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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 26, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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apparently, he is hiding in ukraine while his puppets, detained in volzhsky , are charged with committing a crime under the article of participation in the activities of a terrorist organization, which means up to 20 years in prison. anton potkovenko, lead. more than 350 million rubles. several crypto wallets were seized during the investigation into the case of the darknet platform hydra. this was reported to the ministry of internal affairs. today it became known about the arrest of the third defendant. law enforcement authorities shut down trading on this platform. back in 2022, by that time there were registered more than 19,000 sellers, about 17 million users, illegal immigrants used hydra to sell drugs, stolen data and fake documents. during searches at the suspects' places of residence, more than 200 electronic storage media and funds in rubles and foreign currency totaling over 350 million rubles were seized. four.
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wallet with cryptocurrency and other items of evidentiary value. according to investigators, members of the criminal community invested criminal proceeds in expensive cars, luxury items, residential and commercial real estate. currently, a large number of such objects have been installed in moscow, the moscow, leningrad, vologda regions and the krasnodar territory.
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the bank of russia decided to keep the key rate at 16%, this should allow for a significant reduction.
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contributed to the fact that the regulator kept the rate at 16%. for market participants , the decision of the bank of russia was expected ; the growth rate of the lending economy remains high, so a return to the inflation target requires a longer preservation strict monetary conditions in the economy. the rate has been at 16% since the end of last year, and judging by the updated forecast of the central bank, it will probably remain in this range until the end of this year. forecast for the average key rate. the base
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case scenario assumes that this year the average values ​​will be fixed at the level of 15-16%. before this, we were talking about 13.5-15.5%. and in 2025 the rates. will drop to 10-12%. the gap between supply and demand will gradually narrow, supporting a slowdown in prices speakers. in this case, the cumulative increase in the key rate will be enough to return inflation to levels close to the target by the end of this year. this development suggests that the key rate will begin to decline in the second half of the year. exactly when this will happen depends on. the rate of slowdown in current price growth; if disinflation is too slow, we do not rule out maintaining the current key rate until the end of the year. inflation is slowly but decreasing. in march, the seasonally adjusted rosstsen amounted to 4.5% versus 6.3 in february. annual
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inflation has remained unchanged since the beginning of march, at 7.8%. in april, the regulator predicts slightly higher price dynamics, but the general trend towards... a decrease in price growth rates will continue, the base scenario of the bank of russia forecast assumes annual inflation rates this year in the range from 4.3 to 4.8%, and already in next year it will return to 4%. high market rates support the saving mood, but the pace of lending remains high, at the same time storing and consuming allowed by the increased incomes of russians, our monetary policy is aimed at ensuring that the proportions towards savings are intensified somewhere, yes, there was more motivation to save, but if you look at how lending now relates to the savings of individuals, then we will see that for every ruble increase in credit demand in march there was a 3 ruble increase in household deposits,
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uh, and the annual increase in ruble deposits without spark, it is also very large, amounted to almost 30%. concerning. economy, then it grows noticeably faster than predicted. this can be seen in the first quarter of this year. investment demand remains high and consumer activity is growing. in this regard , the regulator raised its gdp growth forecast. in 2024 it could reach 2.5-3.5%. the forecast for next year remained at 1-2%. this suggests a transition to more balanced growth rates in the next quarter. nevertheless, the current condition can still be considered overheating. we continue to believe that the peak of overheating has passed in the fall, but overheating persists, that is, demand continues to grow stay ahead of supply expansion opportunities. in terms of high consumer demand,
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the main risk is created by a greater gap between labor productivity and wage growth. in terms of investment demand, risks associated with difficulties in importing equipment, including new difficulties with calculations. one of the key problems for enterprises when planning investment projects remains a severe shortage of personnel. at the same time, in each of the scenarios, the structural transformation of the economy will continue. now in the background a decrease in the share of net exports, the economy is more focused on the domestic market, and its rapid growth is associated with investment activity due to high corporate profits. over the past 12 months, the consolidated financial result of russian companies has reached almost... as for the risks, they are still shifted towards pro-inflationary ones, however , inflation may slow down faster than forecast if significant investments in the last two years have had a greater impact on the economic potential current estimates. why
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negotiations with ukraine did not lead to success? the details of the delegation’s meeting in istanbul were shared for the first time in an interview with our tv channel by the assistant to the russian president, writer doctor.
