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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 27, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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a sensible decision that will be supported by regional finances would be to write off 2/3 of issued budget loans, as we agreed, as well as increase the volume of infrastructure budget loans; their portfolio should add at least 250 billion rubles annually. let me emphasize that these funds and additional resources should work for the stable, long-term development of our cities and villages, and reduce socio-economic inequalities.
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not now, so the special military operation continues. he announced this today presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. he noted that everyone knows ukraine’s position on non-acceptance of any negotiation process and recalled the refusal of the ukrainian authorities to sign the istanbul agreements in 2022. everyone is well aware that the document was actually profiled, and everyone is also well aware from the words of a participant in these negotiations on the ukrainian side what exactly was the reason for the ukrainians’ refusal.
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continue them further and finalize work on the document, this was direct pressure from london, this was reported by mr. arakhami, everything else is just speculation; i suggest focusing on primary sources. in the belgorod region, today the border village of voznesenovka, shubekinsky district, was again under fire from the ukrainian armed forces; it was attacked by five kamikaze drones. with their help, the militants targeted civilians and suffered as a result. our correspondent, alexander korobov, is monitoring the situation. today, the village of voznesenovka , shibekinsky urban district, was attacked with the help of drones. fpv drones hit exclusively civilians to the population. so one of the drones fell in a parking lot where ordinary cars were parked. four people were injured, including a seventeen-year-old teenager, all of whom were taken to a medical facility. now they will have all the help they need. and one of.
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the victims were in very serious condition, another resident also went to the hospital on his own, he was provided with all the necessary assistance, and he was released for outpatient treatment. one of the kamikaze drones attacked a tractor on the territory of an agricultural enterprise, a machine operator was injured there, and he was also taken to hospital. another of the drones attacked this grain truck, the car was seriously damaged, the tank was broken, there were scatter marks everywhere.
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conduct training for crews of heavy flamethrower systems, this is the final stage of training. skills are practiced on simulators, which are exact copies of combat vehicles. ruslan bikbulatov saw how the training goes. the weight of one such projectile
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is more than 200 kg. among themselves, the military service of the rkhbz troops calls it a cucumber due to its external similarity. behind the innocuous nickname lies devastating power. western military experts consider only nuclear weapons more dangerous than russian heavy flamethrower systems. thanks to the thermoboric shells we use, the enemy simply has no chance of escaping anywhere or even surviving, yes, that is, well, all that remains is really only ashes after the work of our combat vehicles. our toses have no analogues in the world, they destroy both equipment and manpower with a temperature of 3.00° and... a pressure drop, adrenaline goes off scale, the full power of this machine is felt, its accuracy is immediately felt, that is, proofreading, all this very high level, just strength, here is russian strength, soon these crews will go to the northern military district, we were marching the armed forces in vain,
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we need to show our masculine character, masculine charisma, as if they are not afraid of anything, no obstacles, how to behave on the field they talk about the battle. are shown by experienced instructors who have more than a hundred combat missions and thousands of unguided rockets fired at the enemy. the final stage of training for crews of heavy flamethrower systems, test firing, where two standards are assessed: time, time spent on firing position and hit accuracy. attention to the separation of the car in places. but first, theory and practical skills are practiced on simulators, exact copies of combat vehicles. the algorithm of actions must also be remembered by the brain. and muscles to automaticity. there is a big hunt for tos combat vehicles, so we work at night in order to attract as little attention as possible, and the tank drives by itself at night, that is, not a single headlight, no flashlight shines on it, it’s just
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a ghost in the darkness. coordination takes place in different weather conditions, at different times of the day, they have been using solntsepioks, these combat vehicles since the first days on the fronts of the northern military district, and a modernized version. opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please the first time, opportunities to get new impressions, a flurry of new impressions, a storm of new impressions, apply for a loan with sber and receive a monthly cashback of
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eldora! there's a new bug in the fight against potato beetles: three active substances, instant effect, triple blow to the beetle, happy birthday to you, happy birthday! happy birthday to you, megamarket congratulates mega only on megamarket's birthday with aloe gel ho holika for only 440 rubles. we will be expelled, i moved us to the future. this is bullshit, space pirates are hunting us. what a meeting, 100 years ago, already in the cinema. introducing the new perfect taste of baltika 7 non-alcoholic, brewed from 100% malt and hops grown in altai. new baltika 7 non-alcoholic. perfection of taste, how do you like it,
