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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 27, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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army. the center, south-west groupings occupied more advantageous positions, zelensky’s formations lost over a thousand more soldiers, mercenary officers, among other things, a train with western weapons and equipment in the udachny area was destroyed, as well as personnel and equipment of the 6th seventh brigade of the ukrainian armed forces at a loading station in the area balakley drone control point. in addition, 24 armored vehicles, 17 howitzers and other guns were destroyed, mainly... american air defense forces shot down 193
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combat drones and three french hammer guided bombs. about the situation on the front line leonid muravyov. in the dim light of a lantern , pine trees and roadside bushes flash by. sand flies in the face, so the driver with the call sign tungus drives the combat vehicle wearing safety glasses. he rushes along roads and alleys following landmarks known only to him. before mobilization he was a huntsman. with his element. and here is the mstas self-propelled gun in a firing position. the operator of a reconnaissance drone circling over the right bank of the dnieper transmits coordinates to the crew commander. the crew prepares the gun for battle. accurate hit from the first shot. above the temporary deployment point the ukrainian armed forces soldier smoke rises, the ammunition burns and detonates. the enemy had not yet come to his senses, but the night hunter, as the artillerymen call their self-propelled gun, had already returned to the shelter. preparing for the next
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combat exit, we hear a sound, we don’t see it visually, the sky is dirty, a ukrainian reconnaissance drone is circling above the firing position where it has just worked, combat work has been suspended for a while, taking advantage of the pause, we study the self-propelled gun from the inside. unlike the t-72 tank, on the basis of which the mstas self-propelled gun was created, there is much more space in the tower here. four crew members can be accommodated, this is in addition to the mechanic. 50 shells of 152 mm caliber and the same number of powder charges have been telling this self-propelled gun for less than a year, a gunner with the call sign rus, they brought it straight from the factory, the car is new , modern, the computer works for us, that is, there is no need to run around, set the aiming point and buso. to orient the car so as
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not to risk your life, you can coordinate everything on the computer, shoot, arrive, aim, shoot. rus' in the special operation zone from the first days, his commander with the call sign count, from among the mobilized, in civilian life, was an electrician. a year ago, i didn’t know what msta, as they say, or artillery in general, all i knew about artillery was that these are the people who fire cannons. during the defense of the left bank of the dnieper, the crew of the night hunter. there were dozens of destroyed enemy strongholds, armored vehicles, and boats. in this video , ukrainian marines are preparing for a night sortie, they brought equipment boats to the river, one shot of a self-propelled artillery installation, all boats are sinking, the landing operation is nipped in the bud. because of such accuracy and firing range, our self-propelled guns have become the highest priority target for the command of the ukrainian armed forces. this is another kamikaze drone raid. the noise of the propellers cannot be confused with anything,
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the crew of the van is taking up an all-round defense, we are watching the pipingtooth, but at the moment it has flown by, that’s how we hear it, yes, the danger has passed, the drone was shot down over a neighboring position, the crew is returning to the capanier to prepare the van, after sunset, the night hunter will go for new trophies, leonid muravyov and andrey potap, to lead the kherson region, participants and veterans of the special operation. must be nominated as candidates in elections at all levels. vladimir putin made this appeal to political parties in st. petersburg at a meeting with members of the council of legislators. with the coming russian day, a special personnel program, the time of heroes, has already begun to operate. who are these people? these are soldiers and officers who showed real character, leadership, and high human qualities in a combat situation. sure. also what
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they will prove themselves worthy in future work in government, in the field of education, mentoring in leading positions in all areas, i very much... i hope, dear colleagues, that political parties will actively nominate and support such candidates during election campaigns at all levels. what i would like to note: this is not some company, i want this to be clear to everyone, this is just the environment, those people from which we must draw personnel and from which we must choose for future work, choose people who ready serve russia and who serve russia now. the president also addressed parliamentarians with a request to pay attention to issues of interethnic harmony in russia. he noted that cultural diversity is a common heritage and competitive
