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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 27, 2024 6:30am-7:00am MSK

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as the long work week resumes, the rains will reach their peak. how much precipitation will fall in moscow and how soon the sun will begin to peek through the clouds again. current weather analytics on channel russia 24. i am vadim zavodchenkov, leading specialist at centroros. hello, the weather in the central regions has deteriorated, but only to improve for the holiday weekend. the negative impact of the cyclone began to be felt the day before on friday. the wave front of this vortex stretched from crimea to vyatka, it brought relatively little precipitation, but it were very diverse, even within the same region. a striking example of tauris, while in simferopol it was raining mixed with african sand, sevastopoltsev drove hail the size of cherries under the awnings.
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and this is footage from ukraine, where the disaster was in earnest: powerful downpours covered many cities, streams of water rushed through the streets, in kiev, more than twenty cars drowned right in the parking lot near the bus station. today , most of european russia will be at the mercy of the atlantic cyclone, outside the bad storm zone only the southern latitude of the volga region will remain. the area of ​​this vortex contains quite warm air, therefore. only in the polar regions will the rain turn into snow, and the heaviest precipitation, on the order of the third-month norm, is expected in places in the north and center of the region. the first echelon of rain clouds reached moscow last night. around 15% of the monthly volume of moisture has already fallen in the capital; before lunch, showers and thunderstorms will acquire a local, short-term character, and then again sharply increase in total. at weather stations in the capital
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almost the full ten-day norm of precipitation will be collected, but today's bad weather is a sign of an imminent change in the weather trend. tomorrow an anticyclone will begin to form on the russian plain, and this achak will push the fields of frontal clouds to the south and east of european russia. as a result, the weather in the region will be quite contrasting during the holidays. in the west it is mostly sunny, but from the shores of the black sea, from muralala, arrays of rain clouds will stretch, this development of atmospheric processes explains the features temperature regime, if in the west of the russian plain by may 1 the air during the day can warm up to +18.23, then in the south, on the contrary, the heat will subside and the daytime temperature will not exceed +20-25, an even more serious cooling is expected in the middle volga, here in the midday hours only a plus...
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for example, in samara today and tomorrow it is abnormally hot, in the afternoon + 26-28, this is slightly higher than even the july norm, but from monday the city will be covered with fields of rain clouds from the atmospheric front, so that the influx of solar heat will be reduced and the temperature the regime will return to the climate, in the daytime +15-17, in moscow on the contrary, today rain clouds will not allow the thermometer to rise above plus... and already on sunday the clouds will clear and nothing will stop the sun from warming up the air well, with the start of a new week in the capital , as if in the afternoon of june +2022, that’s all for me, goodbye.
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the most significant events of this day in history, in a selection by ekaterina burlakova. this. in history, we’ll tell you right now. hello. on april 27, 1810, ludwig van beethoven wrote the piano piece "kalise". but this is known throughout the world... this simple piece in the key of laminor became known much later, giving rise to a lot of questions. 40 years after the composer's death, his biographer, musician ludwik nohl, discovered the manuscript in munich. it was an album sheet with notes and an inscription for eliza on april 27 in memory of ludwig. zero published the play, here is the manuscript soon she disappeared again without a trace. who
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eliza was is still debated. in the 20th century, the german researcher of beethoven's work max unger suggested that nohl poorly understood the handwriting and the work is dedicated to the pianist beethoven's student teresa malfati von rohrenbach. the composer wanted to marry her, but was refused. there is even a version that iliza’s wife could be the russian empress elizaveta alekseevna. it will be a relic of past capitalism. after the deceased, their property, regardless
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of the presence of a will, will go to the state. true, disabled relatives could still receive maintenance from this property. however, the decree stated that if the value of the property does not exceed 10,000 rubles. spouses or relatives continue to manage it. that is, the family was allowed to use the house, the deceased’s belongings and household items. and a maternity leave for changes in real life. didn't bring it. everything big had already been nationalized, and there was no time to deal with small revolutionaries. as a result , the legal norm came to naught after only 4 years in 1922, when the civil code was adopted. in it, although with restrictions, the institution of inheritance was restored. on april 27, 1963 , the leader of the cuban revolution, fidel castro , came to moscow for the first time. the visit was prepared in an atmosphere.