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class, but save up your vtb savings account for a subscription, replenish it regularly, you will save up 16% faster, feel free to look your expenses in the eye, with yota your money will not fly away, we return rubles for the remaining minutes and hego, every month you can. attention, in honor of the anniversary. magnit returns 30% bonuses for purchases. choose your favorite categories all april in the app magnet. 30 years by your side. what is missing for construction? easy to find on avito sale. hurry up to buy construction goods with discounts of up to 60%. all that remains is to build. avito. get it on sale and build it. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. interest-free. the 120 day period starts every month and service and notifications
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are free forever. that is why the credit card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card , everything will be the way you want. the basmanny court arrested the twelfth defendant in the case of terrorist attack in cropus cityhole. according to investigators, the detainee provided the terrorists with means of communication. he was in russia illegally, living in one of the hostels in moscow. he will remain in custody until may 22. previously, 11 defendants in the terrorist attack case were detained and arrested, including four direct perpetrators. let me remind you that the attack on the cityhall crocus in krasnogorsk near moscow took place on the evening of march 22. 144 people were killed and more than 500 were injured. the investigative committee stated that they had proven the connection between the organizers of the terrorist attack and ukrainian nationalists. now about the situation with floods in russia. regions , the situation is most alarming in the tyumen region; the level of the ishim river in the village of obatskoye has almost reached
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12 m. the federal highway begins to flood, and an emergency evacuation of residents has been announced. near the village of afonkina, the road was washed out and the bridges were flooded. according to local residents, the water is rushing in like a torrent, but the crossings are still holding up. in some regions, the ice on the rivers is just melting. a sharp rise in water is occurring in the irkutsk region. rescuers discovered three jams against the backdrop of ice. and in the northern regions. monitors the situation continuously. in the kurgan region, the load on the dam remains. authorities say that the water level in tobol is still above normal. in the orenburg region, the number of flooded houses decreased by another 3,000. and now living quarters need to be dried, garbage removed and disinfected. damage assessment is underway. according to the ministry of emergency situations , almost 9,000 houses and 14,500 plots remain in the water. in mordovia, all objects and territories. including two bridges that...
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tami in moscow today have become a real trap for motorists. the water level in them rose instantly during the extreme rainfall. gazelle vlifortovo received a water hammer. water also penetrated underground. this is what the entrance to kurskaya station looked like. it literally rained like a wall in the metropolis. even at weather stations, visibility deteriorated to 2 km or less. according to the automatic stations of the moscow municipal services , over 70% of a month's rain fell in the capital in less than an hour. precipitation norms, work by 300 teams there were plenty of mos drains, who were on duty outside in bad weather.
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the streets of cities in the moscow region also quickly went under water. tretyaka street in balashikha has turned into a real river. several cars stalled on it at once. in serpukhov , improvised waterfalls appeared during a rainstorm. in reutov , storm sewer wells began to overflow en masse. by the way, it was in this city that, according to private weather stations, the heaviest rain fell in the capital region. precipitation - 29 mm. the following shots are from the vladimir region. vulnerable point in in the city of aleksandrov, after the rains , the station square is a familiar sight. here it is after today. downpour, this is where the biggest problems arose; traffic was temporarily paralyzed due to giant puddles. the thunderstorm also covered the kostroma. along some streets, after it was time to move to the water. cyclists tried to ride along valentina pletneva street. the bicycle wheels were completely hidden under water. in most of the european territory of russia, the weather is determined
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by the influence of the cyclone. in your rear this whirlwind brings colder air into the region. however today. nastya is a sign of an imminent change in the weather trend. tomorrow an anticyclone will begin to form on the russian plain; this cloud will push the fields of frontal clouds to the south and east, so in the center of the country the air will again begin to warm up better. as can be seen on the interactive map, in the coming days the entire southwestern part of european russia will be in the area of ​​abnormal overheating. in the west of the russian plain, by may 1 the temperature will rise to +18 -23. in... in the south due to the rains it is somewhat hot will subside, but still after lunch the thermometer will rise to +20-25. in moscow, nastya peak has been passed, but the sky is still overcast, it is raining, and the temperature has dropped to +10.4. on sunday, the initiative in the atmosphere of the capital region will move to an anticyclone, thanks to which the weather will clear up and during the day it will already be +14-17.
