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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 26, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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from month to month, adjusted for seasonality in annual terms, will be at the level of 4% or lower, and this will, in fact, when this happens, it will be possible to state that demand has returned to equilibrium with supply capabilities and the economy is further developing along its trajectory sustainable balanced growth, and regarding the dzhenibekov effect, which seems to have attracted attention, i would like to clarify that this is not... such a rare phenomenon that occurs only in weightlessness, in fact, this is such a classical theorem from solid state physics, which is known from the 19th century, which can be fully observed here, but the delegory is actually very good, as evidenced by the theorem about rotation around an intermediate axis, this is what is called correctly, that in three-dimensional space a body has three axes of rotation, and two of them are rotations around . two of them
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it is stable, the third, which is intermediate, the rotation around it is unstable, you can try throwing the book in different directions, and it will be clear that if you throw it like this in length, yes, then it will tumble, it won’t spin stably, in fact, it’s about this unstable intermediate axis, in this sense, the allegory is very good; in essence , it describes the situation that ilverks described in her introductory speech, that there really is a basic scenario, there is an alternative scenario, which well boils down to the fact that the achieved degree of rigidity is not enough for inflation to steadily return to 4%, then other decisions on the map will really be required, but probably there in the next few months, it will become clear how we are on the way to a stable equilibrium or whether additional decisions need to be made, but dmitry vasilyevich’s allegory is very appropriate, well... it was a broadcast from the bank of russia on
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our channel, but right now the main facts are on the russia-24 channel, in the studio of georgy podgorny and natalya litovkoy, here's what we'll talk about: family, the future generation and quality of life, vladimir putin is holding a meeting with the council of legislators, what mechanisms and tools the state offers to... make people's lives better, details of the meeting in the tauride palace. the famous american abrams tanks were withdrawn from the contact line. this technique cannot oppose anything to our uavs. thus, drones costing several hundred dollars defeated the multimillion-dollar and heavy abrams, which was supposed to be a weapon of victory, but became a symbol of ukrainian failure. and while the militants of the kiev regime are waiting for western equipment for combat.
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events, important accents, how to preserve details from the mouth of a direct participant in those historical justice. anthony blinken in china, a series of meetings of the secretary of state immediately after the allocation of money to taiwan. how is he greeted there? and how the secretary of state is trying to communicate in beijing from a position of strength, how this will turn out, and what does synthetic drugs have to do with it. and how to make films in an era of global challenges - an exclusive interview with nikita mikhalkov to our tv channel. what assessment does nikita give? external circumstances and
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what should our cinema be like today? in russia, it is necessary to create conditions for updating the socio-political system and at the same time for its openness and honesty. competition between different political forces. these are the words of vladimir putin. the president addressed the participants of the meeting of the council of legislators. we’ll find out what else the head of state talked about from our colleague anastasia efimova. anastasia, welcome, you are in st. petersburg here. directly where this meeting is taking place, what did the president draw attention to in his speech? yes, hello, colleagues, actively nominate participants in a special military operation as part of election campaigns at all levels, this the persistent appeal that the head of state addressed today to parliamentarians as part of his speech at the council of legislators. the president recalled that russian heroes today cope effectively with combat work and
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can cope with civilian work no less effectively in the future. a special personnel program has already begun, hero time. who are these people? these are soldiers and officers who showed real character, leadership, and high human qualities in a combat situation. i'm sure they are also worthy will prove themselves in future work, in government, in the field of education, mentoring, in leading positions in all areas. i very much hope, dear colleagues, that political parties will actively nominate. support such candidates during election campaigns at all levels, which i would like to note is that this is not some kind of campaign, i want this to be clear to everyone, this is just the environment, those people from which we must draw personnel and from which we must choose for future work,
