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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 27, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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socialism is a way of balancing a person with the world in the most responsible and critical moments of life, which is why it is so important for the individual and for the whole society, the principle of our award, professionals to professionals and you , of course. they have determined a lot for the development of the theatrical art of russia and with your life you prove that theater is a living organism that is constantly developing, growing, making discoveries, and 11 artists from moscow became laureates of the award back in december last year. st. petersburg,
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yekaterinburg, kemerovo, ryazan. among prize laureates were lyudmila maksakova, world opera star tamara senyavskaya, but the award ceremony began with the posthumous honoring of natalia kosatkina, ballitmeya and people's artist of the rsfsr. today , for the restoration and opening of the house of the evgeni bogrationovich vakhtangov museum , sergei minyailo, the head of the republic of north ossetia, allania, received a special award. the development of culture is one of the components. our our culture, the culture of each people, yes, in general in a common state, this is one of the components of our individuality, we are in this is why we are strong, we are strong with our centuries-old, or rather centuries-old history, centuries-old traditions, so we must preserve and increase it, and according to the organizers, despite all the obstacles, this year the golden mask theater festival will take place, which...
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contributes to the development of theatrical art, the golden mask, which was noted for being outstanding , was told by my colleague sofya sergeeva. nature does not have bad weather, as eldar rezanov wrote. for the soul, this is probably true, but for the body, unfortunately, not. in the summer, for example, intestinal infections and fungal diseases traditionally rear their head, well, autumn is the time of the flu, acute respiratory infections, and in the spring allergic diseases come to the fore. it is difficult for people who have never suffered from allergies to understand what.
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allergy sufferers experience when the air is filled with pollen, and by the way, some of them even leave the country while their least favorite plant is pollinating. there are dozens of different allergens, but among them there is an undisputed leader, so to speak, the king of allergens, birch pollen. how much everything is serious in our review. hide in a sealed bunker and wait for the dust to settle, or run as far as possible without looking back, a choice that happens every year. hundreds of thousands of russians have to do, at the turn of april and may birch dust falls on the cities and the period of polynosis begins, the disease may not be fatal, but it is very unpleasant, among the symptoms are swelling of the mucous membranes, sneezing, irritation of the eyes, in the most severe cases a person literally falls out life for several weeks, can neither work nor study, it takes an escape from polynosis to spend vacations in order to escape from the polish factor, you need to go in an amicable way for at least a month, because well, usually during this period, that is, here we are... and egypt, and
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various options, mediterranean, and even more southern. we can only hope that everyone who wanted to has already left the dangerous areas. right now in russia the most difficult period for allergy sufferers continues. at the moment, the most pollen is in the north of the russian plain. the main cloud stretches in a strip from the vologda region to the trans-urals. for central areas. it’s difficult to say how much seasonal allergies cost the state; a year ago , scientists from japan tried to figure out the numbers and it turned out that in just a couple of months there was only one. from polynosis caused by
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birch pollen, when will it appear in hospitals and how does it work, will it be possible with its help to completely rid humanity of such a phenomenon as allergies? this is a question of science, i’m pavel toropov, associate professor of the department of meteorology, climatology, faculty of geography, moscow state university, well, our guest is one of the creators of a promising drug, valery smirnov, head of the research and production complex of the institute of immunology of the federal medical and biological agency of russia. valery, good afternoon, good afternoon, pavel! so, valery, at what stage is the development of this miracle vaccine now, dare i say it? at this stage, we have completely completed preclinical studies, that is , animal studies that evaluate the effectiveness and safety of this vaccine, at the
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moment, together with our strategic industrial partner generium, we we are finishing production of a pilot one.
