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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 26, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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it means, well, what he said is that the americans are getting involved for a long time, this is the latest event, afghanistan 20 years, iraq first.
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schwarzko commanded in the ninety-first year, when he was told that it was necessary to transfer military operations to the territory of iraq, he refused, said, no, i won’t go, well, apparently he was a reasonable person, but in fact, then from 2003 to the eleventh year, then the alleged withdrawal , then and so on, that is, they have been stuck for a long time, and are still stuck in the middle east, there’s nowhere else to go, yes, but as for spacey there and so on, you know, when they write in theirs there relevant doctoral documents on military policy that their enemies are russia, china, iran, hezbollah, hamas and ansar allah,
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it is not difficult to understand, they are already saying: you stop attacking our warships, let commercial ships through, and we will unblock you for this , well , there are military operations going on there, the port is sanaa airport, and nothing is said about israel at all, and in general we will help you resolve general problems, because in fact it is believed that the country is... in a civil war, this is, as it were, temporary a truce, yes, that is, they are already asking a small group to stop the shelling of their ships, just think about it, with such resources, this means something, not to mention what is probably there there are some analysts who understand that, well, anlan won’t stop now, but if after the completion of a certain process in the gas sector, there is a separate process going on there, too, vigorously, violently, but it will end, the question is, no, no, that means it’s not going anywhere
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will go away, yes, then, having received such an opportunity, there will still be an aggravation situation, because we are talking about communications, about logistics, which you say is extremely important, what the fight is for, but then these same hypersonic missiles will be put into service for obvious reasons, because hodeida is working, sanaa airport is working, suddenly they will have new technologies and drones like iranian arh2, well, under a different name, they will deliver a strong blow, that is, they want a temporary break, so with them, in fact, it shows that it is possible to fight even with such forces and the triumph of iran now the triumph of iran, it is largely explained by the creation at one time of these groups, which were able to fight the united states, that is, israel, great britain and other issues, in the context of this, by the way, iran also has strategic planning, yes, but they such a collective shore is carried out, in a good way. the concept of the word
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islamic revolutionary guard corps, that is , you can’t misbehave there, so to speak, but there they control the entire process, i don’t know how to translate it into a language understandable to liberals beria’s formulation in the good sense of the word, well, listen, well, i’m just speaking realistically, that is, listen, we are not liberals, he says, man made our real history, we are not all of us, the professor and i are liberals, we are very much democrats, for our country in general. ibrahim raisi, the president of iran, like pakistan, until relatively recently, in general , relations between iran and mainly sunni pakistan, there is a population where periodically problems of religious relations were, it would seem, of this level so. how his meeting would be unthinkable,
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pakistan is under the control of the united states in general, and no matter how the united states is concerned about its security, recently blingen through some channels turned to the taliban so that they, well, somehow don’t... accept and what’s more , they sign a number of strategic agreements with him, including what you say on ports, because there are two ports, in general our whole north-south project is there, it is concluded in the strategic paribahar, this is the indian ocean, the arabian sea, which means , so and so on and so on,
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yes, we are aiming there, and you are right, by the way, what you say, actually, chari bahar a couple of years ago its volume was 2 million tons per year, this is nothing, it is strategically located in a great way, but no one expected it. that one day everyone will flock there, and russia, and the state of central asia and transcaucasia, everyone says, we can open a representative office, but it’s not rubber, one day nothing is built there, so now the iranians and pakistanis have signed an interesting document, i think , the chinese are behind this, yes, because china is in at one time he promised the iranians to invest 400 billion dollars in their economy, that in general the american sanctions are all being erased, yes, but most of them will go directly to logistics, that is, there is no need to doze off, because... the chinese can in this regard work, because the other port is also the one next to it, not far from this port, also the arabian sea, but this is a pakistani port, which is leased from the chinese, called gwadar, yes, which they built a strategically important port that provides access chinese goods, yes
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the chinese have something to teach, they have a disputed territory with india, and gilgit-baltisad, so they did not care about this prohibition, they built the karokorom highway there, you look there, you think, lord, you know what to put at such a height, i went, true, on high mountain roads 5,000 m, but i have never seen anything like this, but now they have signed, why build the road, because they will, as it were, insure each other, yes, because if anything, they stroked, then everything will go charibahari and the americans now they say they threaten pakistan, stop signing, we will block you, but they are forced to do this, because iran’s influence in the region is growing sharply, so to speak, yes, and this is not going anywhere, our task, by the way, is literally two words, so that we don’t get stuck tomorrow it turns out that charebahari has already it’s very crowded there, to build alternative roads, which, as i told you, when the prime minister of uzbekistan came to our prime minister mikhail mishustin, and the proposal we had here was positive, we need to speed up this too, and not just the north-south,
