether he had a military specialty or not, they took him away right away, he was first in the security of the headquarters in the lugansk direction, when his unit was knocked out of there, kolominets ended up in the recruitment center in exactly the summer of twenty-two, then the chernigov region and...
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after 18 months, he ended up in avdeevka on february 5 of this year - this is less than two weeks before we took it, when the azov terrorists fled from avdeevka, that same third separate assault. the dbsu battalion, where oleg was, was brought to one of the streets in the private sector, they were given the task of observing the battle and not getting involved, they say azov will fight. the third assault brigade, as they were called, and the azovs, and how they stormed, i didn’t see, as soon as we began to change, some climbed into the car, others climbed out of it, there was a drop from a drone, i received shrapnel wounds.
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they prefer to sit in the rear or on the second line, filming a video on how to fight for ukraine, and if they do come, then exclusively as a punitive force, another sixty -seventh separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, in which there are other terrorists from the right sector, they also never aspired to the front line and put mobilized people in
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their place, but now this unit is being disbanded, criminal cases are being opened against the commanders, because the right-wingers are leaving their positions , they are all in shock, even without translation, that’s understandable.
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putting under the knife more and more mobilized, not full-blown terrorists, but no matter how much you retreat, our fap. will still catch up. anton potkovenko, reason to call volga. within 24 hours, fighters from the southern group of russian troops again improved the situation along the front line and repelled an attack by assault forces in the ukrainian armed forces near the village of krasnoye, donetsk people's republic. the enemy’s losses amounted to up to
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500 manpower, and the advance of our military is covered by air defense crews, who are closely monitoring the appearance of ukrainian drones in the sky. report by pavel. prokopenko the strela-10 anti-aircraft missile system has already captured the target in a few seconds, a shot a moment later a loud sound and a cloud of smoke destroyed the flow of one, just like that, with one shot , the air defense unit of the twentieth motorized rifle division of the southern group of forces destroys the ukrainian reconnaissance drone leleka; it shatters into splinters; only small fragments fell to the ground. tener, there is a missile in it, we aim, it locks onto the target, we launch, it has already started, it is already flying exactly at the target. lelek's flight speed is 120 km/h, his dimensions are no more than 2 m. such a bird was pierced in the sky by our arrow. a drone is
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a small target, it is very difficult to hit it, since it has a small affected area, the missile may not notice it when you hit it, as if it were a bull’s-eye, you might have hit the jackpot. zenit on... the strela missile system is a reliable air defense element that hits almost any air target, including airplanes and helicopters. strela 10 is the most mobile and maneuverable among similar complexes and can hit.
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the blow was struck at the storage site of old cars, which had absolutely no military significance, and only civilians were injured, just like that, in plain sight the ukrainian media today are commenting on the visit of the iskanders to odessa, where a series of explosions occurred, and so powerful that they were apparently embarrassed to explain their supposedly successful work of air defense, even the waterproof information dump, so they began to tell tales about... a destroyed parking lot, but as most often happens , some of the local residents, out of emotion, forgot about censorship and revealed
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the honest truth, the key word he uttered was honesty, that is, a military unit, they were hiding there, of course, not at all harmless cars, in the footage of the consequences of the fire the charred remains of equipment in the ssu are clearly visible, which means russian missiles have arrived exactly at the address, no matter how much zelensky’s propaganda claims the opposite, and indeed demilitarization in general. our troops are conducting such facilities systematically, and sometimes it is possible to dispose of large batches of armored vehicles when they are already being transported directly to the front, evgeny nipot will confirm, evgeny, hello, well, railway trains have turned into a convenient target, alexey, hello, all thanks to the well-coordinated work of intelligence and clear interaction between those units that inflict fire damage on bridges, depots, repair plants, military echelons, generalizing the railway infrastructure of ukraine.
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a gesture of support, anyway, it was military bulgaria in march that supplied ukraine with equipment that could play a role, but it didn’t even reach the front, and this happens regularly. this footage of an attack on a train in the dnepropetrovsk region. settlement of sinelnikovo. people in uniform can be seen running away. five units were reported destroyed technology. two strikes were carried out on the infrastructure in the cherkasy region. there is reason to believe that trains supplied by ukrainian ones were also targeted. here we are talking either about enterprises
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of the military-industrial complex, especially about those enterprises that produce drones, enterprises that produce missile systems, repair military equipment, produce ammunition, these are, of course, logistics hubs, or railway junctions, or. .. vehicles, the enemy is actively, this has been proven, using civilian trucks in order to deliver, for example, ammunition to the front line. on the same friday, april 19, missile attacks hit enemy targets in dnepropetrovsk, the work of the station and locomotive depot was stopped, in a region that had been turned into a large logistics hub for the front. western observers are worried that russia is going to destroy transport networks and railways. railway tracks in particular, all this may affect the defense of the armed forces of ukraine,
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which is hinted at, for example, by cnn (quote from the source), kiev will already face faces logistical problems trying to deliver shells to the positions of its armed forces. after the military assistance already officially announced by washington, they will naturally be transported in only two ways, these are... railway transport and road transport, and given the fact that they have a very extensive network of roads and railways. it is in the south-east of ukraine that our firepower has to work quite a lot. the work, i must say, is going on systematically, analysts of military chronicles they note that in mid-april , the railway station, dnieper - the main one, pavlograd one, krivoy rog - the main one, as well as the aforementioned senelnikovo station, were subjected to a large-scale attack.
