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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 27, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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in the kharkov region, explosions were heard near a plant where aircraft are being repaired. in nikolaevskaya, an ammunition warehouse at the airfield was under attack. local media reports that this is the most massive attack in recent times. in the far east , spring snowstorms in the magadan region covered the roads with snow. there is an avalanche danger in kamchatka, heavy snowfall in khabarovsk. when the weather gets better in the eastern regions. the grand prix is ​​going to mexico, the award for contribution to world cinema will remain in russia. the international film festival. let's summarize it. winds that blow away heavy trucks and powerful tornadoes swept across the us states of texas, iowa and nebraska. hundreds of houses were destroyed to the ground. and at the beginning. issue about the situation with
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floods in russian regions. the situation is most alarming now in the tyumen region. the level of the ishim river in the village of obatskaya has almost reached 12 m. the federal highway is beginning to flood. an emergency evacuation of residents has been announced. near the village of ofonkino, the road was washed out and the bridges were flooded. according to locals residents, the water is rushing in like a torrent, but the crossings are still holding up. in some regions, the ice on the rivers is just melting. a sharp rise in water is occurring in the irkutsk region. rescuers discovered three jams amid freezing conditions. in the northern regions, the situation is monitored continuously. in the kurgan region, the load on the dam remains. authorities say that the water level in tobol is still above normal. in the orenburg region, the number of flooded houses decreased by another 3,000 per day. now the housing needs to be dried, garbage removed and disinfected. evaluation in progress damage. according to the ministry of emergency situations, almost 9,00 houses and 14,500 plots of land still remain in the water.
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in mordovia, all territories and objects were freed from water, including two bridges that remained flooded until recently. well, last night the east of our country was covered by a powerful cyclone, which brought snow, rain and gusty winds to kamchatka. an avalanche danger has been declared on the peninsula for the next few days. in khabarovsk, heavy snowfall, the airport operates according to actual weather conditions, one flight was cancelled. a blizzard is raging in kolyma, roads it was snowy, visibility was almost zero. emergency services have been placed on high alert. lyudmila shcherbakova will talk about the consequences of the cyclone. snowfall and snow on the roads are zero visibility. wind gusts reach 20 m/s. a powerful snow cyclone has arrived in the magadan region. it especially seriously affects the coast of the region. it is now unsafe to travel along the kolyma highway from magadan to the nearest suburban villages. traffic inspectors ask residents to obey the speed limit on the road.
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no danger was declared in the region, but the snow is wet and sticky, so the rescuer recommended that residents not go to mountain passes for now, refrain from long-distance ski trips, try not to travel anywhere outside populated areas, since the weather does not allow the roads to be quite slippery, and also refrain from... all sorts of travel, hunting trips, fishing trips, including, the ice on the bays of the sea of ​​okhotsk is also unstable, the forces of the main control system of the rschs system are in enhanced mode for the coming weekend, in readiness for responding to a possible cross-cutting situation. magadan airport operates as usual, the runway is cleared every hour, long-haul aircraft arrive on schedule, pilots of small aircraft serving intraregions.
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including in the western regions of the country. according to media reports, strikes were recorded in lviv, ivano-frankivsk, ternopil, zhytomyr, khmelnitsky, kiev and other regions. they write that this is the most massive attack in recent times. reports of explosions also come from dnepropetrovsk, nikolaev and kharkov. it is alleged that in the kharkov region the strikes occurred in the area of ​​a plant where aircraft and fuel equipment are repaired. and in nikolaevskaya, a warehouse with ammunition at the martynovka airfield was under attack. in
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the ukrainian-controlled kherson railway station. according to some reports , four thermal power plants were also damaged. i would like to note that russia uses high-precision weapons to attack military targets, as well as infrastructure that...
