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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 26, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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slana petrovna, good afternoon, security service of your bank, another moment and the fraudster would have had access to the money, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer. i called the bank and hung up, whoever the scammers pretend to be, to get money out of you, hang up without talking. one of the main tasks is to increase the output of russian goods that are made on our equipment and using our technologies.
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why bringing in migrants won’t help and is it necessary to let runaway foreign businesses back in? maria slobodyanskaya found out. the conversation between the president and business representatives lasted more than two hours. there were a lot of issues of administrative burden, tax time, and topics for discussion with the president. at the beginning of his speech, the head of state stated that any issues can be resolved in cooperation. despite the unprecedented challenges we have faced in recent years, positive trends are strengthening in the domestic economy. at the end of last year, russia's gdp, as you know, increased by 3.6%. and statistics of the first months this year shows that it...
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continues to demonstrate good growth rates. one of the main factors in supporting business is creating clear and transparent working conditions. this will allow entrepreneurs to plan projects in the long term. another important step to improve the investment climate should be the adjustment of the tax system. now the government and various business communities are discussing the parameters of changes and preparing appropriate proposals. updated tax terms needed fix for a long time. modernization of the fiscal system should ensure a more equitable distribution of tax burdens, while stimulating businesses that are developing and investing, including in infrastructure, social, and personnel projects; in short, it is necessary to ensure stable and predictable conditions for reliable, confident business operation. as for the work of business, vladimir putin said that this will not be tolerated by law enforcement agencies.
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industrial mortgage, we will additionally capitalize such let us direct additional resources to the development of a significant, in-demand mechanism such as an industrial development fund; its capital will almost double by 300 billion rubles. this resource will be aimed at support. namely high-tech projects, and of course, it is necessary, as they say, online to monitor the effectiveness of these and other tools, fine-tune them, make them more flexible and convenient. among the questions to vladimir putin, one concerned support for international carriers. the chairman of the board of directors of the company fesko proposed creating a single a body that would synchronize the construction of supply chains for businesses that work with africa and latin america. vladimir putin supported the idea, as the first deputy prime minister said. in different countries of the world,
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i won’t name them now, and we even offer a funding volume of 131 billion rubles, including subsidies and transport costs, but so far the ministry of finance and i have not reached agreement on these issues, but we are getting closer very quickly, and we also discussed on the availability of loans, as the head of state noted, inflation risks remain, therefore, the key rate... in conditions of high rates, of course, it is necessary to continue to reduce the cost of money itself in order to support the investment
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cycle, so that in 2-3 years we do not experience a decline in investment activity, industry support programs work for this, guaranteeing an acceptable final rate, we have here, first of all... mechanisms through the ministry of industry and trade. at the end of his communication with business , vladimir putin noted, despite various economic factors , only a business that takes care of its employees and work teams, and also pays them decent wages, can guarantee success and development for years to come; only such a business will ultimately have a positive economic outcome. maria slobodyanskaya alexander merkuriev, oleg shavirin lead. the russian army successfully repulsed. divisions of the grouping west, south and east occupied more advantageous positions. zelensky’s formations lost over a thousand more soldiers and officers mercenaries. among other things, four armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 17 self-propelled guns and howitzers, mostly american-made. in
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addition, four missile systems and the czech vampire american hymers were eliminated. air defense forces shot down 200 combat drones. about the situation on the front line, alexander katsoba. a lightning- fast breakthrough, our t-90 tank is sent to a closed, camouflaged position to carry out a combat mission - strong points of the ukrainian armed forces militants, on which we will now work with 125 caliber. the actions of the tankers of the group of troops are coordinated by our center reconnaissance drone. we are not like artillery standing in one place, but we can roll out to...
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and accomplish the goal, there is a range finder, control, the commander can calmly give it if he finds the enemy. in terms of its combat characteristics, this vehicle is superior to nato models. our tank crews work along the so-called mounted trajectory, placing their shells precisely at the strong points of the ukrainian neo-nazis. the skies above the firing line are controlled by enemy drone fighters. the enemy is active uses kamikaze drones, the best means of fighting them is an ordinary hunting rifle, let’s shoot them down for ducks, well , i’m focusing on a range of 30-70 m, mainly in the form of combat, you see a drone, report via radio to
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the crew and gunners and fire at them if reconnaissance drone, then we try to stand and not move, and if we shoot it down, our tankers will hit it from a closed position. firing positions, there is no dirt in the way, there are no deep puddles, that is, it can even run through a ford, if necessary, it has brought us out of bad situations more than once, when we were covered by enemy artillery, they left, did not succumb to any fear, the ukrainian armed forces stronghold was defeated, the assault units of the center group of troops are moving forward, inflicting precise destruction on the enemy. alexander malyshev, lead. ukrainian troops hit a multi-storey building in takmak. four people were injured. there may still be people under the rubble;
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rescuers are working on the site. in addition, kiev militants used a drone to attack a bus in the bryansk region, injuring four civilians, including a teenager. they were provided with all the necessary medical care. usa including handed them over to the zelensky regime, the new york times reports. but supplies will cause even more problems for ukraine, the press secretary of the russian president, dmitry peskov, has already told pavel zarubin, host of the moscow kremlin putin program. for the last 24 hours , everyone has been discussing that the united states is openly admitting, openly admitting that they are secretly supplying long-range missiles to kiev. and moreover, information appears that long-range missiles have already been used against russian territory, how can you comment on this?
