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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 26, 2024 1:30am-2:00am MSK

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yes, they initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people, god is marvelous among his saints, let’s see what happens next.
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the archangel of the special forces, oleg kolomiets, he is a cook, he is a real cook, that is, according to all his documents, he is a real cook, that is, if they put it there, they say, i am a cook or a driver there, and this is not documented anywhere, then it is directly written down on him cook, what kind of fighter am i, no, at the military registration and enlistment office in uzhgorod they didn’t bother to figure out whether i had a military specialty or not, they took me away right away. first in the security of the headquarters in lugansk
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direction, when his unit was knocked out from there, the kolomi citizen ended up in the center of the assembly in exactly, this is in the summer of twenty-two, then in the chernigov region, 18 months later, he ended up in ovdeevka, on february 5 of this year, this is less than two weeks before we they took it when the azov terrorists fled from avdeevka, the same third separate assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. the battalion where oleg was was brought to one of the streets in the private sector, they were given the task of observing the battle and not getting involved, they say... azov will fight, that in in your understanding, the third assault brigade, what he tells us is that’s what they were called, yes azov, and how they stormed, i didn’t see, as soon as we started changing, some climbed into the car, others climbed out of it, there was a drop from a drone , i received a shrapnel wound in the leg, then a concussion, i became deaf for 2 days, partially blind. these are the characters
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that hide behind the so-called elite units of the armed forces of ukraine. nationalists have always been a political force in ukraine, maybe that’s why they manage to sit behind the backs of the persecuted theroboronites, when the yeast of the earth comes from our factories. they all came from the maidan, they are all charged ideologically and politically, that’s all, they have always been considered as a resource within the political struggle, they would, i think, with great pleasure put azov on... the front line, they would put an isteroboronist barrier detachment behind and we wouldn’t let them retreat until we ground them down, but so far it hasn’t worked out, as a result, we are faced with poorly fired and poorly trained men, and it’s not just terrorists from azov they prefer to sit in the rear or on the second line, filming videos on how to fight for ukraine, and if they do come, then only as a punitive force, another 67 separate...
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regime and conscripts who are forced to fight for them. kiev is deliberately mowing down, disposing of its own citizens. the kiev bandyrov regime and the collective west absolutely do not need a population that will not be loyal to them or that can betray them, so they are letting them go under the knife. here is
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the mobilized alexander vedernikov for a moment, born in his sixty-eighth year, his unit was sent to the queue and was not even warned that it would be necessary to fight there at all. 100%, because one of our desires is to take a grenade, go in, throw them into the office of these commanders, you know, something that simply, if they even said there, we are not prepared, we have not studied anywhere, they, well, without warning nothing anywhere, they simply sent us, but they don’t send the basics there, putting more and more mobilized, not full-blown terrorists under the knife. but no matter how much you retreat, our factory is still will catch up, traces of battles are in full view, i didn’t think twice, that is, i called, they told me to come, and i arrived, i didn’t even know where i would end up, a tor for salim at the reception, okay, we’ll wait
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another 3 minutes, we won’t get there so, we won’t get caught, the main thing is not to get hit by our own people, that’s it, then commander, i went to the front line, neither for money nor for coercion, a person will not perform a feat... will not, now what was in our grandfathers is awakening in people, this is not a duty, it is a need and a right, the right to defend one’s homeland. despite unprecedented challenges, with which our country has faced in recent years, positive trends in the economy are strengthening, president vladimir putin announced about this congress of the rsp. gdp growth continues to show good rates. last year it gained 3.6%. in the first months of this year , the trend continues and business plays an important role in this, so supporting entrepreneurs remains one of the government’s priorities. we will direct additional resources to the development of industrial mortgages. we will recapitalize such
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a significant, in-demand mechanism as the fund industrial development. its capital will almost double by 300 billion rubles. this resource will be aimed at supporting high-tech projects, and of course, it is necessary to monitor the effectiveness of these and other tools online, customize them, and make them more flexible and convenient. the president outlined specific steps to support entrepreneurs, including ensuring maximum predictability of conditions for doing and developing business; it is also necessary to further simplify administrative requirements and significantly increase volumes. industrial production, in addition, it is necessary to develop all levels of education in order to increase the effectiveness of training. as for the additional adjustment of the tax system, here, as the president noted, the most important thing is clear and predictable working conditions in the long term. now the government, together with business public
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associations and regions, is discussing the parameters of changes and preparing appropriate proposals. the updated tax conditions need to be fixed for the long term. term modernization of the fiscal system should ensure a more equitable distribution of the tax burden, while stimulating businesses that are developing and investing, including in infrastructure, social, and personnel projects; in short, it is necessary to ensure stable and predictable conditions for reliable, confident business operation. the government and business are faced with the acute issue of coverage personnel. their shortage by attracting migrants, as vladimir putin noted, will not work. it is necessary to look for other approaches, including increasing labor productivity. according to deputy prime minister and head of the ministry of industry and trade denis manturov, there is currently a shortage of 220,000 specialists in the manufacturing industries alone.
