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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 26, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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at the same time, it was repeated like a mantra that they fully trust the authorities of these countries and are convinced of the effectiveness of the investigative actions they are carrying out. under these pretexts , the western members of the security council did not support two russian initiatives last year: a draft resolution of the security council with instructions to the un secretary general to submit considerations for the formation of an international independent commission on the dehydro organization for
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and, despite the statement of this fact, it is indicated that there are no grounds for there is no continuation of the criminal case within their jurisdiction, that is , there is a crime, but no one is going to identify the perpetrators and bring them to justice, it is as if during the investigation of a murder a year later, the investigation would come to the conclusion that the victim was killed.
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we know that sweden, denmark, germany have just circulated another letter that adds nothing to what we can say today. however, the western members of the security council are faced with an unpleasant situation, and their unconvincing conclusions the allies do not seem to be bothered. another act of presentation.
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throughout the entire negotiation process, one of the main arguments of a number of security council members was the so-called prematureness of classifying the explosion of northern streams as terrorist attacks. to our amazement, western countries in general turned out to be extremely uncomfortable with any reference to the terrorist nature of what happened, even based on the provisions of the international instrument to which they are parties, the international convention on
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oda's project to copenhagen and stockholm for their supposedly effective and impartial investigation. the same ones who, let me remind you, within a year, only came to the conclusion that the gas pipeline was blown up. at the same time, in a logic incomprehensible to us, they tried to remove from the text any language about the hypothetical possibility of collective efforts in order to identify the circumstances of what happened after the end of the ongoing investigations.
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we hope that this unpleasant situation has become a clear illustration of our true intentions for our colleagues from the countries of the global south western delegations in relation to the terrorist attacks on the nord stream.
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taking into account this unacceptable situation , on march 21 and 22, 2024, the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation sent notes to the embassies of denmark, germany, sweden and switzerland in moscow in connection with the failure of these states to fulfill their obligations under the international convention for the suppression of terrorist bombings and the international convention on combating the financing of terrorism. these notes stated the existence of a dispute between our country. copies distribution as official documents of the general security council. these notes were also sent by us to
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mr. chairman, i urge all colleagues today to ask the question: how can one explain a situation in which some state or group of states verbally condemns the crime committed, but at the same time all...
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that the explosion of gas pipelines was carried out with the help of an explosive device maliciously for political reasons, thereby confirming its terrorist nature. mr. chairman, no we doubt that during today’s meeting the west will continue to praise the danish and swedish authorities, who wasted a year and a half, in the same absurdly self-exposing manner, as well as defend the german investigation, the results of which the international community still does not know. they will continue to talk about the lack of added value in international efforts, their goal is already clear, endlessly writing this tale of wasted time in the hope that the international community will forget about it terrorist attack, but it will not forget about it, we
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certainly, if the narrative of western countries previously looked unconvincing, now their arguments are simply impossible to take seriously. we have no doubt that this is clear to an increasingly wider circle of member states, especially since we all see very well that when they need it, the united states and its allies do not delay investigations. it is enough to recall the damage to the baltic connecta gas pipeline connecting finland and estonia and communication cables on october 8, 2023. the interim conclusions of the investigation were made public 10 days later. or an even more recent example. even without having any investigation data about the terrorist attack in the moscow city hall a month ago. the united states and its allies, contrary to objective facts, came to a conclusion within 24 hours.