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against which it will be possible to make a similar vaccine, most likely it will also be a vaccine against pollen, but other plants, for example, if we take the southern regions, allergies to ragweed pollen are more typical there than
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to birch pollen, at least there are also birch pollen, therefore this can be called a whole platform for creating this kind of vaccine, the principle will be the same, the principle will be the same. the only negative, of course, for each vaccine of this kind, according to the current regulatory and legislative requirements requirements, separate preclinical clinical trials will be required, which will take several years in total. valery, please tell me, these are the approaches that existed, allergen-specific immunotherapy, yes, if i understand correctly, we administer a small dose to the patient, he applies it...
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and its peptide parts, which are responsible for once again exclusively for the production of immunoglobulin g, respectively , immunoglobulin e for any. warehouse when using this vaccine we do not expect to see this was shown in the pre-clinic, well , now, in fact, the clinic is drawing a more progressive option like this, this is even safer, safer , or rather, safer, and this will be a one-time event, like a vaccination against measles or against something or every allergy sufferers will probably have to do it in the spring, but first of all, if we take the classic one.
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deliverance, it’s not necessary here yet, we still need to see what will happen with
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the volunteers, yes with the volunteers, yes, that’s a very good word, here’s valery, it’s like that here the question about contraindications just begs to be asked, after all, any drug, even the best one, is not ideal, that’s how difficult it is in itself, because there are vaccinations, but we know all of them are really difficult , basically.
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we have been conducting observations as such for a very short time, so to speak, you know, just like in meteorology and climatology , we have even less for 120-130 years.
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the so-called hygienic theory of allergy development, why does it still grow from year to year? years, it’s really not paradoxical, but the use, excessive use of cleaning products, sterilizing devices of all kinds, windshield washers, any detergents, it leads to the fact that a baby. uh, urban, let's call him that, yes, from the urban population, in the first years of life , very few encounter various allergens, extremely few, because everything around him, relatively speaking, lives sterilely in an incubator, in fact, yes, that is, uh, in the village of such , well, i conventionally call it
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village, that is, yes, let’s call it that, there is no such thing, there... with hygiene, relatively speaking, a little worse, but we see this research not only in russia, this is general world research that the population, that is , people born in such, let's call it rural areas, have in adulthood age of allergic diseases, bronchial asthma, much less than those who were born in the city, it’s clear, yes, that’s... very interesting, well, accordingly, the second option is still environmental pollution , that is, on the contrary, yes, then there is, on the contrary , the presence of a large number of pollutants substances, and the most important thing is a violation of the barrier function, that is, when a person has a violation of the barrier function of any of his barriers, skin, mucous membranes, intestines, for
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example, it turns out that proteins, and allergens, i turn to you. i’m wrong, up to 30% of allergic reactions are from birch, the famous one, from birch pollen, that ’s why birch pollen is what it is, but yes, firstly, polynosis from all forms of allergies, which are common in our region, this is about, well we can say that it takes up 50%, this is precisely polynosis, and half of these
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fifty is birch pollen, everything else is other species... it contains proteins, and not just one protein, seven allergenic proteins have been characterized, but they are called bet v1, bet v2, and so on, bet v7, here betv1 - this is considered a major allergen, that is, the allergen to which
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80% of those who are allergic to birch pollen are allergic, this is the same one. it is precisely the peptides from this branch one protein that were used as the basis for our vaccine. as i understand it, there are, of course, congenital allergies, but it also happens so that a person lived, lived in peace, suddenly it began, somehow people can predict this in themselves, or is it like a bolt from the blue and you know, firstly, congenital allergies just don’t, don’t happen . it can develop at an early age simply, and so in those born, well, no, it’s difficult to predict, in principle, there is... a correlation between genetics, that is, if both parents had an allergy, then there is a fairly high probability that the child
