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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 27, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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will be set up based on the need to solve three main problems: first, overcoming the demographic crisis and developing human capital, improving the quality of the environment, and finally, third, overcoming backwardness, overcoming disproportion. overcoming the inequality of citizens who live in different regions of the country. leonid sutski said that the future of the russian the socio-economic development of the regions and the federation directly depends on the completion of the special military operation and called it almost a struggle for national dignity. the ldpr leader also recalled that the party has been special throughout the entire time.
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voters and citizens will be able to receive it, but not only deputies of all levels, regional and state duma, but also representatives of public organizations, coordinators of regional offices of the ldpr throughout russia will also be involved there. the ldpr will create a digital party ecosystem and will become, as i said, the first digital party in russia. within our digital ecosystem. we will create essentially a single seamless environment without dividing lines, where we ourselves or with the help of partners can meet the needs of our voters. the ldpr will work with communities of citizens, united formally or informally, within the framework of one issue
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or place of residence, in order to promote the consolidation of all those who are interested in a new, higher quality of life. andrey andreevich. more than 400 people took part in the rally party members from all regions of our country, lectures, trainings and master classes were also organized for them from leading speakers in the field of communication, political trends, party building, and as representatives of the ldpr from the regions shared with us here, the information will be of a practical nature party was applied within the framework, as...
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but it is not yet possible to determine the exact number of deaths. the communist party of the russian federation sent
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local media reports that there were casualties, the next 125th humanitarian convoy in new regions. to local residents and special operation soldiers. where the hospitals and orphanages are located, we now have three large ones leaving here, three more from the south, we are sending almost 120 tons of these holiday gifts, gifts and special attention to children,
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another group of children has already arrived here, 220 people, we have already exchanged the seventeenth a thousand, 17,000 children, can you imagine? we invite them for 2 weeks, teach them, treat them, take them around, introduce them to our history, and i must say, the children leave inspired and understand what it’s like true friendship, brotherhood and true peace. a memorial complex to the soldiers of the peoples of the soviet union who died in the fight against fascism was opened in dagestan; it was built by one of the local entrepreneurs entirely at his own expense. the ceremony took place in the khiv region. armenia, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and tajikistan. here is this monument, which is grandiose, it is grandiose in its complexity,
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it is, perhaps, an element of ultra-modern aesthetics, where traditional forms, bronze, classical busts, an emblem. they are surrounded by military equipment, they are surrounded by mountains, they are surrounded by heaven, they are surrounded by the sun, so this monument is not an ordinary one, it cannot be considered some kind of provincial zemstvo monument, it is not even a dagestan monument. the roof of one of the airports was blown off. details from anna voronina. in the name of father and
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son and the holy spirit. here you can either pray or swear, but it’s best to save yourself. dozens of tornadoes, either in the form of heavenly punishment, or in the form of another natural anomaly, hit the united states at once. we might it might be better to move away from the window. so, let's cover ourselves, hold on, hold on.
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texas, oklahoma, kansas, missouri and iowa. the number of destroyed houses is already in the hundreds. at the time of the building collapse in lancaster, there were 70 people there and several thousand farms without electricity. literally saw a huge tornado coming towards us, we grabbed the kids, my wife and i took cover as quickly as we could, heard it destroying houses, tearing off roofs, it sounded like the loudest freight train you've ever heard going by right through your house, and it's complete chaos, everything is destroyed, some people are trapped in their houses, it's like a scene from a terrible movie, i 've never seen anything like it.