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12 ports are now planned to be built abroad with the support of our business, with the support of the state, and today they have listed some of them, all of them, one china. in fact, there is a proposal that a railway should go from russia, in fact it exists, it just needs to be there somewhere, which means to the afghan border, at least check again, as they say, through kazakhstan, uzbekistan and the exit in the area stermeza, there is a famous bridge there, so to speak. that means, through it there goes to hairatan, mazali sharif and further to karachi port, another port, the fact is that there were 15 million tons there in 1930, 15 million, just think about it, there is a huge amount of goods there, we are breaking out, in fact, it is the same, which means the ocean, literally a minute,
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the fact is that we live in a very dangerous, turbulent world, right there the pakistanis have the jurans, the pakistanis call the hole baluchistan, and the iranians have the sistan bilujistan, and there are people there, all the peoples are good, they call the balochs, well, dorochuns, warlike, and there are different tribes, well, they have them there are also radical groups, where desh is islam, where desh is adli, and so on, which both the pakistanis and the iranians are hurting, this is one of the reasons in the security conclusions, because they are already there very hard on the chinese in gwadar, which means they are starting to put pressure, there is a charibahari problem, so now you can never put your eggs anywhere in one basket, because you will put, you will invest money , something else, then it turns out, lord, something like that is happening there, yes, so we need to very critically assess the situation, just two words from the british, cameron, yes, minister of foreign affairs, yes, now we will connect, you know what , and we have so many eggs no, to put them in all the baskets that you suggested, to find them for us, well, you offered such a quantity, all very
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risky, all terrible risky, well , well, well, you suggested roads, you yourself told how difficult it is for us now with all these countries, it means that in some places it will be simple, in others it will not be easy. the question is so far it’s not easy with everyone, but what did you want, somewhere everything was simple, but i didn’t suggest it, on the contrary it’s simple, on the contrary it’s very simple, where it’s short, here in china, it’s just not there, well, you you can't via china go out in these on in this. direction, we simply have nowhere to go now, and nothing to do with it, and how to get money for it and how to pay, a new payment system will be proposed with help, so maybe let it appear first, because we only yes, i believe, but only that they slammed us for 300 billion, yeah, we still have, excuse me, in the balance of foreign trade, yes, but we were slammed for 300 billion. according to our calculations , again, we are in a big plus, as mikhailovich babakov said, and trading in dollars,
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only this is money where, that is , now we are going to earn a lot of dollars so that they too will be slammed, but a new system is being created, it won’t be this minute, if it doesn’t exist, then we are going to work further, nothing will happen, this money will not be lost, but 300 billion are missing, 300 billion are missing, they’re not missing, we’ll build a port, 300 billion are missing, well, do you have resources for... gold and foreign exchange reserves, listen, well, talk about this, so that something from the country, well, from the country, of course something can- then withdraw it, but you have to get money for it, what kind? i thought you were talking about indian calculations, say, no, i’m not talking about indian calculations, i’m talking about sanctions, when we speak about us, he says things that are very reasonable, very correct, but he says the wording itself, it works when international trade works, when the settlement system works, he says, china invested 400 miles. we immediately
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find ourselves in the sanctions regime, yes instantly right away, and we are now doing what we are doing now, we are entering these zones, we are immediately slammed with sanctions, no, we work in national currencies, now we are finding payment forms, yes, we have not yet found these forms we even partially found settlements with china , so what are we going to bring now, the guys say that working with china is a big problem , so why don’t we stop now or what? we have to continue to work everything, well, in the economy, well, it doesn’t happen the same way, well, in any enterprise, well, you need to ship, you need to get money, not everything at once, well, just like not everything at once , we’ll ship the workers’ wages before paying them first, well, if you wages to workers than you will pay with obligations of paper, i owe you once, go home, in the same thing, then yes, if we don’t build a system, then good, but we sent the goods there, and we get money for them, we build a system, well , that’s right, how can you ship something if you haven’t received money for it, why? well
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, that’s why you have to fall under sanctions every time, well, that doesn’t happen either, so let’s drive there every time, he says: oh, for some reason we can’t get the money back, we didn’t have to put everything in the west, but what does the west have to do with it if these are dollars, then what difference does it make west, east or anywhere, even a dungeon, if it’s a dollar, it’s a dollar, that's it, the banking system is slamming you in some direction, we don't have any money. of course, this is the problem, so he says absolutely the right things, but in order to serve these things, a completely different foreign policy is needed, a completely different attitude is needed, each of this country, which sena arkavich immediately talked about, we must understand what we are bringing and how will we get money for this, what will we buy with this money and bring back, well, we have to work, and if we just sit, we’ll understand what will we think, how if it didn’t work out, they’ll build a relationship with us when we win the war, that’s true, right?
