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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 26, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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in the telegram channel, of course, he chooses weaker opponents so that they don’t give back up, the guy, the so-called sportsman, according to rumors, he could allegedly at times carry out orders from drug dealers, beat up and punish guilty pawnbrokers, please intimidate face control with a fake security officer’s id, he scolds also trades in his telegram channel, by the way, bogdan himself comes from ukraine, only recently received russian citizenship, but has already managed to mark himself with a fascist greeting in the heart of the new motherland, a feat. neo-nazi already the regional ministry of internal affairs became interested, and the investigative committee opened a criminal case. during the investigation of the criminal case , the investigation will verify the involvement of the suspect in the commission of other crimes and his vladimir bazov, led by the duty unit. they continue to chop off the heads of the hydra. the ministry of internal affairs read about the successful fight against the remnants of one of the largest online drug syndicates. a kind of exchange for the sale of prohibited substances has been hiding in the shadow segment of the internet for years. now it is illegal in relation to employees. site
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several criminal cases were opened at once, the defendants were caught abroad throughout russia, and hundreds of millions of rubles were confiscated from them. according to investigators, members of the criminal community contributed to the territory of moscow, moscow, leningrad, vologda regions of the krasnodar territory. i will add that previously the battle with hydra was transnational, in particular, our police officers were helped by colleagues from germany, but the germans decided to break off cooperation and detain their compatriots themselves, and then reported to the united states. this resulted in the fact that some of the suspects are off the hook. however, now a joint russian-belarusian investigative team continues to follow the trail of the remaining hydra heads. the russian army successfully repulsed all attacks in the ssu, the center group.
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participants and veterans of the special operation must be nominated as candidates in elections at all levels. vladimir putin made this appeal to political parties in st. petersburg at a meeting with members of the council of legislators.
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in government, in education, mentoring, for everyone, it’s just that environment, those people from whom we must draw personnel and from whom we must choose for future work, choose people who are ready to serve russia and who serve russia now, without sparing themselves, their health and life. in the hall are representatives of both chambers of the russian parliament and government, this is one of their last meetings before the formation of a new cabinet. according to amendments to the constitution of the russian government, the parliament will have to exercise its constitutional powers established in 2020 by amendments to the basic law countries, and approved based on the results of a nationwide vote. i am confident that parliamentarians will justify this trust in the decision of citizens, increase the role of the legislative branch, and show responsibility and willingness to work together on the development agenda. everything
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planned, too, i hope we will be together. the council of legislators discusses two topics mentioned in the message separately: the development of rural areas and issues of demography. the heads of regional parliaments were invited to the meeting so that the best local practices in these areas scale up throughout the country. it is necessary to put at the forefront the task of saving people, the well-being of russian families, strengthening the sovereignty of our country, the authorities, from them. involvement in the overall work, we have a large country, it is important to take into account both the problems and opportunities, the potential of each subject of the federation and, if necessary, help them to reveal these potentials. the issue of supporting motherhood and childhood is the most discussed on the sidelines of the council of legislators. baby food for infants, from birth to one year. colleagues, trouble is trouble, mostly imported. just
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take an interest, chairmen of legislative assemblies, go, you are unlikely to have babies yet, a can of baby food costs 500,
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the learned lawyer joseph alekseevich pokrovsky , more than 100 years ago, said that the basic requirements for law are, first of all, its certainty and accuracy. these words sound
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special in the hall where, more than 100 years ago, the russian duma of the very first convocation met, the one that existed for 72 days was dissolved due to its full. i ask everyone legislators pay special attention to issues of interethnic harmony, civil peace, diversity of ethnic groups, traditions, cultures of our country; this is certainly our common asset and competitive advantage, including helping us today to develop friendly relations with most countries. planet to participate in the formation of a fair multipolar world order, i ask you to develop contacts with our friends and partners within the eu, csto, cis, sco, and of course, such a promising, growing associations like brix.
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putin emphasizes that all levels of legislative power, from the federation council to municipal councils, should take part in the overall work. in conclusion, i would like to congratulate you all on the upcoming holidays. happy victory day, sacred to us all. at the end of the president's working day in st. petersburg, he met with alexander beglov. putin is interested in key indicators of the city’s development. industrial production is growing at a rate three times higher than the rate of industrial growth in the country. this is also good index. today there are about 60 ships of high-class vessels, not just.