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after moscow, for almost 40 days he traveled to different parts of the soviet union. fidel visited volgograd, tashkent, irkutsk, and talked with ordinary people everywhere. castro became the first foreign leader to be shown soviet strategic sites. nikita khrushchev’s son sergei writes about this in the book. father invited castra to watch the battle intercontinental missile r-16. this gave him the highest confidence. not like our foreigners. they were not allowed into combat positions. castro suddenly asked: would it harm the rocket if he left his
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autograph on its body, if god forbid, he would have to use it, let the american imperialists know that this was greetings from cuba. exactly 50 years ago, on april 27, 1974 , the first all-union komsomol shock detachment named after went to the construction of the baikal-amur mainline of the famous bam. seventeenth congress of the komsomol, at which bam was declared shock komsomol construction. this status meant that the construction site was supplied with priority , and young volunteer builders were paid well and provided with many benefits. young people from all over the union went to build. villages, cities and enterprises grew around the bam, the creation of which was the responsibility of different regions of the country. for example, tynda was built by muscovites, severobaikalsk, leningraders. taishet to the soviet harbor through
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the territory of the irkutsk, chetinsk, amur regions, buryatia, yakutia and khabarovsk territory. the length of bama is 4,300 km or more thousands of them were laid in areas of permafrost and high seismicity. much has been filmed and written about obama. it fell to us to build the iron road, and in short to you, this is what this day in history was like. let me tell you, briefly about the main thing, for this hour: in ukraine , memory is being destroyed again; in the city , the figures of soldiers erected in memory of soviet soldiers who died during the second world war have been toppled, local media report this. heavy snowfall and blizzard in magadan, icy roads and zero visibility. rescuers brought forces to high alert mode, bad weather in
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the region will last until may 2. on the dam, in the tyumen region near... obadskaya , a leak was discovered, it is being fixed, reverse movement is organized, it was decided to strengthen patrols, the governor announced this. in the region as a whole, the flood situation is difficult; near the village of vikulova, the embankment is being built up, and 60 units of special equipment are working. the yemeni mc said it attacked a british oil ship in the red sea. the strike was carried out using missiles that hit the target exactly. the leader of the houthi movement wrote about this in the telegram channel. also members of the paramilitary.
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with the italian ariston and german bosch transferred to temporary management of the gazprom structure gazprombytovye sistemy. the corresponding decree was signed by vladimir putin. the manufacturer of household appliances bosch, which also includes the brands siemens, gagina, unef and zelmer, announced the suspension of activities in russia 2 years ago. as a result, its revenue, which was about 50 billion in the twenty-first year, fell to almost two billion in the twenty-third. the revenue of its competitor ariston in the twenty-third was about. 9.5 billion, but net profit decreased over the year by 12 times to 33 million rubles. by order of the president, the government will allocate up to 490 million rubles to the orenburg region. to help flood victims. the funds will be taken from the cabinet's reserve fund. they will be used for social support of citizens, including those who have lost essential property
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. this tranche takes into account the confirmed expenses of the region to provide assistance to flood victims, but the authorities. in russia, the number of applications for registration of patents in the first quarter grew to almost 7,000, which is 11.5% more than a year earlier. such calculations are provided by rospatent. the upward trend in the number of patent applications continues. we see that russian entrepreneurs and innovators are very active, and the trend towards an increase in the number of applications continues. nigeria has begun negotiations with russia to revive the ajaakuta steel plant project. local media reported this. the contractor should be tyazhpromexport, which is part of rostec. to complete the work you will need about 2 billion dollars. construction of the plant began back in 1979; the work took 15 years and was 98% completed. now
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nigeria is heavily dependent on oil exports, so the country's government is heading towards industrialization. and above all, for the production of steel. the party tried to complete the project with other contractors, including the united states, but to no avail. today, 3/4 of the enterprise's capacity is idle. the government of south ossetia and rus neftigaz agreed to explore oil fields. the agreement was signed in friday, well , geological exploration work will begin in the tskhenvali and zaussky regions in the near future. all stages can take from three to 5 years. the agreements signed today are of great socio-economic importance for the republic. we expect that today's event will be followed by positive steps in the development of our mining and oil industries. according to experts, we can provide the republic with our own fuel, oil, and diesel fuel. and that’s all i have for now, more news in the next one hour. maria, thanks
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to my colleague maria grigorieva for the economic news. s20 attack aircraft crews. 5 cm strike alligators k-52 destroyed the position of the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​the populated area was successful. we destroyed fire weapons, ammunition depots, and a trainload of enemy weapons and military equipment. aircraft controllers assist the crew. they provide coordinates and the accuracy of the strike depends on their work. they tell attack aircraft not only where the target is located, but also the direction. aviation, the second task is to ensure safe overflight of our aviation, it is precisely the output of its communication, two-way radio communication, so