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a huge seventy-five-ton shredder on the battlefield, as it turned out, is ineffective, firstly, due to its size, it is visible from afar, and on top of that, it is terribly clumsy. our fighters hit this overseas giant with a kamikaze drone. our unmanned aerial vehicle hit the optics, thereby blinding the crew, after which, due to inexperience, the crew drove into a minefield, and an explosion occurred on the rear left side. the tank crews of the ukrainian armed forces rushed. they didn’t even try to save their combat vehicle. the crew of the assault vehicle is two people. the driver operates the instruments in a reclining position. and here is the place commander you won't turn around. the m1150 schreder engineering armored vehicle was developed on
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the basis of the m-1 abrams tank in the seventies of the last century. it came to ukraine about a year ago. but here is another example of weapons of the ukrainian armed forces militants, also because. grandmother of the american abrams, it was on her basis that these heavy tanks were created. spare parts
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for such equipment are now hard to find, but our specialists assure you that they will restore everything on time. its thrust on hard ground is too low for evacuation. tanks such as abrams, which weigh 60 tons, leopard and so on, i think this machine is useless here, the machine is so ancient and inconvenient that it cannot be expressed in words, i am a person of average height, i can hardly fit here, here is the driver’s mechanic’s seat, and here is the commander of the combat vehicle, no modern instruments navigation is out of the question, everything here has long since rotted, it will take no more than 3 days to replace the main components of the units, after which the command of the center group will decide the fate of these trophies. alexander katsuba, alexander malyshev and alexander savchuk, vesti. the communist party of the russian federation has sent its 125th humanitarian convoy to new regions.
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food, medicine, uniforms and special vehicles will be delivered to local residents and special operation fighters. along the route, the truck colony will be joined by trucks from the volga region, southern regions of russia and the republics of the north caucasus. we have selected everything that the guys need based on their specific requests, from cars, including everything that helps them survive in this difficult time , ensures their safety, everything will be received, starting from the trenches, trenches, where they are located, hospitals, orphanages, we now have three large ones leaving here, three more from the south, we are almost... 120 tons of these holiday gifts, gifts and special attention to children, another group of children has already arrived here, 220 people, we have already exchanged 17 thousand, 17,000 children, can you
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imagine, we invite them for 2 weeks, teach them, treat them, take them, introduce them to our history, and i must say, the children leave inspired, the media. according to the kingdom's minister of defense , deliveries are planned before the end of the year, but the exact dates depend on the receipt of spare parts, as well as new aircraft ordered from the usa. the states themselves are preparing to conclude new contracts with military-industrial complex enterprises, but ukraine will receive all this in a few years. and realizing this, berlin is trying to force the allies to sacrifice the weapons that they already have. marya skorodilka will tell you the details. to the bundestag, from here, from the place where the german protesters set up a tent
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camp, it’s only 200 m, it’s a stone ’s throw to the chancellor, but he doesn’t want to shake hands with them, those who protest against the actions of the authorities, he doesn’t stand on ceremony with people who are dissatisfied with the sponsorship of wars all over the world, they hit them on the head, and take them to the police. i believe that europe should take note of macron’s british ideas, because russia does not recognize any borders. that is, are you suggesting that eu countries should send their troops to ukraine to intervene in the conflict? yes, exactly, otherwise ukraine will simply capitulate everything. the german authorities are a monster - they shout in the opposition helping ukraine. scholz's coalition is dragging germany to the bottom. monsters are the government that manages to control the people of germany, although it consists of parties that, even together , do not receive even 40% of the votes, and at the same time 80% of the population reject your policy.