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his support for me to participate in this year’s elections, in the elections for the governor of st. petersburg. he said, yes, of course, of course, i support it, but first of all, of course, this is the choice of the residents. gubernatorial elections in st. petersburg will be held this fall, on a single voting day; the head of the city will be elected for a term of the next 5 years. salema zarif, alexey sasyrin, dmitry mishchersky, andrey stifrov, andrey baraukhin and alexandra terpugova. news: northwestern bureau. kyiv should not hope to quickly receive new patriot systems. the united states itself is not yet planning to transfer these complexes to the zelensky regime, and it has not yet been possible to force europe. this is how the head of the pentagon responded to the request of the ukrainian authorities. as for
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the patriot systems, the future will show what we can achieve, we will continue to work on it until we find the right solution. i want to note. ukraine needs not only petriots, but also other installations and missiles. i also want to warn you, don’t turn petriot into a silver bullet, some kind of miracle weapon. minister of defense. the united states reported that washington is allocating $6 billion for the production of weapons and ammunition for ukraine. we're talking about missiles and projectiles. however, kiev will receive most of it only in a few years, after american military factories have mastered these funds. the us and eu countries are trying to disrupt the investigation into terrorist attacks on the nord stream gas pipelines. russia's post-president vasily nebendia demanded an explanation from the west at a meeting of the un security council. maybe you will take the trouble to somehow explain everything that is happening and the recognition of your leaders, and
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demonstrative sabotage of efforts at an international investigation, and explain it in such a way that you do not sound like the mad hatter in wonderland, but as a representative of the state, a permanent member of the security council, insurance companies of london and northream operator companies.
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under these conditions, it is impossible not to suspect that someone is trying to hide all the evidence. there is a saying in china: it is never too late to correct a mistake. we call for an international investigation to be launched under the auspices of the un to establish the truth. we we urge you to actively cooperate with russia; it is important to prevent politicization of the investigation and double standards on this issue. the 106th turk airborne division celebrates its eightieth anniversary. paratroopers successfully carry out combat missions in the special operation zone about the heroic path. here you are on the plane, one step and free flight. with weapons in their hands, and it seems that only the paratroopers take this step as calmly and confidently as they march along
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the parade ground of their native military unit. and with this march , for 80 years of its glorious history, as a sign of military victories, the soldiers of the famous 106 walked not once or twice. 106 tusky airborne division was literally born in battle. in 1944, during the war, its fighters liberated europe, austria, and hungary from fascism. and czechoslovakia. the entire combat path of the division is clearly visible in trophies, here are german machine guns of the wehrmacht army, and this is modern nato weapons, taken by failure from the enemy in the zone of a special military operation. anti-tank t4, there are several modifications. we use everything we find against them; we study and beat the enemy with their own weapons. order of courage - medal of the order for services to the fatherland. and medals for courage, during the entire existence of the 106th division , more than 60 thousand of its
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fighters were awarded military awards, and today there are even more of them, but loud applause in honor of the awarded is always preceded by silence. flowers to the eternal flame of the monument to the paratroopers who went to heaven forever are an integral part of such celebrations in tula. we will always sacredly preserve the memory of our fallen soldiers. their feat is immortal. the 106th guards airborne division is the pride of the tours region, the pride of the entire countries. i thank you, your comrades, all the personnel who are now in the special military operation zone, for your courage, for your heroism, for your dedication. in the special military operation in tula, the ryazan narofaminsky paratroopers , part of the 106th division, have been taking part since its very beginning.
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this is pride, honor, courage, bravery, everything is here, the most important thing is to be here and be yourself, unfulfillable misfortunes, only in 4 months. 60 social support measures, one of the most complete complexes in the country operates in
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tula region, the head of the region alexey dyumin once again reminded the soldiers of this. this is a worthwhile task. yes, we ourselves understand perfectly well that your families, your loved ones must be constantly cared for, we are expanding support measures, doing everything possible to ensure that all the problems that they identify are resolved as a matter of priority . modern fipivedrons, thermal imagers, sights, equipment, everything that our soldiers may need in the special operation zone, chairs with the next batch of military aid will go there, among other things, included transport, passable cars, atvs, vitaly motorin and... for 50 years bam has been the largest and one of the great highways for a great country. here are
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the most important transport arteries of russia for everyone.
