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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 26, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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wheat prices this week show their longest rise so far this year . prices have been falling in recent months. let me remind you that russia is one of the leading players in this market, but there are problems; the pricing of wheat and other grains takes place on western exchanges, primarily in chicago, as has historically happened. it is clear that prices are determined in dollars, but under sanctions, these are big risks. we see how america is trying to impose its terms of trade in the same oil, announcing price ceilings, all sorts of things. it is not clear, however, who gave it to them.
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the creation of an exchange will potentially provide clearer signals, greater predictability for players here in the domestic market, since it is now mostly contract. is concluded directly between economic entities, a small percentage goes through exchanges, and a new exchange, a large international one, can stimulate, give impetus to the transition to relations through the exchange, will make it possible to build appropriate instruments, financial derivatives, and so on way to make the market more predictable for business entities for producers, will allow them to hedge their bets, this is necessary, because they operate in a market where...
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the weather influences, so this market is by definition less predictable, that is, the new exchange will allow them to move into the sphere of economic relations, it will make the international market more transparent for exporters and importers, and this is approximately half of the world's population; it will also make it possible to streamline relations between economic entities. the initiative to create grain...
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there will probably be insurance issues, logistics issues, storage issues, where this product is located, that is, operational issues that are typical for those on the stock exchange. once again, i want to emphasize that the creation of an international exchange will be useful for the domestic market of russia, since now it is, so to speak, unorganized in nature, traditionally it is exchange platforms that struggle with this problem, now in russia trading mainly takes place directly between buyers and sellers according to direct agreements between buyers and sellers, probably still not such a large percentage are traded using some open platforms such as exchanges, potentially this is a rather unstable risky situation for market participants, because it can happen at any moment. either a harvest or no
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harvest, that is, destabilizing factors for the market, in this case many producers, especially those producers who do not have reserves, large reserves, and their... maintenance also requires money, they are exposed to risks, including weather risks, and when transitioning to exchange, these risks can be removed, you enter into a futures forward contract, any contract that involves settlement in the future at a fixed price in the present, and this mechanism can make the market here much more stable. of course, our national trading platforms are trying to take grain exchange trading to a new level, but so far they are doing poorly. polish experts
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made up their minds this week. there was no explosion on board the tu-154 of the polish government. we are talking about the disaster near smolensk, earlier, almost was the official polish position. sabotage by the russian special services, whether this position of the polish leadership has changed after these data and other events in the country, we discussed today with the russian ambassador to poland, sergei andreev. sergei vadimevich, hello, thank you for taking the time, and there is something to discuss, in my opinion, but first of all i was surprised by the information that there was no explosion on board the tu-154 of the polish government, but we understand that he wasn’t there, i was surprised that they admitted it.
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presidential plane in april 2010 continues, according to the participants of this meeting, perhaps it will last until next year, so
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it is too early to sum up the results, so to speak, well, in addition, the polish side, the polish authorities, are making other accusations against the russian side, russian citizens, the charges brought against the russian air traffic controllers who were on duty at the smolensk airfield in the north on the day of the disaster are still in force, and this charge, formulated under the previous authorities, sounds like deliberately leading to a disaster, well, in general, although... the essence of the issue seems to be clearly understood, but nevertheless, the investigation continues and it is too early to draw conclusions. sergey vach, and yet this is a new company that came to power in poland,
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why didn’t they find anything for an expert, they could have found it, because we know that this happens sometimes, and is this somehow connected or are they all- they decided to take another line. our interstate aviation committee , the polish miller commission, which investigated the plane crash through the aviation authorities, reports were published back in 2011 year, but even there the main cause of the plane crash on our part and on
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the polish side was the crew’s errors when piloting in difficult weather conditions, that’s the main thing, there were a lot of... other different details, but that’s it, and along the line aviation authorities in the eleventh year , it seems, a line was drawn, but through the prosecutor’s office. the investigation on the polish side and on our side, on the part of the investigative committee, it is still ongoing , once again the line has not yet been drawn, and as for the mood, the mood of the current authorities, because the supporters of the previous polish government accused not only us, they accused the then government of poland , headed by the current prime minister tusk , of having entered into, it was understood, conspiring with the russians and organizing
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an assassination attempt on the polish president, persons accompanying him, so it is clear that when the government changed, changed, and the rhetoric changed, yes, the guiding concept also changed, yes, you very rightly noted about the concept, because there can be different concepts, precisely from political expediency, it is clear that in the west in poland lately the russians are to blame for everything, for dust storms, probably for eclipses of the sun and so on, but nevertheless, this information here, it really says that that apparently, the internal political struggle now prevails in poland, and the latest, then, if we move away from this issue, i came across statements from the polish authorities regarding the deportation without documents from...
