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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 26, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, taking russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than what exactly helps. numbers, you are incomparably
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original in your questions, what is in general with production, raw materials and exports, what is our product? we will take on this matter, it will be an honest detective story. but considering that the time is late. i want
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to tell you a thriller script, which we’ll call the green octopus, it’s a very interesting script that, in general, describes the whole the power and fall of the german empire, in quotes the empire of today. when the special military operation began, two very important issues arose in germany that needed to be urgently resolved: the first is something that was not talked about by the bolsheviks, but everyone who stood around the german government said, it was necessary urgently. refuse russian gas, secondly, i had to decide for myself the question, how can germany survive in these conditions, this whole current situation revolves around this, this is the detective story there are several characters, the main character is today's vice-chancellor robert habeck, who is also the minister of economics or the head of the ministry of economics, besides this there are two more characters, this...
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to the action of these nuclear power plants, which would solve all the issues germany is completely calm and completely without any unnecessary worries, and the ministry under the leadership of habeck, vice-chancellor habeck, orders an examination, an urgent examination, a scientific examination in order to get an idea of ​​how it can work and germany to exist in these conditions. after some time, they receive this examination and come out with such a statement that further work. or the extension of the operation of nuclear
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power plants due to the fact that a military situation had developed, there were several other reasons, but first of all, due to the impossibility of ensuring the safety of nuclear power plants, it was impossible. to make sure that this decision was indeed correctly justified, the hubs categorically refuse, but then the detective goes further, they file a lawsuit, the court accepts case for consideration, we understand that german courts can consider cases for a month, and another, third, and fourth, fifth, then in parallel with this, according to how
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this serial situation develops, then, as we remember, in september twenty-second year, sabotage on nord stream 2, in general, by the end of the twenty-third year... mm, in general, well, in fact, already in the twenty- third year, germany finds itself completely cut off from the energy sources that it has been using for decades , and who provided it material well-being. all this time there is a struggle for the court to finally allow us to look into these acts that khavek had to understand what was written there. and now the collapse of the empire is coming to an end. suddenly unexpectedly. a few days ago the court gives such permission, and these acts are opened, and that in these acts, how this detective story develops further, this railer is very interesting, in these acts the wording of scientists sounds like this: the further operation of nuclear
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power plants, without any possible suspicions, perhaps , extend the operation of nuclear power plants is possible, it ends up: on the desk of one of khabyk’s stat secretaries, who, having received all these documents, forwards it to his colleague in the ministry of ecology, who reviews all these papers, there are a lot of emails, and there are a lot of documents in which all this is possible read, they talk to each other for a long time, write, text each other, in the end the wording looks the way i outlined it, which is impossible due to the impossibility of ensuring security, that is, in a completely opposite form. moreover, in order in order to support this situation with a scientific, scientific justification, they turn to the management of rve, this is the same concern that owns these nuclear power plants, so that they have their scientists, and the management gives a very interesting answer, this
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answer is also there, you can also read it , the answer is: we don’t see any problems, why the operation of the power plant could be extended for some more time and...
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such a permit, they want to demolish someone, they want to demolish the government, install a new government that will allow the supply taurus will drag germany into the war, well , installing taurus is one thing, but what kind of government will they bring, not the greens, no, the greens will come, green-greens, in this way they put an end to it, they bring the cdu, csu to power, well, there must be elections then, correctly, there will be early elections, and if there are early elections, then, as you said, a number of parties are very seriously recruiting ...
