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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 26, 2024 8:00pm-8:28pm MSK

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the introduction is considered rather some strange way of restoring justice, such first editions of pushkin goggol are in great demand among collectors, they cost millions of rubles, of course, this depends on the condition of the book. there is also fashion. recently, collectors were chasing rare scientific publications, now classics are in fashion. the greatest danger is when an academician or collector and his collection of rare books dies. they hand over the library, but
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they don’t register it there for a very long time, it’s a big risk. hello dear friends, friday evening, i'm alexander korievsky, time to sum up some results of the past week. the us continues its policy towards china, the decision of congress is declared out. the law
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of the chinese social network tiktok, which is used by half of the population of the united states, is just one example of friendly, quote-unquote, steps the united states has taken towards china. america is also ready to begin an investigation into the activities of chinese shipbuilding companies, and of course, threats to disconnect chinese banks that work with russia from the dollar system. on this the visit of us secretary of state anthony blinken took place in the background. essentially, the us continues to talk. china uses the language of threats, and one might even say, blackmail, and yet the chinese leadership is trying as hard as possible to reach out to the us leadership with a proposal to resolve thorny issues for mutual benefit. i think that the same words were voiced by the leader of china at a meeting with mr. blinken, well, there is a chance that china and the united states will follow the path of a mutually beneficial settlement of controversial issues. is there such a chance, we will talk about this with the director of the eurasian bureau media corporations. china by mr. wang bin.
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hello, mr. wang bin. so, i don’t know how you evaluate the preliminary conversations and senior american officials and so on. but nevertheless , mr. blinken is visiting against the backdrop of the statements made by high-ranking american officials towards china. and yet, and yet indeed. as far as we understand, the chinese leadership is trying as hard as possible to put everything in a peaceful direction, it is clear that there are contradictions, it’s clear that they need to be solved, but they can be solved in different ways, and as i understand it, there is still hope that these compromises are possible, what do you think, good evening, alexander, but i think that.. .the
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responsibility of the great powers, in the first place, in the first place of these five goals on the part of china is to establish correct knowledge, and us officials before the visit blinkne said that they have three goals, firstly, to achieve success in key topics, then. ..
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now the united states still considers china its main rival and even its main enemy, this has not yet changed, therefore, on the chinese side, the us’s understanding of china is completely
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wrong, based on this incorrect understanding, all policies and all specific steps probably cannot be implemented in...
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but there is still hope that or rather, what measures can the united states take to force china to weaken relations with russia? is there any way to evaluate this? yes, we see that in recent years
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the united states has constantly accused china of supplying weapons to russia, although they never, they never they imagined it like that. evidence and we have noticed that recently the united states has changed its rhetoric, they are starting to blame more and more on aid to china in russia, and how do they believe that normal russian-chinese trade is aid from china in the military sphere of russia and how... media report on april 12 by two anonymous senior us government officials. at the briefing they said that chinese enterprises export to russia a large number of machines, steam inspectors, parts
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for unmanned aerial vehicles, and so on. further and thus. they also experts believe that such cream of the crop is in quotation marks of american officials, the goal is precisely for europe to begin, to begin to put more weight on china, and we see that this thursday, kensik, it is necessary, jens stopenberg in berlin, also stated that china this is how they sell to russia. such dual-use products and thus support the chinese economy, the united states knows how to attract its officials, allies and countries that depend on
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the united states in economics and politics in order to provide pressure on the russian. normal russian-chinese relations, and thus, representatives of the chinese embassy in the united states said that it was normal. trade between china and russia should not be under any interference or restriction, china has not presented weapons to anyone, is not the creator or participant in the ukrainian crisis, so the us should not, the us should not harm normal sino-russian relations and should not take advantage of such relations as, well , for...
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who gave such a right, how is it even in china evaluate? well, china is now an independent power, and we, uh, we maintain friendship with all countries, but of course, on the basis of mutual respect and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, so here, well, the same between...
