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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 26, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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shortly before the battle of poltava, the swedish king invaded russian territory. the impudence in a personal letter asked peter i to help the starving swedes with provisions, and promised to pay. peter ii acted even more unexpectedly: he sent the enemy a convoy with food and medicine and did not even take the money. and how does this relate to what is happening today, about the lessons of history and parallels of modern times, we will talk with one of the most influential historians of our country. we are waiting for vladimir medinsky.
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vladimir rastistalovich, hello, in first of all, thank you very much for finding the time for this conversation, especially in our difficult times, which from the point of view of historical parallels is very interesting to talk about, we know that now there is a war going on not only in the literal sense, a war for the mind.
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historical heritage, a thousand-year history of statehood, and statehood is basically continuous, if we take the calculation of the continuity of sovereignty, then we specifically conducted such a study, well, it turns out with maximum modesty, russia occupies second place in the world, after england, dash britain in terms of continuous state sovereignty, third, by the way, is sweden. therefore, we
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don’t need to invent anything, we don’t need to fantasize, we need to study and popularize what we have, our own historical heritage. and in this sense, how would it be correct to build interaction with young people? when we talk about how to teach history, in this regard, an honest conversation with young people is especially important, because when you start not saying something or god forbid someone distort. then trust is lost immediately, and the main principle of conversation, and in general not only with young people, with any normal people, is to make history interesting, there is no need for this stupidity, there is no need to perceive history as something that needs to be memorized, forgotten about passing the unified state exam, forever, less formalism, unnecessary dates, redundant numbers, the main thing is to show love for history, interest in history.
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should push you to think, certainly not to memorize. let's talk a little more about the history textbook in which we directly. this was the main task, because the fact is that before there were a colossal number of textbooks in history. well, as of a couple of years ago, there were about thirty or so lines of textbooks, each line is about 15 volumes, that is, 30, 15, this is only in... in the center of russia, somewhere in the outskirts, this is research was not carried out, and before there was even more, there were quite a few historical lines financed directly by foreign funds, this was also very memorable there , out of place and out of place mentioned
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von soros, he was actively involved, publishing textbooks, supposedly supplying them for free to schools, you know the one.
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with the help of the teacher, an interested student can get any amount of additional information and go to internet portals and sites. tech, museums, historical societies, public organizations, even there we even have links to movies, directly to the state television and radio broadcasting company, by the way, yes, to movies, to tv series, but why not, listen, well, you read about boris gadunov, well,
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look series boris godunov, production state television and radio broadcasting company, well, it’s interesting, educational, it’s a movie, there are some points about which historians argue, but two historians mean three opinions, that’s normal. was about 10 years ago, and i then served in the ministry of culture, being a member of this commission, i just insisted that the history course be taught according to the imperial model, as it was before the revolution, and the approach was as follows: until the accession to
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the throne sovereign emperor - this is history, from the moment the current ruler came to power, this is already some other story discipline, there is social studies, there was such a subject as fatherland knowledge in some gymnasiums before the revolution, or political information, but this is something more relevant, this is not history, but the academic community itself, as... just insisted that history, modern history should be taught literally until the moment the textbook is handed over to the printing house, that is , until the last, this is all history, i did not agree with this and was publicly against it, but as time has shown, at least today, it is really important for us that when describing even very thin masks the situation of today.
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at some point in the collapse of the ussr, suppose, further, let it be in
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the social studies course, but our social studies course so far, in its current form, is completely unsatisfactory, and it needs a very serious rework, because this is an imitation, there will be such a rework , i hope that the ministry of education will be strong-willed people in this regard.
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shove it into these children's heads, for example, there are not enough hours for history, and history is taught very superficially, in a soviet school, i let me remind you, social studies was one year, one, tenth grade, that’s it, well, there’s the constitution, some correct things that are necessary for a schoolchild to know, that’s it, that’s it, that’s all degenerated into this multi-year course of two or two in the humanities classes more lessons with a pump up for the unified state exam, with the fact that then, when entering universities, they ask for social studies, not history,
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it’s easier to memorize it and forget it forever, well, yes, you still need to know history and preferably understand it, social studies has been memorized, memorized, crammed , forgotten forever, and no one remembers what he taught there, i took social studies upon admission, when it was not yet his, honestly no, because after all, it is so very formal, not thought-provoking, absolutely challenging. only in a schoolchild, well, there seems to be such an internal disdain for everything that serious issues, society, politics, knowledge, this is important for a child to know, but it should be interesting and useful, but returning to the history textbook, what is written in it today, is there any mention of russia's attempts to peacefully resolve the situation in ukraine in 2022, attempts at negotiations are mentioned, but... the details are not disclosed, because this is a difficult page in recent history, when you know, the draft
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peace treaty between russia and ukraine was prepared by delegations, even endorsed, so, but under pressure from the allies, the ukrainian leadership decided, under their numerous promises, to abandon the already prepared text of the peace treaty and... try to defeat russia on the battlefield, together with all nato countries, we understand that ukraine - these are people. and everything else - money, resources, weapons, ammunition, technology, communications, all this is needed, all this is necessary, therefore, it’s a pity, this is a big tragedy, for the ukrainian people, first of all, now, as a person who deeply knows history, is deeply analytical ,
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drawing historical parallels, do you think we are far from a peaceful settlement, from peaceful negotiations, i don’t know, this is... “we sincerely wanted to agree, and i speak not only for the russian part of the delegation, but for the ukrainian one, there were different people, but basically this there were people who wanted to agree to find some kind of compromise, this compromise was eventually found, one way or another, then, you understand, i’ll say something that i’ve never said before, the ukrainian delegation said the following: it’s easy for you, you one boss, and we have three, so whatever we sign here, we need to agree with two more bosses, that’s all,
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that’s all, that’s honest, that’s honest, that’s the tragedy, unfortunately, i’m from ukraine myself soviet, this is the tragedy of the non-sovereign it is very difficult for a non-sovereign state to negotiate with someone who cannot, who even wants to, but cannot make a decision, and is at the same time a party to a serious conflict. yes. about historical parallels, i watched one of your last public speeches on military day.
