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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 27, 2024 10:00am-10:30am MSK

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the weather will improve in the eastern regions. the grand prix is ​​coming to mexico. the award for contribution to world cinema remains in russia. the international film festival has ended in moscow. let's summarize. and we start with floods in russian regions. the most alarming situation now is in the tyumen region. the level of the ishim river in the village of obatskaya has reached almost 12 m , the federal highway is beginning to flood, and an emergency evacuation of residents has been announced. we will learn all the latest information from our correspondent ksenia usoltsev. she is in direct contact with studio. ksenia, greetings, which settlements are drowning the most right now? daria, greetings, indeed, we are now on the tyumen-omsk federal highway. it connects the east and west of the country; it was here the day before. during the patrol
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, a small leak was detected, but the road services immediately responded, from yesterday evening until this morning they continue to fill up the protective structure, now, as the road workers say, there is no urgent threat, but nevertheless, the head of the bath district igor vasilyev called on the population to urgently evacuate, in particular from the streets that are closely adjacent to the federal highway, the highway itself is now open to traffic, it is organized in reverse... mode, but cars are allowed through a little in proportion so that they do not enter the roadway itself there was such serious pressure regarding evacuation, it is now actively underway, we talked with local residents, everyone understands perfectly well that it is now absolutely unsafe to stay in their homes, despite the fact that work to strengthen the structure continues, people are leaving their homes, volunteers are entering every house, so we saw that many residential areas have already been sealed. and we practically didn’t
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meet any people there, yes, indeed, at 10 a.m. local time, the water level in the ishim river, here in the obbatskaya district center, was 11 m99 cm, this is higher than it was in 2017, then the mark was recorded at 11:48, and of course, work is now underway to, first of all , evacuate the population; in general, the flood situation in the region, of course, is still remains quite tense. daria, give the floor. studio. ksenia, thank you. we will monitor the flood situation in the tyumen region. ksenia usoltseva was in direct contact with the studio. in some regions, the ice on the rivers is just melting. a sharp rise in water is occurring in the irkutsk region. rescuers discovered three jams amid freezing conditions. in the northern regions, the situation is monitored continuously. in the kurgan region , the load on the dam also remains. authorities say the water level in tabola is still above normal. to orenburgsk. number of flooded
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houses are decreasing decreased by another 3.0. now the housing needs to be dried, garbage removed and disinfected, and the damage is being assessed. according to the ministry of emergency situations, almost 9,00 houses and 14,500 plots of land still remain in the water. in mordovia , all objects and territories have already been freed from water, including two bridges that remained flooded until recently . and last night the east of our country was covered by a powerful cyclone affecting kamchatka. brought snow with rain and gusty winds, a warning was announced on the peninsula for the next few days avalanche danger. there is heavy snowfall in khabarovsk, the airport operates according to actual weather conditions, one flight was cancelled. a blizzard is raging in kolyma, the roads are covered in snow, and visibility is almost zero. emergency services have been placed on high alert. lyudmila shcherbakova will talk about the consequences of the cyclone. snowfall and blowing on the roads is zero visibility, wind gusts reach 20 m. it has a particularly serious
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effect on the coast of the region; it is now unsafe to travel along the kolyma highway from magadan to the nearest suburban villages, traffic inspectors ask residents to obey the speed limit on icy roads. the main danger in the region was not declared, but the snow is wet and sticky, so the rescuer recommended that residents... do not travel to mountain passes, refrain from long-distance ski trips, try not to travel somewhere outside populated areas, since the weather does not allow on the roads quite slippery, also refrain from all kinds of travel, hunting and fishing trips, including, the ice on the bays of the sea of ​​okhotsk is also unstable, the strength of the main means the rschs control systems are in enhanced mode for the coming weekend.
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readiness, in readiness to respond to possible emergency situations. magadan airport operates as usual, the runway is cleared every hour, long-haul aircraft arrive on schedule. pilots of small -scale aircraft make decisions about departure individually, visibility is poor, some flights are postponed. according to aviation forecasts serving intraregional weather forecasters, bad weather will persist in the magadan region for several more days, quite a lot of precipitation will fall, the weather will only improve by the middle of next week. lyudmila chervakova, rustam akhmetov, host magadan. in ukraine, attacks on military targets are reported, including in the western regions of the country. according to media reports, strikes were recorded in lviv, ivano-frankivsk, ternopil, zhytomyr, khmelnitsky, kiev and other regions. they write that this is the most massive attack in recent times.