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we look, though this time, the secretary of state
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will once again emphasize that he repeated the positions of the us president that they do not want to collapse the chinese regime, they are not supported by the government, but we need to see what they will actually do, well, we really need to watch the americans very clearly, because for now they claim only a plan to sell weapons to the south-east. taiwan is not directly indicated there, but everyone understands perfectly well that some large share of this money will go to taiwan. mr. wang bin, thank you very much, i think that of course we will monitor the developments of events and see how they develop. thank you very much, all the best. let me remind you that we talked with the director of the eurasian bureau of the chinese media corporation, mr. wang binim. well, the main international topic of the week, which directly concerns us, is legislative
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the decision of the united states to steal our assets cannot be said in any other way; in essence, we are dealing with the final destruction of the already well-established relationship between russia and the united states. in historical retrospect, such actions of one state or another led to war, however, in fact, we already see the active participation of the united states in the conflict in ukraine, that is, in the war with us. as our us officials say, they have essentially become a party to the conflict, the purely economic damage from the confiscation of our gold and foreign currency reserves in the states is small, this is only 5-6 billion dollars, depending on how you count it, of course, especially since we have not had access to them for 2 years, but in this case, the united states is giving an example to europe of what needs to be done with our frozen assets, and well, this is already more than 200 billion dollars, a significant amount, the problem is much larger, however, and as i already said. is not only of an economic nature, the united states has crossed the rubicon in the collapse of the international
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dollar system, this is exactly what everything looks like, and whether it is so, we will discuss with the professor of political science at tennosi university, andrey korobkov. andrei vladimirovich, i greet you, and how do you assess the situation, i understand that you probably have some other opinion, but nevertheless, we observers here, so to speak, economists , see the united states. they are doing something stupid, they are sawing a branch on which they have been sitting for many decades, if not centuries, well, decades, yes, well, more than, well, they turned 100 years old in the thirteenth year, now there are a little over 110 years there. they are taking steps, which, of course, everything is arranged beautifully, the decision of the congress back and forth, but on the other hand, where is there a court decision of at least some kind, because in america the law and so on have been telling us for so long how important it is, suddenly such illegal decisions, in fact, how do you assess the situation, what is it? well,
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from the point of view of the american system, this is a legal decision, because... the usa is the law of the land, as the constitution itself says, this is a practical pretense, and naturally the question of precedent is a question that remains extremely complex and incomprehensible, it is quite possible that this act will be challenged still in the courts, this will all drag on, but as you said.
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their future largely depends on how they behave, that is, how reliable they will remain in the eyes of potential investors, and how their relations with their own governments will develop, well andrey vach, of course, i can probably also understand and rich people from the gulf and other
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countries, they cannot immediately grind out their money, they will simply bring everything down, they understand this very well, but there was already a precedent with... with the swiss credit swiss bank, when it was precisely the behavior of the arab shareholders who did not want to recapitalize the bank, although they owned about 5% there, a fairly large share, and this happened exactly after switzerland became, strictly speaking, a party to the conflict; it was a neutral state for centuries, even during the second world war, our great patriotic war, what the nazis did in general on european territory. the tsarist bankers did not understand what a certain remark was, but nevertheless they were embarrassed, now they have decided to behave like this, but this, of course, is not a question for you, this it is clear that we are now talking to you not about the current situation, but about the long-term, because big money, as you know, loves silence, the americans, in my opinion, broke this silence with this act of theirs, because
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freezing is one thing, freezing is like half the world, today they froze, tomorrow they froze for some reason, but... confiscation is a completely different act, in my opinion, and i still don’t really understand why you think the americans took this step , in the end , what is the logic, then what according to them understandings, well, of the current administration of the united states, what do they want to achieve, to scare the whole world, what we can do to the russians, we will do the same to you all, or what? first of all, this is a question of electoral struggle, this is what... the administration and individual members of congress need to demonstrate their determination, readiness for some more radical measures, and secondly, this is...
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the attitude towards these four pillars, oh which i spoke, but there is another problem, which is how exactly these funds can be used, if we are talking
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about eurobonds, about some other government bonds, then what exactly should we do with them, say, if they are thrown onto the market, this will lead to a sharp drop in their value and will hit the very governments that initiate these measures, therefore - while we are at the stage of a political declaration, so far no one has clarity regarding the practical implementation of these measures, neither politicians nor financiers, well, yes, here, the devil is probably in the details, but nevertheless , so far judging by intentions, bad intentions, and you know, that’s the question, why did half of the republicans give in, so to speak, because they were beating their chests with... the states, there’s something i didn’t see in the resolution on money
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for the southern border of the states , security, and this scandal that happened in texas and so on, why didn’t the republicans connect these two topics, do you think, it was the republicans who didn’t want to connect these two topics, because biden initially pushed this one... voted against, only 101 voted for, regarding assistance to ukraine, 112 republicans , that is, the trumpists, remained with their previous opinion, but still it was decided, decided by speaker johnson.
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therefore, we are only concerned about this issue, and naturally, as you assess , some people just think, even in the states, by the way, from the dolarization of the bloomberg agency,
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which in general can probably be written down. to the patriots of america, yes, they say that this fact of confiscation is a blow to the dollar, in addition, they say that this can accelerate dedollarization, that is christina lagarte spoke about this, that is, these are serious people, they are talking about serious risks, but if we return to the republicans, they say that after all this trump will no longer be president, because they received such a powerful blow from the republicans, and that johnson betrayed them and so on, how do you generally assess whether trump has a chance after these tricks? in congress? trump has almost complete control over the republican party, and about 20% of republicans do not vote for him in the primaries, it is unlikely that they will vote for someone else from those who have a place, while the trumpists continue to support trump with enthusiasm and this is the main problem for biden, that even those
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