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according to investigators, the detainee provided the terrorists with means of communication. he was in russia illegally, living in one of the hostels in moscow. he will remain in custody. the military personnel saw an ukrainian armed forces drone above them, when the drone approached, it skillfully shot
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it down with a bag of ordinary potatoes that was at hand. the blow was quick and unexpected for the enemy; the vegetables hit the target. the drone exploded, and the fighter ran to safety. in one of the special operations canteen areas they conduct training for crews of heavy flamethrower systems. this is the final stage of preparation. skills are practiced on simulators that are precise. ruslan bikbulatov saw replicas of combat vehicles and how the training took place. the weight of one such projectile is more than 200 kg; among themselves, military personnel of the rkhbz troops call it a cucumber for its external resemblance; behind the harmless nickname there is crushing power. western military experts are more dangerous than russian heavy ones only nuclear weapons are considered flamethrower systems. thanks to the thermoboric shells we use, the enemy simply has no chance of escaping anywhere or even
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surviving, yes, that is, well, all that remains is really only ashes after the work of our combat vehicles. our tosom has no analogues in the world; it destroys both equipment and manpower with a temperature of 3,000° and a pressure drop. the adrenaline is off the charts, you can feel the full power of this machine, its precision, and you can feel it right away. strength, you need to show your masculine character, masculine charisma, and how experienced instructors, who have more than a hundred combat missions and thousands of unguided rockets fired at the enemy, tell us how to behave on the battlefield. the final stage of training for crews of heavy flamethrower systems, test firing, where
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two standards are assessed, time, time spent in the firing position and accuracy of the hit, attention. machine in places, but at the beginning there is theory: practical skills are practiced on simulators, exact copies of combat vehicles, the algorithm of actions must be memorized by both the brain and muscles until it becomes automatic. there is a big hunt for tos combat vehicles, so we work at night in order to attract as little attention as possible, and the tank drives by itself at night, that is, not a single headlight, no flashlight shines on it, it’s just a ghost in the darkness. coordination takes place in different weather conditions, at different times of the day, they use the sun, these combat vehicles from the first days on the fronts of the northern military district, and the modernized version, tosochka, it is more maneuverable, technologically advanced, and the main thing is that it shoots many times further, strikes not from six kilometers, one might say, almost point-blank, from twenty. ruslan bikbulatov, dmitry cherkasov, alexander pazhenov, lead. now about
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the situation with floods in russian regions, the most alarming situation is in the tyumen region. level. the federal highway begins to flood, and an emergency evacuation of residents has been announced. near the village of ofonkino, the road was washed out and the bridges were flooded. according to local residents, the water is coming in like a torrent, but the crossings are holding up so far. in some in the regions, the ice on the rivers is still just melting. a sharp rise in water is occurring in the irkutsk region. rescuers discovered three jams amid freezing conditions. in the northern regions, the situation is monitored continuously. in the kurgan region, the load on dambus continues; authorities say that the water level in tobol is still above normal. in the orenburg region, the number of flooded houses is already decreasing; it has decreased by 3,000 over the past 24 hours. now the housing needs to be dried, garbage removed and disinfected. damage assessment is underway. according to the ministry of emergency situations, there is still almost 9.00 in the water. houses and 14,500 plots. in mordovia
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, all objects and territories were freed from water, including two bridges that remained flooded until recently. and the far east was in the grip of a powerful cyclone that brought snow, rain and gusty winds to kamchatka. an avalanche danger has been declared on the peninsula for the next few days. in khabarovsk, there is heavy snowfall, the airport operates according to the actual weather, in the magadan region a blizzard is raging, the roads are covered in snow. emergency services have been placed on high alert. how the region copes with bad weather lyudmila shcherbakova will tell you. wind gust visibility reaches 20 m/s. a powerful snow cyclone has arrived in the magadan region. it especially seriously affects the coast of the region. it is now unsafe to travel along the kolyma highway from magadan to the nearest suburban villages. traffic inspectors ask residents to obey the speed limit on the road due to icy conditions. no avalanche danger
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has been declared in the region, but the snow is wet and sticky. so the rescuers recommended that residents not travel to mountain passes for now and refrain from long-distance ski trips. try not to leave somewhere outside the populated areas, since the weather does not allow the roads to be quite slippery, also refrain from all kinds of travel, hunting and fishing trips, including, the ice on the bays of the sea of ​​okhotsk is also unstable, the strength of the main control system, the rschs system in the upcoming ... weekends are in enhanced mode, in readiness, in readiness to respond to possible emergency situations. magadan airport operates as usual, the runway is cleared every hour, long-haul aircraft arrive at schedule, pilots of small aircraft serving intraregional destinations make decisions about departure individually, visibility is poor,
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some flights are postponed. according to forecasters, the bad weather will continue in the magadan region for several more days, quite a large amount of precipitation will fall, and the weather will improve only by the middle of next week. lyudmila chervakova, rustam akhmetov, host magadan. activists of the new people party held an animal cleanup today. the action took place throughout russia. among the participants are deputies, animal rights activists, volunteers and simply concerned residents of almost 50 regions. they brought food and medicine to the shelters. human attention, because these are still domestic animals, at least some are wild, they really need people, we have submitted a proposal to the state duma,
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a bill to make october 4 actually such a day for the protection of animals, and we think that in such the day can also be spent all over the country, on clean-up days - ash protection, standing, who are the new guys? this is with me passenger, reporter, director, i came for my brother, i’m a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i’m adam, why adam, and not adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, white rose, you can, i can, you can sing somehow, i shave , quickly, we don’t need names, don’t bother her, or what, don’t bother, not yours, well, you, krumashka, light of god, there is something to do, commander, shoot, call sign passenger. i propose to change the call sign of the passenger to the call sign of rebin. no, my call sign is brother. are you still a passenger?