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on april 29, the daytime temperature will rise to +18.21. well, on april 30, under ideal sun conditions, the air will warm up to july +21-24°, which is close to the heat record of 1969, when on that day it was +24.7. may 1 starts from relatively comfortable weather, partly cloudy at night and in the morning without precipitation, but in the evening of may 1 a cold atmospheric front will bring fleeting rains to the capital and refresh the atmosphere to +15 + twenty, so after the wave of coming heat, may starts with four-fly cold weather with a high probability of frost at night on the third number. these are the forecasts for this minute. yes, evgeniy, thank you. well, let's hope that this cold snap won't last long either. evgeny teshkoves spoke about the consequences of the rain in the european part of russia, introduced with weather forecasts for holidays.
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the advantages of the digital management model were discussed today in sirius, where, as part of a working trip , the deputy prime minister gave a lecture for young scientific students. chief of staff of the government dmitry grigorenko. we wanted and i wanted to show our examples there, show the digital management model , show how with the help of digitalization you can achieve certain goals, well, with our mistakes, with our examples and with our some positive experience. it seems to me that this is not only important and interesting in itself, and this is not even our future, this is our present. alfabank for business. connect an overdraft with a guaranteed limit of up to 30 million rubles. get a free business account. alfabank is the best bank for business. a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation.
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4:21 pm
active substances instant triple effect blow to the beetle, experts choose rosneft new oil in the fight against the beetle on potatoes three magnum oil has grown together magnum oil consumption is less by a third 83% of buyers choose it again it reduces the formation of deposits by 20% motor oil rosneft magnum we are sure you will buy it again. what do you think? cool, but save up a vtb savings account for a subscription. if you replenish regularly, you will save up 16% faster. introducing the new, perfect taste of baltika 7 non-alcoholic, brewed with 100% malt and hops grown in altai. new baltika 7 non-alcoholic. feel the perfection of taste. pairs of grant and grand picant at an attractive price, only delicious, period. happy birthday, megamarket you give
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joy, only on the megamarket’s birthday, pet food with discounts of up to 50%. well, credit card debts are hanging, interest is dripping, you need a loan, you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the loan, divide them into 24 months, conveniently pay them off, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts. easy with holwa. the us air force has signed a contract to develop a new aircraft doomsday. the deal is reportedly worth $13 billion. the development will be carried out by a company from nevada. this will take 12 years. the new vehicle should replace the aging boeing-based liiner e4 nightwatch. it can stay in flight for up to a week. all equipment is protected from nuclear exposure. china is allegedly trying
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to influence the upcoming presidential elections in the united states, secretary of state antony blinken made this statement in an interview with cnn following his visit to beijing. i can't talk about specific messages, but we have seen evidence of china's attempts to influence interference and we want to make sure that it stops so quickly. just possible. however, the state department did not specify how exactly third countries could influence the outcome of the presidential race. at the same time, earlier siden pin, according to the same cnn, had already assured joe biden that beijing does not intend to in any way influence the domestic politics of the united states. the chinese foreign ministry has repeatedly rejected any accusations of interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states. the moscow region will become the flagship of agro-industrial exports to china. supplies agricultural products are planned to increase due to the construction of a new logistics complex in the village of selyatina. dmitry morocco will tell you more about the project. in the context of external restrictions, russia needs to look for ways to reorient trade flows to
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the east. joint logistics projects with friendly countries play an important role here. one of them is a new transport hub in the moscow region in the village of selyatina. from there, russian agro-industrial products will be sent in transit by rail through kazakhstan to the chinese market. the opening of the complex will provide a number of advantages. for transshipment and cargo handling will have a positive impact on delivery times. the new multifunctional logistics complex will include a multi-temperature warehouse with an area of ​​65.00 km for 3,000 containers, storage areas for up to 10 thousand cars, as well as 3 km of additional railway tracks, which will be built by kazakhstan. the work is planned to be completed next year. in the solemn ceremony of laying the capsule, in basis...
