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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 26, 2024 8:00am-8:30am MSK

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the water level in the ishim river has exceeded its historical maximum. the village of obadskoe is completely surrounded by water. flooding is possible on the tyumen-omsk federal highway. we are waiting for the direct participation of our correspondent from the region. cut off supply nodes and block arms supply channels. operators of fpv drones of the vostok military group are working in the vicinity of coal tar. at what speed do such uavs fly? why is it impossible from them? the decision on the key rate
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will be made today by the bank of russia, and the central bank will also present an updated macroeconomic forecast, what forecasts analysts give, we find out in our economics section. washington must not cross red lines regarding china's sovereignty and security. negotiations between the us secretary of state and his chinese counterpart took place in beijing, what else is known about the meeting. and let's start with the progress of the special military operation, the calculation of the osa air defense system of the group of forces-center ensured the advance of the assault groups in the avdeevsky direction. a ukrainian armed forces drone that wanted to hit our motorcycle was destroyed. shooters: anti-aircraft gunners
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provide air cover for deployment sites our units, military equipment, command posts and communications centers. the air defense system allows you to detect and destroy even small enemy drones at a distance of more than 10 km. we are mainly engaged in tasks of covering artillery, destroying reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles, small unmanned aerial vehicles that can carry weapons, and mines that can hit artillery equipment. atul paratroopers destroyed a group of ukrainian armed forces infantry in the northern direction. a reconnaissance group of the airborne forces discovered from a drone enemy stronghold. ukrainian militants were hiding there. an armored group was promptly sent there in airborne combat vehicles. the crews suppressed the defensive position in the ssu and eliminated enemy personnel. the fighters were accompanied by mobile groups. russian
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mortar men are on duty in the border areas of the belgorod region, the main focus is on the areas from which ukrainian militants fire at our territory or release drones, usually drunakomikazes. our war correspondent, igor pikhanov, will talk about the work. these are russian footage scouts with help. pilot, they are watching a pickup truck of ukrainian militants, the car led them to hidden positions in the ssu, the enemy has dug in in a forest belt near the border, from here the enemy is hitting the front-line villages of the belgorod region, there are a lot of komikaze drones, we are listening, looking closely, in general, of course , it is advisable to look at that in the air on the other side the enemy is still trying to play a dirty trick on us, artillerymen are starting to neutralize the enemy, near the state border around the clock... combat crews are on duty
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120mm mortar, just a few minutes the gun is aimed at the target, the officer gives the order to open fire on the enemy. high-explosive fragmentation shells fall on the enemy's trenches and dugouts, they penetrate even fortified positions, reconnaissance officers correct the work of artillerymen from the air, and with precise strikes a unit of the ministry of defense destroys enemy trenches and military equipment. the ukrainian military fled from their positions with heavy losses. i continue to work because, well, my parents live on the border, 2 km from the border, they were also flights around my house, my parents were moved because of this, so i’m kind of ready to defend the border of the belgorod region. the 120 mm caliber mortar, an effective and indispensable weapon at the front, hits at a distance of more than 7 km, including modern guided projectiles. the mortar can be transported using an suv, so the fighters of the unit covering the state border. quickly
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strikes at the enemy, the mortar is also indispensable when neutralizing enemy saboteurs, and the mortar seems to hit personnel enemy. and does not allow him to break through, the enemy now understands that we have both weapons and ammunition, so he is slowly starting to move away from the border. on the neighboring sector of the front, along the positions of the armed forces of ukraine near kharkov, long-range barrel artillery is operating, soldiers destroyed an enemy howitzer with precise fire, an ammunition depot was blown up, each destroyed gun means lives saved. artillery works in close cooperation with intelligence officers. now there are several drones in the sky at once, one of them is watching movements of the enemy, the second adjusts the battery fire. thanks to the professionalism of the russian military , the situation in the villages bordering ukraine has become calmer. soldiers are liquidating enemy targets around the clock, tanks, artillery and tactical aviation are working.
