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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 26, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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and we will talk in more detail about the topics of the upcoming meeting live with federation council speaker valentina matvienko in the next hour. current issues of international and regional security and cooperation between defense departments were discussed today in ostan. a meeting of the defense ministers of the countries participating in the shanghai cooperation organization was held there. our correspondent egor grigoriev observed his work; he is in direct contact with the studio. egor, greetings, what key topics were discussed and he’s coming just now. messages from the latest statements by sergei shaigu made following the negotiations, what was said? daria, hello, well, the most important question is, of course, security in the shanghai cooperation organization space, but also global challenges and conflicts. sergei shaigu in his speech, opening his speech, thanked kazakhstan as the host and presiding party in the shanghai cooperation organization, he congratulated the islamic republic of iran on its acceptance. to
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the organization expressed the hope that belarus will become a full participant in the very near future, he noted that there are more and more international challenges and threats, but the influence of international institutions is becoming less and less. is this primarily due to the desire of the united states and its allies to maintain global dominance? to achieve its goals , washington is putting unprecedented pressure, including on its partners, from... teaching them the role of obedient executors. financial, political and diplomatic, and in some cases, force methods are widely used as instruments of influence. the repeatedly proven technique of inciting and maintaining pockets of instability in various regions of the world, generating security threats while simultaneously offering military assistance to neutralize them is used. the minister of defense recalled that
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after the collapse of the ussr there was talk of nato not expanding to the east, but since 1999 the waves of such expansion have passed, and the alliance is already at the russian border. i want to emphasize that it was not us, but they who came to us, came to our borders. this once again shows that westerners cannot be trusted. russia cannot be stopped ukraine, then allegedly we will attack the alliance countries. the russian federation has never threatened nato. we have neither geopolitical nor military interests to attack the state of the bloc. we are simply protecting our people in our historical territories. they always offered and made every effort to preserve it.
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with the direct participation of advisers , sabotage is planned and prepared, including on russian territory. almost every day, with the tacit consent of the west, kiev uses weapons received from it to cause damage to facilities civil infrastructure of the russian federation. kiev uses military assistance,
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including to launch attacks on russia, on civilian targets, including shelling the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, which can lead to catastrophic consequences, while the actions of nato and the actions of the united states pose a danger to the sco space. as for the asian-tean region, we are seeing systematic attempts here too. sergei shaigu noted that under no circumstances should the destruction of the established connections between the participants of the shanghai cooperation organization, and more active interactions are needed specifically in the military.
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countries is an important factor in maintaining stability and security in central asia and regional ones. in light of current events in the world and the persistence of hotbeds of tension, international cooperation is becoming one of the key factors in ensuring
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defense capabilities, since providing the armed forces with the most modern models of military equipment allows them to adequately respond to emerging threats.
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price, what you need, condensed milk rogachov 1199, you don’t need it like that, you need it like this, like that , i understand, buy with a discount of up to 99% for bonuses, thank you, grandfather, and you like fishing or crafting more, get pension to the post office bank, of course, because there are great benefits there, transfer your pension to the post office bank and get 200 rubles and a chance to win.
