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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 26, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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tradition is to gather at the tauride palace, at the headquarters of the interparliamentary assembly, the council of legislators, and before answering your question, i want to congratulate deputies of all levels on our professional holiday, but i believe that this is a holiday not only of parliamentarians, but of our respected citizens, because that it is they who choose the deputies, who they choose, who they trust, who actively participates in the implementation of the state.
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what the state needs to do to improve the demographic situation, to stimulate the birth rate of children is higher in russia, in fact, a lot has been done in recent years, given that vladimir vladimirovich is involved in all important government issues, it is understandable, but he personally patronizes this topic, for him it is so sensitive and emotional, i would say, and thanks to participation.
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certainly had a positive effect, at the same time, there are objective reasons, these are unfavorable demographic waves, and a number of others, i will not go into depth, and this problem, it is characteristic not only of russia, it is characteristic of the absolute most developing countries, even in china, seemingly with its size, today have such a demographic problem, they are also thinking about how to correct it, during the discussion we...
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thanks, among other things, to these support measures and a number of others, of course , the presidential decree on the status of large families was received very positively in society, now regional parliaments are bringing their legislation in accordance with the presidential decree, and this will allow, but if there is a lot, it doesn’t matter, today she lives in the same city, there tomorrow she went to another city, there... it is not sufficient for full reproduction of the population.
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these are the kinds of families that were traditional in our country, and this was not only typical for russians, it is typical for all peoples living on the territory of our country, we have regions, leaders, who may not be very financially prosperous, but they are leaders in birth rates, because traditions are preserved, because this is value motivation, the value of family. in general, based on the results of the discussion, we will make a decision that we will then direct the government to take into account the development and strategy of demographic family policy and the national family project, and it is important that this is not only
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a proposal from the ministry of the department, but this is a proposal from the constituent entities of the russian federation, which, through a body such as the council of legislators, we collect, we summarize . gives a good result, we will generalize them, recommend them for use in other regions, so we are very pleased with what they are and, of course, the second topic, they are closely related, this is the social development of rural territories, this is the topic that we, as the chamber of regions, have been dealing with in recent
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years, at the insistence of deputies and senators, funding for this program has been increased, individual regions, individual objects we are simply keeping at... there are still many problems and we are talking about them too they said that it is impossible for social institutions not to be repaired for decades, the problem is personnel, we need to think about it, so we have been trying for several years and are grateful to the president that he announced the launch
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of a new project, zemstvo cultural worker, we are renovating the house, cultural centers, building new ones, and if there is no life there, well, these are beautiful walls, nothing more, so i hope now. there will be serious progress here, and the personnel problem persists, and we are thinking together how to solve it, the ministry of agriculture works very effectively, not only in its main profile of agricultural production, but they understand that if you do not engage in social development, improvement, improvement, creating living conditions for people, then there will be no one to produce these agricultural products, and so of course...
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its closing, the author and presenter will tell you how the festival lived and what the film industry watched on the eve of the program, ivan kudryavtsev. hello, ivan kudryavtsev is with you and we are opening the eighth page of the diaries of the forty -sixth moscow international film festival. the end of the film journey is already close, but there is still something to see ahead. on thursday our route took us through mexico and india to russia. the main competition program featured miguel salgado's gritty crime thriller "shame." the competition includes russian premieres. film shot in india directed by roman mikhailov with the telling title “we need to make films about love”, in
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the section of world premieres and special events, vladimir gramatikov’s autobiographical film look at me, which the author himself calls the anthem of maternal love. the film with the eloquent title shame by mexican director miguel salgada tells the story of an unwitting crime and harsh but inevitable punishment. the plot takes place in mexico city. young friends skip classes and go to tryouts for the baseball team, but their aspirations are not destined come true. on the way home, the criminals take the boys hostage and force them to fight to the death. what awaits the young man who chooses to survive at any cost? will he be able to cope with the feeling of guilt for what he did? the author asks these questions to the audience. according to the director, part of the plot is based on real events. that is why he managed to create such a lively and controversial statement on the topic of family, crime and human cruelty. the director frames the coming-of-age story within the rigid framework of uncompromisingly dramatic circumstances,
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forcing the viewer to think about what actually makes a person human. despite the fact that we are separated by thousands of kilometers, we are all human, we all experience emotions, in a genre, a narrative genre of cinema, like this film, first of all there are references to... shame is an emotion that we experience in human experience, to human emotions and we all, no matter where we are, what language we speak. as part of the special screenings section, master of national cinema vladimir gramatikov presented the drama “look on me." the action takes place in the post-war years, in order to avoid arrest nina, the mother of four children, sells all her property and goes from sverdlovsk to the capital. according to rumors, it is there.
