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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 27, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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vladimir putin said at a meeting on economic issues via videoconference. the topic will be continued by my colleague, nika yankova, she is joining the broadcast. hello, what about budget revenues? yuri, hello, well, in the first quarter , non-oil and gas revenues increased by 43%. more details now. russia's gdp growth at the end of 24 may add 3%. the real current state of the economy allows us to improve forecasts for its development. president vladimir putin announced this at a meeting. on economic issues, data the beginning of the year turned out to be higher than the forecasts of the government, the bank of russia, and some experts. in january-february, russia's gdp increased by 6% in annual terms. of course, the so-called calendar factor also had an impact here, specifically the leap year, additional working days, but even if...
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this factor is cleaned up, removed, the dynamics are still good. higher rates are demonstrated by the manufacturing industry dynamics in january plus 7.5%, in february - 13.5%. against this background, inflation is gradually slowing down, and also, what is especially important, inflationary expectations, including among citizens. let me remind you that, according to the head of the central bank, elvira nabiulina, the regulator previously estimated stable inflation in the country at 6-7%. now the majority indicator. suggests that it is at a level of about 6%. industrial activity is also growing; in february, industrial production increased by 8.5%, and this is noticeably higher than in january, when the increase was 4.6%. now, according to the president, special attention should be paid to the domestic market, and imports should be squeezed out due to market competition. building up own production, development of the internal national market, this is what we call supply-side economics,
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i mean strengthening the country’s technological sovereignty through support of domestic science, promising startups, widespread introduction of innovations in production, large-scale investments are planned in strengthening the personnel base, industrial , social spheres at all levels of professional education. people from different regions should have equal opportunities, the president emphasized, while it is important to take everything into account, the condition. the so -called childhood infrastructure, that is , kindergartens, schools, clubs, sections, recreation camps, the development of healthcare systems, culture, the environmental well-being of settlements, conditions for the self-realization of young people and the launch of entrepreneurial initiatives are also important, at the same time when planning the federal budget in the next 6 years it is necessary maintaining a conservative approach and the progressive development of our economy has a positive impact on the federal budget. its income
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significantly exceeds last year's levels, thus, in the first quarter, non-oil and gas revenues increased by 43%. but in general , federal budget revenues for 3 months increased by more than one and a half times compared to last year, well, this means that our other indicators, including the deficit , are becoming smaller, and in this regard we can confidently say that it is being formed. a solid basis for the growth of budget revenues over the entire six-year horizon. in the coming years , the country has a lot to do, widely introduce innovations, build new transport corridors, develop education at all levels, while the main expenses, according to the president, need to be concentrated on those areas that provide the maximum effect for the quality of life of people, the well-being of russian families, for the development of territories, regions, social spheres and infrastructure. yes, nika, thank you, nika
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inkovaya spoke about the meeting with the president on macroeconomic issues. moscow now has no prerequisites for negotiations with kiev, so the special military operation continues. he announced this today presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. but he noted that everyone knows ukraine’s position on non-acceptance of any negotiation process. and she recalled the refusal of the ukrainian authorities to sign the istanbul agreements in 2022. everyone is well aware that the document was actually finalized and... everyone is also well aware from the words of a participant in these negotiations on the ukrainian side what exactly was the reason for the ukrainians’ refusal to continue and finalize work on the document. this was direct pressure from london. this was reported by mr. arahami, everything else is reasoning. i suggest focusing on primary sources. five civilians, including a seventeen-year-old girl, were wounded. belgorod region during
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an attack by ukrainian drones. in the village of voznesenovka, shibekinsky district, kamika’s drone fell on a section of the road, resulting in damage to three cars. according to governor vyacheslav glodkov, everything. a border village in the shebekinsky district was attacked by five kamikaze drones, one of them dropped ammunition on a tractor on the territory of an agricultural enterprise. as a result of the explosion the machine operator was injured. a man with shrapnel wounds was taken to hospital. a grain truck, a kamaz truck and a passenger car were also attacked. emergency services are on site. in ukraine, attacks on military targets are reported, including in the western regions of the country. according to the information, strikes were recorded in lviv, ivano-frankivsk, ternopil, zhytomyr, khmelnytsky regions. kiev and other regions. they write that this is the most massive attack in recent times. the message about explosions also comes from dnepropetrovsk, nikolaev and kharkov. they claim that in the kharkov region they were heard in the area of ​​a plant where aircraft and fuel equipment are repaired. in nikolaevskaya, a warehouse with
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ammunition at the martynovka airfield was under attack, and in kherson, a railway station controlled by the ukrainian armed forces. according to some reports , four thermal power plants were also damaged. i will mark you with a rolling weapon. russia is attacking military targets. an american assault vehicle at the abrams base was evacuated, in addition , two ashreller and m-88 armored vehicles were shot down, also made in the usa. trophies are promptly removed from the battlefield, and then repair units deal with them. alexander katz will tell you what the future fate of this technology is. under escort are these vaunted american brothers-in-arms.