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6 billion dollars, it will include air defense ammunition, shells, drones, and
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air-to-air missiles, the policy reports. however, kiev will receive most of all this only in a few years, when the factories have produced everything. how washington and the zelensky regime make money from the death of ukrainians, the head of our bureau in new york, valentin bogdanov, will tell you. we do not abandon our allies, we support them. it will take us some time to pull ourselves out of the hole we fell into due to the six-month delay while congress coordinated assistance, it took too long and the consequences of the delay are being felt in ukraine. so perhaps russia will achieve additional tactical gains in the coming weeks. however, in some ways the americans
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were ahead of themselves. a new package worth a billion is still being hastily packaged somewhere in poland at a low start. but back in march , atak ms missiles with a range of 300 km were secretly deployed to ukraine. they remained silent allegedly at the request of zelensky. the information was confirmed by the state debt. the united states provided atakamspuk to ukraine. it is obvious that due to the transfer of atacoms to the ssu
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, the threat to the security of the russian federation , primarily to crimea, including sevastopol to new regions of the russian federation, as well as to other cities of our country, is intensified or increased. the armed forces of the russian federation have already shot down several atacoms missiles, and this will continue to happen. here is the answer to the question about the plans of the kremlin, which supposedly has no intention of stopping. it’s true that we are not talking about poland or the baltic states, but what is the difference in essence in the allocation and development of 60 billion dollars, because this is not will interfere with the american military-industrial complex and its...
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guns in exchange for pleasure, however, ukraine’s place in this global structure is a place of consumables, while there are ukrainians in reserve, you can replace some with others, it will end, everything will be written off at once. the publication of the politician is not accidental; it is already being said that faith in ukrainian success with the billions issued by congress has not increased in washington, so that they do not tell worried taxpayers there. blurred contours of an increasingly ephemeral victory increasingly narrowing a corridor that will one day end with a wall, this is the path now for zelensky to walk, who has been loaded with those same american billions, the burden that it seemed should have inspired him is clearly bending him to the ground. will you achieve victory? we have to, we
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have no choice, i don’t know what this victory will be like. i don’t know the specific date, i’m not sure that everyone will be happy, one great proposal, another madness, zelensky is begging a fox news journalist for his compatriots and allies to quickly start the third world war, that is they created a no-fly zone over ukraine, like an extortionist from the nineties with the words “what if i find it,” minister kuleba is prowling around europe, so far he has found four batteries of patriots, there seems to be another one somewhere in the usa, we need to hurry.
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asks warsaw to help with the deportation of those ukrainians who were left without a passport, and there may be many of them, to help with the allocation of transport to deliver them to the border, will the polish authorities do this? this would be a good signal, a demonstration of the solidarity of the two governments, in this way we will show the unity of poland, where there is a mood for continued assistance to ukraine, in the humanitarian and military spheres, we understand how many ukrainians subject to conscription into the army evade service, there is a high level.