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therefore, i think that this is precisely a blow against her, these are two people against whom struck, these are khabyk and berbuk, and khabyk and berbuk are supporters of the delivery of taurus, they are supporters of the delivery of taurus, and khabyk was considered in the near future, yes, as a possible candidate for the position of chancellor, and he also spoke about this himself, an interesting combination, now advertising, after which we will continue with a new composition. democracy, openness. in general, in a word, perestroika, we went to visit these people, went out and in between ourselves said, wow, but
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they tell us something that everyone is equal? the speed with which this restructuring took place showed that soviet society was, in principle, it was a capitalist society, democracy - it was a sign that this is freedom, this is liberalism, i remember a great feeling of freedom among the people, but people do not know many things about the collapse of the soviet union, they were carried away by western ideas, they can be friends. if you are an ambitious young professional who is ready to prove that you are the best in the profession, then quickly take part in
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the national open championship of creative competencies. artmasters, your path to the pinnacle of mastery. if we are talking about what is happening in donbass, in novorusia, in temporarily occupied. ukrainian nazi territories in the russian city of kiev, temporarily occupied by the nazi bastard, then i think the words that were spoken today from the lips of the supreme commander-in-chief of the rsp congress were very important, vladimir vladimirovich said what i think in the heart of every russian. we, in turn , must all thank the residents of donbass and novorussia for their courage and patience. and heroism, these are the most difficult trials
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that people have been going through in these regions since 2014, of course they are sometimes not in their heads are stacked up, it’s just painful to look at, but we will put things in order there, that’s for sure, i want to say that in general donbass has a very good industrial... potential, it’s no coincidence that in the twenties, we all remember, uh, these posters from the twenties: donbass, the heart of russia, that ’s how it was then, to a large extent this is due to its enormous industrial potential, and it remains. you said that the situation at many enterprises is difficult, that’s for sure, but the potential is very good, and enterprises, many enterprises in donbass have good prospects, but... nothing, we see results, there is already a return, enterprises have already
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started operating, there is a return, we just need to support and help, this is exactly what we talk about almost regularly on all our programs, that donbass is not empty drives that people in the donbass, they are not asking for alms, but in novorussia people are not asking for alms, the opportunity to work when such an opportunity presents itself, i will never forget, like what in the kherson region, which...
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is probably so important now that he says the leader of belarus, and he speaks very wise, very correct things, and from the lips of alexander grigorievich a warning sounds. and a clear understanding that, in general, everything can lead to a nuclear apocalypse. the americans want to kill several birds with one stone, weaken russia, transfer it to europe, and weaken it as well. well, there in the pacific ocean, as i said,
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deal one-on-one with china, involving india, first of all, in this fight. well, england there, australia, god forbid ukraine and south korea, against china. but we need to understand that the situation requires the strictest control in all spheres, from information to military. any careless word from the movement could lead to open armed confrontation, up to and including the use of nuclear weapons. i say that here is the delivery. long-range missiles without conditions, they used to supply and at least publicly stated that they prohibited the ukrainians from launching attacks on russian territory, partly in belarus, now they no longer condition the supply of atamux and other long-range ammunition, and if
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the situation becomes threatening, first of all, what they want for the internal situation in russia. russia will use all the arsenal it has. it will be an apocalypse. everything is ready for this. nato, of course, at the instigation of the states, persistently declares the necessary, the need for intensive militarization of europe. and we are not talking about defense, about discharging some kind of aggression. so that you understand, the emphasis is on building up. strike-offensive potential, it is for this strike-offensive potential that missiles are supplied, and they took it, although it was not secret for our intelligence, but they lied to their voters, their legislators, that is, they showed that this whole vote in congress was a fiction, that is, the weapons were supplied that way, that is, they are obtained on credit, in debt, in fact it is a fraud,
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in fact, the money of american taxpayers was used spent... just eurofighters, right somewhere there, that you are going to use romania as a base, you will burn out right there, i generally think that green’s proposal was excellent, in particular addressed to her colleagues in congress, that all the bastard, which i voted for a package for ukrainians to go there to fight, by the way, i think
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this is a great idea and all deputies are also welcome. all deputies should be happy to create such a powerful unit and go to the front line, take with them the strangler murderer of the executioner of odessa goncharenko, i hope he will understand that he should not put a machine gun in his ass, i understand that he is used to managing his own fifth point in this way, but somehow differently, here we go, right there, he’s known for the sin of betrayal, he’s a unique character, who... began his political career by betraying his father, was an eyewitness to this, then he betrayed all those to whom he pretended to be a faithful servant, but for which he received mercy more than once, by the way, he once tried to come, well, he chose the moment, when i was not in italy, he came to my house, and i would have left, so listen, think, if you want, drive up to the front line,
