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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 27, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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and he, increase the chance, the formula for an excellent grill in the magnet that we bring from savito’s travels, a little sea, delicious traditions and cashback bonuses for the next trip, avito’s trip will all go as booked, with cashback, bonuses, sber presents a loan with 2% cashback so that you have even more opportunities. opportunities to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay, opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please the first time, opportunities to get new impressions, a flurry of new impressions, a storm new experiences, apply for a loan with sber and receive a monthly cashback of 2%, more profitable with sber prime. the russian army successfully
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repulsed all attacks in the ssu. the center and south- west groups occupied more advantageous positions. zelensky’s formation lost over a thousand more soldiers and mercenary officers. among other things, destroyed. a train with western weapons and equipment in the udochny area, as well as personnel and equipment of the sixty brigade of the armed forces of ukraine at the loading station in the balakleya area and the drone control point. also, liquidated. it is necessary to nominate participants and veterans of special operations at all levels as candidates. vladimir putin made this appeal to political parties in st. petersburg at a meeting with members of the council of legislators. a special
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personnel program began to operate - the time of heroes, who are these people? these are soldiers and officers who showed real character, leadership, and high human qualities in a combat situation. i am sure that they will also prove themselves worthy in future work, in government, in the field of education, mentoring, as leaders positions in all areas. i really hope, dear colleagues, that political parties will actively nominate and support such candidates during election campaigns at all levels. i would like to note that this is not some company, i want this to be clear to everyone, it’s just that environment, those people from whom we must draw personnel and from whom we must choose for future work, choose people who are ready to serve russia and who serve russia now, not sparing themselves, their health and life. the president also addressed
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parliamentarians with a request to pay attention to issues of interethnic harmony in russia. he noted that cultural diversity is a common heritage and competitive advantage of the country, and told what issues are a priority when working on new laws. it is necessary to put the task of saving people at the forefront. a lot here depends on regional and local authorities, on their involvement in the overall work. we have a big country. and it is important to take into account both the problems and opportunities, the potential of each subject of the federation and, if necessary, help to reveal these potentials. the united states
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has accused ukraine of misusing american abrams tanks. allegedly, erroneous tactics led to the destruction of expensive military vehicles, the british guardian reported. but in the end, kiev was forced to transfer the still living abrams to the rear. about the useless search for a miracle weapon. anna voronina. american aboramanians are more valuable than human lives, at least ukrainian ones. their show force is being thrown at the front line, military equipment sent by washington is being withdrawn, as associated writes press so as not to get hurt. the battlefield has changed significantly, in part due to the widespread use of russian surveillance and hunting drones. these weapons have made it difficult for ukraine to protect tanks; they are quickly discovered. five of the thirty-one tanks have already been lost to russian attacks. if we translate into finances, then kiev lost 50 million dollars in abrams tanks, and everything else. showed the world how
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well they burn, and from precise strikes from russian atgm lancet drones, the cost of which is several times less than american ones tanks, for washington this is anti-advertising. its logic is displayed. from commercial logic, which means trading in these tanks, if they are destroyed by cheap fpv drones costing 400-500 dollars, some kind of disclaimer, they do not want to lose the sales markets of other customers, so they decided that the ukrainian armed forces will do without tanks at the front line. the foreign press warned about the danger of lancets for the armed forces of ukraine last year, pointing precisely to the loss of expensive military equipment transferred to kiev by the west. moscow is increasing the use of inexpensive suicide drones, which are capable of destroying equipment many times its value, are not easy to defend against. lancet drones damage or destroy valuable equipment donated to ukraine by the west, such as the leopard 2 tank and
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caesar self-propelled howitzer. abrams, in addition to the fact that they burn well, are also clumsy, constantly get stuck in the mud due to heavy armor, and the ukrainians are also trying... this is a giant with feet of clay, they were mistaken, now the american side intends to develop new tactics together with kiev the use of expensive equipment, while in the meantime the living force will bear the brunt. anna voronina, olga alvukhina, andrey sapegin,
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lead. men in ukraine have less and less chance of avoiding being sent to the front. recruits are hunted wherever possible. in odessa they began to pull people out of the route.
