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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 26, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

4:30 am
with peredon pavich, well, judging by the reaction in the studio. as i understand it, two people love fishing, me and vladimir vladimirovich, and of course, we are not talking about kornilov, but i also think that igor gave an example with a worm quite correctly, you know, some special worm, it always pulls lesku shouts that the fish wanted to devour him, but not understanding that, in fact, for this he actually needs this very worm, but in general , speaking seriously, i want to tell you, you know very well how putin’s words are a balm for the soul regarding the fact that we... will restore
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order there, and this will definitely happen, and i repeated it twice, you know, as they say, for stupid people, especially for idiots, this applies to those who are parasites in this war, yes, this applies those who think that this is all for the sake of a nice word, and there on the ground we will do what we want, what we like and brush people off like, you know, like an annoying fly, i hope that there is there is reason to believe that after the inauguration there will be a lot.
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that the americans financed exclusively arms supplies, then it’s not at all like that, americans, the weapons themselves, they don’t fire, they’re a pile of scrap metal, the americans financed arms supplies, bought a certain number of ukrainian soldiers, a certain number of ukrainian soldiers, we’re talking about at least 200 250-300 thousands of people that zelensky must provide, he must provide these 250-300.
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well, and if anyone thinks of once again testing the strength, relatively speaking, of russia, belarus and so on, well, you know, everyone probably makes mistakes, but for for some, this mistake could be fatal, but if someone wants to try all this, well, no problem, let them try, and the mined borders, they mined the belarusian border for 2 km, and laid half a million mines for the construction of everyone on the ukrainian side, half a million min.
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in fact, the construction of all fortifications, oddly enough, began precisely from the belarusian border, the most funds were invested precisely on the belarusian border, you see, not in the donbass, nowhere, why am i talking about this, because they have, they, they have, they have, yes, priority places that they would like to protect, that’s when we talk about air defense systems that ukraine lacked, which cities...
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directed to the americans are terrible and not only visually, but i can’t understand how they got so greedy, it seems like the country is in a difficult situation, no, we have one aunt , then she went to porto rico, she also ruined ukraine, plunged it into a hole of debt, and ukraine is still paying it all off, now another one has come now somewhere and how it has become better there the same thing is correct, so you’re like, what to destroy, call yereysk and yereysk, well, i ’ll tell you what.
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to end the svo, to end the war on the territory of ukraine with no one’s result, that is , here you go, he speaks in detail, take the istanbul agreements, which were initialed at that time, naturally, as he says, this is impossible, it is impossible
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to implement them in that version , because the situation has changed on earth, but as a basis, as a matter of fact, where to start, here is a document, why? option yes, what to listen to zelensky, have you have until may 21, you are still the current president, think, it’s clear that you are on hooks, it is clear that you, you, have accepted an obligation, but think partly, may 21 will end, the 22 will come, then in general, sooner or later you will cease to be
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the president of ukraine, as you were before, then you stood up, so you can be and well, you will leave, you will be a cleaver, you will be an artist, think about it, but another thing is that... will they hear you speak, with peredny pavlovich, in two competing centers, but this idea, the idea not alexander grigorievich, the idea of ​​beijing, the idea of ​​other people, where the pope can be added here, who says that some kind of outcome is possible, not military, but the end of the war? i don’t think that these are just words, vladimirevich, i think that people, including even if there are few of them... who live on today’s territory of ukraine, think about this, because the idea is something, the opposite idea, here’s the thing, what result do the ukrainian authorities want, what? because of zelensky’s statements, i am closely following the information field of ukraine, i
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i haven’t heard for a long time, i haven’t heard the phrase for a long time: we must return to the borders of the ninety-first year, i haven’t heard this phrase for a long time, but if the goal is different: you need to recruit people, send them to the front, where to recruit them from, yes you can, you can by force, maybe they will do so, but the motivation of these people, if you, if you were forced to fight, how will you fight, and many, and i say, in ukraine they are starting to have glimpses, look, even mr. karasov, vadim, who , says that listen, why are we already in ukraine...
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this will improve its strategic position, improve its way of life, it will strengthen the people’s
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wealth, it will increase so that people can use this people’s wealth, well , it’s important, this is an important question, the borders of the ninety-first year, you know, when not these borders are possible, and what is it gives, well, in principle, by and large, everyone has already become accustomed to living without this crimea without donbass for 10 years, well, whether it’s the year fourteen or not, this does not mean that we need to abandon them, i’m talking about the psychology of an ordinary person. i just, when you're done, i just i’ll ruin everything you said, that’s why you finish it, i’m just putting up with courage, you
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mentally agreed, gave it to me, i’m mentally convinced that what you’re saying is phenomenal nonsense, no, just bullshit on this level, on the level of karasev, who he can’t decide who he is, you know, but he can’t be ukrainian, and it’s hard for him to admit that he’s jewish, so he’s beating his tail like a crucian in sour cream sauce. the ukrainian government is not as stupid as it is trying to be cunning, that’s the cunning the ukrainian government is the same: to give karasev and other people the opportunity to express something so that people begin to think, let me explain, finally, i’ve been patient for a long time, but we don’t care what the nazi bastard thinks, we don’t care what what do they want, well, you don’t give a damn about prokashenko, i’ll repeat once again, we don’t care about the enemy,
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the military operation ended in istanbul, we are at war with nato, you are a nonentity, nazis, how can there be a draw with the nazi regime, what can be a draw with those who killed vladlena tatar, who has a birthday today , what kind of relationship can there be with these scum who are guilty of the death of daria dugin, zakharchenko, motorola, givi, how many guys died, now ours are raising them, how many civilians died there, were killed.