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choose people who are ready to serve russia and who serve russia now, sparing themselves, their health and life. one of the key topics of the current council of legislators is support for families, including families with many children, which, of course, is as logical as possible, given the president’s message to the federal assembly, in which the head of state spoke a lot about supporting the family, and of course, in the context of the year of the family, this is exactly the year 2024 has been declared. a strong family is the basis of sovereignty. country, the head of state also spoke about this more than once and today he repeated this thesis: at the forefront it is necessary to set the task of saving people, the well-being of russian families, and strengthening the sovereignty of our country. a lot here
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depends on regional and local authorities, on their involvement in the overall work. we have a large country, it is important to take into account how... representatives of absolutely all russian regions, without exception, it is in this diversity that russia’s strength lies, another presidential thesis, which was also heard from the podium today: i ask all legislators to pay special attention to issues of interethnic harmony , civil world,
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diversity of ethnic groups, we always talk about this, diversity of ethnic groups, traditions, cultures of our country. this is certainly our common asset and competitive advantage. why? these are not empty words, because every people, every ethnic group complements each other and makes us all stronger. and, among other things, it helps us today to develop friendly relations with most countries on the planet, to participate in the formation of a fair multipolar world order, based on mutual trust, respect and the identity of our peoples. advice legislators is an advisory body, nevertheless, decisions are made here that are extremely specific, the most successful, well-proven practices of a particular subject of the russian federation are taken and
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scaled to the entire country, naturally, adjusted for the characteristics of each region. family issues, as issues that are the focus of discussion this year today also...
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and it is very important that all these measures are implemented as efficiently as possible, in other words, you need to understand who exactly will bear responsibility for specific officials about specific departments for their...
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the associated press writes about this with reference to washington officials. the authors of the material report that ukrainian troops were unable to protect the tanks from russian drones. the publication's source indicated the absence of terrain that could be driven through without fear of detection. in total, 31 m1 abrams tanks were delivered to ukraine , and five vehicles have already been lost. at least three more pieces of equipment received moderate damage. they have been in serial production since 1980. prices range from $10 million. now the american country intends , together with kiev, to develop new tactics for using expensive equipment. the 31 abrams tanks they sent to ukraine are
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nothing on a 200 km front, just like the 60 or 70 leopards that germany sent to ukraine, as well as two or three patriot batteries, these are all trifles, they thought, as they stated their policy is that the russian armed forces are a giant with feet of clay. were mistaken , and pentagon chief lloyd osten said today that the promised the kiev f-16 fighter will begin arriving in ukraine this year, but without specifics in june or december it is still unclear. in any case, as military experts have repeatedly noted, these aircraft will become easy prey for russian defense forces, like abrams for drones. the russian military attacked the echelon of the ukrainian armed forces with western military equipment, as well as ukrainian ones.
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there is information about accurate hits in pokrovsk, this is the part of the dpr that is still held by militants in the cherkassy and kharkov regions, in these frames there is just a branch, leading from kharkov to donbass. according to data from open sources, ukrainians from kharkov now reach a maximum of balokli, the train does not go further, which is why it has grown a lot. the personnel of the armed forces of ukraine were being built, in particular the brigade of the prohibited right sector. they were taken out of
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the region for restoration, but russian rocket scientists made adjustments to the plans of the ukrainian commanders. operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery hit a train with western weapons and military equipment in the area of ​​the settlement of udachnaya in the donetsk people's republic. private composition and equipment of the 67th mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces at the railway. friendly to kiev, the western press does not hide its cunning, hinting that there is money, but you can’t buy ability, what’s the point when billions are on the way, and the front is crumbling into small pieces. forbes cites just one example, the recent battles in ocheretina, fighters of the 115th mikrigade in the ssu, simply did not show up to replace the forty-seventh brigade, on which kiev always pins its hopes, but