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into something real and this is the intention to do as much as possible, everything that depends from me, or there at the moment from nina, at that moment, for me this is the most valuable thing a person is capable of, and for her family and children were not just words, but a sacrifice of a career, a sacrifice of one’s destiny, and this it's not that simple, i i remember.
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the name of director and scientist, as well as mathematician roman mikhailov, has been heard in cinema not so long ago, but he has already managed not only to earn himself the status of a master of phantasmogorical cinema, but to film entire films. himself, a searching person, trying to understand a complex world, to reflect on it, to place it in the chamber space of cinema with each frame, creating more and more new meanings. i ’ve never had this happen with any director, that is, i understood that it was irrational, i don’t understand why
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i need this, that is, what am i trying there, so this strange, seemingly dangerous substance that seems to attract you for some reason? yes, yes, yes, it’s just, as roma says, everything is permeated with this. according to the plot, the film crew arrives in india to bring to life the idea of ​​the director, who has long dreamed of using the clarite of the spiritual center in aranas for his creative purposes. the more time young people spend in this atmospheric place, the faster their life priorities, plans and goals change. now the film becomes not play dramatizations, but life itself with its gifts and twists and turns. we need to make films about love - this is a parable about a great feeling that can not only move forward, heal and restore, but create small masterpieces out of life situations that form a mosaic of great art. the director of the film , roman mikhailov, in an interview with ivan kudryavtsev , shared details about the filming of the film. what kind of phenomenon are you, how do you
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explain it to yourself, or do you not think about these things at all, you just make a movie. well, i'm a christian, this is part of my spiritual journey, i’m just working on cinema now, studying it , exploring it, finding it as deeply as i can, as thinking allows, what will happen next, i don’t know, tell me how you ended up in india and started making two films there at once, i lived in india, i spent many years there, studying the language, culture, religion.
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there is such a plot, yes, everything is really mixed there, fiction, documentary, even experts, even professional actors cannot understand at all, the degree of staging or the degree of documentary, so we did not want to disclose that we are filming this film, by the way, the film that roma
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is making there, roma is the director, what kind of film is this, this is a film, we need to make a film about love, in fact, this is... such a meta-cinema turns out, even the moment when the director says that he was looking for an actor for the main role for a long time, if you saw firebird, you know that we don’t have mark in the main role, yes, that is, he was looking for an actor for the main role of this particular film, this is the film she is directing, that is, this this is really such a reverse trick, such a metanarrative, and roma in film and you, this is not the same person, no, this is not the same person. i don’t behave like that on set, the way he behaves, but the way you behave on set, there’s a shot there that’s very similar to my behavior on set in allahabad, where i’m wearing ecstasy with a red bandage, shimmering like that, that’s roughly my behavior on set site, yeah, you pay the actors, i don’t pay anything, i have a producer and well, there are some fees there
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, but they are formal, that is, these... the fees are incomparable with the actors’ fees, it’s just there, let’s say, tip if you can say, or well, young, every famous actor, no, of course, but i think in general cinema is not about fees, i think that in general the commercialization and capitalization of cinema is what destroys cinema, in general it destroys cinema, when it becomes a profession that, well, in general, brings money, cinema is like a spiritual practice, where we all realize our gigantic dream together, launch it into the future, a new generation, we are in some kind of collective ecstasy, money - this is, well, very secondary in this phenomenon, of course, it is an expensive process, but we...