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the air defense unit is destroyed by drones and missiles. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. against the backdrop of american supplies. greece rebuffed the eu and nato and refused to send its patriot anti-aircraft missile systems to kiev. premier to greece, mitsatakis said his country would not send weapons at the request of its allies. the economist publication writes that, despite the new american aid packages, ukraine should say goodbye to the lost territories. this us money will help kiev, just don’t fall apart right now, as the article says. oh, so he thinks. maria skorodelka will tell the west to ukraine right now. stun guns, rubber bullets, tear gas. this is how, democratically, the us police are trying to calm down those who do not want to sponsor wars in the world. wave of protests from
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california to new york. people demand to stop military support for israel, and at the same time for ukraine. war chants evil; they don’t want to pay for the death of people. the speaker is shaking the country, and people see it. by pumping the kiev regime with weapons and money, washington is only increasing the risk of a major conflict, experts say. we are not even debating whether to give ukraine even more money without having the slightest answer to the question of what the next $100 billion will achieve in
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ukraine that the first $100 billion did not achieve. this is the answer to the question we need. well and us residents in the white house are not hearing: allocated aid to ukraine is dragging the democrats deeper and deeper. down, american workers meet with trump to joe biden, delicious hello, what's it like to see so many republicans in manhattan at once, did it surprise you? not at all, trump is coming back, what would you tell joe biden? they are dissatisfied with the allies and in kiev itself, in return for gratitude, the old song, zelensky demands more, is jealous of the united states for israel. ukraine is offended, they were given less, and dissatisfaction with the help gives rise to doubts. real or friends independent states, this package of military support was already accepted with a fight, and if there is talk about a monetary tranche to kiev again, the squabbling in congress will flare up with renewed vigor, newspapers write. the west must clearly understand that it is giving ukraine only a temporary respite, especially since this
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assistance may be the last, and this is already tickling the nerves of all those who are building a career in war, the german defense minister is literally walking on the edge. do you also think so? if ukraine shelled the ministry in moscow today, would that be normal? i'm not a lawyer internationalist, but as far as i am familiar with international law, such actions are allowed, i am not familiar with international law, but he incites war with words, and this in scholz’s coalition has long become the norm, scholz himself is the hero of satire, he does not govern the country, he gave the topic of ukraine to his comrades, he personally conquers tiktok, despite the fact that many in ukraine have long understood that money in the west does not make people happy.
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the united states is sending arms to ukraine, high-ranking officials are citing this, american media write. we can talk about smart air-to-ground bombs. and as officials told reporters, it was delivered to kiev.
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tell us what the experts say, what changes can we expect? tatyana, in particular, they are counting on improved forecasts for gdp dynamics, and i’ll tell you more about this right now. the bank of russia will make a decision on the key rate today. most market analysts expect the regulator. will keep it at the current level of 16% and will tighten the signal on further monetary policy. we do not expect
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that at this meeting the central bank will somehow will change the existing key rate of 16%. but at the same time, we consider the main intrigues of this meeting to be a significant upward revision of forecasts for the dynamics of gdp, for the dynamics of the loan portfolio of legal entities, and perhaps also for individuals, and most importantly, for the forecast range. may force the central bank to tighten its communication regarding the fact that with the sixteenth rate we may live longer than previously thought. we will find out what the final rate will be after 13:00 moscow time, well, at 15 we will show a press conference of the chairman of the bank of russia elvira nabiulina, deputy chairman alexei. in april, russia managed not only to stabilize fuel production, but to increase supplies
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to the domestic market. this is stated in a government report following a meeting between deputy prime minister alexander novak and oil workers. according to the ministry of energy , the production of gasoline and diesel fuel stabilized in april. supplies to the domestic market exceed last year’s volumes, exports are reduced, retail price dynamics for fuel for the current period is at the level. inflation. the russian federation, with the support of the ministry of construction , is preparing to launch a mechanism for infrastructure loans in the housing and communal services sector. it will allow financing projects worth at least a trillion rubles. webrf infrastructure loans will be issued in a syndicate with commercial banks for a period of up to 20 years with a fixed interest rate. let me remind you that the support of the wprf for construction projects , reconstruction and modernization of infrastructure facilities in 22-2 amounted to 357. confiscated assets were sold in ukraine subsidiaries of sberbank and web rf for
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$126 million. this was done through an online auction. as reported in the country's cabinet of ministers, the list includes office premises, equipment, cars, but also property rights. let me remind you that kiev began confiscating russian assets 2 years ago and began writing off the debts of local companies to financial organizations that are associated with our country. thus, the budget of ukraine is no longer legal. received $656 million from the sale of russian property, and the debts of local enterprises were written off by more than by 400 million. and at the end of the issue, i will remind you of the exchange rates for today: the dollar is 92 rubles 13 kopecks, the euro is 98.70. and that's all i have for now. we were joking once in the studio, the director of photography said, my grandmother thinks that you live in the komlyovo star. he is a man of pushkin and dostoevsky.
