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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 26, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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what topics are discussed in the spotlight on current issues of international and regional security ? a meeting of defense ministers of the sco member countries was held in astana. what decisions have been made? testing historical literacy throughout russia and abroad today they are writing the victory dictation. how do international actions take place and what are they assessed? three settlements. the surrounding areas and the bridge were cut off by flood water, more than 5,000 people were evacuated in another district of the tyumen region from the zone of possible underwater accumulation. children's ombudsman maria lvova belova for the first time held face-to-face negotiations with the ukrainian side on the return of children through the mediation of qatar. now we are in direct contact with the studio. maria alekseevna, hello, if possible, please tell us about the details of the negotiations, how constructive. it turned out to be a dialogue, good afternoon,
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and we have been communicating with the ukrainian country remotely for almost a year, and finally we were able to meet in person with representatives of ukraine and discuss the state of affairs, which are located both on the territory of ukraine and on territory of the russian federation. and the most important thing, it seems to me, is fixing a specific list, 29 children who should be reunited. their loved ones in ukraine, and 19 children who should be reunited with their loved ones in the russian federation. the most important thing is that these lists were recorded by the qatari country, a third country, because as we know, often agreements with ukraine are then lost and the rhetoric changes completely, so it was very important for us that this happened through the mediation of qatar, and we also outlined our position, which was dictated by... the president of russia,
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that we work only in those situations where there is a parent, a relative who is looking for this child, i want to emphasize once again that the reunification occurs as one , so in the other direction, and this has absolutely nothing to do with the deportation of children, but this is connected with the current situation, with different family situations, so of course we will work out each specific case so that the children can.
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and in this same qatar we verified lists, we have specified them, and at the moment we have the following figures. they reported that 28 children had already been reunited with their relatives in ukraine, five children returned to their families in russia. tell us how this process went, how the returning children feel, what kind of work they do with them? and these are the children whom we reunited through the mediation of kator; in total, with my direct participation, 64 children were reunited with their parents in ukraine. and six children were reunited with their parents in the russian federation, but this is not concerns those children who in october 2022 were sent for rest and recovery in the crimea, krasnodar region, there, of course, the figure was significantly higher, and after the front line changed they found themselves cut off from their loved ones, but for several months we worked on the transfer of children parents, because difficulties arose with crossing the border, the parents
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had no financial... opportunities, someone had a situation when it was dangerous to take their children, so, but in a few months we solved all this, at the moment we have only one child in crimea, who is soon 18 years old, according to his parents , he continues to study in an educational organization of the russian federation, here is maria aleksanevna, as for the new group, new lists, tell me, what information is there now about all these children, their families, who they are, where they are, what is their condition? yes, let me emphasize that these are family stories, well, for example, a grandmother took a child on vacation, svo began, yes, or these are divorce situations, as we call them, when a child with one of parents, the second parent is in another state, we need to actually agree and find out the child’s opinion, and convey it, well, these are, in fact, some of the most difficult cases, there are situations when, upon arrival in russia, our mother died there. or
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the mother began to lead an immoral lifestyle, the children ended up in our institution, and we found an aunt in ukraine, in fact, it’s like the process of reunification is going on here now.
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that is, in addition to processing documents, we definitely communicate with the child, we definitely we find out his opinion, and then we conduct various negotiations with relatives there, when there is a problem, for example, with identifying relatives, so we returned one boy to russia, his parents died, his mother , father and he lived there with his great-uncle, in russia we have a grandmother , well, the dear one who wanted to pick him up, well, it was a complicated process, what did the boy want to...
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did you consider, for example, such options? while we have not received any requests for return, all lists of all participants in the process are verified by the state of quatre and the international the red cross committee, as i already said, we definitely go through all the documents, if any doubts arise, we do dna tests, confirming the relationship, and at the moment we have a group resting on the territory of kator, from the ukrainian side and a group from the russian side - these are our reunited families, and i am grateful to cator that we have the opportunity to track the state of affairs after the families have been reunited, because of course, we do not have this information, yes, when they cross borders, usually their rhetoric is changing, they begin to blame russia for
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all mortal sins, but thanks to him we can see that the children are doing well, everything is safe, they continue to live with their loved ones, malya alekseovna, in your opinion this... process is evidence the issue regarding ukrainian children may become a basis for overturning the decision of the international criminal court against you, are you going to somehow look into this issue? we do not recognize the jurisdiction of the international criminal court, and you know what’s interesting is that the arrest warrant was issued more than a year ago, but at the moment we have not received a single document, not a single request, we learn all the information about the actions of the international criminal court from the media, which indicates a completely politicized structure that has nothing to do with has no legality, but we understand that this is such a rather old trick, a classic example of wartime propaganda , its origins go back to the first world war, when our american and british media talked about
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the atrocities of the german soldiers, that they cut off the hands of belgian children, stole their food, that is, these are kind of terrible accusations, which of course have nothing in common. they have nothing to do with the truth, and nothing has changed, everything continues as well, we understand that this is actually for such a formation of hatred towards the enemy, our task is now maximum. in order for this myth to be debunked, that there are no lists, by the way, negotiations with the ukrainian side confirmed this, because on the sidelines our ukrainian so-called colleagues said that that there are numbers, there are actually no lists, but therefore we understand that there are specific families, we are working on them, everything that is only in the statements remains in the statements, and that it is possible to reunite specific people, it is impossible to reunite the lists. therefore, we see that there are few specific people. marya alekseevna, thank you for answering
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the question, thank you for taking part in our broadcast. let me remind you that the commissioner for children’s rights under the president of russia, maria lvovbelova, was in direct contact with the studio. in russia there are no and never have been plans to attack nato countries, defense minister sergei shaigu stated this in ostan. a meeting of the defense ministers of the participating countries was held there today. they discussed current issues of international and regional security, as well as further cooperation between military departments. now joining the broadcast. our correspondent, egor grigoriev, we know the details from him. egor, greetings, what other statements were made? yuri, hello, important statements sounded like during the general meetings of the defense ministers of the sco countries, and during bilateral meetings, this is how the first face-to-face meeting took place between russian defense minister sergei shaigu and his chinese counterpart dongjun, and it was noted that our interaction is becoming brighter, the contrast is becoming more and more visible. in the relations between russia and china, especially against the backdrop of general anxiety raised by the west and
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nato, among others, against this backdrop , increasingly regular and increasingly active interaction between our military personnel in operational and combat training arises new and old tensions are escalating. in essence, this is the result of geopolitical adventures, selfish, neo-colonial actions of the west. on contract. given the overall alarming situation , russian-chinese comprehensive partnerships and strategic interaction are being systematically built; our countries’ approaches to fundamental issues of the modern world order and pressing international problems coincide or are close. the situation in the sco space is negatively affected by the influence of nato and the european union. well, for example, to increase pressure on china.
