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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 27, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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learned to live, develop in conditions of mutual, not only coexistence, mutual complementarity of different cultures, different traditional values, which we, having learned to do this within our country, within our society, can now generously, and we will do this, share our best practices, our best achievements with the world around us, thereby making the world even freer, even more prosperous and even more secure. can we say, based on our entire conversation, that the eradication of traditional values, the destruction of some spiritual and moral guidelines is a threat to security , while the preservation of traditional values ​​is some kind of guarantee of peace and stability, this is the fundamental document in the field of international relations - this is, of course , the charter of the united nations, what is written in this charter, this directly relates to security issues that all states face.
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development according to those traditions, according to those laws, according to those rules, according to those beliefs that he considers true for himself and, of course, these each nation derives traditions from its own history, it adopts them from the experience of previous generations, and not by looking back at what people of the same generation think somewhere, what is called horizontally, in another people, in another nation and in another country , and of course, as soon as this... position is violated, as soon as
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the sovereignty of the state is destroyed, as soon as some states believe that they better understand what is good and what is bad, what the values ​​are, what the interests are, they they climb with all this, what is called going to someone else's monastery, what is a real man, real ones, what is a real man, a real woman, then direct threats to the security of states arise, because sovereignty is collapsing, you know, at a speech at a conference, i quoted the words of one famous british lawyer back in the mid-19th century, which, praising the then english parliament, said that it could do everything except turn a man into a woman, but after 150 years, we are convinced that the british parliament, it turns out, can do this, and other western parliaments, by their laws , actually turn men into women and women into men, or at least deprive them of one of the identical ones. which
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are completely natural inherent in human beings, and it’s absolutely disgusting what’s happening there, and it’s absolutely great that this is not happening here, and it’s absolutely great that within the framework of the discussion that took place at the conference, i think, within the framework of representatives of the world majority , we understood each other 100% on this topic. this is the senate program, see below. attracting private capital to the economy, how to stimulate business and invest more? senators. we are constantly working to improve the legislation on ppp and concessions. russian tourism - basic principles and main vectors of development. we have, perhaps, all over the country, from sochi to sakhalin, very high-quality resorts are developing. and agritourism. why does rural romance attract residents of megacities? now let’s talk about operational legislative work to implement the provisions of the message president. at the meeting, in particular, we will discuss
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the tasks set by the head of state to attract private capital into the economy. senator nikolai zhurablev will help us with this. nikolai andreevich, you have prepared the second package of amendments to the law on public procurement, tell us what changes are proposed to improve the contract system? this is the second truly package of amendments; the main changes liberalizing contract legislation were adopted a year ago. on the initiative of valentina ivanovna matvienko, we, in the shortest possible time, literally in 2 months, together with the government, we developed very important changes that really gave greater rights to the regions in order to improve their procurement procedures, the contract system, it was such, one might say, a revolution in the contract system, for which the regions are very grateful to the federation council, there are new requests from regions, we , together with the constituent entities of the russian federation,
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again, together with the government, with the ministry of finance, with the federal antimonopoly service, with other departments interested, by government customers, of course. we have developed a second package, these are several dozen amendments, which also make it possible to make the public procurement system more flexible. the federation council, as you know, is the chamber of regions, so the most important thing for us is that the procedures are transparent, that there are procedures that allow us to save budget funds on the one hand, and on the other hand, to prevent delays and delays in shutting down projects under construction, for example. well, the most significant changes concern the ability on the part of the customer to change the terms of the contract beyond one year, we give more flexible powers to customers and regions to remove unscrupulous participants, if
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they see threats, the procedure for confirming the compliance of the work contractor, supplier of goods with the established requirements is simplified, this also gives flexibility the opportunity for regions to make faster, higher- quality purchases , we are improving the procedures for universal prequalification, a large block of amendments is related to improving the procedure for small purchases, we are improving the electronic document flow between suppliers, between those who perform work and services and the customers themselves; there are also a number of norms related to improving the procedure.
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our priority is directly, we have many proposals to improve the stock market, you know that, thanks to the president’s decision, we launched an industrial mortgage program and it now applies to those under construction, to the acquisition of new facilities,
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to the repair of production facilities, we are fully operational infrastructure menu, the so-called star of which...
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decisions that can help preserve and increase citizens' savings, what else will be done? the priority for the federation council is certainly to protect the rights to...