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nazi atrocities against the peoples of russia and other republics of the former soviet union, austria risks entering the very slippery path of revanchism in relation to our country. diplomats recalled that more than 32 thousand soviet citizens were brutally tortured in the mauthausen concentration camp system. it was there that general karbyshev died. head of the us state department
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arrived in china and demanded to reduce cooperation with. however, he only had to talk to russia at the level of the shanghai city committee. alexander baletsky will tell you why this happened. he has already been in china for 2 days, but it is unclear with whom he spoke about what specifically, it seems that the state department announced in advance, the pressure on beijing regarding ukraine, cheap chinese exports and maneuvers of the chinese fleet in the south china sea, the protocol footage included something completely different. we have an obligation to our peoples and indeed to the whole world responsibly suit. to the relationship between our two countries, it is a commitment that we have that we take very seriously. a meeting with the secretary of the shanghai city committee is probably also important, but still this is not negotiations. and the chinese foreign ministry, but they have not yet been reported, but the chinese are masters of ceremony, so there are no red carpets at the airport, to work up an appetite before meeting wang-yi, blinkin was accommodated in
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a hotel with the symbolic name mir. let me remind you that it was in shanghai that the united states and china signed a historic agreement, which marked the beginning normalization of relations after 52 years, they are worse than ever. even before blinken’s visit , beijing said that there were, are, and will not go away, disagreements between the united states and china, but the purpose of the verdicts is to make sure that... there are fewer of them, but first they asked washington to decide whether beijing is its rival or still a partner, so far , after each new portion of us assurances about its readiness to work with china, beijing receives only another pressure. blinken was still on the plane when the us senate allowed allocate a new tranche to support taiwan. against the backdrop of spending on ukraine and israel, the amount of $8 billion could have gone unnoticed, but not in china, the americans remembered it, and how it puts pressure on... on the one hand, the united states presented a large-scale bill on huge assistance to ukraine, on the other made unfounded accusations against normal
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economic and trade relations between china and russia. such actions are extremely hypocritical and irresponsible. china strongly opposes this. usa for a long time they are trying to win china over to their side in the conflict with russia, but all to no avail. to the prc, it continues to send russian money, for now, however, the americans decided to hold off on this, supposedly they realized that neither china nor the entire world economy would forgive this, but it’s hard to believe, and blinken got involved in drug trafficking. i came here to shanghai to work on issues that matter to the american people. one of them is fintanil, a synthetic opioid that is the leading killer of americans aged 18 to 49. apparently, that's why the meeting with students, but also with american business, for him. this is money and the market, however, the american secretary of state could have found out about this in the united states itself, what he had been doing in shanghai all day the day before, accompanied by ambassador burns in the stands from a basketball game,
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a couple of americans are playing in the local teams, and it was worth it fly across the ocean, some wondered, if, like in basketball, the united states played by the rules on the political field, others added. i think the biggest victory he can count on is a real proposal from china stop material. support for russia's military efforts, i think this is extremely unlikely. another topic that will likely be discussed is china’s access to american technologies; washington dreams of cutting beijing off from them in order to hinder developments in the field of artificial intelligence. and this is understandable, they say ironically in chinese blogs; biden himself lacks intelligence. alexander bolsky, blame kononov, nikolai petrov, news from beijing, china. the west is not yet considering confiscation of frozen goods.
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rouget dalil wrote it at the request of his friend of the mayor of strasbourg in one night from april 25 to 26, therefore he went down in history as a genius of one night. at first this song was called the march of the reyin army, but when the marseille volunteer battalion entered paris with it, it became the marseillaise and thundered throughout france. it was made the national anthem of the republic. then it was banned more than once and restored to this status, revolutionaries from many countries fought with it on the barricades, and russia is no exception, but in our country they more often
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sang the workers’ marseillaise, to the words of the people. today is the anniversary of the russian hydrometeorological service; it appeared exactly 190 years ago, on april 26 , 1834, on that day nicholas i issued a decree on its organization in st. petersburg. mining engineers, a normal magnetic-meteorological observatory, this was the beginning of regular geophysical observation: the first director was academician adolf kupfer, he began to create a network of weather stations, at the beginning of the 20th century there were already more than 3,000 of them. kupfer developed a system of telegraphic weather reports and published the russian meteorological bulletin. russia was ahead of other countries in this, and thanks to its efforts, in 1873...
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an international meteorological organization was formed, today it is called world and unites about 200 states. our national meteorological service has changed its name more than once; now it is the federal service for hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring or roshydromet. it has research institutes, modern technologies and equipment at its disposal, including satellites, radars and ground stations. from april 26, 1921 leads his report on the history of the russian fsb academy. on this day, cheka courses opened. all-russian emergency commission for combating counter-revolution and sabotage. there was a catastrophic shortage of professionals. the former specialists were abandoned and workers, peasants, soldiers and sailors were recruited, ideologically committed, but often not even literate. the first courses were organized back in 1918, but now they
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are put on a regular basis. felix derzhinsky, founder of the cheka, emphasized the quote: “gone are the days when we opposed counter-revolution only selfless courage and bolshevik devotion. now to these valuable qualities it is necessary to add good training, education, and excellent knowledge of one’s business. they mastered human intelligence, counterintelligence, investigative work, cryptography, acquired military skills, courses became higher, then the central school of the ogpu and the nkvd. today , the fsb academy is a unique educational institution, a school of counterintelligence mastery of operational art. on the night of april 26 , 1986, the worst accident in the history of nuclear energy occurred. explosion fire on the fourth power unit of the chernobyl nuclear power plant led to dire consequences. the reactor core was completely destroyed and a fire broke out and
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lasted 10 days. pollution was noted even in the arctic, the liquidators showed dedication and heroism, many died and saved tens of thousands of people at the cost of their lives. the damaged power unit was covered first with a reinforced concrete sarcophagus, and then with a steel one. the operation of the nuclear power plant was stopped back in 2000. but they were taken into account in the development of the russian nuclear industry, modernization was carried out, outdated technological solutions were revised, high reliability and safety of new facilities were ensured. this is what this day in history was like.
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