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and what was it like, so to speak, yes, well, this idea that the reptilians finally appeared from behind the scenes and told the politicians, you know, don’t play around, let’s win, of course not, it’s all politics, no, well no, no again, every time he comes on the show, upset me, well, no, no, no reptilians, that’s all we are, moreover, everything that’s going on there now, including this beat, and he’s completely different from what was offered before.
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that's about most of the calculations in dollars, most of the calculations are in dollars, of course they are. but there is one more point, we work with the chinese, for example, in yuan, in rubles, everything is fine there, there, of course, the question of cleaning then arises, cleaning, or rather, how to say, take these mutual settlements into account, but every time a chinese bank , who
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works with us in yuan, falls under dollar sanctions, he stops working with us in yuan too, and 20.5 billion is aimed at strengthening of the american armed forces in europe, it is clear that there is also a possibility of any kind of chess player, as baydon often does, so to speak, the collective, i mean, has a correspondingly significant amount of more than 20 billion to replenish warehouses the united states, and as soon as this was put inside the document, it means that it is already legally written down that
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biden did wrong, this is a yellow card, once again not for biden personally, but generally for the collective. develop a strategy for how it will actually a war is being waged in ukraine against russia. generally speaking, this is an extremely new thing, this kind of thing was never needed, because when they got into long, so to speak, wars there in iraq,
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they said, well, because it’s necessary, no one asked how it was, why, let’s say, they said, well, because... this is a fight for democracy, look, of course, there are no sanctions, democracy is very irresponsible, well, they will write an unsubscribe, of course they will write an unsubscribe, well listen, before even this unsubscribe was not required , before there was no such question, what is your ultimate goal in this war, dima, i’ll say it once, once and then i’ll remain silent, this demand is a fig leaf for the shame of the republicans with all this voting, so that you can say, but now we will demand a strategy, so let’s do it again, firstly, before 61 billion were allocated to ukraine, now it is allocated, 40 billion are allocated to the us army, less than twenty are allocated, allocated, so to speak, for supplies to ukraine, and judging by the state of the material part, yes it will long-range system, this is bad, but mostly expensive things, and not those that are needed at the front, most likely, unfortunately, this is something like this, well, in any case, american experts will evaluate it this way, which means once again now about this piece of paper, before
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no one demanded such a piece of paper, because it was obvious to everyone that if america allocates a huge pile of billions of dollars, it means that we are talking about victory, we will defeat everyone, and democracy will triumph, and that means that the american anthem will sound next, the situation is radical changed in a way after the withdrawal of american troops from afghanistan, radically, because everyone refers to this, it has become a generally constant thing that now sounds everywhere, after all, defeat happens, it turns out, and since defeats happen, it means that as soon as this strategy is written, it will actually become the coffin lid, so to speak, the administration, that’s what, strictly speaking, the republicans are counting on, and it is clear that in the same way as with repelling an iranian missile attack on, that is, israel, in the tactical sense, of course, the biden administration, yes, won, this is a big hardware victory, because they demonstrated that they can push at least something through congress, but in strategic terms, by the fall
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of 2024 it’s just a disaster, because they wouldn’t have written in 24, so to speak, there in 45 days by the end of the twenty-fourth year this will not be accomplished, now they can say any words about this, for example, their favorite mantra about the fact that they produce shells, which, therefore, now, with this money, they will produce shells, weapons, and everything will be built, which means, accordingly, everything for the us army. deputy minister of defense loplant said that factories and production plants will now be built all around. for example, the one in texas, which means i’m reporting, according to data from american sources, this is the only factory that today is sour, defens daily, they ’re not building a new factory, but... shells per
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month, which doesn’t cover ukraine's needs in the event of an intensive war according to their calculations, once again, mikhail mikhailovich will correct me now, and the most important thing is that the factory is being built on turkish equipment, this is what i liked most, this message, so to speak, americans, this is the situation , now about what’s next, what’s going on there? so the question here is this, yes, they have now won it tactically in this sense, to say that they smeared trump there or there, well, johnson sank, there is an obvious fact, the guy turned out to be inexperienced, but what they are the right wing of the republicans, which has always been against it, if before it was only against ukraine, because this is biden’s project, now they are generally against any money that will be sent outside, because something is wrong here , by the way, the fact that they now did not give money for the border, also ultimately in november 24. the fact that donald trump will become president of the united states, while in prison, as if well, just yes, there