11:08 am
from every ticket sold, 10 rubles will be donated to charitable causes, we will draw thousands of cash prizes, every second ticket wins, the lotto is not to catch a firebird feather it’s simple, but anyone can get an interest rate on a deposit in gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum, open a deposit on, in the historical center of orel there appeared... a light and music fountain, the structure was donated to the city by sberbank. the complex is made in the form of eagle wings and is installed on a movable floating platform. anna boeva ​​will tell you the details. the twins, vika and veronica , skipped kindergarten today, a good reason, they spent the whole day dressing up for the evening. we came
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to see the fountain because we didn’t have one like that in the city. two weeks underwater touch the april water in the oka plus three. but oryol divers and contractors did everything to ensure that the fountain took its new place in the very heart of oryol, the confluence of the oka and orlik, 80 m high, music and video, all included. and it seemed that the whole city today took comfortable spectator seats on the high banks of the aka river to be the first to see the largest multimedia fountain of the central federal district. this is the first time that sberbank german gref has made such a large-scale gift to the entire region in orel and will leave the literary capital with an irredeemable ruble from leskov’s work. unchangeable ruble. so here it is the irredeemable ruble is the coin that is returned for good deeds, for deeds
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done with a kind heart. and now the countdown has started. one. in the spring, the fountain appeared for the tricentenary. ekaterinburg is a new eagle point, but sberbank will continue to give bright emotions to russian cities. we need to create places in our country where we would like to go no less than to europe or... the regions, and this is not only a regional center, this is a rural area. the fountain will definitely become a noticeable tourist attraction on
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the map of our region, and it will not work only on holidays, but throughout the season. anna boeva, denis mazaev, anatoly pikurov, hosted by orel. today , dmitry kiselyov, the author of the flagship program of vgtrk, head of the russia today media group, accepts congratulations on his seventieth anniversary. this is how the president of belarus noted dmitry kiselyov’s contribution to the development of the information space of the union state and his friendly position towards the republic. the head of the russian foreign ministry, sergei lavrov, also congratulated the hero of the day. the minister noted that kiselyov, being the head one of the largest media holdings in the country, continues, further. quote: unsurpassed with a creative approach to make a great personal contribution to strengthening the position of our country in the global information space. end of quote. we were joking in the studio once , the director of photography says: my grandmother
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thinks that you live in the komlev star, he is a man of pushkin and dostoevsk, from the pushkin tradition he has this elegance, this aristocracy, and from dostoevsky, of course, passion, let's go, bad form, dragging a weakened tiger by the whiskers, dilute with water, add sugar and place on the floor. poison the people, we’ll waste it, then we’ll regret it, life will become more interesting, i don’t think dima won’t say anything in vain, believe me, his phrases, they are verified, let’s say it again, on the maidan they gave a hero’s star for my body, simply because i’m russian , that’s enough, i loved europe very much, now we have exchanged places, now we are in russia for freedom of opinion, but they are not, we are open to the world, but they are not, he is from the breed that did. says: i wish you success, you are now my employee, this is the lead of the week and i
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production and enriching raw materials in russia. the new strategy will increase production volume by 20-25%. maria grigorieva will tell you details about the company's plans. the creation of a joint venture for copper production in china will allow norр nickel to increase revenue, avoid losses associated with sanctions and solve environmental problems. for this purpose , the smelting capacity of the copper plant located in norilsk is planned to be transferred to the territory of the prc. ore mined in russia will be processed there, which will bring the products closer to the buyer, because china is the largest consumer of copper in the world. in the first quarter of this. the transfer of production will allow us to solve these problems, and also to concentrate on the development of other capacities in russia. first of all, probably, the task of what is called the minimum is to protect our market positions in the new
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geopolitical realities. second, yes, accordingly, this is... to focus our investment and management resources on what ensures production growth, as well as the possibility of our entry, integration into new chains, what is called value creation, new technological and production chains, both in russia and abroad. the new strategy will increase revenue, but also production volumes by 20% at once, which means new tax payments... russia will receive additional tax revenues, but for tax collectors, they will amount, according to my estimates , to about 40 billion rubles per year, plus the number of workers will increase
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there are places for employees, because if it weren’t for now , the manager wouldn’t do it. announce this i wouldn’t do anything, the number of jobs that could be created is approximately 700 - a thousand, yes, but otherwise it would be about 4-4,500 jobs. the closure of outdated production at the copper plant will solve environmental problems in norilsk; the harm to the environment from ore transportation is several times less than from emissions during processing of raw materials. at the same time , the plant’s employees will not lose their jobs, the company promised. taking into account the shortage of personnel in the region, all specialists can be employed, especially since norilsk nickel has big plans to expand production. the modernization of the nadezhda metallurgical plant continues. it is planned to increase the capacity of the tolnakh concentrating plant, develop the mines of the tolnakh node, build a new bear ruchey open pit, a total of investments in the growth of mining and processing plants will amount to 300 billion rubles. the new