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yes sir. four cylinders in a row turbocharging. 215 horsepower. power reserve - 1.0 km. increased cross-country ability. the climbability is 60°. accommodated a group of up to 9 people. and here. all yours, join yours, traces of battles are in full view, but i didn’t think twice, that is, i called, they told me to come, and i arrived, i didn’t even know where i would end up, a tor for salim at the reception, okay, we’re waiting 3 more minutes, we won’t hit like that, we won’t hit, the main thing is on our own. that's it, then commander, i went to the front line, neither for money nor for coercion, but the man will not perform a feat, now the thing that awakens in people is that
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was in our grandfathers, this is not a duty, it is a need and a right, the right to defend one’s homeland. russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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goering addressed the military: before you is a country where there is a lot of white bread, sour cream apples, take it all, take it, the master plan did not leave the island not the slightest doubt what they wanted to do to us, having exhausted all attempts. western colleagues from the negotiating table and what to sign anti-hitler, we realized that we are alone, we must ensure our own security. fight in the city is not chaos, fighting in the city is the highest military art, and even psychological little things were thought out, the bet was that there would be a counter-offensive, that same miracle that would save germany, i took aim and fired the first shot under the window, everyone was more afraid, of course, to rush into a machine-gun fire; they could no longer
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save them from it. our corps left the very south of berlin, i understood correctly, the future, yes, yeah, twenty-four, 2124, this is the situation, now i can jump to a century in the future and back, i see everything, they are hunting for us space pirates, well, they already existed when i came here. we need to find mothers, what a meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed and now is the time to somehow fix everything and it ’s time to act somehow, questions, proposals, objections, but not anything else, what do you want, 100 years in the future.
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inflation is slowing down, and gdp may increase by more than 3% by the end of the year. vladimir putin held a meeting with the government on economic issues, what other statements were made? new trophies in the avdeevsky
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direction. knocked out and evacuated american assault vehicle based on abrams. in addition, two more us-made armored vehicles were hit. supplies will be increased due to the construction of a new logistics complex. the moscow region should become the flagship of agro-industrial exports to china. how and where will the project be deployed? they commissioned a painting from the children and a new uniform in st. petersburg was awarded to a janitor who, during a fire, climbed up a drainpipe and saved people from the fire. americans criticize bidonomics. a significant portion of the population associates us economic policy with increased inflation and living from paycheck to paycheck. about the situation in the america program with valentin bogdan. macroeconomic indicators at the beginning of 2024 turned out to be higher than the forecasts of the government of the bank of russia and experts. vladimir putin stated this at the meeting.
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may add 3%, the real current state of the economy allows us to improve forecasts for its development, president vladimir putin announced this at a meeting on economic issues. the data from the beginning of the year turned out to be higher than the forecasts of the government, the bank of russia, and even some experts. behind january-february russia's gdp increased by 6% in annual terms. of course, the so-called calendar factor also played a role here, specifically the leap year, additional working days, but even if...


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