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will also have an allergy, but this is not a fact, it also happens so that it doesn’t happen, again, if we talk about predicting whether you are susceptible to this influence, not susceptible, well, perhaps, it ’s more likely... no, because the only thing i can offer here is some kind of, well if not annually, then after some reasonable period of time, take tests, for example, skin tests for allergies, because if you take, for example, tests for total immunoglobulin e, if you have it in your body, you already have it, actually speaking, in the form of symptoms you will feel, so... it happens that a person is sensitized to some protein, but he doesn’t know it yet, that is, he can , let’s say, not meet with it, it’s not pollen, it’s something else, we had
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a case, the patient was allergic to beef protein, but he didn’t know about it, he ate it calmly, and naturally he couldn’t imagine any allergy, it’s all very simple, it happened after he was injected with a drug containing an extract from cattle, which means he got an allergic reaction , and what happens is that he digested this protein, his barriers were not broken, it was no longer protein that was absorbed into the blood, but directly amino acids, or maybe peptides, yeah, when it was injected, it turned out that he had an allergy, well... yes, here, of course, it’s called go guess, yes, go, guess, yes, let 's return to the issue of the vaccine, the technology itself, i understand correctly that it is recombinant, yes, that's right, yes, here,
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well, i understand that covid is a completely different story, but here the experience of these numerous developments that took place during these hard years, it somehow helped here, purely technologically or is it completely different, the development of this vaccine, they began before covid times, began in the eighteenth year, covid in this case even slowed us down a little, we began to develop a drug against covid-19, by the way, we successfully registered it, this is a drug the world is 19, and the approaches here are of course different, because in the case of covid we are talking about a viral infection, but here is a non-infectious version of the immune response, this is... an allergic reaction, but what can i say, it really helped, this is the equipment that was purchased by the federal medical and biological agency,
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they thought about it in advance - they chose exactly that, yes, which can subsequently be used for other developments, this subsequently greatly accelerated us, of course, yes, it’s clear, and i i understand that despite all the difficulties now with foreign colleagues, here... he comes, this, in fact, was initially, in fact, his idea, which we brought to, in fact, a drug
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entering clinical trials. well, it’s great, yes, that in these conditions , international cooperation still does not disappear, there are reasonable people, this is wonderful, here is the socio-economic effect, this of course sounds, perhaps, a little strange. but if there are 30-40% of allergy sufferers there - a huge number, i know that many leave when this flowering begins, your development is, well, approximately, how much it can reduce the number of people getting sick, this is how you see the positive social economic consequences of your development, i tell me it seems that they can be directly significant, yes, that is, in fact, the market for the sale of this vaccine is very large, very big.
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protein, you can potentially sensitize him, that is, he was not allergic, but you and you made him allergic, so this is contraindicated, but due to the fact that when we prove that our vaccine does not cause the formation of ige, but only causes the formation of igg , then it will be possible to introduce this to healthy people and make them, so to speak, immune to the development of allergies, because, in principle, for the last
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time... the debut of allergies, including to birch pollen, he moved towards a more, so to speak, older age. well, valery, thank you very much, a very interesting conversation, humanity is one step away from victory over a seemingly invincible enemy, a disease more common than covid, more severe than seasonal colds, will perhaps join the list of forgotten eradicated ailments. the head of the research and production department answered scientific questions today.
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the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government, yes, which separated the church, best in these conditions. to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, to separate completely from moscow, a meeting was created, which is not the church of christ. give me the moscow priest. the kiss has nothing to do with religion. some for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste. and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the lavra. united states,
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let's set the west. initially, the task was to tear the ukrainian people away from the russians, god forbid from their saints, let's see what happens next, stand, who are the new ones, this is with me passenger, reporter, director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i am adam, why adam and not adam, i am a chechen, an artist, white. can you already? i can, you’ll sing somehow, sadly, lively, we don’t need names, you can’t touch her, or whatever, not a little, not yours, but you, little bastard, light of god, homer, to the machine gun, there’s something to do, commander, shoot , call sign passenger, i suggest changing the call sign passenger to the call sign, rebina, no, this is my brother’s call sign, you remain a passenger, is that right?
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now the data of the menaboron about the special hodza military operation.


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