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the united states announced assistance to ukraine, the german chancellor disappeared from the arena. the great alienation, the german economy in despair over scholz is looking for open confrontation, scream the headlines. washington calls on its allies to join, to find at least something to give to ukraine, but from europe. there is no money, military analysts advise kiev to perceive the american aid package as the last, writes business insider, further support will be was thwarted due to political considerations in europe and the united states, everyone has elections on the horizon, and even the pentagon doesn’t know whether ukraine will become stronger with money, the experts say that the scale of corruption in kiev is to blame. one of the most important problems that will not allow ukraine to win is corruption. in russia there is a rotation of soldier personnel. officers are integrated into the political structure through a competitive system; in ukraine, the children
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of officials continue to party in bars while their compatriots die at the front. important ukraine’s task now is to solve the problem of the lack of soldiers, polish general skrzypczak told reporters. in the armed forces of ukraine, there is a catastrophe with the people, who to fight with is the question. residents of ukraine are fleeing the country en masse in this agony, the kiev authorities are habitually fighting, in their own way, demolishing monuments to those who previously fought with people like them. but we've seen evidence of china trying to influence interference, and we want to make sure that stops as quickly as
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possible. however, how exactly can third countries influence the outcome of the presidential race in the us state department did not specify. at the same time, earlier , sidin ping, according to the same cnn, had already assured joe biden that beijing does not intend to in any way influence the domestic politics of the united states. the chinese foreign ministry has repeatedly rejected any accusations of interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states. the us air force has signed a contract to develop a new doomsday aircraft. the transaction amount is $13 billion. the development will be carried out by a company from nevada. will go for it. 12 years old. the new machine will replace the aging liner e4 night watch with boeing base. it can stay in flight for up to a week. all equipment is protected from the effects of a nuclear explosion. now the united states has four such aircraft, with their help the command can have contact with all branches of the military to manage the country in a crisis situation.
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powerful tornadoes are raging in three american states at once. at this moment , three victims are known. this was reported by cnn. 1.0 people were left without electricity. the storm hit nebraska, iowa and texas. forecasters also reported heavy rainfall in the central part of the country. by according to experts, they began the day before, and today is the most dangerous day, when the wind speed will be maximum. several carriages are already known to have derailed due to the storm. emergency services reported overturned trucks. the roof of one of the regional airports was torn off. the tornado virtually wiped out the small towns of alcorn and benington. dozens of houses there were destroyed. the weather service is also forecasting baseball-sized hail today. the first stage of a seed production complex has been launched in the tomsk region. the most important grain
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crops of siberia will be produced there - barley, wheat, rapeseed, and rye oats. the daily productivity of the complex is 200 tons. high-quality seeds from the tomsk region, report by alexey smirnov. this is how, grain by grain, an elite seed fund is formed, which will be supplied by the agricultural producer. seeds are zoned. here, at the newest grain complex in nashchelkovo , shagarsky district, they will be produced on an industrial scale. elite grain will be supplied to the farm in bags like this: this includes exactly a ton. this amount is enough to sow 4 gars. this is not just a grain complex. manufacturers say, this is a plant equipped with the most modern equipment, its creation, commissioning and commissioning took place in not the easiest conditions, nevertheless, the most difficult task was solved, and the region receives production, analogues, which have not yet existed in the tomsk region, then equipment , which we are putting into operation, it will give us great opportunities for growing
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industrial crops, grains and subsequently speaking, laboratory equipment installed in production allows us to take work with seeds to a new level, to cull at an early stage , to calculate the volume of necessary fertilizers when planting, to provide the necessary storage conditions, here there is more adjustment for the agronomist, and we adjust the consumption of the same fungicides, herbicides, biological materials and so on for a certain amount of grain. at the presentation , manufacturers present to guests. a small part of the products that will be here produce: barley, wheat, rapeseed, rye, oats, the most important grain crops in siberia, capable of ensuring their own food security; to maintain high yields, the farm must renew the seed fund at least once every three years. we provide ourselves with reserves not only as in the tomsk region, but we provide the neighboring region, and the doctrine
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that is prescribed by the president on agricultural security. elite seeds based on existing ones, taking into account climatic conditions specifically selection complex, breeding new varieties of the tomsk region, when in may it is sometimes too early to plant, in september it is too late to harvest. alexey smirnov, anton sukhushin, lead tomsk. alfabank for business. connect an overdraft with a guaranteed limit of up to 30 million rubles. get a free business account. alfabank is the best bank for business. sber is introducing a loan with 2% cashback to