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also because it provides additional opportunities, export opportunities for our small and medium-sized businesses. after the project is implemented, the moscow region will become the flagship for the supply of agricultural products to china. 40% of all agricultural exports in the region will pass through selyatyny. trade turnover will triple to 550,000 tons. today, the moscow region already ranks first in russia in the export of dairy products, meat and drinks. we built here, on the territory of selyatin, in this transport and logistics center, loading station with a total area of ​​26.5 hectares, and i hope that this will be
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the most important transport line. we are glad that we have found such a partner in russia, we are working together with a chinese partner with a dry port, and today kazakhstan is investing large resources in the development of transit potential; over the last period we have invested $35 billion. transit through kazakhstan is now one of the most common options for delivering goods between russia and china. in the twenty-third year, the volume of such traffic amounted to 3,800. this is an increase of 35%; almost a million have already been transported in the first quarter of this year. another example of joint projects with friendly countries is an agrological complex in uzbek jizzakh. it is designed to provide services for sorting, storing and preparing for shipment of local fruits and vegetables to russia. the complex's capacity allows it to process about 260,000 tons of agricultural products per year. this starts from
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the acceptance of product sorting. which produced breath, and we know that in uzbekistan, are not so active and popular some large agricultural holdings, mostly family businesses, small businesses, small businesses, at best medium-sized businesses, and these people who work on the land, grow these products, they can bring them to us, and then we take them off all this concern, an increase in trade volumes with asian countries means an increase in the load on railways, so the most important task in the near future...
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now bam and transip are working at the limit of capacity, but on the instructions of the president, the modernization of the eastern landfill, due to which by the thirtieth year the transport capacity will reach 210 million tons, while the government admits that it can be increased to 250. hello, kirill vyshinsky is with you and this is the “typical novoross” program. our name says it all. we are talking about a territory that has returned to its historical roots. about novorossiya. with the help of a careful look at history, we will try to reveal the uniqueness of its present day, to find typical features and recognizable signs of the past. and that's
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what we'll talk about today. what was it like 70 years ago, khrushchev transferred crimea to the ukrainian ussr. how did ukraine try to erase crimea from the history of novorossiya? conversation with a program expert. book renaissance in new regions. read fluently in russian. 70 years ago. in 1954, the supreme council of the ussr adopted a law on the transfer of the crimean region from the rsfsr to the ukrainian ussr and thus finally approved the decision of the party leadership of the cpsu, which was initiated by the then first secretary of the central committee nikita khrushchev. the decision to transfer crimea to ukraine was
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one of many at that time. almost ordinary the action of the country's leadership to change the administrative borders of republics and regions within the ussr, and decades later led to historical consequences and changed the fate of millions of people. the justification for the need to transfer crimea to the ossr in party documents sounded purely pragmatic, taking into account the common economy, territorial proximity and... close economic and cultural ties between the crimean region and the ukrainian ussr. according to one version, khrushchev wanted the construction of the north crimean canal from ukraine to the peninsula was supervised by kyiv, not moscow. according to another, crimea with its resorts became khrushchev’s gift to the ukrainian party nomenclature for the tricentenary of reunification.


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