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even it could not withstand the onslaught of the russian advance on avdievsky direction. the place of the forty-seventh mechanized brigade on the front line was supposed to be taken by the 115th mechanized brigade of the ukrainian army, but something went wrong: russian reconnaissance drone operators observing the positions once occupied by the battle-hardened 47th mechanized brigade expected to find in those in the same trenches there were fresh troops of the 115th mechanized brigade, but instead they found no one. in the avdievsky direction every day. the center group is improving the tactical situation, the militants have taken eight counterattacks, none of them took place; serious losses were suffered in the ssu near ocheretin, bertychi, and novokalinov. the fact that the ukrainian army is frankly not in a fighting spirit is constantly repeated by prisoners of war who voluntarily give up their weapons and surrender, because well, there’s no point in fighting with such and such motivation. this is how
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it turns out that we are forced to participate in hostilities, people don’t want to. they are limited, their health does not pass, many people cannot even bend over like that and quickly decide to move, but without movements on the battlefield, you’re like, if you’re not fast, then you’re dead. now the seversk direction, there a reconnaissance group of paratroopers discovered a stronghold of the armed forces of ukraine, the ukrainian infantry was eliminated under the cover of darkness, our marines are doing targeted work against the strongholds of the armed forces of ukraine in the vicinity of ugledar, their task is to cut off the supply nodes of the militants and cut off the supply of weapons to ugledar, specifically groups, using kamikaze drones, driving the formation of the ukrainian armed forces into extremely uncomfortable combat conditions, depriving them of the opportunity to make up for losses in equipment and our troops are waiting for the moment to use the minimum
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resources to inflict maximum damage on the enemy. as you can see, the tactics work, the loss in usu was only a day, more. thousands of people, but in the meantime, the association of german mayors is calling for urgent repairs to the bunkers from the second world war, they could accommodate half a million people with a new round of escalation of the conflict in ukraine. it is noteworthy that western politicians themselves are doing this, most actively from washington and brussels. the first ones are getting ready to sign new arms contracts, the latter are persuading the eu countries to urgently sacrifice their security for the sake of kiev. our correspondent emil mirsaev will tell you how successful it will be from paris. the military conflict in ukraine is virtually over, there is no point in sending money there, ex-pentagon adviser mcgregor is sure of this. we are depleting our resources abroad. all the military know about this. the department of defense knows about this. at this stage, we don't have much left with which
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to fight. if we go to war, we will have big problems. nevertheless , the establishment is preparing to sign contracts with... kiev is trying to return to the borders of 2014, but few people consider this realistic in the near medium term.
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ukraine's sponsors do not have a common understanding of what victory means for kiev and. what steps will be required to achieve it? an honest conversation must take place between kiev and the west about concessions and compromises for a peaceful resolution of the conflict, cnbc analysts are confident. they also noted that in ukraine a growing proportion of the population is ready to come to terms with the fact that donbass and novorosiya have long been part of russia. however, the collective west is now busy with another section of the skin of the unkilled bear, we are talking about income from frozen russian assets. we went too far in this that we managed to quarrel. politics writes, belgium wants to appropriate. itself an excess profit tax, rather than sharing it with the rest of the eu, as borel wanted. the amount of 2 billion euros, according to the latter’s plan, was to be spent according to the american scheme, to join european military-industrial complex to replenish weapons. sent to kiev, and yet, all the rhetoric in the eurozone is still based on the use not of frozen funds as such, but of the income from them, which is why: the eu is in no
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hurry to seize frozen russian assets amounting to $300 billion, as if washington did not push, this is not just a matter of reputational losses, experts say. according to them, the assets of the g7 in russia also amount to hundreds of billions of dollars and could also be confiscated by moscow in retaliation. measures. and while in some offices of the brussels euroquarter they are deciding who should receive the same 2 billion euros, in others they are persuading politicians from the countries of the union to sacrifice what they have now, sometimes it works out. this time they successfully put pressure on madrid and forced spain to send an independent batch of missiles for the patriots, writes the newspaper lipay with reference to government sources. they also said that we are talking only about a limited number of weapons, because the cost of each missile exceeds a million euros, and spain has only fifty of them for the entire country, with this trick did not work for greece in brussels. athens responded that they themselves need anti-aircraft missile systems to protect the sky, because they live in an extremely turbulent region. yes, in addition, it is necessary to effectively service the transfer of the remaining