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even now the secret service is developing the girl is sitting in prison, and the scythe, the scythe is outside, yes, the scythe is outside, since the secret services are developing special protocols on how to protect the former president and presidential candidate, who is also entitled to secret service protection, in case he ends up... behind bars the first inauguration in orange clothes, well, also, by the way, not bad, i think that trump will play great, it’s true that another bill has appeared there, let’s decide for trump, deprive him of this himself from the secret service, but that’s okay, that’s it’s kind of a different matter, in any case, it will be extremely unlike that it didn’t happen, we saw in the united states, to universities, i told you last time when i was there, that universities are on fire, well , universities have also been added there, and they just added assaults there with batons, with sewage gas and so on, and it was they themselves who set it all on fire and it’s blazing on both sides, young people are rioting, which means they are of the islamic faith, leftists who don’t believe in anything, even to
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hell with everyone, just to make a fuss, that's them they also brought up in universities this whole activist thing, so to speak, because they wanted, well, they wanted against the republicans, against the conservatives, so to speak, against trump later, they raised such young people who only know how to make a fuss about who gives them the money now yes, it’s quite difficult to say, because all the tents in berkeley were amazingly the same color, and who could it be, ah-ah-ah-ah-ah, so, another thing that they, with which they encountered and collided with the other wing, also as if a kind of youth thing, which in my opinion is also an extreme loser for biden in this situation, is that at chuck schumer’s house, it means that a company gathered here and protested, but these were not muslims, these were the same left-wing jews who by the way, they captured one of the capitol buildings. and these organizations, so to speak, were also created at one time for a reason, they were created under obama, so that jewish youth, so that they would not vote, would not go to the conservatives, now they have turned around like this
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to speak against the one who was the vice president, this obama, not only trump they will need to imprison, they will need all this leftist youth, all the campuses, when they win and if they win, they will need to repress all of them, this civil rampage in the conflict will be long, serious, and so on, in this sense, i would pay attention to the last three speeches of some politicians and military officers, which i still think should be taken a closer look at. the first is a memorandum
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to the us president, which was prepared by the former commander-in-chief of the united nations armed forces in europe, general wesley clark. to begin with, i would like to note that after the speeches and articles of general ben hodges, the attitude towards representatives of the highest. hodges, this can be felt immediately from the text, and he said a lot in his memorandum of what we need to take a closer look at, and apparently take into account in our practical work. he
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addressed his memorandum not to president biden, and especially not to trump, but rather to some future president of the united states, and this is a program document, and what does he propose to do in it? well, first of all, he outlined the geopolitical situation, said that the era that was after the cold war has ended, now there is a new reality, an axis of evil has formed, well, according to him, it is beijing, moscow, tehran, pyongyang, which is violating.
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he said so, the armed forces of the united states, which, as you know, was abolished back in 1973, yeah, in addition, he said that there can be no compromises with the russian federation, again , some of us think that that’s who - he will turn on some switch somewhere, all at once will change, get better, no, wesley clark's memorandum - this can be said to be a programmatic document reflecting the mood of the political class of america, the senior officers and the political class, this is a program. for several decades he said that the role of nuclear weapons has again changed compared to the cold war period, he apparently watches our program, and he said that their use has become more than real, well , that’s all right, in this regard, in this regard, he also said we are some representatives of the expert communities in the west say that it has dilapidated us, well, we need to somehow dispel these misconceptions, this is in my opinion,
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again he said that we need to... he said, we need to influence them from the point of view of soft power, here we understand soft power, well, sometimes not quite correctly, like, let’s open a cultural center there, give a lecture, some ensemble will dance a song there, open a school where teaching will be in russian, that’s soft power, according to wesle clark, i think we all need to listen to this. opinion, i’m not saying that agreeing to at least listen, soft power, he said, is the power of example, that is, when a country has
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advanced technology.
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he matures and matures through a compromise, and apparently he still has a clear understanding that he can hold out with this weapon for another say, well , for six months, then what’s next, then the matter must always be looked at exclusively as a whole at the root and from a strategic position .


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