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by the thirtieth year it could be almost one and a half million. at the same time, now, despite their difficulties in work, most sectors of the economy are showing strong growth. we got. an increase in production in almost all industries, which is important, a powerful budgetary impulse in combination with corporate programs. record volumes of investment in fixed capital. according to the results in the twenty-third year, their growth in processing exceeded 19%. there were many topics for discussion with business; it was about the development of entrepreneurship in the regions. it is important to objectively assess their economic condition. a digital platform will be created for this purpose. now the construction complex, together with the ministry of economic development, is identifying 2,000 development support settlements. which will be stimulated, while, as deputy prime minister marat khusnulin noted, business should more actively come to
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new regions, especially since there are now the most favorable conditions are created, firstly, we give tax breaks, secondly, proximity to transport logistics, thirdly, the opportunity to lease an enterprise with a subsequent purchase for generally little money, so i invite everyone to cooperate , i know that many companies... are showing interest. issues of logistics, investment inflow, expansion of industry support programs, all these are important issues that the authorities and business still have to resolve. but the main thing the president said to the congress was: regardless of the scale of the business, success accompanies those who know how to correctly perceive dynamic market conditions and are ready to change according to these conditions. in addition, it is important to invest in scientific development of our own technological solutions. at bikfest you definitely choose a double cheeseburger
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a loan with sberbank and receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate, more profitable with sberbank prime. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. april 26, 1792 year, one of the most famous revolutionary songs in the whole world, la marseillaise, appeared in france. its author was military engineer claude joseph rouget delisle. after the overthrow of the royal monarchy , austria, prussia and others united against france.
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rein's army, but when the marseilles volunteer battalion entered paris with it, it became the marseillaise and thundered throughout france, it was made the national anthem of the republic, then it was banned more than once and restored to this status, many revolutionaries fought with it on the barricades countries, and russia is no exception, but in our country they more often sang the workers’ marseillaise, to the words of the populist pyotr lavrov. today is the anniversary of the russian hydrometeorological service, it goes forward, forward, forward, forward, forward, it appeared exactly 190 years ago, on april 26 , 1834, on that day nicholas i issued a decree on organizing
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a normal magnetic-meteorological observatory in st. petersburg under the corps of mining engineers , that was the beginning. regular geophysical observation. the first director was academician adolf kupfer. he began to create a network of weather stations. at the beginning of the 20th century there were already more than 3,000 of them. kupfer developed a system of telegraphic weather reports and published a russian meteorological bulletin. russia was ahead of other countries in this and thanks to its efforts , an international meteorological organization was formed in 1873. today it is called global and unites. our national weather service has changed its name more than once; now it is the federal service for hydrometeology and environmental monitoring or roshydromet. it has at its disposal research institutes, modern technology equipment, including satellites, radars and ground stations. since
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april 26, 1921, he has been reporting on the history of the academy of the fsb of russia. they mastered human intelligence, counterintelligence, investigative work, cryptography, acquired military skills, courses became higher, then the central school of the ogpud. today, the fsb academy
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is a unique educational institution, a school of counterintelligence skills and... on the night of april 26, 1986, the largest accident in the history of nuclear energy occurred. the explosion and fire at the fourth power unit of the chernobyl nuclear power plant led to to dire consequences. the reactor core was completely destroyed and a fire broke out and lasted 10 days. a huge amount of radioactive materials have been released into the environment. on the territory of ukraine, belarus, russia and pollution was noted even in the arctic, the liquidators showed dedication and heroism, many died and saved dozens at the cost of their lives. thousands of people. the damaged power unit was covered first with a reinforced concrete sarcophagus, and then with a steel one. the operation of the nuclear power plant was stopped back in 2000. the lessons of chernobyl were taken into account in the development
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of the russian nuclear industry, modernization was carried out, outdated technological solutions were revised, and high reliability and safety of new facilities were ensured. this is what this day in history was like. i've been waiting for you forever. “i was in such a hurry to meet you, it has finally come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition, the general meeting decided to decorate the house.” ownership of the plot, but you discovered that for now it is not clear what it looks like or what it includes. we will tell you what to do in such a situation in 5 minutes in this issue of instructions.