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we are open to the world, but they are not, he is from the breed that made russia great. vladimirovich says: i wish you success, you are now my employee. this is news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev. good evening. the ukrainian armed forces militants will not be able to cope with american equipment. in the usa they are looking for people all over the world who can help ukraine.
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thus, a vacancy for a night vision device operator with experience in combat operations appeared on the internet. an unknown company is looking for workers through a special website, promising to pay $700 a day, despite the fact that the americans , of course, do not directly write where exactly they will work in a combat zone or not, here the requirements for candidates are military, this is good physical shape and it is not necessary be afraid of shooting, but the main thing is to speak russian, in the comments under this vacancy, us residents are already writing that there are no crazy people to fight for ukraine, let them look for it in kiev. quote. and in mariupol, before the start of the summer season , the embankment is being cleaned up. in addition, the city is rebuilding houses and renovating schools. the federal treasury commission checked how the reconstruction is progressing. olga lukyanchenko has all the details. mariupol is slowly returning to peaceful life. builders are restoring residential buildings, schools, and parks. the embankment is currently being reconstructed.
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the city is becoming a resort again, gaining southern charm. right by the sea of ​​azov in... school number 4, which now bears the name of the hero of russia, major general vladimir fralov. light facade, plastic windows. inside , only the staircase remains from the old one, everything else is new. ordinary school boards were replaced with interactive ones, modern furniture appeared, the catering unit was completely renovated, even the floor and ceiling were updated. in addition,
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a new sports stadium appeared on the school grounds. what was your stadium like before? well, it was broken before, everything is sound, everything is of high quality, i’m very i am satisfied, as, say, a controller, as an inspector, with the quality level of the work that the builders have done today, for example, at this site. now on the streets of mariupol you can again see people strolling carefree, the city is literally being reborn from the ashes, day by day its appearance
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is changing, thanks to the efforts of the builders of a huge country, the port city is gaining its charm. news donetsk-mariupol. the world's first drug against ankylosing spondylitis has been registered in russia. previously, it was considered incurable. new drug, according to developers, completely stops diseases and is not addictive. how did scientists approach such a discovery? sofya sergeeva will tell you about this. just yesterday , begtelev’s disease was considered an incurable disease. the prognosis for carriers was disappointing. no treatment for no more than 10 years. but. but today russian scientists, doctors and technologists proudly say: they were able to register the world’s first drug for its treatment: sineprutuk. scientists managed to find, just imagine, a t-lymphocyte, they, it has a huge number of receptors, and it was this unique t-cell receptor repertoire was found, which is characteristic
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only of these patients. we worked on the development of the drug together with the domestic company biocad for several years. specialists from the pirogovo research university, for rector sergei lukyanov it was a personal challenge; he fought the disease himself and last november he successfully tested the drug on himself. our drug very carefully destroys the cells that lead to the disease without affecting the immune system as a whole. this the drug is administered very rarely, relatively rarely, once every six months, once a year, therefore. there is an addiction to the drug, loss of effectiveness, this ability to completely block the development of the disease for the duration of action, distinguishes it from those drugs that are already... used today in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, in particular in ankylosing spondylitis. clinical studies have confirmed that after taking the drug blue rod, the development of the disease stops,
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and without reducing the activity of the immune system. for the first time in history, scientists were able eliminate the cause of ankylosing spondylitis, and not its symptoms. according to experts, blue rod is 10 years ahead of world science, and its research can serve to develop an entire class of drugs, including... the treatment of autoimmune diseases, for example, type 1 diabetes. and one more development: last week the russian drug lantesens for the treatment of spinal muscular atrophy was successfully registered. in russia, there are already three drugs for the treatment of sma, foreign and unaffordable. for example, zalgensma, which is included in the guinness book of records as the most expensive medicine in the world, the cost of one injection is more than 150 million rubles. in 2020 , the whole country collected money for it for the small or stavropol region. the injection gave us a huge effect. ilya lives an ordinary life, goes to a kindergarten for children with musculoskeletal disorders. here,
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we have six brides in the garden, yes, the most beautiful ones. here. ilda are active, that is, we live an ordinary life, we work like ordinary people, without any devices or tubes of anything the rest. ginerium, the manufacturer of the domestic lancesens, claims the drug will be produced on site. russia, and therefore it will be cheaper from the algensm from spinraza, the cost of which in the country reaches 5 million rubles per package. sofya sergieva, sergey rubanov, andrey mashkarov, news. and now it's time for sports news. alexander, csk and spartak played to a draw. tell us how this match went? tatyana, it wasn’t the most spectacular derby in recent years. the team struck the first shot on target only in the eightieth minute. csk and spartak for the first time. for 21 years we played a goalless draw, the moscow derby took place as part of the postponed twenty- first round. my colleague danilo makhalin attended the match.