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advantage of the country, and told what issues are a priority when working on new laws. the head of the corner must be placed. the task of saving people, the well-being of russian families, and strengthening the sovereignty of our country. a lot here depends on regional and local authorities, on their involvement in the overall work. we have a large country, it is important to take into account both the problems and opportunities, the potential of each subject of the federation and, if necessary, help them to reveal these potentials. ukrainian authorities continue to destroy the memory of the fight against the nazis. the memorial to soviet soldiers who died during the great patriotic war was completely destroyed. the monument was erected on the hill of glory. the zelensky regime ordered
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it to be scrapped. the money will be sent by a battalion of neo-nazis. the kiev regime has already destroyed several hundred of these monuments. the us secretary of state ended his visit to china with threats against beijing. antony blinken essentially demanded an end to cooperation with russia. the chinese foreign ministry accused the states of hypocrisy. about how washington is gradually losing its influence. natalya solovyova. china's main political building is the great hall of the people, and it is here that xi zen receives anthony blinken on the final day of the american secretary of state's visit. the president of the people's republic of china expresses hope that us-china relations will overcome the accumulated problems. 45 years of chinese-american relations have gone through ups and downs and have given us many important discoveries. both countries should be partners, not rivals. they should
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achieve mutual success, and not harm each other. they should seek common ground while maintaining disagreement and pure competition. they should. relations between the united states and china are exactly at the stage where the very fact of dialogue is already a kind of achievement. news about the secretary of state’s working trip appeared on the front pages of american newspapers even before it began and was full of ultimatums
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statements. washington threatened sanctions against beijing for supporting moscow, separately promising to act against chinese banks, intending to cut them off from the global financial system. there were no sensations following the negotiations in beijing. the secretary of state confirmed that the united states is ready to move from words to deeds and take new measures against china against the backdrop of the ukrainian crisis. we on the us side have already imposed sanctions against more than 100 chinese entities, export controls and so on, and we are fully ready to act, take new measures, i have made this clear understand at today's meetings. washington is not giving up trying to set up china. against moscow in the ukrainian issue, especially on the eve of the russian leader’s visit to beijing, blackmail and trade barriers and increased tariffs on chinese goods were used. at a meeting with his colleague , chinese foreign minister wani sternly warned that threats to the united states will not achieve anything, otherwise disruptions
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will only await chinese-american relations. china's legitimate development rights have been unreasonably infringed, our core interests are facing challenges, must whether... branches of the mid. the working trip itself was as per protocol, and the head of shanghai started just a few hours after the united states decided to send $95 billion to ukraine, israel and taiwan, where eight of them are for weapons. chinese media called washington’s position hypocritical and strictly demanded not to meddle in other people’s affairs. the united states itself provides military assistance to ukraine, but at the same time continues to point the finger at
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china. this is irresponsible behavior. the road to solving the crisis lies through building sustainable european security system. china is not a party to the conflict in ukraine and has nothing to do with the problems that have arisen in the region. blaming china will not solve these problems. judging by such statements, no significant breakthrough, like a year ago, was achieved during the secretary of state’s visit to china.
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to achieve its goals, washington is exerting unprecedented pressure, including on its partners, relegating them to the role of obedient executors. widely used as influence tools financial, political and diplomatic, and in some cases, forceful methods. a repeatedly proven method of inciting and maintaining pockets of instability in various regions of the world is being used.