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by a famous american interviewer, well, most of all i read a lot of comments on this matter from foreigners, and there basically the main review boiled down to the following: while ours cannot remember what he ate for lunch, this half hour pours out facts, names and dates, without ever looking, which means without an earphone and without ever looking at the prompt, well, what can i say, we were lucky, that’s why, well, feel it.
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no, well, this, this, this is a question of absolutely ordinary economic competitive relations, tv channels are fighting for ratings, for a share of viewers, i don’t know, there businesses are fighting for market share, on a macro scale on the planet, they are fighting for zones of influence, for resources, and resources are money, this is influence, resources they will be natural, human, political, and... transport are very important now the resources, how the transport routes are, in this regard, our country, well , where did it happen that... everyone wants it, everyone wants to get something here for themselves, but we don’t want it, but we want it ourselves manage all this, because we didn’t
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get it from aliens, we got it from our grandfathers, great-grandfathers, great-great-grandfathers, who built this country for generations, collected it bit by bit, who perhaps lived much worse than they could have lived, because that they had a super idea. they had super idea, they dedicated their lives to this, what right do we have to refuse this heritage, it means betraying them all, it shouldn’t be this way, this is our land, in a different direction about the future in a sense, you have already mentioned that you do not really approve the unified state examination, well, you have talked about this many times , that this system needs to be somehow changed, somehow improved, especially when it comes to humanitarian areas of study, where of course there should be some. the unified state exam has its advantages, it has its disadvantages, that’s it, that this should not be the only criterion,
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this is obvious, something else is important here, for example, it is important that when entering humanities universities, they ask for knowledge in history, and not in social studies, this is very important, and i am sure that in this regard now this is the policy of our relevant ministries, it will be... those who hope should try to support what corresponds to the interests of the state of the overwhelming majority of society, that is, what
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corresponds to the public interest, not a separate taste, not what it is requires funding only because the creators think that this is some kind of ultra-modern manifestation, so they need separate and a lot of money for this, but something that corresponds to public demand and public interests. behavior, and not an excuse, there is whiteness, here - for this you need to have taste, i say again, and wisdom, when
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we sometimes lack this taste and wisdom, we get, uh, a completely unnecessary ban, and at the same time an advertising campaign , for example, there is doctor zhivag - or gulak archipelago. here they made mistakes, but here they did the right thing, so this is not an easy and hard work and i can only wish success to the officials of the ministry of culture, believe me, i understand how it is not easy for them, yes indeed, but again here you come back to the fact that it is very important in this and in this work, in this activity to know, to return to history, historical moments and lessons, thank you very much for spending time with us, thank you for such a thorough, serious conversation,
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a loan at sbery and receive it monthly. unlike many symptomatic remedies, ames reduces acid production and fights the cause of heartburn. democracy, glasnost, in general, in one word, perestroika, we went to visit these people, went out and said to each other, wow, what? they say that everyone is equal, the speed with which this reorganization took place showed that soviet society, in principle , was a capitalist society, democracy - it was clear that this is freedom, this is liberalism, i remember a great sense of freedom among the people, but many things people don’t know about the collapse of the soviet union, they were carried away by western ideas, they can be friends, the americans started telling us how we need to democratize, they saw us as friends and partners, they sincerely wanted to help, right? russia
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must completely copy all western conditions, american democracy is now also shaky, this scale of russia, there is something about you russians that europe does not understand. the russian army successfully repulsed all attacks in the ssu. the center, south and west groups occupied more advantageous positions. zelensky’s formations lost over a thousand more soldiers and mercenary officers. among other things, the destroyed train with western weapons and equipment in the udachny area, as well as personnel and equipment the sixty-seventh brigade of the ukrainian armed forces at the loading station in the balakleya area and the drone control point. in addition, 24
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armored vehicles, 17 howitzers and others were destroyed. guns, mostly american. here.


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