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it is impossible to live, this is the main thing, but the bbc will not say this, because it will never say it, this is an attempt to some extent to whitewash zelensky and his regime of all his assistants, to whitewash from the point of view in the eyes of european inhabitants that zelensky is his team is doing the maximum possible for mobilization, he did what he could, look at the prison he built, he replayed all the cordons, the ukrainians are still fleeing, which means the european man in the street must come to the aid of the kiev... the bbc calls on people, european citizens to become mercenaries. such advertisements appeared on western job search sites, it seems like a certain media company from the usa is looking for a videographer with experience in combat operations, offers to work in russia and promises to pay 700 dollars a day, that is, about 2 million rubles per day.
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month. it looks like another way to recruit saboteurs to film objects related to military infrastructure on russian territory; they will target so at these coordinates. on the us army, america gives weapons, ukraine pays for western tranches in blood, so the tycoons staged a raid in kiev, and this young man
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seems to have no chance of getting out of such a trap. in odessa, employees of territorial acquisition centers are actively checking minibuses and buses, stopping almost all transport means, drivers have to block their car doors.
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spoke again again for american nuclear weapons to be placed on polish territory, for poland to join the so-called joint nato nuclear missions, during which the possibility of involving the aviation of non-nuclear nato countries in the use of nuclear weapons is being tested, but at the same time the americans repeatedly... they said that they do not see the need to place
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nuclear weapons in poland at the moment, but that’s where it all ends for now. in the volgograd region prevented a series of terrorist attacks, including at the military registration and enlistment office and in public places . those who prepared them were arrested - these were teenagers, members of a neo-nazi group, leaders. this is the volgograd arsenal, here are knives, a very predatory look, an ax, an area, fsb operatives seized a whole suit, a pistol with cartridges, and most importantly, self-synthesized explosives. even that year, these two seventeen-year-old residents of volzhsky joined a pro-ukrainian terrorist organization banned by the russian supreme court. here unequivocal t-shirts in their home. at the direction of the ukrainian curators, from march to november 2023, they smashed 16 cars in volzhsky with z stickers and, in general
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, any symbols of support for the northern military district. everything was filmed and sent to ukraine as a report. on what basis did you choose the car? according to stickers, a distinctive sign in the form of, well, not russian flags, flags of other countries. what else did you plan to do? uh, undermining all sorts of government agencies such as military registration and enlistment offices, the police. one day a friend cooked a bomb. went to the forest to test it a homemade viewing device with striking elements and a 4 kg pyrotechnic mixture , instructions on how to assemble a bomb were sent by a ukrainian curator under the nickname red laughter. i wrote off with a red laugh, he gave us instructions for making a bomb. we made it and tested it. also, later he gave us a pistol to convert into a military weapon. detained. and tested bombs in the volga-okhtubinskaya poima, this is a huge natural park, detonated them without being noticed, and prepared for truly
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major terrorist attacks. on behalf of the ukrainian curators, the accused carried out preparations for major terrorist attacks in the region, including in crowded places. to do this, they independently produced an explosive and conducted preliminary tests. we planned to blow up the third police department, military registration and enlistment offices and other government bodies. yes. what did you need the pistol for? - for murder. killing whom? persons of other nationalities and people representing public authorities. they even sent them a price list of hundreds of dollars for exploration strategic target and setting a car on fire before providing valuable intelligence data. here the price is negotiable. in the russian criminal code there is article 205.5 part two on this subject, and there are very serious terms there. that's who recruits nsvp terrorists, he himself...