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vladimir midinsky was one of the authors of the new history textbook for high school, also according to midinsky at the end of the preparation of textbooks for all other grades, starting from the fifth. books are written in a lively, interesting language, contain qr codes, a large list of additional literature, that is, they are made as interesting as possible. everyone has it states have their own historical policies, there are social policies, military, cultural, and then there is historical, that is, how the state builds and sees itself in historical retrospect, how it interacts with the scientific community, how it funds or does not finance.
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school social studies course, in his opinion, in the current video it is no good and needs serious reworking. honestly, or we went for a walk in the park as part of our botany lessons. ural sip is a bank for
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business, and we work on the principle of everything or nothing, everything for entrepreneurs, and nothing extra. we offer free service for 3 months. opening an account for a business. bank ural siib - nothing superfluous. well, next on our air is a special edition of the diaries of the forty -sixth moscow international film festival. interview with the author and presenter of the film industry program ivan kudryavtsev with the president of the show nikita mikhalkov. hello, ivan kudryavtsev is with you and this is
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a special edition of the diaries of the moscow international film festival. exclusive interview with the president of the festival nikita sergeevich mikhalkov. we talked with him about the need to create a eurasian film award and how soviet cinema and its traditions help out russian cinema. nikita sergeevich, filmmakers from various countries come here with films, including from countries that host. unfriendly policy towards ours, you ask why they came, why they came, they answer because we believe that we need to continue the dialogue, that isolation and silence are not an option, that we do not understand why on some topics we can continue the dialogue, on other topics it is impossible to continue the dialogue directly, and in general it turns out that at the other end, the system works without misfires, almost the only time
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it misfires is when a person firmly says: no, i’ll go anyway, and arrives already at your own fear and risk, and fear and risk to be healthy there, because people take very serious risks, and i thought a lot about what exactly they were risking, why exactly they were risking, i realized that in the end it all comes down to control over distribution and control over verification. two things: you you won’t sell anything if we are dissatisfied with you, and you will not be called the best, or the second best, or the third, nothing, you will not be named if we are dissatisfied with you, the question arises about a monopoly on these two things, on distribution and verification, how can this monopoly be broken, is one festival enough for?
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and in all religions that exist, so to speak, on earth, this is extermination. religious thinking among the vast masses, the point here is not in religiosity as such, in those taboos, those rules, those laws that people follow, and which are
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one way or another dictated by religious self-awareness, and it is not necessary to be religious. to fight this one festival, it’s naive, although it’s necessary, i really respect the people who came, i’m very grateful to them, i think that they are doing a very worthy artistic and human act, but if we want to
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seriously... try something change, then, in principle, i believe that we need to simply globally shovel the interests in general, in fact, for the sake of this, it is being started the eurasian academy and the eurasian prize, at the highest level this conversation is taking place with china, with india, and so on, you understand, a new world is born, that is , a new world is born, when people suddenly understand that it turns out that for many, many for years they were colonies, that they were absolutely dependent, that they were robbed,
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that they wanted what they wanted, that’s what they did, by and large, only film experts or people like you who love, know... be convinced that the best than american cinema, american cinema cinema no, america doesn’t watch movies dubbed, america doesn’t watch movies with subtitles, only specialists, if you want your movie to be seen in the world, you have to film it in english,
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there are things that are impossible, they are taboo, then it arises..