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just now our solovyovs entered, our solovyovs entered nowhere, come. i ’ll be waiting for you there personally, you’ll like it, but that’s how it is, by the way, take your guard, he’s there i said a lot of things, it’s very surprising how cowardly, untalented, brutes, mongrels you turned out to be, unworthy of any respect, and ordinary ukrainian men are dying for you, of course, special thanks to the polish authorities. special thanks to the baltic authorities, they, i hope, left lace panties for all those fans without a visa who believed in the maidan at one time and decided that... finally europe will be their home, well, like a single house, everything is fine when now they want you hand you back to the front , your license will be affected, everything is fine, or you will start to think,
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that maybe something in life has gone wrong, you’ll start squeaking, we have rights, you don’t have rights, the americans told you, we will give weapons, and slaves to war, let’s drive ourselves, they are persecuting you, you are not voters and you not citizens of ukraine, you are slaves who carry out the order of the americans, so that the biden family and a little zelensky will be fine with the money on which they will live after your death. please, of course, what is happening now in the kherson region. our comrades, neighbors, these are the last days clearly show that they have added technological toys, added drones, fpv drones,
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added kamikaze drones, and added the ability to now somewhat harm our armed forces, because it seems to be useless there, no matter what they do, it won’t happen, but simply they continue this... technology of inciting discontent among the population who lives and works there, thank you for seeing in this how, indeed, there is fortification, there are drones flying, mortars and artillery are firing, but people are still working, the fields are sown, winter sown, spring crops sown in the kherson region, despite the fact that the kokhov dam was blown up, we lost the opportunity for reclamation. nevertheless, the plan for the entire turnover has changed and more than 700 hectares of kherson land have been cultivated and sown, and this really probably causes some kind of anger and irritation,
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so now they want to interfere with peaceful actions, peaceful life, literally in the last few days there have been more than 50 attempts attacks on civilian targets, today about 6-8 attack drones tried to bomb. regular kokhovskaya in novaya kokhovka the administration, where there were employees who simply help people in life, who are obliged to do their job as municipal workers, they blocked the doors, smashed cars, burned them, but fortunately people were able to evacuate from the building, this did not help them, they hit a kindergarten near kokhovka in dnepryany, they hit several more civilian targets, namely with a drone, what kind of bastards that operator must be.
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how people behave, what is the attitude now towards what we are doing, a lot is being done and roads are being built and schools are being repaired, hospitals are being equipped with new equipment, how do people feel about this, well, how can they feel about it, they are building their future and therefore they treat russia understanding that... russia can, unlike what is on right bank, we also talked a lot about this, people don’t know what’s happening, they are told about some successes, they
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are told that they are about to win, so they think that people believe, but the pendulum has already swung in the other direction , already now most of the people remaining are our people are the same slavs, most of them speak russian, even surzhnik, but the russian language. and although they even force pushkin’s poems there to be read in the translated ukrainian language, now even in the translated language in ukrainian they do not allow pushkin to speak, despite what is happening here, on the other side there is a complete suppression of consciousness, an attempt at suppression, but as we know, consciousness, like any other physical object, is compressed to a certain extent, after which the spring will go into the other side. and i am simply sure that the hour when we will be together again, these are all the threats that
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the anglo-saxon clique is now making. forcing europe, including the europeans, to believe that the russians will attack them, this will all go in the opposite direction, but why attack them, burn them just to hell with your mother and that’s it, stupid idiots, in my opinion, a great idea , well, so kind, besides, this is from me, i’m sorry, it’s you, don’t worry, this doesn’t mean that our leadership has such an idea, well, it’s just interesting, this is what the ukrainian authorities are thinking about, well, it’s clear that there were quite a few missile attacks tonight.
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how much do you have to not understand the psychology of russia in order to behave like complete idiots, although in general they are complete idiots, well, we mean zelensky, well, all this political bullshit. the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government, yes, which separated the church, it is best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, to separate completely from moscow, a meeting has been created that is not the church of christ is moscow.
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a very big fish, that’s why all the talk about zelensky, with his speeches, he ’s trying to mislead, all he can mislead with his speeches is the european man in the street, that’s what he ’s talking about, he can’t even talk to ukrainians, they’re already ukrainians , no one believes him, the west completely controls the entire situation in ukraine, none of zelensky’s conversations, this is all verbiage for the european man in the street, he is translated into europe there in different countries.


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