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support these efforts together to send a strong and unequivocal message that terrorist attacks on cross-border undersea pipeline infrastructure will not be tolerated , the rules-based order must be opposed international law. thank you. it was a un broadcast discussing terrorist attacks on the nord streams. and now some footage from the presidential press service. everything is in order, there are no difficult issues worthy of your attention yet,
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you are solving all the issues, i would like to thank you for the support of the city, very significant support, significant support, thanks to you, st. petersburg is confidently moving and developing as a metropolis of the 21st century, all your instructions are being carried out today, there are several difficulties, difficulties, but we are working together with the government russian federation, the legislative assembly of the city of st. petersburg, with the local. management itself, we are overcoming them, i wanted to convey to you wishes of congratulations on the liquidation of the consequences of the chernobyl accidents, today is the day of remembrance, they asked me to tell you, we laid flowers at the monument that you laid at the time, it was 1996, quamen, remember , yes, then, so they asked me to say hello to you and... listen, if you wish, today the cup for sports dancing in wheelchairs is opening, already with yours
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light hand, back then they opened their future, and today this is the russian championship, it is held there in our city, so a big word of gratitude, thank you for that, by the way, with your instructions we are building a large sports complex for them, we are now finishing the design , well, there will be the construction of this large building, one of these issues... this is, of course, support - comprehensively from the svo, seven members of the svo, we support in every possible way and work together with the defenders of the fatherland foundation, and you know, we have a district police officer assigned to each family social service, all the issues that need to be resolved are being resolved, we practically don’t have any complex, difficult issues, the system is generally well-established, thank you very much for your support for the fact that the defender’s fund was actually created. it works very effectively, it helps a lot, there are corresponding figures, well, let’s say, 10,684 requests
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were satisfied out of 11,500, the rest are in progress or have been resolved in working order, the city of mariupol, you know, continues to work on your instructions, 40 socially significant facilities that have already been built today, this year we will introduce 23 more, so 2,1500 children vacation with us constantly. burgs are winter, autumn, spring, summer holidays, we invite khnals and sails, we present matriculation certificates to graduates here, that ’s why they are happy, well, in accordance with your instructions. we are helping belgorod residents, we have 850 children here, they will be here until september 1, the educational process is going on with the teachers, and you know, but we quickly resolved this issue, so they are also happy, they are happy to study with you and grow the number of large families, an increase of 30% over
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5 years, you then set a specific goal. in the eighteenth year, to provide assistance so that we have a number of large families , we adopted a number of programs, i reported to you about this, appropriate support for families, appropriate payments, kindergarten, school, transport, which we provide them for free, and many, many other issues , but i want to say that in addition to this , of course, we provide housing, we just haven’t done it completely yet, but practically we have not much to solve the problems, i think, within...
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are being implemented, but most importantly, those national projects that you announced in your message to the federal assembly, they continue this topic, i am sure that life expectancy will increase, and first of all, of course, healthcare, the creation of an ecological environment, these are things that have a very good network in st. petersburg, and schools, well, there are
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several more schools where children study in the second shift, but basically that’s all, well, we are almost eliminating them. almost liquidated thanks to you, i remember well, in the eighteenth year, when we had a big deficit, it was 100 schools, 200 kindergartens, then we just needed no money, and then you allocated a lot of money from the reserve fund, and we bought out the kindergartens kindergartens and schools, this gave rise to the fact that today we have already eliminated almost the accumulated deficit this year, even with an advantage, so we have today... by the end of the year we have completely eliminated it, among other things, we have on your instructions they were liquidated last year the entire deficit of defrauded shareholders, that is, it is about - more than a million square meters, well, it was a large volume that was obtained, well , it was not easy, difficult, but you correctly said that people should not be abandoned, but in general they are not to blame for this, that these swindlers
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imprisoned many, uh, the security forces worked there, but nevertheless people got their housing and... and some waited there for 8 to 12 years and could not do anything, and industrial production is growing at a rate three times higher than the rate of industrial growth in the country, this is also good index. well, in general, thanks to you, your programs, these are not just words, but these are actually actions that were taken, but first of all, our city has always been famous for what? these are shipbuilders or shipbuilders, today. about 60 high-class ships, not just high -class ones, today at our shipyards, this gave a boost to the development of other industries that are building good ones in st. petersburg, you were present many times at the launching of ships and vessels, and well, plus one more and other industry that today it’s working, thanks to your support