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nato weapons to the borders of russia. local parliamentarians from the communist party write: the entire port area of ​​the country is used for the needs of the united states and nato, serving the transportation of weapons across the borders of the north atlantic alliance and russia, as well as to ukraine. such a scheme makes greece complicit in the conflict, the deputy fears. and therefore it should say a decisive no, its no in the policy of escalation, supported by the west, said hungarian prime minister viktor orban. my friends, the progressive liberal world spirit, such as it is, has failed, it has brought war, chaos, unrest, economic collapse and confusion into the world. confusion in international politics, impoverishment of families, deterioration of public safety on the streets and squares. it was a strange era and a strange spirit. now the whole world has hope for peace, the head of the hungarian cabinet of ministers said earlier, according to according to him, a lot depends on the elections in the eu and the us; there are politicians there who advocate an alternative to the constant military aggression
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of the west against sovereign countries. emil mersaev, news, paris, france. alpha friday, super cashback every week on cards. alfabank on friday, april 26, we are giving 30% cashback on fuel in our refueling service in the application. order a free alpha card and receive a supercake, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable! only on the megamarket's birthday, pet food is discounted up to 50%. charity easter the russian lotto draw wins. second ticket, tickets in branded stores on the stoloto website. we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for, for every ticket sold, 10 rubles will be transferred to charitable causes, buy
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anton knows how they managed to leave the legacy, what juvenile criminals have already managed to do. from the neo-fascists who were captured in the city of volzhsk, this is the volgograd region, fsb operatives confiscated a whole arsenal, here are knives, very predatory type, an ax, a bone set, a pistol with cartridges, and most importantly, personally synthesized explosives. even that year, these two seventeen-year-old residents of volzhsky joined the pro-ukrainian terrorist organization white power, banned by the russian supreme court. here's an unambiguous t-shirt in their home. at the direction of the ukrainian curators, from march to november 2023, they defeated vols. 16 cars with z stickers and generally any symbols of support for the northern military district, everything was filmed and sent to ukraine as a report, and on what basis are you a car will you score? by stickers, decals in the form of, well, not russian flags, flags of other countries, but what else did you plan to do? e bombings of all kinds of government agencies such as military registration and enlistment offices, the police, one day a friend dropped a bomb and went into the forest to test it,
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an improvised explosive device. with damaging elements and pyrotechnic mixture 4 kg. instructions on how to assemble a bomb were sent by a ukrainian curator under the nickname red laughter. i wrote off with a red laugh. he gave us instructions on how to make a bomb. we made it and tested it. also later he gave us a pistol to convert into a military weapon. the detainees tested bombs in the volga-okhtubinskaya poima. this is a huge natural park.
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the murder of persons of another nationality and people representing government bodies , they were even sent a price list from hundreds of dollars for reconnaissance of a strategic object and setting fire to a car to the provision of valuable intelligence data, here the price is negotiable, in the russian criminal code there is article 205.5 on this subject, part two , and there are very serious deadlines, that’s who recruits terrorists nsvp, that same white power, that same red laughter, gives instructions imperfectly.
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under the article of mercenaryism, he is now, apparently, hiding in ukraine, while his puppets, detained in volzhsky, have been charged with committing a crime, under the article of participation in the activities of a terrorist organization, this means up to 20 years in prison. anton potkovenko, news! more than 350 million rubles and several crypto wallets were seized during the investigation of the case of the darknet platform hydra. this was reported to the ministry of internal affairs. today it became known about the arrest of the third defendant, law enforcement officers. with about 17 million users, illegal immigrants used hydra to trade drugs, stolen data, and fake documents. during searches at the suspects' places of residence, more than 200 electronic storage media and funds in rubles and foreign currency totaling over 350 million rubles were seized. four
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