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a draw with you and hitler, a draw was not possible, what the hell are you, brotherly, brotherly ukraine, as i said,
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in my opinion, he already said that volodya zelensky is such a nit, there are no draws with nits, they take out rot. that's all, see you on sunday.
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cooks, drivers, former electricians, here those whom the ideological ukrainian nazis are driving ahead of them to the front line, they’re not even just driving, all this terrorist defense, which only yesterday picked up a machine gun for the first time, all the freshly captured civilians, fighters in quotes, they are fighting instead of the terrorists of azov or the right
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sector there. here is alexander shuriggin, born in 78 out of 142. here is prisoner of war oleg kolomiets, mobilized in march of twenty-two, colleagues from the telegram channel archangel of special forces, oleg kolomiets, recorded an interview with him, he is a cook, he is a real cook, then according to all his documents, he is a real cook, that is, if they usually eat there they say i’m a cook or a driver there, and this is not documented anywhere, then
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he has a chef directly registered, what kind of fighter am i, no, at the military registration and enlistment office in in uzhgorod they didn’t bother to figure out whether i had a military specialty or not; they took me away right away. at first he was in the security of the headquarters in the luhansk direction, when his unit was knocked out from there, the kolomi citizen ended up in the center of recruitment in exactly the summer of twenty-two, then the chernigov region 18 months later he ended up in avdeevka. february 5 of this year is less than two weeks before we took it, when the azov terrorists fled from avdievka, that same third separate assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. the battalion where oleg was was brought to one of the streets of the private sector, they were given the task of...
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we are faced with poorly fired and poorly trained men, and it’s not only terrorists from azov who prefer to sit in
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the rear or on the second line, filming videos of how we have to fight for ukraine, and if they do come, then only as punitive forces, the 67th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, in which other terrorists are from the right sector, they also never strived to the front line and put mobilized people in their place, but now...
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take a grenade, go in, throw it in their office, this is 100%, because we are told one thing from the wishes of the commanders, you know, that simply, if they had at least said there, we are not prepared, we have not studied anywhere, they, well, without warning anything anywhere, they simply sent us, but they don’t send the basics there, letting under the knife all new and new. mobilized, not full-blown terrorists, but no matter how much you retreat, our fap will still catch up. we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and
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documentaries. we look, we look, in the application or on the website. despite the unprecedented challenges that our country has faced in recent years, positive trends in the economy are strengthening. president vladimir announced this congress of the rsp. gdp growth continues to show good rates, last year it added 3.6%, in the first months of this year, the trend continues, and business plays an important role in this, so supporting entrepreneurs remains one of the government’s priorities. we will direct additional resources to the development of industrial mortgages, we will additionally capitalize such a significant, in-demand mechanism as the industrial development fund, its capital will increase by almost ... by 300 billion rubles. this resource will be aimed at supporting high-tech projects. and, of course, it is necessary, so to speak,
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to monitor the effectiveness of these and other tools online, fine-tune them, make them more flexible and comfortable. the president outlined specific steps to support entrepreneurs. this is to ensure maximum predictability of conditions for conducting and developing business. it is also necessary to simplify further. administrative requirements and significantly increase industrial production volumes. in addition, all levels of education need to be developed to improve learning efficiency. as for the additional adjustment of the tax system, here, as the president noted, the most important thing is clear and predictable working conditions in long term. now the government, together with business public associations and regions, is discussing the parameters of changes and preparing appropriate proposals.
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tax burdens, while stimulating businesses that are developing, investing, including in infrastructure, social, personnel projects, in short, it is necessary to ensure stable and predictable conditions for reliable, confident business operation. we received an increase in production in almost all industries, which is important, a powerful budgetary impulse combined with...
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there were many topics for discussion with business, it was about the development of entrepreneurship in the regions, it is important to objectively assess their economic condition, for this a digital platform will be created, now the construction complex together with the ministry of economic development.
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i invite everyone to cooperate, i know that many companies are showing interest, issues of logistics, investment inflow, expansion of industry support programs - all these are important issues that the authorities and business still have to resolve, but the main thing is what i said president, regardless of the size of the business, success accompanies those who know how to correctly perceive dynamic market conditions and are ready to change according to these conditions. in addition, it is important to invest in your own scientific development. technological solutions.
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i understood correctly, the future, yes, yeah, 24, 2124, this is the situation, now i can jump on the table into the future and back, i see everything, it’s hunting us. well, they were already there
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when i came here, we need to find mom, what a meeting, maybe we can put the kids to bed and now is the time to sort everything out, and it’s time to act somehow, questions, suggestions, objections, and not anything else that you want, come first.
5:00 am
slana petrovna, good afternoon, security service of your bank, another moment and there was access to the money, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer. i called the bank and hung up. scammers pretend to be all kinds of people to get money out of you. hang up, no talking. one of the main tasks is to increase the production of russian goods that are made in our equipment and our technologies. vladimir putin spoke about this at the congress of the russian
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union of industry. and entrepreneurs, why won’t bringing in migrants help and should they be allowed back?


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