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and washington takes any steps, takes any actions. to achieve its goals, washington is exerting unprecedented pressure, including on its partners, relegating them to the role of obedient executors. financial, political and diplomatic, and in some cases, forceful methods are widely used as instruments of influence. a repeatedly proven ignition technique is used. and maintaining pockets of instability in various regions of the world,
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generating security threats while simultaneously offering military assistance to address them neutralization. the minister of defense recalled that after the collapse of the ussr , nato was not promised to expand to the east, but in the end everything turned out the other way around. after 1999. waves of expansion, and now the alliance is already at the border of russia, i want to emphasize that it was not us, but they who came to us, came to our borders, this once again shows that we cannot trust the westerners, now they are harnessing us, reproaching us that if russia if we don’t stop it in ukraine, then we will allegedly attack the alliance countries. "the russian federation has never threatened nato. we have no
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geopolitical nor military interests to attack the bloc states. we are simply protecting our people in our historical territories. they have always offered and made every effort to maintain strategic stability and the balance of power in the world. the united states , on the contrary, first created and is now purposefully prolonging the conflict in ukraine." the united states and the collective west are pumping ukraine up with weapons, which subsequently appear on the black market, including in the hands of... they send not only nato instructors, but mercenaries. when with the direct participation of advisers , the planning and preparation of sabotage is carried out, including on russian territory. almost every day, with the tacit consent of the west, kiev uses
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weapons received from it to damage the civilian infrastructure of the russian federation. as a result of the general meeting , a communication was signed, and bilateral meetings ended with agreements, in particular , the ministry of defense of russia and kyrgyzstan will exchange information and interact in the field of assessing radiation, chemical and biological assessment. yuri, yes, egor, thank you, my colleague egor grigoriev was on direct communication from astana. buy polaris equipment with up to 70% discount, such as a coffee machine, robot vacuum cleaner or portable vacuum cleaner with dust collector. alpha friday, supercake every week on alfa bank cards.
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the international historical event victory dictation is taking place throughout russia and abroad today. anyone can test their knowledge about the great patriotic war by visiting one of 27,000 sites or online. to do this you need to complete electronic registration. residents of novosibirsk have already passed those tests, from there they have direct contact with ksenia, hello, tell us how you wrote the dictations, what they evaluate? yuri, hello, dictation of victory in the novosibirsk region, today they wrote on six hundred sites, these are mainly educational institutions, schools, universities, city libraries, theaters, factories, various enterprises and even train stations, one of the sites in novosibirsk was chosen.
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everyone who lives on their territory in region, he must know what contribution his great-grandfather or great-grandmother personally made to the victory, his relatives who lived
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here on this territory, then rose all as one to defend their native land, but here it is also important about what feat was committed by home front workers, because the regions of siberia they participated in the great patriotic war as soldiers, as the territory where many enterprises were located. governor of the novosibirsk region andrei travnikov wrote a dictation today and shared his impressions with our film crew immediately after passing the test. in general, it seemed to me that this year the test was easier than last year, well , at least it was easier for me, although it was quite difficult to feel the tension and competition. strain your memory, it was generally quite interesting, a large-scale test
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of knowledge and history of the great patriotic war is now written not only in all regions of russia, but beyond its borders, the test questions have been translated into eight languages, as for the novosibirsk region, participation here almost 30,000 people took part in the action, they wrote dictations both... both in person at the sites and online, on the project website or through a mobile application. by the way, good news for school graduates: those who successfully passed the test today will be able to receive additional points when applying to universities. well, the 20 best participants, those who answered all the questions correctly and fastest, will be able to receive an invitation to the victory parade, which will take place in moscow. the results will be known within. couple of weeks. yuri. yes, ksenia, thank you. let me remind you that my colleague ksenia klimina was in direct contact with the studio from novosibirsk. well, now the urgent messages that are coming at these moments through
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the news agency feeds also concern the dictation of victory. rostelecom president mikhail asievsky said that during the action , the most powerful didos attack ever observed began, surpassing a similar attack during the march presidential elections. the power was 15 million requests per second. now our centers are on duty shifts and... cybersecurity is right on the line military contact, asievsky emphasized. we are closely monitoring the incoming information, now there is a short advertisement and we will continue, do not switch. at bikfest you definitely choose, a double cheeseburger for 99 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price. and it’s even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank and it’s delicious, period. happy birthday. hmm, she smiled, that is. that she knew
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