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strategy also promotes the development of the northern sea route. it is through it that copper concentrate of about 2 million tons per year is going to be supplied to china. for this new logistics capacities will be created, terminals in dudinka in murmonsk will be expanded, they will be able to handle large volumes of cargo. investments in the development of logistics will amount to about 150 billion rubles. even taking into account closer, including international, partnerships, more than 90% of our investment program will be aimed at investments in the russian federation. a few years ago, we announced our updated strategy for the 21-30s , for example, we announced the figure for our investment program. rub. in this decade russian enterprises. through the establishment of a joint venture in china, norp nickel will also have access to battery
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11:23 am
yes, i myself did not think that i would become a driver, a friend called me. the schedule is free, there are orders, the money is decent. at first i thought that i wouldn’t be here for long, i wouldn’t look back i managed it, it’s already the third year, the passengers thank me, i’m doing a good job, it turns out that if i hadn’t tried it then, i wouldn’t have realized that it was mine, so that’s it, dad, the journey of a taxi driver begins with yandex pro. magnet - price, what you need, kebab, pork magnet. 99 99 what is missing for construction is easy to find on the avito sale, hurry up to buy goods for construction with discounts of up to 60%. all that remains is to build,
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avita, grab it on sale and build! we are celebrating the benefits here, and you should mark yourself, we are benefiting here! benefit generator in mvidio eldorado, super discounts, interest-free installments! we approve everyone! come! envideo eldora. sber is introducing a loan with a 2% cashback so that you have even more opportunities, opportunities to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay. opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please at first. opportunities to gain new experiences. a barrage of new impressions, a storm of new impressions. apply for a loan at sbery and receive monthly cashback. 2% rate is more profitable with sberim. now
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economic news, briefly. today's advice directors of the central bank will consider the issue of the key rate. most analysts expect it to remain at 16%. it was set back in december and has not been increased since then. inflation is currently preventing a rate cut. at the same time, analysts suggest that... the decision in itself is not able to cool the economy and curb price increases. against this background, changes in monetary policy are expected no earlier than july. gazprom supplied a record volume of gas to the domestic market this winter; by mid-january it reached billion 800 million cubic meters per day. the company reported this. they noted that the heating season was successful. the work of underground storage facilities helped here. by next fall, gazprom plans to accumulate record reserves (70) in underground gas storage facilities. at the end of the quarter, sbir increased its net profit by 11%, the bank earned 394 billion rubles. this is stated in the report on international
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standards. capital exceeded 24%. sber's clients include about 109 million people and more than 3 million companies. earlier, the bank announced record dividends for the twenty-third year. the bank's advisory board recommended paying more than 750 billion rubles. and russia needs to attract about $22 billion of additional investment into the agricultural sector so that in the future it can compete in the world market. this was stated in a study by analysts yakov and partners. this amount is necessary to create agro-industrial giants comparable to world leaders. if successful, this will allow the country to enter the top five largest food suppliers by the year 35, not only in terms of volume, but in value. so far, russia occupies only seventeenth place. this there was economic news, briefly.
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the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government, yes, which separated the church, it is best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, separate completely from moscow, an assembly has been created, which is not the church of christ, the ocu has nothing to do with religion, alone for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste. and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the lavra. the united states, the west, yes, initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people. the lord is with his saints. let's see what will happen next.
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now there is a live broadcast from the victory museum from the central site of the victory dictation event. well, dear friends, the last minutes remain before the start of our event, the most exciting moment. in 506 55. 53 seconds, we will go
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live and begin our wonderful promotion. all participants in the dictation. to write, i hope everyone has been preparing for it, we, on behalf of the organizing committee, the organizers of our event, of course, wish you all to answer all 25 questions correctly, although it certainly won't be easy. well, good afternoon, dear friends, greetings to you.
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the victory museum on poklonnaya gora in moscow, where the central platform for the victory dictation is located. the victory dictation is the most massive and large-scale knowledge event. an international test, participation in a dictation is, of course, not only a test of one’s knowledge, the military history of the fatherland, it is an expression of...


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