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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 26, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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stand, who are they? new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i’m a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i’m adam, why adam and not adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, a white rose, you can, i can , you’ll sing somehow, bruce, she’s alive, we don’t need names, she’s not worth it, or what, it’s not worth it, it’s not yours, well, you, little little girl, are the light of god.
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hello, the correspondents of the program on duty and i, maxim movchan, will tell you about the main legal events of the day. the capital court arrested the former first deputy chairman. moscow region, while still the region's minister of health, svetlana strigunkova allegedly managed to receive kickbacks of at least 150 million rubles from construction companies. the firms were engaged in the construction and renovation of hospitals. material by lina skachkova. security officials continue to purge seats in major departments of the country. this time, the list of detained managers was supplemented by svetlana strigunkova, the former first deputy prime minister of the moscow region government. before the lady was handcuffed, she managed resign herself, but only... this did not
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help trouble; now the former official was still accused of receiving a particularly large bribe. strigunkov has long been included in the operational development of fsb investigators, but despite this , they have not yet revealed the plot of the case. is it clear that the bird was caught large, pecked a grain at a time, and according to media reports, it pecked as much as 150 million rubles. moreover, it was supposedly the owners of certain construction companies who brought it into the trough. the scheme is simple, they fed her, she fed them with lucrative government contracts. in the end, that's it. svetlana strigunkova has been appointed as the new minister of health of the moscow region. after 2 years , she was promoted again, immediately to the deputy chairman of the regional government and an interesting detail, her income as an official.
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his revelations, it seems, could bring trouble to any of his colleagues at the ministry of health near moscow; falling from a high chair turned out to be more painful; for a bribe of 150 million, the official strigunkova faces up to 15 years. alena skachkova, duty officer. domestic conflict or greetings from the past in the tambov region an attempt was made on one of the most reputable businessmen in the region.
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popova. he himself is in intensive care in serious condition. investigators, meanwhile, are questioning the attacker. alexander polivka will tell you who he turned out to be. one of the gray cardinals of the tambov region, a reputable businessman. and former deputy andrei popov is now in this hospital in intensive care , an attempt was made on the life of a businessman right at his home. a forty-nine-year-old citizen suspected of committing a crime was detained, and the court chose a preventive measure in the form of arrest against him. according to our data the attack ended a quarrel between popov and one of his hired workers. the former deputy was hospitalized with a severe head injury. doctors are in no hurry to make predictions. this is not the first attempt on mr. popov’s life. their total number, by the way, fits harmoniously. his biography, in the eighties he was a coach, in the nineties, so to speak, an authoritative businessman, in the 2000s he was the director of a local enterprise, then he became a deputy, became deputy chairman of the tambov regional duma, his friends were appropriate, so much has been said, and most the main thing is that everything said was deserved, 2006, in these frames andrei popov personally
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congratulates the leader of the so-called tambov, vladimir barsukov kumarin, on his anniversary. it is noteworthy that the video was shot in such a way that the crime boss himself does not appear in the frame. popov then raised a glass to the health and fortune of the birthday boy. well, you know. how to say, to put it simply, they started doing business together, maybe in business, there were a number of other issues that they dealt with, that is, how they built all these things, all the guests they also read everything said between the lines in their sneaky smile. vladimir barsukov kumarin was known as the night governor of the city on the neva, had absolute influence in certain circles of st. petersburg, but he began his ascent to the leaders of the criminal world in the odnobovsky region, on the same streets where coach popov was partying. together they walked towards success, but the roads turned in different directions, one was serving a sentence, the other was able to avoid problems with the law, but danger lurked in his own home. only one thing is unclear what is the motive for the attack on authoritative businessman andrei popov, is his turbulent past and today’s assassination attempt somehow connected?
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now employees of the investigative committee are looking into this. alexander polivko and mikhail shirin, lead the duty department. the head urged his subordinates to work actively with journalists and public organizations. of the investigative committee of russia during a meeting dedicated to interaction with the media, alexander bastrykin noted that in the legal projects of the federal television, as well as in specialized telegram channels, it is often drinking facts of lawlessness are reported, which should not remain without a reaction from the department, separately noted our program. i watch the duty department twice a day, i recommend you a good program, i get a lot from it. at the same time, the head of the investigative committee emphasized that the task of the department’s employees is to promptly identify the problem and take action. measures to solve it at the local level, without waiting for a reaction from the federal media.
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police stopped virtual currency from stolen facilities in the novosibirsk region huge yield. coins on an illegal crypto farm, the so-called miner carefully hid the equipment, decided to hide the huge consumption of electricity and not pay in cash, but illegally connect to the networks. report by olga durnykh. special forces soldiers jump over the bright blue gate. this inconspicuous farm turned out to have a crypto prefix. there are hundreds of kilograms of computer equipment in rusty construction containers. and this is just one of a whole network of such underground miner groupings that have been discovered.