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, let’s say we came out of such a crisis as the automotive industry in our city, you know, you put your... a lot of effort into developing our auto industry here, and it worked well, well, our western partners left and others, well, ours have taken their place ; today the auto bus is already producing cars, electric cars will be producing cars, we quickly replaced them, after all, this is not a little, not a lot, but 12,500 qualified workers , well, it was dangerous to lose, you then they set me the task of not losing them, because the people who work on the assembly line are not easy to teach, they are completely different... specialists and we retained them all, launched production, now we continue with the ministry of industry and trade the topic has come out of this crisis, so we are recruiting this way. well, you yourself said that the city of megapolis, st. petersburg, it first of all needs
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public spaces, yes, simply, these are parks, gardens, embankments, you set me the task of opening embankments, as many as possible, at one time i remember you were busy building embankments, this is very important, this is a transport system, we were thinking about the transport system, also walking areas to... rivers, open canals, make spatial solutions, which would be convenient for residents, especially for children, these are not just walking areas, but these are playgrounds, these are places for people of silver age to sit and relax, these are small small pleasure boats, you know, we have made a large number we continue, this year we are making 60 more
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. there was also a speech at this meeting, i deferred to the president the development of the socio-economic
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potential of our st. petersburg, and those economic indicators today that are reflected in national projects, in other infrastructure projects, and these indicators today, well, let’s say, they look decent against the background of the russian federation, we really work hard for this thanks to the support, of course. president, but one of the most important issues that today the city decides, this is the development of the city of st. petersburg as a metropolis of the 21st century, but for this it was necessary to begin to implement a number of very large investment projects, but first of all this is what, this is a wide highway of high-speed traffic, this is a very important artery for our city, we all we remember when the president was still working on the ring road, when he was engaged in the construction... of the western-high-speed diameter dambay, the same one protected the city from our flooding, these were large infrastructure facilities, now we continue these projects, but one of the most important projects is, of course
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, the st. petersburg-moscow high-speed railway. if you imagine that it will be only 2:15 to moscow, and only 29 minutes to veliky novgorod, this is a perfect development of the megapolis. this is how, the 32nd highway is a very large, all-season resort gorsk, these large, huge projects that are being developed not only
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by st. petersburg, but also by the leningrad region and surrounding regions, a number of other very large infrastructure projects, and thanks to this the load on our industry, but today the budget of st. petersburg is 1.147 billion rubles, this is the load on our industry.
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his support for me to participate in this year’s elections, in the elections for the governor of st. petersburg, he said, yes, of course, of course, i support, but first of all, of course, this is the choice of the residents, so he wished me success and said to work as hard as possible with the residents of our beloved city of st. petersburg, so today i will make a decision; i have already made the decision to go to the polls. rjd opened traffic on a new route on distillation of bam in the khabarovsk territory. in the primorye territory , a new tunnel has been completed on the trans-siberian railway. both events are timed to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the baikal-amur mainline. our correspondent varvara nevskaya has details. a great highway for a great country. for 50 years now, bam has been the largest and one of the most important transport arteries in russia.
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the structures that we present today in primorye in the khabarovsk territory are designed to significantly simplify the delivery of goods to the far eastern ports. primorsky is in touch edge, the eastern portal of one of the two new trans-siberian tunnels, on the bypass section of shkotovo-smolyaninov. today we are completing the excavation of the tunnel along the first track with a length of 1.470 and are ready to carry out the connection. dear oleg valentinovich, i ask you
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to allow me to start breaking down the tunnel. i allow you to make a glitch. the bypass section will open to traffic this december; the length of each tunnel will exceed 1.4 km. the complex under construction will help bypass restrictions on the way to the ports of nakhodka. overcome the previous route running through terrain with strong elevation changes, it was possible only with the help of additional locomotives to reduce the weight of the trains. modernization of the site will make it possible to pass. trains not only of increased length, but of greater weight up to 7.1. tone instead of the previous 6.3. we are confident that taking into account the development of the eastern range, especially in the third stage, and this will allow us to increase both cargo turnover and container traffic here in the ports of the far east. a long beep sounds and the train starts moving. this train, loaded with coal, opened traffic on the second main track.
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new stage. vladivostok will allow new investors to enter and, of course, this will improve the quality of life of the residents of the vandensky district due to the fact that new jobs will appear. the new infrastructure will also help ensure northern delivery to sakhalin, the kuril islands, kamchatka and chukotka. by the end of this year, the general modernization of the baikal-amur trans-siberian railway will increase the carrying capacity towards the pacific ports and border crossings to
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180 million.
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parties will actively nominate and support such candidates during election campaigns at all levels, i would like to note that this is not some company, i want.


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