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in addition, it is reported that iskander will arrive at the facilities of the zaporozhye electric locomotive plant. and just recently it became known that railway facilities in balakleya, kharkov region, were hit, that is, the same logistics hubs that are vitally necessary for the armed forces of ukraine in the southeast of the country. the armed forces of ukraine are forced to quickly transfer reserves of personnel and equipment, ammunition from the interior of the country, to the donbass, just in this region, often the clock counts, the disabling of logistics hubs, especially railway hubs. even for a short time makes it extremely difficult to transfer these reserves, and these attacks, i repeat, continue for weeks; in early april, the railway bridge in the odessa region, an important artery that helped transport military cargo, also came under attack, which is increasingly difficult to hide from russian intelligence. our drones are on at the moment they are flying completely freely over
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odessa, over zaporozhye, over other cities, over kharkov, we have observed this many times, that is... in the face of problems with air defense missiles and other anti-aircraft weapons of the ukrainian armed forces, we are increasingly seeing the work of our drones, which allow you to quickly deliver strikes against strategic targets. in odessa, for example, a plane was scrambled to hunt for arlan, but ukrainian pilots do not always keep up with russian drone reconnaissance aircraft, so under the same, under the same dnepropetrovsk with a clear, coordinated strike.
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divisions that strike belgorod, that strike the kursk region, the bryansk region, the donetsk people 's republic, the cities of the lugansk people's republic, for the russian army, of course, they are a priority target and the object of a round-the-clock hunt. the poles may now be helping the kiev regime, but burning depots, locomotives, airfields, and collapsed bridges are seriously complicating the situation on the front lines. logistics of the armed forces of ukraine, which is skidding right on the rails. evgenia nipot and consequences high-precision strikes. in the avdeevsky direction of the special operation, where servicemen of our center group are working, seven more counter-attacks of the ukrainian armed forces were stopped, and massive fire damage was inflicted on the personnel and equipment of three mechanized brigades of the kiev regime, up to 350 ukrainian
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militants were eliminated, who were not saved even by well- built fortifications, o how they... are taken away by the crew of russian tanks, alexander katsuba. lightning breakthrough, our t-90 tank is sent to a closed, camouflaged a position for carrying out a combat mission , strongholds of ukrainian armed forces militants, on which we will now work with 125 caliber. the actions of the tankers in the troop center group are coordinated by our reconnaissance drone. we are not like artillery. we stand in one place, and we can roll out to one position, then change to a second one, and this way it’s more difficult for the enemy to detect us and calculate what distance and where we ’re shooting, we’ve defeated a lot of enemies, i’ve already lost count, the t-90m breakthrough is our main one battle tank, modernized to the realities of modern war, special attention to the protection of the crew,
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who takes refuge in a turret module with multi-layer armor, you go out when you are working, you... 30-70 m, i mainly conduct the battle, you see the drone, report via radio to the crew and gunners and fire at them , if
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it’s a reconnaissance drone, then we try to stand and not move, and if we shoot it down, our tankers fire from closed firing positions, no grief interferes, there are no deep puddles, that is, they will even run through a ford if necessary. brought us out of bad situations more than once when the enemy's artillery covered them, they left, they did not succumb to any fear, the ukrainian armed forces' stronghold was destroyed, the assault units of the center group of troops are moving forward, delivering an accurate crushing blow to the enemy, our bosses raise their position and change the place of the queues, and so on all day long. alexander katsyuba, alexander malyshev, lead. a number of sources have suggested that such equipment is produced in ukraine under license, but this is not the case. quote from an article by the south african
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publication defense web, whose authors drew attention to an interesting video featuring commander-in-chief of the air force syrsky and minister of defense nezalezhnaya umerov, who were recently given a review of the supposedly newest, independent developments of the military-industrial complex of the kiev regime, among other things, were shown such an armored vehicle, it must be admitted that it is very. decent -looking, but it’s true that the pride in it among those who knew it did not last long, since the country of real origin of the car turned out to be, strictly speaking, ur, and this model was brought to square even before the start of the russian special operation as a demonstration copy, however the junta did not return it, citing logistical difficulties due to the fighting, now the imported armored car, well, it looks like there was a worthy propaganda use in the corporate style of the gang with the bank, but even this is not...