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and this is footage of the arrest of the alleged bitcoin hunter. according to investigators, a resourceful citizen decided to significantly save on electricity. he allegedly bribed a certain official to ensure this. they connected the cable, well, illegal installation, but at the same time very professional, they took the cable from the common line, buried it in the ground, without it the attackers would not have been able to mine, extract cryptocurrency, the cable with stolen energy goes straight to the farm, it is located in such a recess behind concrete slabs, there was even a birdhouse on the tree in which they hid a video camera, so that... when a leak is noticed, a signal about it is given by equipment or dissatisfied residents, a voltage drop among conscientious consumers, failure of some
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equipment, that is, this feeder is designed , for example, for certain purposes, it supplies the dacha community there with some other objects here the consumption is quite powerful, that is, in fact, megawatt power directly affects. on the speed of cryptocurrency mining, you can get rich by 6 million in a few years, or you can get rich in a few months, that’s how much one bitcoin costs today, even if you count by the minimum cost of the equipment that is installed here... is about 6 million, plus containers, a generator, farm arrangement, can you imagine what kind of profit the owner expected to receive from such an investment, especially if you save on electricity, the owner of this, and at the same time three more farms, stole 197 million, this is a new siberian record for damage from a would-be miner, now he has been detained, a criminal case has been opened, farms are found in the city, even in high-rise buildings, so in this house, due to a power surge, there is no electricity with a damaged you just have to live with technology. apartments on four floors at once, the neighbor is suspected of being a miner. equipment for crypto business could lead
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to a fire in this high-rise building in the summer of twenty- two, novosibirsk media reported this. bitcoin mining in russia is not prohibited if it is carried out within the framework of the law, which does not yet clearly regulate this area, but the first restrictions for miners are already being introduced, so in the novosibirsk region, from july 1 , an increased tariff will begin for those who consume more than 10,980 kw per month . consumption per...
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the rest of their dna is similar, scientists say, but this is enough for experts to identify a robber, murderer or maniac from one small trace left at the crime scene. on international dna day, my colleague daniil sukhoruchko went to the capital’s forensic investigators and found out how they seize and study this molecule. here is his report. on the victim's clothes. mannequins and other teaching aids. this is a forensic training ground. it looks like a professional movie set. there is
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everything to teach young specialists how to work at crime scenes. fake blood, weapons and even this mannequin. how do you feel? he doesn't seem to be doing well. when experts look for dna traces, they pay attention to every little detail. for example, quite a lot of biological traces remain on the triggers, here. this is how they usually take blood for examination, in this case artificial, we blot the cotton tip with biological material, as far as the trace allows, respectively, in the future, since the material is liquid, it is necessary to dry it, wait a while until it is absorbed, after which it is packed into a test tube, by the way, even dried blood can help the investigation, say criminologists, we wet it and produce... washing it off from the largest area of ​​accumulation of a biological trace,
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accordingly the resulting trace we also dry it and pack it in paper packaging. the collected data is sent by criminologists to a special laboratory, where experts determine the genetic code of the suspect using biological samples, and then check with database. it helps a lot, as it allows you to identify the person who committed the crime with a probability of up to 99.9%, since i repeat, dna is individual. dna does not change throughout life, so once traced into genetics there is no hiding. capital researchers have solved many crimes of past years, precisely with the help of dna examinations. one of the most notorious murders and rapes of two estonian schoolgirls. the crime occurred more than 30 years ago. in eighty-nine in moscow, the bodies of girls who came from stalin to the festival were found. for a long time, the killers could not be found, but experts took samples from the scene of the massacre.
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died, the court recognized it as self-defense and completely acquitted the head of the family, but the local police did not show their best side, out of 25 participants in the attack they caught only two, investigators even opened a criminal case for negligence, but then for some reason they quickly closed it, why is this so happened? after the film aired, i became personally interested in this issue chairman of the investigative committee of russia alexander bastrykin, now the ivanovo investigators will have to report personally to him, in the investigative department of the russian investigative committee for... the region, a criminal case was investigated on the fact of police negligence, which was subsequently discontinued. in accordance with the instructions of the chairman of the investigative committee of russia, the acting head of the investigation department will present a report to the head of the department on the results of the investigation of the criminal case and the grounds for its termination. after release eduard petrov's new film aired, many viewers from the ivanovo region
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noted in the comments that they had long accumulated many questions for law enforcement officers in the region. in the samara region , a former prosecutor from iran is preparing to hear a verdict; he is accused of attempting to take a bribe, millions of you once... in exchange for indulgence to a local medical center, which allegedly sent drivers onto the roads without examination by a psychologist and narcologist. word to andrey romanov. this defendant had broad powers in the past and could supervise for compliance with the law and the work of the fimida. now the former prosecutor sizra can only gloomily look at those gathered in
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the talyati automobile factory courtroom. vadim fedorin is being tried for attempted robbery. transfer 3 million rubles to fedorin. one of the detainees had 600,000 on him, allegedly the first tranche for the prosecutor. it was the money of the head physician of the local hippocrates medical center, sergei katyuchev. katyuchy himself is at large, this can only be explained if the doctor personally informed the security forces about the fact of the bribe. so you understood, right, that part of the money would go towards a bribe? of course, of course, i understood. and you