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an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever, which is why the sberbank credit card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card , everything will be the way you want. repairs are expensive, but some things can be transferred to the management company, in which cases it should carry out repairs for free, we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in the program instructions. first, you need to make a reservation: in fact , the management company does not do anything for free; the receipt for the apartment contains line: maintenance and current repairs of common property. the money that is collected from the owners is saved in the general account of the house, and funds will be taken from it for current repairs, only of the common home property. the deadlines themselves
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depend on the nature of the requests, for example, the service dispatcher is obliged to answer the resident’s phone call within no more than 5 minutes, and if it was not possible to invest in this deadline, then call the resident back within the next 10 minutes, for example, fixing a roof leak should take no more than one day. and a fix in the system lighting in common areas must be eliminated within seven days, there is no need to confuse localization with elimination, yes, that means, look, we, as owners, have two deadlines, 30 minutes and 2 hours, 30 minutes for determination, 2 hours for localization, that’s all, but this means, well, in the case of heating there are nuances, but in government decree 338 you can read all this there, right down to what kind of shoes a representative of the emergency dispatch service should have, for example, with windows in the entrance, an elevator or a garbage chute... everything is clear , that's for sure common property, but what about in more complex situations, what is considered the property of a tenant? a government decree will help with this; it can be found on the official website
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for the publication of legal acts. does it contain a minimum list of what the management company is responsible for and what types of repairs it is obliged to do? repairs in the entrances of apartment buildings include such work as restoration of plaster, walls and ceilings. tiling walls and floors with ceramic and other tiles in certain places, and so on. such repairs are ongoing and carried out based on the results of scheduled technical inspections of an apartment building. the frequency of such repairs is once every 3-5 years, depending on the classification of the building and actual physical wear and tear. in this case, routine repairs must be carried out without stopping the maintenance of the building. including heat, water and energy supply. in general, we can say that the uka is responsible for water and gas pipes up to the first valve, inclusive of
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the ventilation and sewerage systems. she is also responsible for maintaining the roof, attics, floors and interpanel joints. for example, the management company did not maintain the house well, and, say, due to a leaky roof , the plaster of the residents on the top floor fell off, or due to dampness that penetrated into the apartment through the gap between the slabs, the wallpaper came off, then you need to demand compensation for damage. first, call the emergency dispatch service; its number can be found on the receipt or on the website of your management company, its page. on social networks, emergency dispatch services operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. if your management company does not have its own services; it is required by law to enter into an agreement with the ads of another management company. the dispatcher must answer the call within 5 minutes or call you back within 10 minutes. the operator must accept your request for a problem and provide its number. write it down or save it to your phone. it will be needed when drawing up the report when
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the specialist arrives. be sure to record all damage; on the basis of this document you will demand free repairs from your management company or insist on reimbursement for repair costs if you did it yourself or hired someone. of course, expenses will need to be confirmed by receipts or an agreement with the contractor. in accordance with the management agreement, it is the management organization that is obligated to provide services and carry out general maintenance and repair work. property, therefore it is the management company that must prepare specific proposals for current repairs for the owners and carry them out. at the same time, there is a direct ban on carrying out cosmetic repairs by forces the tenants themselves, the legislation does not contain, but - in this case, when applying to the court with a demand to the management company for reimbursement of expenses, it will be necessary to confirm the fact of the need for such repairs, including
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by. video and photography, drawing up various inspection reports, calling specialists , and so on. in addition, it will be necessary to confirm the fact that residents bear the costs of carrying out such repairs, which may entail additional financial and time costs for them. so, let’s repeat the main thing, the management company is responsible for the general building property for damage to your property if it occurred through her fault. contact the emergency dispatch center. service, save the application number and draw up a damage report. would you like to learn more about how you can hold general meetings of apartment building residents online and jointly make decisions that affect you every day? watch the episode about government services.dom. and if you have questions about how to effectively communicate with your management company, then write to us on telegram. we will pass them on to specialists and we will tell you everything in the next issues of our
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