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advertise those services that attract people with high earnings, you understand that at 30-40 per annum it is impossible not to recoup any project, and we see such advertising, so in addition to blocking, this will be criminal . punishment, it will be an administrative penalty, immediate termination of the activities of such organizations, i think that there will be such a serious disincentive for financial organizations to try to deceive, or, let’s say, dissemble with their consumers. let us again touch upon the state’s priority topic of demography and support for families with children. the president approved a list of instructions based on the results of his address to the federal assembly. this is 30 points where. the national family project occupies an important place. vladimir putin extended the family mortgage until 2030, as
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well as the maternity capital program, which will be discussed further. oksana poturkina will tell you about everything in more detail, the most frequently asked questions and answers to them. next year, children and parents, whose parents were the first in the country to begin receiving maternity capital, will celebrate their coming of age. at the start of the program, the family was given a certificate in the amount of 250,000 rubles. then it could not be obtained for the first one. conditions have changed in 2020. now the amount of maternity capital for the first-born exceeds 630 thousand rubles. for the second and subsequent children, the amount is a third more, but only if the family did not receive a payment for the first child. by the way, this year the rules for obtaining maternity capital have changed. from january 1 , only parents who have russian citizenship can count on maternity capital, but an exception has been made for residents of the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions. and maternity capital. will be paid regardless of the time frame for obtaining russian citizenship. one of the most popular
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ways to use the certificate is to improve living conditions. you can manage maternity capital for strictly defined purposes, there are only five of them. due to certificate, people buy apartments and build houses, receive a monthly allowance for a child under 3 years old, which is due to families with low incomes. funds can be invested in children’s education by paying for a stay in kindergarten, school or university tuition, and also by spending. for the adaptation and rehabilitation of a disabled child, family capital is least often spent on replenishing the funded part of the mother’s pension; as before, it cannot be spent on buying a car if, with the improvement of living conditions, the property received the apartment will be divided between all family members, a purchased car cannot be divided in this way, well, a car, today it is there, tomorrow it must be sold, after... it broke down, this is not the direction of investing maternity capital, which is extremely
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necessary for children. more than 7 million families have invested maternity capital in their own housing, using it, among other things, as a down payment on a mortgage. however, difficulties often arise with the sale of such an apartment. according to current legislation, first you need to repay the loan, giving all family members shares in the residential premises, only after that you can sell it and buy, for example, an apartment or a larger house. just like... we are forced to put up real estate for sale at a price below the market price, the situation will be helped by a protracted transaction, so parents often amend the bill, co-authored by senator olga zabralova. the initiative has already passed the first reading. the draft law will make it possible to transfer the obligation to allocate shares to another living space. what i mean? in this case, if it is larger in area or more expensive in cadastral value, this does not infringe on rights... another issue
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that, unfortunately, is being resolved after the intervention of law enforcement agencies is fraudulent schemes for cashing out maternity capital. i note that money can be obtained from a bank account in the form of an allowance, which is paid for a child under 3 years of age and as compensation for building a house or purchasing goods for the adaptation of disabled children. from 2020 certificate for maternity capital is issued automatically and displayed in
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the owner’s personal account on the public service portal. since the launch of the program , more than 13 million families have received financial support from the state. however, the list of state support measures for families with children is not limited to maternity capital. one of the president's recent decisions is to increase the standard tax deduction. this change will take effect in 2025. about social guarantees that are in effect.
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and i note that within the framework of this, a lot of legislative work is being carried out, beyond doubts, the more children in a family, the more expenses, it is important that those state support measures that exist so that they really support the family now need to be involved by the legislator, because a number of areas require, of course, additional resources.
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we see that a large number of large businesses, on the contrary, are socially oriented , are involved in work related to recruiting and supporting large families. there are companies that pay, for example, voluntary medical insurance, they pay for kindergartens and also give them
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preferences in the form of cash at the birth of their third, fourth, and so on. children who will significantly support the family, but they pay taxes on this money, which as an employer gives to their employee, and of course, they are interested in having taxes reduced by the amount they give to their employee with many children, now we are very carefully and we are thoroughly studying the entire legislative framework in order to help and... indeed, so that support measures, which include financially costly for the state, they gave the result that we all count on, so that they actually provide benefits and real help for those families who have children. here is another topic that was touched upon here at the council of legislators, this is the sphere of tourism development,
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tell us what vectors of development in this area today are the most ...
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activities that might be of interest , it is important that there are such accommodation facilities for people of different generations , therefore, the development of completely different directions, starting from educational tourism, from ski tourism, and we see that, perhaps, throughout the country, from sochi to sakhalin, very high-quality resorts are developing. by the way, entire segments have appeared, such as sheregesh, in the irkutsk region, on sakhalin, altai, altai, altai, mancherok, those are points of attraction for russian tourists, but foreign ones, because we are already starting to collect statistics that finally
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someone came to us after a long break , a foreign tourist enjoys and is surprised at the pace at which his we are a tourist zone, the important thing is that in our multinational country, no matter where the tourist point is. there is always an opportunity to get acquainted with the peculiarities of this area, the people who live in this area, the folk arts that are popular in this area with the masters, with their art, i would say that those unique workshops are even being revived, more and more students are appearing from famous craftsmen, and wood carving, and embroidery, and... uh, lacquer art miniature and much, much more, what was considered practically lost in our country,
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i am sure that this will also contribute to the development of certain regions that were considered depressed even for a certain period. with the approval of the law that regulates the development of rural tourism, farmers began to receive government support and were able to expand their business, hence their sources of income. tourists have more opportunities. marina pavlova will tell you more. moscow region resident arsen vakimov decided to create a place where there will be everything that is not enough for city residents. country atmosphere, clean air, farm products. the idea was that - in response to the sanctions that were announced to us at one time regarding the supply of cheeses from italy and france to russia, we decided that we could make it so that we could produce it ourselves, the startup was a success, residents from nearby cities people began to come on excursions and take with them not only memories, but also treats.