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a ton shredder on the battlefield, as it turned out, is ineffective; firstly, due to its size, it is visible from afar, and on top of everything, it is terribly clumsy. our fighters hit this overseas giant with a kamikaze drone. our unmanned aerial vehicle hit the optics, thereby blinding the crew, after which due to inexperience, the crew drove into a minefield, and an explosion occurred from the rear left side. tankers of the armed forces of ukraine abandoned their combat vehicle. the two -person crew of the tour vehicle didn’t even try, the driver operates the instruments in a reclining position, and here is the commander’s place, you can’t turn around, the m1150 schreder engineering armored vehicle was developed on
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the basis of the m-1 abrams tank in the seventies of the last century, it came to ukraine about a year ago , here is another example of weapons of the ukrainian armed forces militants, also from overseas and also from '. m-88 armored vehicle. american repair and recovery vehicle, created back in the fifties of the last century. this example was released in the late eighties and weighs 51 tons. and our fighters destroyed it in the avdievsky direction with a precise drone strike. the impact hit the side of the left side of the object, it was broken, the engine and transmission compartment caught fire, the car was abandoned. the grandmother of the american abrams, it was on her basis that these heavy tanks were created, spare parts for such equipment are now, as they say
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, hard to find, but our experts assure everything will be restored on time. the force exerted by it on hard ground is too little to evacuate tanks such as... the vehicle is so ancient and inconvenient that it cannot be expressed in words, i am a person of average height, i can hardly fit here, here is the mechanic’s seat, the driver’s, and here is the combat commander cars, there are no modern navigation devices to speak of, everything here has long since rotted. it will take no more than 3 days to replace the main components of the units. whereupon the command of the center group will decide the fate of these trophies. alexander katsuba, alexander malyshev and alexander savchuk, news! happy birthday!
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only on the megamarket’s birthday, household goods from cashback up to 70%. we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for, we’re all in the bank. we take out loans, but is it good quickly, we are at sofcombank, loans that everyone knows, one of my friends endlessly sits on social networks, try, try. because the megaphone gives everyone unlimited access to social networks, and regular subscribers also get unlimited access to video, if you turn off the megapower there will be a jaga jega, only in the megaphone. this night our friend has already been forced several times get up to admire the stars. my friend, if you get up more than twice at night, apalase, at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase. afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. buy polaris equipment with up to 70% discount, such as a coffee machine,
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heartburn from food, take it, it extinguishes, it fights heartburn, pain and heaviness with increased acidity in the stomach, it is active from the first minutes, it extinguishes and it extinguishes the problem, your money won’t fly away with one iota, we return the rubles for the remaining minutes and run, you can. it’s not necessary like this, it’s necessary like this so, so, so, i understand, buy with a discount of up to 99% for bonuses with ber, thank you, belgium can send kiev from two to four b-16 fighters, european media reported this, according to the kingdom’s minister of defense, deliveries are planned before the end of the year, but the exact date depends on the receipt of spare parts, as well as new aircraft ordered in the usa. in the states themselves they are preparing to conclude new contracts with military-industrial complex enterprises, but this will turn out to be
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ukraine in a few years, realizing this berlin is trying to force its allies sacrifice the weapons that we already have. with details maria skorodilka. the bundestag, from here, from the place where german protesters set up a tent camp, is only 200 meters away from the chancellor, but to them, those who protest against the actions of the authorities, it is within reach.