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i thought about this long before the hype of artificial intelligence, about 15 years ago , 10 years ago i have entries in my old lj, of course it will be there will be this surge, and maybe in 10-15 years children will be making films that will be superior to these modern hollywood productions, just by entering some simple data about what they want to see, but what will be there is another matter a completely different assembly, it will not be a soul human in no case, never, these are play spaces, that is, they do not touch
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the deep human, they can crawl to some levels, i still can’t believe now that they will experience love and fear, for example, in diana umnova's films premiered at the documentary competition of the moscow international film festival, and they lived... happily ever after or why did dinosaurs become extinct? a film of a journey through the fate of a girl from the russian outback, trying to answer the question: does she depend on happiness from having a man nearby? darina umanova managed to make a documentary about her classmate from the russian province and get with him to the moscow international film festival, the director's feature-length debut, and they lived happily ever after, or why dinosaurs became extinct, a thoughtful story about the difficult fate of a graduate of the acting department, failed love, several times... . in a difficult relationship with parents, a small child in her arms, loneliness. these problems are familiar to russian viewers not only from the plots of numerous tv series. stories similar to what happened to
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the main character, often occur in everyday life, but it is not often that large documentaries are made about them. darina umanova's film brings a legal intonation to russian documentary filmmaking and immerses the viewer in the world of familiar experiences. 7 years of work on the film, the shots are arranged artistically, they help the director. section curator sergei miroshnichenko spoke with ivan kudryavtsev about the films of the documentary film competition and their viewers. sergey valentinovich, how do you like the halls at this festival, how do you like the audience? always be very sensitive to the mood of the viewer and how he changes. what is happening to the viewer of non-fiction films today? well, the viewer changes, to make it clear, after all, his upbringing through gaming,
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game works, now forces the viewer to perceive everything only as the dynamics of the narrative, semantic things often go away, the nuances in feature films, ours, are already smaller.
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moments at a very time of dynamic development of the situation, the speed of change of such industrial development, large computer development there, something else, this speed it gave birth to people on the sidelines and in general it became. it’s unpleasant to be poor, so such people have become of interest to documentarians, because... there are
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more of them, technology is growing, but there are no fewer poor people, there are more of them, but documentarians also record such people, and these people turn out to be with humor, with dignity, it’s amazing, it’s interesting to look at them, here’s the same may, or here’s a film where my house is about a refugee from africa who is looking for... shelter in a place other than where he should live, and it’s hard for him there, or a golden life, where children, excuse me, mine some kind of sand, then just such a piece of gold, earn money for it to buy it, work for 3 months, die there in the mines, and then they earn enough to
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buy a bicycle. so it seemed to me that there were a lot of such films, and your three films at this festival, which, if they win the prize, in documentaries, yes, you will definitely say, i believe that several films have equal opportunities, such a social one, and there is feelings, and there is a very strong part when...
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a very strong film from iran, a very strong, powerful film that uses both fiction and documentary elements, and i think it is such a masterpiece. on friday, the last day of the moscow international film festival, it will be possible to see it again. the mexican documentary film impostors, about two dreamers who find themselves far from their loved ones due to breaking the law. postmodernist drama by evgeny telegin, creatively refracting pushkin's novel in verse, the classic japanese horror "the door". and in the evening we will find out names of the winners of the forty-sixth moscow international film festival. for those who did not have time to fully embrace the rich miff program, on friday the festival venues will re-screen selected films
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from out-of-competition competition. at the illusion cinema you can see the impostors of roca de marquez. the docudrama tells the story of two mexicans who were deported from the united states to their homeland because of falsifying documents. dreams of reuniting with loved ones after 10 years of separation are crumbling due to the new migration policy. visitors to the poklonko cinema will be able to see the phantasmogorical story of viktor tikhomirov evgeny telegin. the director moved the actions of pushkin's eugene onegin to the eighties and filled it with references to russian. folk tales, memories of youth and meeting the musicians of the leningrad rock club. starring evgeny tkachuk. it will force you to respect yourself. and it’s better to invent. at the oktyabr film center, the wild nights program will repeat the 1988 japanese thriller the door. in an attempt to get rid of an intrusive advertising agent,
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the main character brings herself upon herself. even more problems and becomes a victim of full-scale stalking. the author of the film is bemei takahasya, winner of many film festivals. tickets and a full schedule of all shows on the festival website. and in the evening the award ceremony will be held at the moscow musical theater. the forty-sixth moscow international film festival will close with oleg trofim’s film, major thunder, a game. the sequel is a story about the most brutal investigator of st. petersburg. this time the thunder will collide.


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