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we observe missile launches and safe departure from the enemy’s affected area. and in one of the rear areas of a special military operation , the crews of the solntsepek heavy flamethrower systems undergo intensive training and combat coordination, but before practice, the actions are practiced on special ones. systems only consider nuclear weapons, thanks to the thermoboric shells we use, the enemy simply has no chance of escaping anywhere or even surviving, yes,
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that is, well, in fact, only ashes remain after the work of our combat vehicles, our toses have no analogues in the world, they destroy both equipment and manpower with a temperature of 3.0° and a pressure drop, adrenaline goes off scale, the full power of this machine is felt. precision, and you can immediately feel it, that is , proofreading, all this is at a very high level, straight strength, this is russian strength, soon these crews will go to the northern military district, we were marching in vain with the armed forces, we need to show our masculine character, masculine charisma, and as if don’t be afraid of anything, no obstacles ; experienced instructors, who have more than a hundred combat missions and... thousands of unguided rockets fired at the enemy, tell us how to behave on the battlefield. the final stage of training for crews of heavy flamethrower systems is test firing, where two standards are assessed: time,
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time spent in the firing position and accuracy of the hit. attention to the separation of the car in places. but first, the theory: practical skills are practiced on simulators, exact copies of combat vehicles. the algorithm of actions must be memorized by both the brain and muscles until it becomes automatic. there is a big hunt for combatants. that’s why we work with cars at night in order to attract as little attention as possible, and the tank drives by itself in the night, that is, not a single headlight, no flashlight illuminates it, it’s just a ghost in the darkness. coordination takes place in different weather conditions, at different times of the day, they use the sun, these combat vehicles from the first days on the fronts of the northern military district, and the modernized version, tosochka, it is more maneuverable, technologically advanced, and the main thing is that it shoots many times further, but... europol
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detained members of a criminal group who stole rare editions of russian classics from european libraries. the gang operated in nine countries. how they got caught, zinaida will tell you about it. 14 swindlers committed a quite large-scale theft, as we see, 150 of the rarest. books, but the criminal group is also large, however, the amount for which the rarities were sold is no less than 2.5 million euros. they stole from european libraries. why these are the first editions of pushkin and gogol is clear; for us this is of great value for europe, not especially. whether there was a russian customer in this story remains to be seen, but usually criminals do not rat out customers. an international investigation began after france sent a report on the platform. to europol, after which other partners confirmed that they had identified similar cases in their territories. they identified it, which means that the library took the book and saw that it was
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a fake. according to europol , it is an artificial fake. very interesting, who made it? after all, in order to do such a fake requires not only paper, which was used at the beginning of the 19th century, but a seal. we don’t have shrichts, at least with the cyrillic alphabet of the early 19th century. 100%, because after the spelling reform the bolsheviks destroyed most of the fonts, well, then there was the printing method, because if we consider the beginning of the 19th century, then printing was done on machines similar to gutenberg’s. however, it could have been a digital copy, and only a specialist would recognize this. they sold the stolen goods in auction houses in moscow and st. petersburg. we understand that strain... to figure out
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whether this copy is genuine or whether some pages were replaced and the seals were erased, where it was taken from, someone's seals were erased, either from some liquidated red youth club in the city of kalenin, or from the warsaw library. books have always been stolen and much more often than paintings, because a painting is in one copy, books are an edition; they are easier to take out, you don’t need to cut them off the stretcher, just put them in your pocket, in ours... some of the tetas cut out engravings of one great artist on caught this, this type of theft widespread, we showed thefts from large ones , as we see, sometimes from library books, libraries, and there are countless numbers taken from provincial and departmental ones.
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declassed elements came to provincial libraries for simply stealing these books, as people say, putting them in their belts, this is a system in some social groups, so to speak, book theft is not even considered a crime , it is considered rather some strange way of restoring justice, such first editions of pushkin gogol are in great demand among collectors. costs millions of rubles, of course, it depends on the condition of the book, there is also fashion, recently collectors were chasing rare scientific publications, now classics are in fashion, the biggest danger is when an academician or collector dies and his collection of rare books is transferred to the library, and there it is very they don’t register for a long time, it’s a big risk.
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for this case, it will be an honest detective. let me tell you briefly about the main thing. the brazilian police did not find any explosives in our embassy. locals reported this mass media. a group of dog handlers searched all the premises. earlier, diplomats received a call about a bomb threat and then approached the building.


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