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i allow you to make a glitch. traffic on the bypass section will be opened this december. the length of each tunnel will exceed 1.4 km. the complex under construction will help bypass restrictions on the way to the ports of nakhodka. overcome the previous route, which runs through terrain with strong elevation changes, it was possible only with the help of additional locomotives to reduce the weight of the trains. modernization of the site will allow trains to pass through.' not only increased length, but greater weight up to 7,100 tons instead of the previous 6.3. we are confident that taking into account the development of the eastern range, especially in the third stage, this will allow us to increase both cargo turnover and container traffic here locally in the ports of the far east. a long whistle blows and the train
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sets off, this train loaded with coal opened traffic on the second main track of the new duank section. in the khabarovsk territory, movement i allow you to open, bon voyage, the most important facility of the second stage of modernization of the eastern range, built on the legendary bam , almost the gateway to the pacific ocean, the new section will be able to carry almost twice as many trains, up to 39 pairs per day, which means the volume of transportation of coal and oil in free port mode. the east will allow new investors to enter and, of course , this will improve the quality of life of the residents of the vandene region due to the fact that new jobs will appear. the new infrastructure will help provide and northern delivery to sakhalin, kuril islands, kamchatka and chukotka. by the end of this year, the general modernization of the baikal-amur trans-siberian railway will increase the carrying
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capacity towards the pacific ports and border crossings to 180 million tons. cargo per year. varvar nevskaya alexander cherkassov, news. the first high-speed catamaran this season was launched in st. petersburg. it will carry passengers to kranstatt. dmitry akimov was convinced that such vessels are not inferior to foreign ones. the weather in st. petersburg is not favorable yet. for walks on the water, the air temperature barely approached +10, but the city's shipbuilders are in full accordance with the schedule and even. ahead of him, they are preparing to open navigation between the northern capital and kronshtat. another confirmation of this is the first launch of the ford alexander catamarada this year. the first kotlin project, the series will become a replacement for the well-known meteor, this vessel is already the third in a series of six high-speed passenger catamarans. we believe that
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st. petersburg should have a good, real modern fleet, and for us it is very it is important that we are also building it here in st. petersburg. the level of production localization is growing with each new vessel in the series. only the engine remained imported, everything else was already domestic. we set the whole goal so that in a year or two there, in order to completely localize 100% of russian production. in a few days , another launch of the catamaran of this series will take place at the srednenevsky shipyard, already during this navigation, all of them will set off along the route between st. petersburg and kranstatt. dmitriy akimofe, sergey fodeev, news from st. petersburg. well, st. petersburg also hosts the final of the annual olympiad for... unified state examination for admission to universities and support at the start of a future career from leading employers. anastasia
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panko has all the details. sixteen-year-old sofiyashina is working on a project that is far from being a school project. a tenth-grader is coming up with filters that will help purify water and reuse it in production. added acetic acid to liquid glass to form an amorphous precipitate that will collect all the particles oil and thereby we will cleanse. yes sofia, a participant from the yamalo-neninets autonomous okrug, a region where the main type of industry is oil production. her family also talked about this industry. the schoolgirl’s father is a third-generation oil worker, and perhaps sofia will continue this dynasty in the future, working in the petrochemical industry. chemistry is an incredibly interesting science in the sense that it combines some humanitarian foundations, some physical and mathematical ones, it combines the incompatible, it’s all incredibly interesting, incredibly cool. pupils from different regions worked on projects prepared by engineers. gazprom neft and other technology companies. with their projects, children help adults look at solving problems from a different perspective. these are projects related to the prevention of the deposition
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of organic and inorganic sediments in oil pipelines, and there is a whole block of environmental projects related to biotechnology related to the treatment of natural wastewater. together with mentors, high school students developed their projects in three areas: petrochemistry, mathematics. and information technology. out of 3.00 schoolchildren, that is how many participants there were at the regional stages, 76 of the most talented children reached the finals in st. petersburg. participation in this tournament is an opportunity to somehow get acquainted with like-minded people, with those who really move our russia and contribute to the development of science in our country and industry. multiplying talents is one of the largest russian educational projects. to support gifted schoolchildren, it has been conducted for the ninth year under the social program investments hometowns, gazpromneft companies. here, you know, they teach mathematics, just mathematics, and people don’t understand
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why mathematics is needed, here’s the pythagorean formula, why it’s needed, without understanding this, well, a normal person, in general, he won’t want to study, that is, here we show here how this knowledge is actually applied and what knowledge is needed.
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acted even more unexpectedly, sent a convoy with food and medicine to the enemy and did not even take the money. and how does this relate to what is happening today, about the lessons of history and parallels of modern times, let’s talk with one of the most influential historians of our country. we are waiting for vladimir medinsky.


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