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ours is well known in certain circles, sentenced in absentia by a russian court to 4 years under the article of mercenaryism, now, apparently, he is hiding in ukraine, while his puppets, detained in volzhsky, are charged with committing crimes under article: in the central shopping complex,
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the roof collapsed, the fire was localized to an area of ​​1.00 km, about 50 firefighters and 17 pieces of equipment were working on the site, as reported by the ministry of emergency situations, there were no fatalities. a bill on euthanasia is being discussed in france. opinions in society were divided. ekaterina radaeva found out how supporters and opponents of this law defend their position. death instead of life - emmanuel macron presented the french path to euthanasia. for the first time, the president took part in a meeting of the committee to find solutions to legalization.
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90% of french people are indeed in favor of terminally ill people having this right, but many fear the measure will be abused by the authorities, with some doctors saying they do not want to do such work. this bill calls assisted dying. i want to say that i have been treating people for 25 years. it’s our job to help patients, but killing is something else. for many this is unbearably difficult. we believe this approach involves a complete reversal of what is considered caring. liberal mps are actively support macron. this is what
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green representative and active feminist sandrine rousseau said.
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in canada, the authorities have put euthanasia on stream; often the poor are denied benefits and are directly advised to voluntarily leave this world. this saves the canadian treasury about $140 million a year; in quibec, about 8% of registered deaths are already due to this procedure. bureaucrats are especially persistent in trying to get rid of people with disabilities. for example, when former soldier christina gauthier, competing for the national team at the paralympic games, asked for a wheelchair ramp to be made in her house, she was refused, cynically suggesting that she no longer suffer and accept death right now. ekaterina radaeva, anton dadykin, lead. at the forty-sixth moscow international
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film festival , the film shame directed by miguel salgada won the grand prix. cinematography was awarded to russian film director sergei ursulyuk. the results of the film screening will be summed up by ivan kudryavtsev. during these 8 days, moscow international film festival attended by 39. spectators, three dozen world premieres and more than 200 films in competitive out-of-competition programs. but this week-long film journey across countries and continents is crowned with this evening. in the short film competition, the film partners spain won, about a young couple who decides to have dinner together, leaving the children at home. documentary winner, the rook from iran, exploring the world of fantasy and dreams of the famous iranian artist. russian premieres are...
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a film about a father and son who are separated hatred, but the road connected. when my film was accepted and selected for screening at the festival, i was very happy, now, what
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can i say, when i was given a prize, it is a great honor for me. best film of the forty-sixth moscow international film festival, award for best actor for miguel salgado and juan ramon lopez. their film shame came to us from mexico, a picture about two friends who are forced by bandits to us. this is a sad reality that we have had in mexico for over 10 years, what is happening is that young people are being recruited by representatives organized crime. i believe that art, as such, can awaken some changes within us so that we become better people. finally, sergei ursulyak, the creator of the films righteous, receives the golden saint george for his contribution to the development of cinema. liquidation, life and fate, in his response speech sergei vladimirovich symbolically returns the prize to soviet cinema, the traditions of which he follows and its great masters. film
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closing of the forty-sixth moscow international film festival major thunder game, new film by oleg trafim from the comics studio bubble. a large-scale spectacle with a strong detective plot will definitely exceed the highest expectations of viewers; the film will be released in theaters from may 23. ivan kudryavtsev, janet arlt, pavel meer, alexander shestopalov, news. closing of the miff. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest. and receive a supercake in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free from any atm. not just profitable, alpha profitable. what do we bring back from savita’s travels? a little sea, delicious traditions and cashback bonuses for your next trip. avito travel
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the russian army successfully repelled all attacks in so. the center, south and west groups occupied more advantageous positions. zelensky’s formation lost over a thousand more soldiers and mercenary officers. among other things, destroyed. a train with western weapons and equipment in the udachny area, as well as personnel and equipment of the sixty-seventh brigade of the ukrainian armed forces at the loading station in the balaklya area , a drone control point. in addition, 24
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armored vehicles and 17 howitzers were destroyed. their guns are mainly


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