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spartak and cska approached the head-to-head confrontation with different moods, the red-whites defeated rostov away 5:1, the army team lost at home to akhmat, having lost key defenders, deveev, rosshu, as well as attacking player feyzullaev. it would seem that beautiful, warm weather, a most important derby, more than that. today it worked, i hope next time the match will work out. a moment in the middle of the first half caused a lot of controversy, the ball bounced into chalov’s hand, but the referees working navar did not even call referee kozartsev to the monitor.
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a little later, spartak duarta was shown yellow; as it turned out, later referee kazartsev made a mistake, confusing him with chernov. now the paraguayan risks missing the next match due to too many cards. everyone on both sides is unhappy. well, i don’t know, there are bosses on both sides, on three sides. ivan oblikov had a killer moment, watched for khluseevich's mistake, but shot wide from close range, there were a couple of good chances, one was simply great when we had to convert it, well, it was a very game, but a real derby, many, many duels, no one wanted to concede, maybe just a little bit lacking cold blood in the final stage of the attack, in six matches that spartak is led by the acting head coach...
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grozny arrived in sochi, according to the head coach of the guests roberto moreno, 14 football players, five people from his team’s staff before got poisoned by the match, the sochi bus was late to the stadium, the game started with a delay of several minutes, ending with... no points lost, dynamo and lokomotiv beat orenburg and paris-n, getting closer to the current leader of this season. daniil makhalin, konstantin morozov, andrey greshnev, umar tuskaev, news. in the final series of the women's volleyball super league, kaliningrad lokomotiv did not take advantage of the chance to become the day before. the fourth game of the series took place in kaliningrad, the lokomotiv volleyball players won 2:0 in games during the match, but kazan dynamo akbars turned the tide of the game, they took two games in a row, the fate of the match
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was decided on... lokomotiv had three match points, in this case they were golden championship match points, but lokomotiv failed to win the title with none of these three attempts. the kazan team fought back these three match points and then won the match. the score in the final series is equal, now 2:2 and the national champion in women's volleyball will be determined on monday in kazan in the fifth match of the final series between these rivals. in the basketball uniform vtb league kazan unics took the second match of the first series.
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points helped unix become the best team of the regular season for the first time in history. st. petersburg sky 1946 became the champion of the youth hockey league. in the final series of the mhl, the st. petersburg team beat yaroslavl loko 4:1. in the fifth golden match for sk the score was 2:1. all goals were scored in unequal lineups. sk-1946 won the kharlamov cup for the second time in the last three seasons. let me remind you that in the youth hockey league there are 37 teams, the ages of the players are 16 to 20 years old. that's all about sports for now that's it, see you next hour. we watch it to spend time with the children. russian cartoons and children's programs. let's take a look, in the app or on the website.
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let me tell you briefly about the main thing for this moment. vcu armored personnel carrier. destroyed in the southern donetsk direction, it was hit by an mstas artillery crew from the eastern military district. the enemy's trench dugouts are being targeted by fpv drone operators. in the tyumen region, the level in the ishim river exceeded the historical maximum. evacuation was announced.


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