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the russian federation has never threatened, we have neither geopolitical nor military interests to attack the state of the bloc, we are simply protecting our people in our historical territories, the collective west is pumping ukraine with weapons, sending not only instructors, but mercenaries, with the direct participation of advisers sabotage is being planned and prepared, including on russian territory. kiev uses the weapons received from it
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to cause damage to civilian infrastructure of the russian federation. the actions of nato and the european union, according to sergei shaigu, negatively affect the situation in the sco space; to increase pressure on china, for example, they use the taiwan factor, against the backdrop of general anxiety, because of such manipulations , russian-chinese relations are becoming increasingly brighter, and military personnel. countries are conducting more and more regularly operational and combat training; on the sidelines of the meeting, the first face-to-face meeting between sergei shaigu and donjun after the latter’s appointment as minister of defense of the prc. new tensions arise and old ones intensify. in essence, this is the result of geopolitical adventures, selfish neo-colonial actions of the west. in contrast to the generally alarming situation , russian-chinese comprehensive partnerships are being systematically built. and strategic interaction, the approaches of our countries to fundamental issues of the modern
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world order and current international do the problems coincide or are close? in the context of a changing international situation, it is especially important that the relationship between our armed forces remains highly dynamic, responding to the spirit of the era; our interaction is important for strategic stability on the planet. shaigu's unscheduled meeting with the pakistani defense minister promises expanded cooperation in the military sphere. two agreements were signed with the ministry of defense of the kyrgyz republic on information exchange and gratitude the minister of defense of the country, mahamad ashti, handed over to russia from the islamic republic of iran. i would like to take this opportunity
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to thank you for your fair and honest position towards the islamic republic of iran, for your support. the moment of the attack on our consulate in damascus, as well as for your balanced position on our proportionate response. the meeting of defense ministers within the framework of the shanghai cooperation organization speaks of active integration processes in the military sphere, perhaps the most closed, but also the most relevant today. egor grigoriev, oleg makarov, astana. palestinian authorities have announced the completion of exhumations from three mass graves discovered in the gaza strip. according to the palestinians. in khan yunis , about 400 bodies were found on the territory of the nasr hospital complex after the departure of israeli troops. some show signs of torture, as well as surgical removal of organs. in march, there were fierce battles going on there; hundreds of civilians tried to escape the shelling in the hospital. palestinian representatives accused the idf of war crimes. israel its
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categorically denies any involvement. the un high commissioner for human rights said he was shocked by these facts. and called for an international investigation. europol detained a library gang that stole books by russian classics. the gang operated in nine countries, and zenaida kurbatova will tell you how they got caught. 14 swindlers committed a quite large-scale theft, as we see, 150 of the most important books, but the criminal group is also large. however, as the amount for which you sell. this is at least 2.5 million euros. they stole from european libraries. why is this the first building? pushkin and gogol, of course. this is a huge value for us, but not particularly for europe. whether there was a russian customer in this story remains to be seen, but usually criminals do not rat out customers. the international investigation began after france sent a report on
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the siena platform to europol, after which other partners confirmed that they had identified a similar one. cases in their territories. they identified it, which means that the library took the book and saw that it was a fake. according to europol artificial fake. very interesting, who made it? after all, in order to make such a fake, you need not only the paper that was used at the beginning of the 19th century, but a seal. we don’t have 100% fonts, at least with the cyrillic alphabet of the early 19th century. ah, because the bolsheviks after the reform. spelling destroyed most of the fonts, well, then there was the printing method, because if we consider the beginning of the 19th century, then printing was done on machines similar to gutenberg’s, however, it could also be a digital copy, and this could only be done by a specialist recognizes: they sold stolen goods in auction houses in moscow and st. petersburg, we understand that
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library stamps, usually the seventeenth page, can be washed off, perhaps... we selected several from the library of the academy of sciences in st. petersburg, they were taken out more than once, this institution can be directly noted, the fire inion libraries in moscow also played into the hands of scammers, as we see, sometimes they cut out engravings from library
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books, some of them cut out engravings, one great artist was caught doing this, i will spread this type of crash. restoration of justice. such the first editions of pushkin and gogol are in great demand among collectors and cost millions of rubles. of course, this depends on the condition of the book. there is also fashion. recently, collectors were chasing rare scientific publications, now classics are in fashion. the biggest danger is when an academician or