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when a picture, which to some extent seems to violate the general image of the country, does not appear on the screen at all, it is not heard, it is not visible, i told you the story about the siberian prince, that is, do you understand? and suddenly it turns out that the most severe censorship, the most severe, and the worst thing is, they brought up self-censorship when...
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it won’t be an american, if we in sergeant oleary in the film don’t know who mozart is, it’s better that he knows who mozart is, at this level, you know, but i recently said, opening the festival, that we are opening one of the most independent and non-colonial festivals, because from russia to get to the cannes or venice festival with a russian film, in which... all the rules that exist today in the civilized world are not taken into account in relation to us, you are not
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you get in and not to mention that you won’t receive a prize, so the creation of a eurasian academy with an expensive eurasian prize, prizes, these should be exactly the rules of this festival, they will concern. everything that we mocked at the pro-moscow festival in our youth, what was the slogan for peace and friendship, for yes, for friendship between peoples, we are like this, that’s all, like this, suddenly it turns out that this is very important, and this is a good slogan , this is a wonderful slogan, so the competition will include those films that defend... the interests of their country, which represents a picture, and universal human interests, when it has a certain opportunity, through your picture
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, to help other people love your country or your people, your people, your habits, your art, and so on. nikita sergeevich, very amazing processes are happening in russian cinema now, on the screens. 100 years ago, science fiction cinema, we recently calculated that of the 100 highest-grossing science fiction and fantasy films at the russian box office in its entire history of observation, there were only six hundred in this genre, and this is the most expensive and profitable genre in general for hollywood, well , it’s like the loudest and most beautiful money, take avatar, hollywood makes money and... in this genre, now we are starting to actively experiment with this genre , in general, a lot of interesting processes are happening in our cinema, well, suddenly
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the righteous man collected a lot of money, sergei ursulik, collected the air of alexei german, very good money at the box office, that is, before this movie was generally under the radar, it was his, well he was noticed by the festival audience, some kind of discerning gourmand. top, legend number 17, fire, world champion, sun-weary there, bromen musician,
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how, when, we do not deviate from tradition, literary russian cinema, soviet cinema, after all, sergei apolinaevich yerasimov brilliantly said that literature. this is the mother of cinema, and this is really so, this does not mean that you need to film the classics all the time, but it means that the search for truth, the search for meaning, they have always been in russian literature and they have always been in russian cinema, after all, the viewer’s interest lies in the fact that he wants to get some kind of reflection of himself, and he really doesn’t want to see himself in a crooked and terrible mirror, this does not mean that there should be a lie, but a feeling of catharsis, which was always
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necessary russian... it remains a fundamental principle for the promotion of cinema, and look, you called it a righteous man, this is a soviet film, this is a very good soviet film, i recently watched the still unfinished film the prophet, about pushkin. impudent, youthful, with rap, but there is such a thing, there is such respect, admiration for these hooligans, that when you understand that this hooligan, as a result, he became a prophet, for young people this is very important, check, see what,
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and this interest, which you...
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the sun never sets, huge expanses, huge quantity, diversity in this country, if it were morocco, monaco, it would be easier, you know, here it is necessary to develop a very subtle, correct mechanism, following the interest of the viewer, with possibilities and give him the product that will not destroy his feelings by being part of a large, huge, unique country in its world, because we are van, we, as
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probably many times in history already... we are the first and only ones, we just stood up in our chests and said no, it won’t be like that, look how dependent the world is, and we said, no, we don’t want it, how it surprised some, and how it excited others, on the one hand, this is excitement to push, on the other hand, excitement to that it was possible, possible, necessary. so i believe that real cinema happens where there are problems, real cinema is a cinema that talks about these problems, but our real cinema is the cinema that, speaking about problems, comes from the desire to correct them, and not from the desire to only state them. and behind
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this there is only one thing: love, love for those people you are talking about, with love and we will continue, yes, i hope, thank you sergey, thank you dear, thank you. this is russia 24 and the main facts of this day, we continue: political parties must actively nominate and support veterans of a special military operation in...


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