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reports of explosions also come from dnepropetrovsk, nikolaev and kharkov. they claim that in the kharkov region they were heard in the area of ​​a plant where aircraft and fuel equipment are repaired. in nikolaevsko. a warehouse with ammunition at the martynovka airfield and a railway station in kherson, controlled by the armed forces of ukraine, came under attack. according to some reports , four thermal power plants were also damaged. i would like to note that russia is using high-precision weapons to attack military targets, as well as infrastructure that is related to the military objectives of the kiev regime. russian su-34s hit a ukrainian armed forces stronghold with fab-500 bombs. about tell about the work of supersonic fighters in the zone of responsibility of the vostok group of forces. to the ministry of defense, after confirmation from intelligence that the target was destroyed, the planes returned to their home airfield. the military department also explained that fab-500 are unguided aerial bombs with a universal planning and correction module. this allows you to deliver precise strikes from a safe distance. in one of
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the special operations canteen areas they conduct training for crews of heavy flamethrower systems. this is the final stage of preparation. skills are practiced on simulators that are accurate. ruslan bekbulatov saw replicas of combat vehicles and how the training took place. the weight of one such projectile is more than 200 kg. among themselves, military personnel of the rkhbz troops call it a cucumber due to its external resemblance. behind the innocuous nickname lies devastating power. western military experts believe that only nuclear systems are more dangerous than russian heavy flamethrower systems. thanks to the thermoboric projectiles that we use, the enemy simply has no chance of escaping anywhere or even surviving, yes, that is, well, the only thing left is really the ashes after the work of our combat vehicles, our thos have no analogues in the world, destroy both
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equipment and manpower, with a temperature of 3,000 ° and a pressure drop, the adrenaline goes off scale, the full power of this machine is felt, and its accuracy... is immediately felt, that is proofreading, all this is at a very high level, straight strength, this is russian strength, soon these crews will go to the northern military district, we were marching in vain, or something , the armed forces, we need to show our masculine character, masculine charisma, as if they are not afraid of anything, no obstacles, how to lead experienced instructors, who have more than a hundred combat missions and thousands fired at the enemy, tell themselves on the battlefield.
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at night, in order to attract as little attention as possible, and the tank drives by itself at night, that is, not a single headlight, no flashlight shines on it, it’s just this, this is a ghost in the darkness. coordination takes place in different weather conditions, at different times of the day, they use the sun, these combat vehicles from the first days on the fronts of the northern military district, and the modernized version, tosochka, it is more maneuverable, technologically advanced, and the main thing is that it shoots many times further, it strikes not from 6 km, one might say, almost point-blank, from twenty. ruslan bikhbulatov, dmitry cherkasov, alexander bazhenov, lead. belgium can send kiev from two to four f-16 fighters, european media reported this. according to the kingdom's minister of defense, deliveries are planned before the end
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of the year, but the exact dates depend on the receipt of spare parts, as well as new aircraft ordered from the united states. the states themselves are preparing to conclude new contracts with military-industrial complex enterprises, as soon as they get it. all this is ukraine in a few years, realizing this, berlin is now trying to force the allies to sacrifice the weapons that they already have. maria skorodilka will tell you the details.
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also retains the cognitive abilities necessary to successfully serve as chancellor. there will be no answer. newspapers call the chancellor unremembered; his colleagues in the bundestag do not know where he disappeared to. only the united states announced assistance in ukraine. the german chancellor disappeared from the arena. the great alienation. german economy in despair over scholz seeks open confrontation, headlines scream publications washington calls on its allies to join, to find something, to give. ukraine, but europe has no money. military analysts advise kiev to perceive the american aid package as the last, writes
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business insider. further support will be thwarted by political considerations in europe and the us. everyone has elections around the corner. at the same time , even the pentagon does not know whether ukraine will become stronger with us money. experts state that the scale of corruption in kiev is to blame for everything. one of the most important problems that will not allow ukraine to win is corruption. in russia is happening. rotation of personnel, soldiers, officers are integrated into the political structure through a competitive system; in ukraine, the children of officials continue to party in bars while their compatriots die at the front. an important task for ukraine now is to solve the problem of the lack of soldiers, polish general skshipchak told reporters: there is a catastrophe in the armed forces of ukraine, with people, who to fight with, the question is, the inhabitants of ukraine are fleeing the country en masse in this agony, the kiev authorities habitually fight, in their own way, demolishing monuments to those who previously fought with... such just as they now in the city cynically threw down the figures of soldiers
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erected in memory of soviet soldiers who died during the second world war from their pedestal. maria skrodilka, news. the yemeni houthis shot down an expensive american riper drone, they report about this movement in their telegram channel. american media , citing a military official, noted that in six months washington lost three such drones worth $30 million each. besides. the ruling movement in the north of yemen fired at two merchant ships at once in krasnoe sea, this was stated by the us central command and noted that the damage was minor, all crews were able to continue moving along the route. and these are shots from the usa. bad weather is raging in several states at once. tornadoes ripped through cities in texas and nebraska. storm winds blew off roofs near the local airport and overturned trucks. tornadoes actually wiped out small ones from the face of the earth. the towns of elhorn and benington, dozens of houses there were destroyed.