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the authorities of the moscow region supported the local producer; the farm received a grant under the state program of the moscow region, through which they purchased alpine breeding goats. goat milk contains a lot of vitamins and useful microelements, since these alpine beauties are gourmets, they don’t eat everything, and therefore they produce rich, hypoallergenic milk, suitable for cheeses. the grant amounted to 30 million rubles. thanks to the support , the farm also purchased long-range equipment for cheese production. now in the cheese factory , technologists make more than a dozen types of products. we mainly make pasta filata, that is, tracitella, burata, mozzarella. we also cook semi-hard cheeses, hard ones, there is gouda, kachota. our starter cultures are russian, that is, we have already moved away from european starter cultures. so far, the share of rural tourism in the total volume of travel in russia is small. but the situation is gradually changing. upper house. note that it is important to support agritourism, since its development affects the rural economy and the standard of living of the local population. in addition, these are new jobs and sources of income. it is very important that
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we have a separate direction such as rural tourism, because the number of residents in urban agglomerations is growing, and there is a need for a quiet holiday in the domestic outback to see how domestic wine-making complexes work, how the complex works. in agriculture, in general we see serious potential, and the president, holding a meeting on tourism, set the task of developing infrastructure as quickly as possible so that our citizens have the opportunity to have a quality holiday in russia. this year , 700 million rubles have been allocated for the development of rural tourism in russia. farmers can already apply for agritourism grants next year. the russian ministry of agriculture will accept applications until may 24. participants in the competition can receive up to 10 million rubles. and for... beginning farmers, one of the most popular support measures is the state program agrostartup, from 3 to 6 million rubles. any russian can get money to open his own business in the countryside. some,
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thanks to the agricultural startup, decided to make drastic changes in their lives. i worked in a bank, but at some point i realized that i didn’t see myself in this field of activity in the future. ruslan received almost 4 million rubles. added my own savings bought 24. healthy, now developing a farm. nowadays ecotourism is gaining popularity in the territory of country hotels; it is not only an opportunity to relax in the fresh air, but to learn how to produce environmentally friendly products and even get to know various animals better. most of the residents were brought to this park hotel after their owners abandoned them. now there are about 150 animals and almost a thousand birds. we have employees on our staff who constantly provide food.
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nikuli hotels and eco-houses away from the bustle, residents people go to megacities for rural romance, fresh air, a little, you know, reminiscent of villages, yes, but this is so missing, this is a great happiness, in fact, before, if they didn’t understand this, when they visited their grandparents for the summer, it seemed like a punishment, now it seems to me that this is a raz corner. experts note that agricultural tourism is an important factor in the development of russian regions. nowadays, more and more often in different parts of our country you can find tourist complexes with traditional... now the range of even package offers is expanding travel companies, when you can book a tour to a farm, an eco-hotel, and there are more and more such hotels. over the past year, we have seen an increase in interest in such travel by 15-20%. the geography is very diverse, since our country is rich in natural resources, agriculture provides an incentive to develop those
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regions where there is a lack of tourism. the season of agricultural tours can be considered open to get acquainted with the culture, rural life, and also taste handicraft products, no need for visas, inexpensive tickets, such a country retreat can be done even in one day. marina pavlova, natalya kalysheva, andrey litvin. senate programs. see you in a week. see you on the senate program. it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. chasing views.
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goering addressed the military: before you is a country where there is a lot of white bread, sour cream apples, take it all, take it. the ost master plan left no doubt about what they wanted to do with us. having exhausted all attempts to bring our western colleagues to the negotiating table and sign something anti-hitler, we realized that we are alone, we must ensure our own safety. a battle in the city is not chaos, a battle in the city is...
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the fourth year of 2124, this is the situation, now i can fly a century into the future and back, i see everything, space pirates are hunting for us, well, they were already there when i came here, we need to find moms, what a meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed and now is the time to somehow fix everything. and it ’s time to act somehow, questions, proposals, objections, giving something else, what you want, the light goes ahead.
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the russian army, in response to shelling by the ukrainian armed forces, carried out 35 group strikes with high-precision weapons in a week, including hypersonic dagger missiles, as well as drones against military enterprises, railway junctions, air defense systems, drone bases and energy facilities in ukraine. the deployment points
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of nationalist mercenaries were hit. in all directions , russian units improved their positions and were liberated.


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