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in the event that he, for example, has on his person there was no passport, but there were
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some other identification documents, that is, the legality of their stay on the territory of poland from the point of view of polish legislation does not seem to raise questions, but if there were appeals from the ukrainian side regarding the expulsion of someone from the ukrainian citizens, then this is also necessary... what this will lead to in practice remains to be seen. an important fact
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is that ukrainian citizens here make up a fairly significant part of the foreign workforce, in which polish entrepreneurs are interested in some industries, this is a very significant part of the employed, and, probably, this will also have a certain impact on the mood in society. yes, i came across information here, i don’t know how accurate it is, that in some industries almost half of the harvest there, well in agriculture, in some areas will not be harvested due to the fact that if all ukrainian citizens, well, active ones, go back . well, this information is clear, it’s virtual, nevertheless, it’s talks about exactly what you said, yes, there is a very strong lobby among industrialists, among agriculture, and another sore subject is nuclear weapons, a discussion like it is in poland, it is generally...
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duda and individual members government and they just spoke out again for american nuclear weapons to be placed on...
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in the current government these issues were not discussed at all, and it would be good for the president to consult with the government on this topic first, well, it seems like such a meeting of the president prime minister is being discussed, i think that there will not be any fundamental disagreements between them on this matter, this is as usual,
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since the presidents of the government belong to different political camps, so... such mutual proceedings are taking place between them, but at the same time the americans have repeatedly talked about that they do not see the need to place nuclear weapons in poland at the moment, well , for now this is where it all ends, well, let’s wait, let’s wait, what decision will be made, we will clearly react, about these were already official statements from our side.
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program time of heroes, this is who these people are, these are soldiers, officers who have shown in combat a special personnel situation has already begun to operate, real character, leadership, high human qualities. i am sure that
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they will prove themselves worthy in their future work as well. in government, in the field of education, mentoring, in leading positions in all areas. i very much hope, dear colleagues, that political parties will actively nominate and support such candidates during election campaigns at all levels. what i would like to note is that this is not some company, i want this to be clear to everyone, this is just the environment, those people from which we must draw personnel and from which we must choose. for future work, choose people who are ready to serve russia and who serve russia now, without sparing themselves, their health and life. today the famous 106th tula airborne division celebrates its anniversary, it was founded
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exactly 80 years ago, its motto is, there are no impossible tasks, the fighters justify it even today, tula paratroopers successfully carry out combat missions in the special operations zone. report by vitaly matorin. here you are on the plane, one step and free flight. is already in their hands, and it seems that only the paratroopers take this step as calmly and confidently as they march along the parade ground of their native military unit. and over the 80 years of their glorious history, as a sign of military victories, the famous 106 fighters marched this march more than once or twice. the 106th tula airborne division was literally born in battle in 1944. during the war, its fighters liberated europe, austria, from fascism. hungary and... czechoslovakia. the entire combat path of the division is clearly in trophies, here are the german machine guns of the wehrmacht army, and this is
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modern nato weapons, taken in battle from the enemy in the zone of a special military operation. anti-tank t4, there are several modifications. we use everything we find against them, we study it, we beat the enemy with their own weapons. order of courage - medal of the order for services to the fatherland and. given for courage, during the entire existence of the 106th division , more than 60 thousand were awarded military awards fighters, and today there are even more of them, but loud applause in honor of the awarded is always preceded by silence. flowers to the eternal flame of the monument to the paratroopers who went to heaven forever are an integral part of such celebrations in tula. we will always sacredly cherish the memory of our fallen comrades. their feat is immortal. the 106th guards airborne division is the pride of the tula region, the pride of the entire country.