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the first stage of a seed production complex has been launched in the tomsk region, there will be produce the most important grain crops of siberia: barley, wheat, rapeseed, rye oats. its daily output is 200 tons of high-quality seeds. report from tomsk region by alexey smirnov. like this. grain will be delivered to the farm in bags like this, this includes exactly a ton, this amount is enough to sow 4 hectares, this is not just a grain complex, say the producers, this is a plant equipped with the most modern equipment, its creation , commissioning and commissioning took place in in the simplest conditions, nevertheless the most difficult task was solved, and the region receives the production of analogues, which
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have not yet existed in the tomsk region, the equipment that we are putting into operation will give us... great opportunities for growing industrial crops, grains, and subsequently , in fact, small family crops. laboratory equipment installed in production makes it possible to take work with seeds to a new level, perform culling at an early stage, calculate the volume of necessary fertilizers during planting , and provide the necessary storage conditions. here the settings are more for the agronomist, and we set up the consumption of the same. fungicides, herbicides, biological materials and so on for a certain amount of grain. at the presentation of manufacturers, they present to guests only a small part of the products that will be produced here: barley, wheat, rapeseed, rye, oats, the most important grain crops in siberia that can ensure their own food security; to maintain high yields, the farm must renew
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the seed fund at least once every 3 of the year. we we provide ourselves with reserves not only in the tomsk region, but we provide the neighboring regions, and the doctrine that was prescribed by the president on agricultural security, on food security, we are already half implementing, this is only at the beginning of the journey. another task facing the employees of the grain breeding complex is the development of new varieties of elite seeds based on existing ones, taking into account the climatic conditions of the tomsk region, when it is sometimes too early to plant in may. v september is too late to clean up. alexey smirnov, anton sukhushin, lead tomsk. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. the 120-day interest-free period begins every month, and service and notifications
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management of the gazprom structure gazprom household systems. the corresponding decree was signed by vladimir putin. the task of preserving business lies with foreign owners, with our country, because the president said that we need to expand the production of goods in our country, including high-tech ones. year, given that this brand is well
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known, production facilities were located on the territory of the russian federation, transfer of business to another investor or to another owner was a request for time. of course, various companies, including chinese brands, laid claim to this asset. the revenue of its competitor ariston in the twenty-third year was approximately. gave up control over russian business. a few days ago, the world's largest manufacturer of building materials, the german knauf, announced plans to transfer assets to local management. however, the deal has yet to be agreed upon. the company has been operating in our market for more than 30 years and has over 400 employees. these jobs is planned to be preserved, the asset can be sold for any money, including for 1 ruble, but not more than 50% of its market value, if
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management is the buyer, then there are situations when the business is conditionally sold for 1 ruble or 1 euro sold, yes, but again, if such a decision is made, as a rule, this is followed by an option, that is, the possibility of returning to the market, what decision has the company made for itself? we don’t fully know when the documents will arrive, so it will be clear how this will happen. another a recent example of the sale of the russian division of hubos to stockman. the german clothing manufacturer suspended the operation of stores back in the twenty-second year, as a result, by the end of the twenty-third year, it received a net loss of almost half a billion rubles. the issue is resolved separately with economically significant organizations; they are allowed through the court to exclude foreign participants. from unfriendly countries, there are now six such companies, you can be included in the list according to one of the criteria: revenue more than 75 billion rubles, assets worth more than 150 billion, employees
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over 4,000, work in critical industries , participation of russian beneficiaries over 50%. most likely , companies may still appear on this list; a company will be transferred to russian management only when the question arises whether there are issues related to social issues. interests, stability, the work of the company, yes, so that there is normal staffing . the court has already satisfied the claim of the ministry of industry and trade against the dutch x5 retail group nv. we are talking about one of the largest retailers in in russia, these are networks, crossroads, pyaterochka and chizhek. in the first quarter, the group’s revenue increased by a quarter to almost 900 billion rubles. and net profit doubled to 24 billion. the company was included in the list of economically significant organizations. creates the legal prerequisites for transferring their ownership structure to russia, we took advantage of this right and just filed an application to suspend x5’s corporate rights to...
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its russian subsidiary, that is , all our actions are in the interests of our business, our citizens, everything it contributes business development in russia. a similar decision to suspend corporate rights was made by the court in relation to cypriot companies, in fact the owners of the azbukovkusa chain of stores of the coal mining company razrez arshanovsky. the ministry of finance is also considering a lawsuit to deprive the rights of two more cypriot companies; according to the ministry, they are interfering with the activities of the systemically important credit organization alfa. bank and one of the country's largest insurers , alpha insurance. a hearing on these cases is scheduled for may 13. business returns to russian jurisdiction and under the control of domestic companies. this will have a positive impact on work processes, the quality of assets and the payment of dividends, experts say. a credit card is beneficial. any
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