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allies to join, to find at least something to give to ukraine, but europe has no money, military analysts advise kiev to perceive the american aid package as the last, writes business insider, further support will be thwarted due to political considerations in in europe and the united states, everyone has elections on the horizon, and even the pentagon doesn’t know whether ukraine will become stronger with us money;
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experts state that the scale of corruption in kiev is to blame. one of the most important problems... after all, ukraine means corruption. in russia , there is a rotation of personnel; soldiers and officers are integrated into the political structure through a competitive system; in ukraine, the children of officials continue to party in bars while their compatriots die at the front. an important task for ukraine now is to solve the problem of a shortage of soldiers, a polish official told reporters general skshipchak. there is a catastrophe with people in the armed forces of ukraine, who should we fight with? question: residents of ukraine are fleeing the country en masse in this agony, the kiev authorities are accustomed to fighting in their own way. demolishes monuments to those who previously fought with the same ones as they are now in the city, exactly from the pedestal soldiers cynically threw down the figures erected in memory of soviet soldiers who died during the second world war. marijalko, news! china is allegedly trying to influence the upcoming us presidential election. secretary of state antony blinken made this statement in an interview with cnn on
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results of the visit to beijing. i can't talk about specific messages, but we have seen. evidence of china's attempts to influence interference, and we want to make sure that this stops as quickly as possible. however, the state department did not specify how exactly third countries could influence the outcome of the presidential race. at the same time, earlier sidzenping, according to the same cnn, had already assured joe biden that beijing did not intend to in any way influence the domestic politics of the united states. the chinese foreign ministry has repeatedly rejected any accusations of interference in internal affairs of sovereign states. the basmanny court arrested the twelfth person involved in the case. according to investigators, the detainee provided the terrorists with means of communication. he was in russia illegally, living in one of the hostels in moscow. he will remain in custody until may 22. previously , 11 defendants in the terrorist attack case were detained and arrested, including four direct perpetrators. the attack on kropus cityhall in krasnogorsk near moscow took place on the evening of march 22. 144 people were killed,
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more than 500 were injured. in the investigative committee stated that they had proven the connection between the organizers of the terrorist attack and the ukrainians.
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all objects and territories were flooded, including two bridges that remained flooded until recently. in st. petersburg, the hero of a publication in the media and social networks was a janitor who saved several people during a fire in a residential building. the man, a former paratrooper, quickly called the fire department and climbed up the drainpipe onto the ledge and helped the residents get out of the window. local authorities decide how to reward the hero, but for now he was given a painting that was especially for him written by the children and a set of new uniforms. dmitry akimov found out. details, the fire on podolskaya street here in the very center of st. petersburg started early in the morning, an apartment on the third floor was burning, these five windows were on fire. the apartment is on fire, i call 112. the fire started on the other side of the house and then spread to the entire apartment. today, utility workers throw unburned garbage
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out of windows. well, this is what this apartment looks like from the inside, as you can see, almost everything burned out, and as the locals say, a woman lived here, they call them plyushkins, then she brought it from garbage dumps, she stored all sorts of junk here, they say that the rubble was literally up to the ceiling. the event is terrible, but ordinary. fires in big cities happen every day. it would have remained in the crime chronicles of the city if not for this video published on the same day. while firefighters are raising the tower, a man deftly climbs up the drainpipe. he hugs and reassures the women who are already about to jump. now the second floor is already, the third floor has already opened the windows. the woman already wants to jump, i tell them said, don’t jump, the fireman has already left, here he is, the hero who prevented the victims from jumping out of the windows, no longer the young janitor