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not bad for the military industry of a warring country, a real weapon can overcome , it would be, if not for one thing, even those who are absolutely loyal to high-level propagandists immediately noticed the obvious deception. the most interesting piece of equipment at the exhibition was a new armored vehicle that had not previously been shown to the public, the name of which was not advertised. visually she. almost completely follows the contours of the 6x6 bomb machine developed by the south african company paramount group. and indeed,
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here is the machine demonstrated to syrsky. do you remember? now south african mbombe. the armored personnel carrier was created in 2010, has eight seats, reaches speeds of up to 110 km/h and is well protected. as they say, find 10 differences. actually from. this module seems to have been made in ukraine, but where they got the components from is not specified, i remember the old folk wisdom, that ukraine is a word to steal, it looks ugly, this is understandable, they are doing this now, naturally, they are trying to do this as part of their propaganda, agitation, just to... encourage the population, the majority are not specialists, so especially considering that they have monopoly in the information space, blatant theft,
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someone will say, the traditions of the ukrainian military industry will be answered in kiev. after gaining independence, our western neighbors inherited the most powerful industry, including the military, it would seem, create, create the latest types of weapons and, according to at least within the framework of the official narrative , kiev is always something. i made money, one project is more epic than the other, but what’s the bottom line? let's go over the best examples. tank oplod, for example. at one time , kiev’s great friends even included it in the list of the strongest main tanks of our time. so, it is just a modernization of the soviet t-80. by the way, on the fields of the northern military district, strongholds are almost never found. it turned out that conventional t-80s are much more effective. but, for example, alkhan, supposedly has no analogues to the mlrs. so, in everything, and some types of equipment literally have nothing
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to do with ukraine. for example, unmanned boats, also nominally ukrainian, are just being assembled in square, they were invented and produced in the uk. london does not admit this, but only because drones are used for terrorist attacks. now 90% of ukrainian equipment, which is still produced in one way or another under the ukrainian label, is like this. there are ukrainian drones there, they are assembled from blocks and assemblies that are supplied to them by artillery systems, they are also in general... based on czech all-terrain wheeled platforms , artillery pieces are added to them, which again half consist of various western components, so for ukraine this is normal, there are no purely original ukrainian systems now, because they are all either borrowed, as let’s say there are some small arms things, or they are a hodgepodge, and as soon as the country has sunk to the theft of south african technology,
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someone will ask... who doesn’t know what modern ukraine, for 30 kopeck years there, the so-called independence, and in fact the existence of ukraine as a state, instead of developing what they got, they actually destroyed everything, in ukraine the engineering school in general as such was destroyed, higher educational institutions were destroyed who could do this, and in all directions, the only thing they always did well was buy-sell or steal-sell. well, as for this pseudo-ukrainian car, it will definitely not appear either in the fields of the svo or on the lists military exports, taking into account the position of the law firm in ukraine, square has no chance of obtaining a production license. unlike london or washington, cape town has no dealings with thieves and terrorists. evgenia teshkovets and the appropriation of someone else's. russian military personnel
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on combat duty at the border. ukraine from the belgorod region today destroyed another stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces, where camouflaged equipment was located, used to attack our peaceful infrastructure, and such hidden enemy positions in the border area, reconnaissance detects regularly, after which artillery immediately comes into play, about the smooth work, report by igor pikhanov. hidden in the dense forest of the belgorod region, the crew of the multiple launch rocket system, grad, is on combat watch. a unit of the state border cover group is ready to repel any enemy... attack, 40 shells of 122 mm caliber, capable of destroying targets at a distance of 40 km, effectively fighting enemy manpower and military equipment. the rocket launcher is located at the base of the passable urals, thanks to its power, the vehicle can arrive at any point specified by the command to strike ukrainian militants. the reconnaissance officers receive coordinates of a target in the border territory of ukraine, and discovered camouflaged positions in the ssu. in a matter of
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minutes the crew. advances to the firing line, the combat crew operates in swinging mortar mode, it delivers precise strikes on the enemy, stealth allows you to take the enemy by surprise. the car drives out into an open area, modern equipment helps to quickly aim the weapon for impact. the enemy is holed up in a forest belt and is being attacked by high-explosive fragmentation shells. a precise strike destroys military equipment in su, this is an armored car transport for the delivery of ammunition and manpower. we hit these positions, if we let them dig in, it will be more difficult for us to work on them, to knock them out, they will bring their troops closer to attack, again against civilians of belgorod and the belgorod region, for enemy artillery our rocket launcher is one of the main targets, so
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after execution. task the crew changes their location, the car is charged again ready for a new attack on the armed forces, the military call this crew hunters for militants, a hail of hail and a seven m3 howitzer were recently destroyed, quite a calculation turns out, also on a volunteer basis, he came here with me to defend his homeland, nizhny novgorod region for the most part, my senior gunner was a welder , the driver also worked in warehouses, because we need to defend our homeland, who if not us, despite... weather conditions in the sky in the border area there are reconnaissance drones around the clock, with when an enemy is detected , units of the ministry of defense immediately work on it; destroyed enemy military equipment means lives saved. the ukrainian army is trying every day to strike peaceful cities and towns. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. now there is a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our broadcast.


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