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are talking about this so openly now, i understand that you broke the law, tried to break the law. i didn't think it was like that. with the financial flow towards the city prosecutor's office, sergei katyuchiy tried to fight off the wave of checks, it began when it turned out that the employees of the medical center were issuing certificates for drivers without the conclusion of a psychiatrist and narcologist; the corruption scheme was allegedly proposed by lawyer dmitry famin, who identified himself as an old friend of the city prosecutor fedorin. he agreed to lead our business, well, how not to conduct business, but to resolve the issue, yes, yes, to resolve this issue, it didn’t matter to me where they would go. dmitry fomin actually worked for some time with vadim fedorin at the talya prosecutor’s office, then their paths diverged, famin went to the bar, and fedorin’s career took off sharply, he took a high position in the supervisory department of the samara region, monitored the implementation of anti-corruption legislation in
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talked in numerous interviews about what types of embezzlers and bribe-takers there are? maybe like this there is a stereotype that we have. only doctors and teachers take bribes, today this trend has changed, this is already yesterday, a couple of years after this speech, vadim fedorin made his contribution to changing trends, after being accused of attempting to take a bribe, the chair of the prosecutor of the city of syzran, he i had to change to a cell in a pre-trial detention center, the trial is already entering the home stretch, representatives of the state government spoke in court, they demand that their former colleague be sentenced to 11 years in prison, and the mediator... the risks of new sabotage and terrorist attacks have increased, the supervisory authority stated. the words of the first deputy prosecutor general of russia are quoted by tas. as anatoly
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rozinkin stated, the security measures taken by the owners of many public areas are not enough. the risks of sabotage and terrorist acts have increased significantly. last year we checked the safety of crowded places and critical facilities. and we have identified more than 200,000 violations in this area. it says. that the measures taken to countering terrorist threats is still insufficient. from july this year, violations in the field of anti-terrorism protection will face criminal liability , the prosecutor general’s office emphasizes that they will respond to such incidents extremely harshly. a terrible story in the moscow region in shchyolkovo , a scandal involving the beating of children in a kindergarten is gaining momentum. investigators are now studying footage of the teacher giving the child a rest. execution, and it turned out that she does this regularly, and the kindergarten itself is not in this is the first time he gets into ugly stories. alexey knor more details. these shots
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show kids walking in kindergarten. the teacher is trying to restore order, but clearly cannot cope. then fists come into play. the teacher grabs one of the boys, hits him in the face, then again, who is already lying down, pulls him by the arm and roughly drags him into the corner of the gazebo. the execution was captured by a resident of a neighboring house and posted online. the parents who took their children to kindergarten this morning are speechless. disgusting, of course, your child will never never, no, we have ideal teachers, nannies, somehow with us, so i was a little shocked, i don’t see any justification for this behavior, that is, how could a child lose his temper, as it turned out, high-security walks in this garden are not uncommon, the video is different, the teacher the same, this time a little girl fell under the hot hand, a girl i know is in this group, the teacher has used force on the children more than once. the teacher, of course, is young, let’s say she’s 20 years old, but that doesn’t give her the right to treat children like that. the video caused widespread public outcry, parents of beaten children go to investigators
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as if they were at work, give evidence, opened a case, investigators have already become involved in clarifying all the circumstances, inspections and interrogations have been carried out, job descriptions and other documents have been confiscated, and the parents of two children have been recognized as victims. by the way, it is not the first time that in the field of view of law enforcement agencies children have been brought into a kindergarten; in february of this year, the police were already conducting an inspection after a three-year-old girl ran away from here, she missed her mother and went home on her own, none of them the teachers didn’t even notice this; they stopped the runaway as a random passer-by a kilometer away at the railway station. last time the matter was hushed up and no one was fired, but this time it didn’t work out. at the moment, the senior teacher educator's labor relations have ceased further work.
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she is accused of failure to fulfill the duties of raising a minor. the maximum punishment under this article is 3 years in prison. alexey knur, veronika tarasova, nikita shchuchkin, oleg dobin. vesti is the duty unit. hollywood's biggest sex scandal of recent years returns. the new york supreme court overturned the conviction of american film producer harvey weinstein. the new york times reports this. the criminal case against the most canceled us movie mogul has been sent for a new trial. in harassment, in some cases even rape of the producer. more than eighty women were accused, including world-famous film actresses. according to them, weinstein lured women to his hotel room under the pretext of a casting, but then
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the audition went completely differently from them expected. the sentence was a harsh 23 years in prison, but now themis has come to the conclusion that errors were made during the proceedings, and it was overturned. other than that, weinstein still won’t be released. another sentence stands. a los angeles court sentenced him to another 16 years in prison for another series of sex crimes. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and an honest detective, subscribe, also watch our investigation and daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on and honest detective, our episode is over, maxim movchan was in the studio, see you on the russia-24 tv channel, the task was received to break through the enemy’s defenses, the tank is such a machine, it can be heard from afar, he radiated it, mastered it, he uses it in combat. after they opened fire, the enemy withdrew all of their firing points.
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are no match for original questions, what about
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production and raw materials in general? export, what it is, our product. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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let me talk to you briefly about the main thing. an armored personnel carrier of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed in the southern donetsk direction.


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