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i thank you, your comrades, all the personnel who are now in the zone of a special military operation, for your courage, for heroism, for selflessness. in the special military operation in tulsk, the ryazan narofaminsk paratroopers, part of the 106th division, have been taking part from the very beginning. and serve at the most critical levels. mikhail sturmovik received a medal for courage for the operation in the bakhmut direction. the first assaults are the most difficult, because you have to overpower yourself, overcome yourself, and the first clashes are always, as a rule, the most emotional. then it's much easier. of course, support is felt from both tulikov and the governor in particular, many thanks to them for this. there is enough of everything, they supply. the division's soldiers receive congratulations right at the front line. this is pride, honor, courage, bravery, everything is here, the most important thing is to be here and be yourself, failures are not feasible, in just
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4 months of this year they destroyed seven tanks, two anti-aircraft missile systems, 16 combat vehicles, pszo and 55 enemy artillery pieces, and concern for loved ones here in the rear should definitely not distract tula fighters from carrying out these combat missions. a number of measures social support, one of the most complete complexes in the country operates in the tula region, the head of the region, alexey dyumin, once again reminded the soldiers of this. the supreme commander-in-chief faces such a task, and we ourselves understand perfectly well that your families, your loved ones must be under constant guardianship and care. we are expanding support measures and doing everything possible to ensure that all the problems they identify are resolved as a matter of priority. modern fipivedrons, thermal imagers, sights, equipment, everything that can need ours. fighters in the special operation zone, will go there from tula with the next batch of military aid, which, among other things, included transport, passable vehicles, atvs, vitaly matorin and
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dmitry bucharov, leading tula. all 10 members of the russian team won gold and silver medals at the mendeleev olympiad in chemistry. this year, international competitions among schoolchildren were held in the chinese city of shinjeni. teams from 26 countries fought for victory , reporting from china by alexander baletsky. your medals no, they didn’t cheat, they conquered. five gold, five more silver from the mendeleev chemistry olympiad, the entire russian team takes home the award. vadim kharisov from bashkiria had no doubt that this would be the case. you think it’s right, wrong, to write, not to write. and the most difficult thing was to gather these thoughts and make a decision. more medals, maybe? chinese schoolchildren, but more of them also participated as hosts. china hosted the mendeleev olympiad for the first time, originally from 1967, then it was an all-union competition for young
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chemists have seriously expanded their geography. guys from almost thirty countries, but the main thing has remained - the highest requirements. the guys who are represented here not only from russia, but from all twenty-nine countries that are taking part this year, are the best of the best. the tasks are even more difficult than at the world olympics, three stages, two theoretical and laboratory practice, and the members of the jury themselves had to work hard, but ours completely managed it, simultaneously making personal chemical discoveries, in between rounds teddy tuan also managed to practice calligraphy. what is calligraphy? to help develop, strengthen, accuracy, perseverance, movement towards the goal, the parents watched the children’s performance at the olympics at home in russia with excitement, the father of the gold medalist sasha ramashova in kazan shows the numerous awards and diplomas she has already won. naturally, we told everyone we could about her successes, we rejoice at her achievements, well, we hope for great ones, and,
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again, we hope that she will not stop. in this center for gifted children he did first chemical experiments, talented, of course, reads a lot, used to study music, but preferred chemistry to music, chemistry is like music, we kept our fingers crossed all day, we waited for the results to come, for some reason we were sure that there would definitely be a medal, here the credit goes to the trainers of teachers in their schools in the team... guys from eight regions, i really dream of opening something that will greatly simplify people’s lives, that is, some kind of acceleration of production scale, so as not to waste a lot of time and money effort work force human, in order to automate this faster, the more important it was to notice everyone, talent needs to be helped or talent will make its way on its own, of course talent needs to be helped, conditions need to be created so that talent can realize its maximum in any environment
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where it lives, in shenzhen, in biys. in barnaul, it doesn’t matter, talent needs to be helped, it needs to find the place where it will come and can reveal itself to the maximum. now they have a direct path, so far, of course, not quite into science, but to the chemistry faculty of moscow state university for sure, but shindzhen this year’s venue was not chosen by chance. this, of course, is not sparrow hills, but the truth seems to be that the joint russian-chinese shindzheniye university is not only an external copy of moscow state university, because the educational process is based on all the best russian programs. exactly 10 years ago, the creation of a joint university between moscow state university and beijing polytechnic university was announced. the leaders of our countries announced, and today there are 2,500 students studying here. styopa, a russian name, he chose for himself, studies cybernetics. we have already passed the first stage, when there was only student exchange. now the most important thing is namely joint scientific projects, that is, deep integration. we must come up with joint technologies, joint implementation of these technologies, this is exactly what today’s winners of science olympiads can create. preconditions are the ground for growth.
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