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alimzhon, shows how he climbed up the drainpipe, olimzhon has been living in st. petersburg for 7 years, moved his family, he already has there are grandchildren, but still... i just, i helped. the residents of this house themselves, and even deputies of the legislative assembly, say that the brave janitor should be rewarded, especially since the ministry of emergency situations has
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a special medal for just such cases available for fire rescue. dmitry akimofey, sergey fodeev, news from st. petersburg. grandfather, do you prefer fishing or tinkering? chance to win a car, receive a profitable pension in the post office bank on your birthday, only on the birthday of the mykomarket, moisturizer with aloe sisderma for only 1,690 rubles. how do you like it, class, but save up your vtb savings account regularly for a subscription. hunting is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million. your chance to take yours in 15 minutes
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instead of scissors, try gliskur, exceptional moisture. what is missing for construction can be easily found on the avito sale. hurry up to buy construction supplies with discounts of up to 60%. all that remains is to build. avito, take it on sale and build it. sber represents a loan with 2% cashback. so that you have even more opportunities. opportunities to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay. opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please the first time, opportunities to get new impressions, a flurry of new impressions, a storm of new impressions, apply for a loan with sber and receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate, more profitable with sber prime. the communist party of the russian federation sent
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its 125th humanitarian convoy to new regions. food, medicine, and food will be delivered to local residents and special operation fighters. uniforms and special vehicles. along the research path, trucks from the volga region, southern regions of russia and the republics of the north caucasus will join the auto colony. we have selected everything that the guys need based on their specific requests, from cars, including everything that helps them survive in difficult times and ensures their safety. everyone will receive, starting from... trenches, trenches, where it is located, hospitals, orphanages, we now have three large ones leaving here, three more from the south, we are sending almost 120 tons of these holiday gifts, special gifts attention to children, another group of children has already arrived here, 220 people, we have already exchanged
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a thousand children, you can imagine, we invite them for 2 weeks, teach them, treat them, take them, introduce them to our history, and i must say, the children are leaving, inspired and understand what true friendship, brotherhood and true peace are. a memorial complex to the soldiers of the peoples of the soviet union who died in the fight against fascism was opened in dagestan; it was built by one of the local entrepreneurs, entirely at his own expense. the ceremony took place in khivsky area with the participation of the delegation. organization of a collective security treaty, it included representatives of military departments, participating countries, armenia, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and tajikistan. here is this monument, which, it is grandiose, it is grandiose in its complexity, it is, perhaps, an element of ultra-modern aesthetics, where traditional forms, bronze, classical busts, an emblem, they are surrounded by military equipment, they are surrounded by mountains, they are surrounded.
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the heavens are surrounded by the sun, so this monument is not an ordinary one, it cannot be considered some kind of provincial zemstvo monument, it’s not even a dagestan monument, i want today’s celebration, our holiday, to be seen by all our people, all of our russia, and believe that victory is inevitable, because our russian people are initially victorious, we are a victorious people, we are crushed, but we rise from the dust, we are thrown around, and we go on the attack. activists of the new people party held an animal cleanup today. the action took place throughout russia. among the participants are deputies, animal rights activists, volunteers and simply concerned residents of almost 50 regions. they brought food and medicine to the shelters and tidied up the enclosures. here at the shelter, this is walking with dogs, communicating with them, with cats, it turns out that this is the most important thing that animals lack,
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such socialization of human attention. among the victims, the railway infrastructure was damaged, but the roof of one of the airports was torn off. details from anna voronina. in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit. here you can either pray or swear, but it’s best to save yourself. dozens of tornadoes, either in the form of heavenly punishment, or in the format of another natural anomalies suddenly hit the united states. it might be better for us to move away from the window.


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