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any property owner in an apartment building can contact the local municipality. in the application you must indicate your desire to allocate the site. then it will be necessary to prepare a boundary plan; this can be done by a cadastral engineer. his role in the whole process is quite significant when choosing with whom to enter into a creation contract? you need to approach it thoughtfully. on the website of rosreestr in the open there is a list of cadastral engineers available. when you are looking for a contractor, look at his statistics, namely, how much work he has already completed and, most importantly, the percentage of decisions when his work was not accepted or sent for revision. if a specialist has little experience, and his boundary plans often do not satisfy employees from the rosreestr, then, perhaps, you should not contact them, even if the tariff is attractive. what things should you pay attention to here? primarily on the scope of work, the experience of a cadastral engineer, that is how many completed documents does he have?
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the results of cadastral work are boundary plans, technical plans, survey reports, you need to look at how experienced the engineer is, and secondly, how many stops he has, the so-called, as we call it, that is, how many documents he failed the first time. to pass because something was wrong with them. the boundary plan should indicate the boundaries of the area around your home. if your site adjoins neighboring ones, it will be impossible to do without agreement with the neighbors, and not just words, with the signing of the act. which area will definitely not be able to be registered? firstly, this cannot be done if your territory is claimed by someone else’s territory, which has already been registered. secondly, a portion of public land, such as a street or road, cannot be assigned. the site cannot block the only access or access to other sites. you cannot include in it real estate that is in no way related to an apartment building, for example,
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a garage complex next door. as you understand, a lot depends on the specific situations on the ground, for example, on the density of buildings around your house and other factors, so the qualifications of a cadastral engineer are very important here. you know, apartment building. the houses are different, that is , we can take an ordinary single-entrance house, well , for example, some soviet- built one, for a simple one, here you can get by with 10-15 thousand rubles, there is nothing complicated here, four points, the engineer will determine it, make a boundary plan and the documents will be submitted by rosreestr, but there are still multi-section huge residential complexes, which are designed as one apartment building, there, of course, the cost of work can be significantly higher, more than 100,000 rubles. may reach. already with a ready-made plan, you can contact the rosreestr or the mfc to
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register the site. this is the last step - submitting documents for registration of ownership. to do this, you need a minimum of documents, an application from a representative of the owners, and a passport to prove his identity. within a maximum of three working days, usually much faster, rosreestr will provide an extract from egrn, which. gives the owners of the premises the right to dispose of the adjacent territory, allocated a share in kind, it is not possible on a common land plot, but because you own it jointly with the other owners and you can do something on it yourself only with the permission of the other owners, even if you decided there , let’s say you have a disabled person’s certificate and you decide to put a garage there, you appeal to the general meeting of owners, they allow you to allocate some part for use, but not disposal. so, let's repeat the main thing: if the area around the house
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is not... formed, then you will need to do it. here, a lot depends on the qualifications of the cadastral engineer who will prepare the boundary plan. this is the main document on which the rosregistry will rely when it records your ownership of the plot. if you want to learn more about how to better manage common property and benefit from it, write to us on telegram and send us your questions. we will ask experts about everything and tell you in future issues of our instructions.
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i understood correctly, the future, yes, yeah, the year twenty, 2124, this is the situation, now i can jump a century into the future and back, i see everything, space pirates are hunting for us, they were already there when i came here.
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we need to find a mother, what a meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed and now is the time to somehow fix everything and it’s time to act somehow, questions, proposals, objections, what do you want, 100 years from now.
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