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collector dies, and his collection of rare books is transferred to the library, but there they do not register it for a very long time. big risk. it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. in pursuit of views , entire locations are changed. the world is becoming a greater eurasia, in it new points of economic growth are emerging, where significant reserves of energy resources, raw materials, pressed water are concentrated, as well as key transport and
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logistics routes, while the west is trying to maintain its claims to dominance in the world economy, the prime minister noted. countries of the global south should create interstate associations and form independent macro-regions in response to such pressure. russia traditionally has a strong position in eurasia. integration associations show convincing results in economy. at the end of last year, gdp growth in the ias reached 3.8%. this is higher than the world average and significantly better than in the european union. there the figure was only half a percent. typically, the gdp growth rates of the five countries are higher than in the cis countries that do not participate in the in-depth integration format, which once again proves the benefits of eurasian interaction. constantly. mutual trade is expanding. in 2023, in the eurasian union it reached a record 7,400 billion rubles
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, almost twice as much as at the time of its creation. and in commonwealth of independent states exceeded the 10 trillion ruble mark. it is important for russia to increase cooperation with friendly countries in all areas and at the same time to highlight leading areas in each of the areas of industrial, agricultural, digital and migration. healthcare, science, culture, sports, and of course, education. for it is necessary to further expand joint projects in russia, it is important that a single market for work in the space has already been formed, and in the current geopolitical conditions it has been tested goods, services and capital in eurasian and steel. this was stated by the minister of economic development maxim reshetnikov. the stability of the russian economy is also related to integration processes. of course, it is important for us, further work related to
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the conclusion of free trade agreements, that is, the formation of even larger markets. now you know that an agreement with iran is about to be ratified, and iran has more than 80 million people, it is a very large market, together with vietnam, with vietnam, with... serbia we we are already forming such a, well, in general, a really large market with a capacity of more than 400 million people for mutual supplies. work on the concept of a large eurasian partnership continues; the idea to create such a concept was put forward by the president; it should clearly reflect the vision of our country, the priorities of cooperation with its closest neighbors and allies, prime minister mikhail mishustin emphasized.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on april 27, 1810 , ludwik van beethoven wrote a piano the play "kalize". but world-famous - it’s simple. the play in the key of la minor became available much later, raising a lot of questions. 40 years after the composer's death, his biographer, musician ludwig nohl, discovered the manuscript in munich. it was an album sheet with notes and an inscription for eliza on april 27 in memory of ludwig van beethovin. nohl published the play, but the manuscript soon disappeared again without a trace. who eliza was is still debated. in the 20th century, the german scholar of beethoven, max unger, suggested
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that... that zero poorly understood the handwriting and the work is dedicated to the pianist beethoven's student teresa malfati von rohrenbach. the composer wanted to marry her, but was refused. there is even a version that iliza could be the russian empress elizaveta alekseevna, wife of alexander i, nee louise maria augusta badanskaya. in general, the mystery has not been solved, but beethovin’s most romantic piece is now included in the compulsory curriculum of music schools around the world. on april 27, 1918, the all-russian central executive committee of the rsfsr issued a decree with loud name about the abolition of inheritance. the revolutionary document implied that the practice of inheritance would no longer exist; it was a relic of the past, of capitalism. after the deceased, their property, regardless of the presence of a will, will go to the state, however, disabled relatives could still receive
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maintenance from this property.
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porque mucho antes hubo revolución rusa en 1917, only because the russian revolution of 1917 took place much earlier. after moscow, for almost 40 days he traveled to different corners of the soviet union. fidel visited volgograd, tashkent, irkutsk, and talked with ordinary people everywhere. castro became the first foreign leader. who was shown soviet strategic objects, nikita khrushchev’s son sergei writes about this in the book. his father invited castro to look at the r-16 combat intercontinental missile; this showed him the highest confidence. it’s not like our foreigners weren’t allowed into combat positions. castro suddenly asked whether it would damage the rocket if he left his autograph on its body. if, god forbid, you have to apply, let the american imperialists.
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they know that this is greetings from cuba. exactly 50 years ago, on april 27, 1974 , the first all-union shock komsomol detachment named after the seventeenth congress of the komsomol, at which bam was declared a shock komsomol construction site, set off to build the baikal-amur mainline of the famous bam. this status meant that the construction site was supplied with priority, and the young volunteer builders were well off.
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